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Author Topic:   Palin proves an empty intellect once again

Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 01, 2012 03:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Gee katatonic, I think anytime there's conversation between people...even if it's not face to face...there's interaction there.

For instance, O'Bomber said on the day Sarah Palin was introduced as McCain's VP running mate that "McCain has chosen the mayor of a small town in Alaska".

In reality, Sarah Palin was Governor of Alaska at the time.

In response, Sarah Palin gave O'Bomber a slap up along the side of his head when she answered.."A small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities"!

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posted February 01, 2012 05:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
and that was about the last time obama mentioned ms palin! i wonder why? when asked directly by baba walters about the possibility of running against her, he said "i don't think about sarah palin, i think about how to be the best president i can..."

in other words,madeira, try as she might to get under his skin, she is spitting in the wind.

try googling "obama on palin" - you will come up with page after page of PALIN TALKING ABOUT OBAMA, but the only entries that go the other way around are that interview with walters, and the remark he made years ago now about "lipstick on a pig" which may or may not have referred to the fact that mccain chose a pretty woman to offset his old, unpretty image.

so palin talking about obama - OVERDONE
palin INTERACTING with obama - no such thing.

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posted February 01, 2012 05:21 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i did find a rather interesting titbit that i missed at the time,.

apparenty alaska sal took offense at michelle obama's suggesting american women would do well to breast feed their babies.

"she thinks we american women are boobs" said mrs p.

and "of course she is pushing breast feeding...the price of milk has skyrocketted!"

apparently ms palin doesn't know that babies don't drink THAT kind of milk. either she breastfed her own or someone else fed them for her. which, do you think?

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 14, 2012 09:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


What trash! O'Bomber doesn't pay any attention to Palin!

Listen up, O'Bomber has what's called in baseball..."Rabbit ears". He hears what she's saying about him but doesn't usually respond directly because he doesn't have any answers to her criticism of his mis-management of the economy, no answers to her criticism of his mis-handling of his relationship with Israel, no answers to Palin's criticism of O'Bomber paying off his campaign contributors with cash right out of the taxpayer's Treasury Dept, no answers to Palin's criticism of O'Bomber breaking almost every promise he made as "candidate O'Bomber" and no answers to Palin mocking him for saying he was going to make the seas stop rising.

In short, O'Bomber is just a typical juvenile narcissist who hears every word, seethes with rage but can't respond because every word Sarah Palin says about O'Bomber is true and he knows it.

You're probably not going to want to read the following article and you're probably not going to want to watch the video of Sarah Palin's Keynote speech at CPAC. She rips O'Bomber to shreds and exposes his failure as president for all to see.

When a hard bitten cynical reporter like Andrew Malcolm who's seen it all writes an article like this; you know he's witnessed something pretty extraordinary.

How does Sarah Palin connect so well with her crowds?
02/13/2012 08:22 AM ET
Andrew Malcolm

Sarah Palin has been generally laying low these past several months save for her regular guest shots on Fox News and Fox Business and carefully-calibrated op-ed commentaries on a wide variety of current subjects released on her Facebook page.

It can be a good life not running for anything. Ask Mike Huckabee. You can talk about what you want to talk about. Not talk about what you don't want to discuss. Life isn't a blur of airplane hangars and cellphone flashes at your every move.

With two daughters in tow, Palin emerged from Alaskan hibernation this weekend to headline the year's top conservative political event, the Conservative Political Action Conference in a sprawling Washington hotel the size of Rhode Island.

You may have heard Sen. Rand Paul spoke on behalf of his father. Rick Santorum made his family stand on-stage behind him for the entire speech; hard to smile genuinely that long.

Newt Gingrich trudged through a long list of things he will do when he becomes president, which he won't.

Stuart Stevens, Mitt Romney's chief political strategist, worried in advance that his candidate's speech was too serious. But it was just right for his audience and thousands of hopeful conservatives spread through two spillover ballrooms. Breaking News: Romney even cracked a joke! More on this in upcoming posts.

No wonder CPAC saved Sarah for last. And adjourned the conference during her applause.

No one in their right mind would go on-stage after Palin's political palaver. People who dislike or fear her are incapable of seeing or admitting it. But that doesn't diminish the reality that Palin is a rare political celebrity and, therefore, an unharnessed power to be reckoned with within the GOP for the foreseeable future.

We're not talking about her running for any office. We're talking about her influence, her enduring proven ability to attract and then ignite a crowd -- even before anyone sees her. The CPAC buzz was electric all-day. Impatient "Sar-ah! Sar-ah!" chants broke out during preceding speakers.

