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Author Topic:   Palin proves an empty intellect once again
posted July 15, 2011 11:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
okay so when exactly did obama "declare himself the ONE" jwhop? the catchphrase was WE are the ones we have been waiting for - not I am the one YOU have been waiting for...please supply a QUOTE where he said that, and not Sean Hannity or Rush CLAIMING he said it.

heard a great Rush quote this morning. "Ramadan begins on Aug 1st and obama's birthday is Aug 3rd (it's actually aug 4th, but who cares about accuracy when it interferes with poetic license?). they picked Aug 2nd for the cutoff point....get the picture?"

what picture? first of all, is he talking about? he seems to be implying that this debt ceiling issue is something to do with islam, and obama's birthday, but what do YOU think he's getting at? making some fantastic connection between ramadan and obama's birthday and the governing of the united states?

d'you think he's back on the oxycontin?? cause i don't actually see any sense at all in this little attempt to - once again - connect obama, the recession, and islam, if indeed that is what this NONSENSE statement means...

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posted July 15, 2011 11:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
come on, jwhop, you have been repeating this ridiculous claim for 2 years now, where did you hear him say it?

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 15, 2011 04:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

O'Bomber said..."we are the ones we've been waiting for"...

Just who the hell do you think O'Bomber was talking about...if not himself?

"We" who Long Ranger!

When O'Bomber says "We", he means "Me".

So tell me, did O'Bomber stop the oceans from rising?

Has the earth been O'Bomber?

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posted July 15, 2011 04:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
WE generally refers to those present. in a speech it refers to the speaker and audience. d'uh. in other words, for those of scant reasoning capacity, he was referring to ALL of us, americans, those present when he was speaking.

how you get from that to "I am the one" is by twisting reality to suit your argument. exactly as i suspected...and exactly as you bend the truth habitually to make it fit your version of reality.

nice try, sweetshop, no buy.

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posted July 16, 2011 06:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"We are the ones we've been waiting for"...O'Bomber

"WE generally refers to those present. in a speech it refers to the speaker and audience"...katatonic

Thanks for the admission O'Bomber doesn't consider himself president of all the peeps...and doesn't want to be.

The rest of us...the majority can hardly wait to bounce his sorry butt out of the White House on November 2, 2012. Oh yeah, and his motley collection of Marxists, Maoists, Socialists and collectivist Progressives with him.

So, when is O'Bomber going to get around to stopping the rise of the oceans...which has been going on since the end of the last Ice Age?

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posted July 16, 2011 06:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Tweet, tweet, tweet!

'Obama lies'
By MAGGIE HABERMAN | 7/15/11 1:12 PM EDT

Sarah Palin tweets a post-press conference slam on President Obama after he provides an update on the debt-ceiling stalemate:

"Obama lies, economy dies. He says "default's catastrophic" then opposes deal to avert it. Nonsense. Gold stars to GOP trying to deal w/this."

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posted July 16, 2011 09:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If America has slept through the many wake up calls the last 10 years, this current "crisis" has them on the edge of the seat.

Never before has the true agenda of the GOP and their caucus been clearer.

This is a manufactured crisis of course, but those widows, orphans, and disabled veterans that depend on a check come August 1st do not appreciate the wake up call.

This game of chicken will guarantee a second term for Obama. Americans know where and how the transfer of wealth has occurred. Americans know who is after their social programs, reproductive rights, voting rights, clean water, energy reforms, and infrastructure monies.

Facts and Inconvenient truth

1. Republican Leaders Agree U.S. Default Would Be a "Financial Disaster"
2. Ronald Reagan Tripled the National Debt
3. George W. Bush Doubled the National Debt
4. Republicans Voted Seven Times to Raise Debt Ceiling for President Bush
5. Federal Taxes Are Now at a 60 Year Low
6. Bush Tax Cuts Didn't Pay for Themselves or Spur "Job Creators"
7. Ryan Budget Delivers Another Tax Cut Windfall for Wealthy
8. Ryan Budget Will Require Raising Debt Ceiling - Repeatedly
9. Tax Cuts Drive the Next Decade of Debt
10. $3 Trillion Tab for Unfunded Wars Remains Unpaid

anyone wishing to read the truth about the hostage taking of the American economy by the wealthy check my FACTS

to that list I would like to add that:
ronald reagan raised the debt ceiling 17 times.


The truth is like kryptonite to the GOP.
and so is an informed electorate.

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posted July 16, 2011 09:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here's a FACT for you to put in your pipe and smoke.

The monthy revenues to the US government are sufficient to pay all interest on the national debt as it comes due AND...also pay all Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and military payouts as they become due...with money left over each month.

O'Bomber and his Socialist comrades in congress need to get it through their foggy little minds that the US government needs to go on a strict diet....and priorities need to be established as to what's essential and what isn't.

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posted July 16, 2011 09:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Is that why W raised the ceiling 7 times with his Money Left Over?

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posted July 16, 2011 11:52 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
jwhop you seem to forget that - while you keep crowing about how the "PEOPLE" spoke in '10, a great many MORE people spoke in '08, and voted for obama. so to say he is ignoring the majority is totally to ignore the numbers.

he was not voted in to give more breaks to the richest among us, nor to drill more oil, nor to do what the republicans told him to do. whether he is UP to the job or not is currently questionable, i agree, but not because he is flying in the face of the vote. it is the republicans who have consistently kept their eyes on 2012 and "breaking" the president, and continue to do so DESPITE the much more impressive mandate HE had to what they got in '10.

you continue to ignore the facts and figures in the interest of believing that YOU must be in the majority. who according to polls believe that those that STILL HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH should help out with some of their surplus...or even pay some serious taxes on the money their money is earning while they play and sleep...

kennedy cut taxes, yes - when they were at 90% that made sense. when they are at 35% - NO, it does not make sense. if those richest want to keep getting richer they need to remember that investing some of your profits in the CONSUMER will keep it coming in.

i agree with you we have too much silly regulation. but SS, medicare, medicaid and unemployment are not SILLY regulations but essential to keep the circle of money going, especially since one of the MAIN DRIVERS of the loss of jobs is AUTOMATION not taxation...

NETFLIX has just expanded their operation, cut costs with automation and INCREASED their prices for the second time in two years (the price hike is only the first time, the expansion continues apace)...people who don't have jobs can't afford to go OUT to the movies, and have more time on t heir hands than usual so NETFLIX is cashing in. they have laid off thousands in the past couple of years and now employ mostly part-time people who do not qualify for benefits.

but if they continue to milk the situation for more fees they will start to lose as the population forgets about entertainment in their foraging for food.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 16, 2011 12:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is a test.

Who said this?

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

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posted July 16, 2011 01:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
at a time when we were not in recession, that quote made sense. at a time when the rich were being given the biggest tax break of their lives, even their dreams, it made sense. at a time when the republicans are refusing to ask ANYthing of those who are making out like bandits while the rest of us are seeing less and less income in any real terms, raising the debt ceiling is one way of keeping things going. do you want to tell me you never borrowed to make things work?

most people who hold a mortgage are in debt for more than their personal "annual gdp" as it were. should they fold and move onto the street to be responsible? get real.

if the republicans were to budge on the tax loopholes and top bracket income tax, we wouldn't NEED to raise the debt ceiling to pay for what we owe and need to INVEST in the country to keep the consumer spending...until he can stand on his own two feet again.

but the richest seem to think that they can continue forever with a dwindling consumer base. where will their money come from when no one buys the product/services anymore?

and "WE" is still an INCLUSIVE pronoun not an EXCLUSIVE one. grammar 101 mr merc in virgo.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 16, 2011 03:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Small business owners about 75% of whom fall into O'Bomber's so called RICH category are not making out like bandits.

They file income tax returns as sub chapter S corporations which means their gross business receipts are counted as their INCOME. Just like individual income tax filers with their gross earnings.

Strange isn't it that the Marxist geek O'Bomber thinks those with gross incomes of $200,000 are RICH and fit into the category he calls Millionaires and Billionaires.

If O'Bomber really means what he says about "shared sacrifice", then it's time the 47% of Americans who pay no income tax start paying "their fair share". It's way past time to end the "free ride" they've been getting at everyone elses expense.

The top 10% of income earners in America already pay about 70% of all federal income taxes.

O'Bomber is just attempting to play the Marxist class warfare card. Republicans should ignore his bullshiiit. If O'Bomber will not accept real front loaded cuts in federal spending exceeding the amount the national debt limit is raised; Republicans should tell him to kiss-off.

This is a test.

Who said this?

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

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posted July 16, 2011 03:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
funny what a difference a pair of ears can make, isn't it? no one pays tax on their GROSS, so i never interpreted the $250K that way at all. you pay tax on your TAXABLE income, which deducts the majority of expenses before it is calculated...or do you actually just send in a check for x% of your gross? if you do you are robbing yourself madeira!

and the figure has gone up, which is a good thing for sure, they are talking about people making more than a MILLION a year now, and still NOT GROSS BUT ADJUSTED INCOME. so YOU are in the ALARMIST'S SEAT now. get off it, heh?

and in ANY CASE the extra percentages would be on the amount OVER 250, so if you made 300K only 50 would be affected, yielding, say another $1500 in don't think it would be worth that to have things running smoothly?

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posted July 16, 2011 03:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
PLUS, that 47% figure is a con. in 2009 my GROSS income was 25K. after deductions(the standard personal deduction being in the region of 6K in 09) for the private business side of that income, i still paid over $1500 in INCOME tax. you want to tell me 47% of the country are making LESS than 20K per year? what does that say about the country as a whole? if it were true, then those making 200K WOULD be rich, ie 10 times richer than almost half the country. and in fact quite a few are making millions yearly if not billions. no one is targetting the GROSS receipts of a small biz owner in any way shape or form.

now while i don't expect such openness from you about YOUR income and tax, i wager you make a good deal more than i did year before last, what percentage did YOU pay on your ADJUSTED GROSS income?

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 16, 2011 05:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ummm, you want to show me where O'Bomber or the rest of the Socialist demoscat comrades said anything about raising taxes based on NET INCOME of $200K?

If I were you katatonic, I'd get myself a different accountant to do your tax returns.

The top 10% of income earners pay 70% of all income tax in the US. This is not top secret classified information.

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posted July 16, 2011 07:28 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
my dear they also control 70% of all the wealth and income in the country. fair is fair. WAGE EARNERS pay taxes, sweetheart, on everything they earn except legally deductible expenses, of which the walgreen's employee has few!, and their standard deduction. that means if you made 10 grand last year, on a W2 working for macdonald's or whomever, you paid taxes. if you have a child or two maybe you got away without, but try raising a couple of kids on a minimum wage 40 hour job. it's not enough money to INCUR tax deductible expenses in most cases!

nothing wrong with my accountant. i got a REFUND despite having to pay the bulk of what had been deducted..i know the rules. i also know there are people who claim every penny they spend as a "business expense" even when it is nothing of the kind. and get away with it.

but your average working joe doesn't have the money for a good accountant, or much knowledge to help him find loopholes, of which there are precious few for those of us who do NOT earn more than the "average" income.

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posted July 16, 2011 07:30 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
and if your biz is taking 200K your INCOME is NOT 200K. period. unless you can't figure out ANY expenses to deduct from it.

tax is taken on ADJUSTED GROSS and you MUST know that!

but tell me do you really think someone who is taking 300K cannot afford an extra 1500 to pay to keep the consumer spending? keep in mind, by the standards of this country or any other, that is a lot of money to earn in a year....AFTER expenses.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 16, 2011 10:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In 2006 every single demoscat Senator voted against raising the National Debt Limit.

Now, Socialist demoscat comrades in the congress are caterwauling about resistance by Republicans.

Hypocrisy City!

This is a test.

Who said this?

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

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Posts: 2670
From: 2,021 mi East of Truth or Consequences NM
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posted July 17, 2011 01:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
JW you like Anne Coulter right?

She repeated that quote of yours last week and got raked for it. Why? because of a pesky little detail like context.

As far as using the 2006 Senate vote, that actually is a detriment to your 'cause' or ~supposed justification for party politics at all cost. Why? because of a pesky little detail like accountability. And a 5 year old war that still was not on the books.

No one stopped the W freight train, we have yet to see how long the nation will continue to pay for it.


hopefully you will receive a new release for your upcoming b-day---->

Palinisms 2012 Calendar - The Accidental Wit And Wisdom Of Sarah Palin -- release date Jul 15, 2011

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 30, 2011 11:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ann Coulter didn't get "raked".

Some intellectual dwarves on the left attempted to deny what was manifestly true:

Every single demoscat Senator...including The One, The Messiah O'Bomber voted against raising the US debt borrowing limit.

And now, after these very same demoscats and O'Bomber have come close to burying the US economy and racked up $5T in additional debt, they're whining, screeching, moaning and shrieking that republicans won't extend O'Bomber a blank check to finish the job of destroying the US economy.

Even so, the republican plan doesn't go near far enough. Actual cuts in the federal budget are necessary instead of cutting back on the growth of spending increases.

That would mean O'Bomber would have to do what he candidate O'Bomber and go through the federal agencies to lop off ineffective programs, duplicate programs, scale back the size of agencies and in general, act like the Chief Executive Officer of the United States...instead of the lying whiner he actually is.

Governor Palin Slams Obama for Refusing to Prioritize Spending and Tells Barack Obama to “#Womanup”

The Governor tweeted the following this afternoon:

@BarackObama wants us to contact Congress. Great idea! Tell them to rein in our dangerously unsustainable debt to protect our credit rating.

@BarackObama wants us to support a "balanced deficit solution." Great idea! How about a balanced budget amendment?

@BarackObama you're wrong, threatening to throw seniors under the bus because you refuse to prioritize govt spending. Time to #womanup & lead

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posted July 30, 2011 03:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you know what is really great? the MSM have finally realized that Snake oil Sarah is immaterial, inconsequential, and irrelevant.

here is one for collectors:


Based on 2 Customer Reviews
*** / out 5 stars

Sarah Palin Collector's Vault tell Sarah Palin's story from Idaho to the governor's mansion, to center stage on the national political scene. The Sarah Palin Collector's Vault features replicas of Palin memorabilia including campaign bumper stickers, Alaska recipes, famous speeches and more.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 30, 2011 05:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What a cute little chart. Too bad it's fantasy land.

I wonder if the leftist geeks who put that chart together think there would be no military spending if we weren't fighting wars in 3 military theaters.

They must think that because they left off any military spending under O'Bomber.

Sheer fantasy.

In fact, eliminating the cost of fighting wars IS the way Hairy Reid is trying to con America to accept his PLAN. Just eliminate those military costs and presto, you have a reduction in federal spending.

That's fantasy land since the budget reductions have already taken the drawn down of military forces into consideration.

Everywhere you look at leftist thinking, you find con jobs and con artists.

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posted July 30, 2011 07:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
IF we have enough revenues to cover everything JWHOP WHY are the cons and repubs braying about irresponsibility?

answer - because we don't! sheesh!

and if we do please tell the puppets to sit down and shut up about the budget, the debt ceiling, the whole circus act.

if we DO, then all this talk on the republican side of the aisle is just so much baloney...and we are doing fine. so let's put some govt money into the country for a change and stop trying to destroy the world economy...'K?

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posted July 31, 2011 12:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you know, i have to admit that sarah palin did ONE REALLY COOL thing in her career. that was the negotiation of the royalty tax for alaskans from big oil.

but please tell me, how after 4 years of the kind of talk she has been spewing, how she can reconcile ever doing something like that again? because while it was a perfect example of the pragmatism and even genius of her generation (X) - it was the antithesis of what she now preaches...

of course i don't necessarily expect her to DO as she has SAID should she ever be in the position to. but if people were to vote for her on her current platform, what do you think they would say/think about her turning 180* and billing big business the way she did back in alaska?

or will she just deny that she ever did so when she sees how much of a stranglehold the big guys have on the US govt?

if she had followed THAT trajectory i might even think she had what it takes to govern. but the consistent changing of course in her activities would make me VERY VERY WARY..adabtable, yes. she is very adaptable. in fact whichever bandwagon looks brightest is the one she will jump on.

empty intellect is the perfect description for someone who puts the main chance in front of ANY principles whatsoever.

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