She has the ability to speak about issues that profoundly bother the audience in common ways and words that listeners instantly recognize and wish they had thought to say just that way. Watch in the video below of her full CPAC speech for how this church-going mother of five mocks Obama's Winning the Future program with an almost off-color aside. And prompts shared laughter, not shock.

She gets immense unspoken credit for withstanding an amazing amount of abuse and keeping on ticking. Palin punches have power, like her elbows beneath the basket in high school athletic days. One supporter said to me, as if it was the highest contemporary compliment possible, "She fights like a girl!"

Most politicians these days talk to their audiences or, worse, at them. Even the Real Good Talker, who made his name on a 2004 convention speech and has been giving too many ever since. Governing is hard work. Campaigning is tiring, but much easier. So, he has been and will be campaigning, blaming others as usual.

Obama's standard fundraiser remarks have become tired, repetitious collections of recited pleas for $upport that few would voluntarily pay $35.80 to hear, let alone $35,800 per plate.

Instead, instinctively Palin doesn't speak at or to audiences. She speaks for them. She tells them what they've already accomplished through the tea party, for instance, and what they can accomplish this year and beyond if united. It's empowering and invigorating, no longer burdened by the attacks of enemies, she need play no defense. The audience hears that she knows them and eagerly becomes hers. To criticize Sarah is to criticize them.

It's a refreshing phenomenon to watch politically when compared to the current bipartisan cast of characters trying to communicate publicly in this presidential election year. Fascinating, as on either side the ones who are running aren't connecting. The one who isn't, is.

Excerpting Palin speeches loses the flow, the knitting together of her thoughts with the audience's. Even television filters the electricity of listening in the same room. The best we can do for now is provide her full speech on video.

P.S. After his CPAC speech, Santorum and clan walked off the stage. After theirs, Romney and Gingrich stepped down to shake hands with front-row members for a few minutes. Good moves.

After hers, Palin got a standing ovation. She waved for two minutes then plunged into the audience. Moving slowly like a mini-mob from one side of the vast ballroom to the other to accommodate the waves of well-wishers with hands outstretched and cellphones poised. Some sections spontaneously sang 'Happy Birthday' for her. And she was thrilled every time.

Sarah Palin did this for the better part of another hour, longer actually than her speech. TV was oblivious, the crews coiling their wires to go home as she continued shaking and touching hands on the ballroom floor below.

But it probably doesn't matter. The defeated 2008 VP candidate is washed up, don't you think?

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 14, 2012 10:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is what happened when some America hating "Occupiers" posing as "Idealists" attempted to carry out their threats to disrupt Sarah Palin's speech.

They got treated to a crowd chanting the worst possible thing their America hating leftist ears could hear.


Then, they got escorted out!

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posted February 14, 2012 02:24 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
no argument that the dragon lady has more "flash" than the ox president. however i note that HE is president and she is happy to be a high-paid sh!tstirrer.

i'd be willing to bet that he also knows, unlike ms palin, that nursing infants do not drink cow's milk...

you can pat yourself on the back all you want and say he's AFRAID to answer her or has no comeback, but the simple fact is, that except in the eyes of the besotted, sarah palin is yesterday's papers and not WORTH answering. she is a bowsprit figurehead for the ship of division. it's all too easy to poke holes in what someone is doing, ignoring the fact that THEY ARE DOING IT while you are hypothesizing only!

the ox may appear to be doing nothing but his endurance is legendary. the dragon, even in her own year, and maybe even more so, is a creature of spectacular rises followed by even more spectacular crashes into their own petard.

she is also an overwhelmingly unbalanced AQUARIAN, the kind of person who given actual power considers themselves to be worthy of divine " way or the highway "for the good of all". she appears to firmly believe that EVAHBODY LOVE SAWAH, and everybody also thinks just like she thinks they should!

annoying, irritating, overweening, yes. scary? lmfao!

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 14, 2012 07:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well katatonic, since you provided no attribution for what you claim Sarah Palin said about babies being fed "cows milk", reasonable, logical people will have to consider you got it from your usual source...ummm, it came to you in a dream.

Poor O'Bomber, compared to Sarah Palin, when intellect was being handed out, O'Bomber got shortchanged.

Sarah Palin at CPAC:
It is her Party
Tony Lee

Sarah Palin came to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. on her 48th birthday. The crowd serenaded her. And her speech was received raucously, as conservatives saw in her someone who articulated conservatism while clearly -- and surgically and defiantly -- differentiating herself from President Barack Obama.

Symbolically clad in a bold-red blouse (and not in a pale, pink pastel color, which symbolizes the Republican establishment of which she is not a part), Palin also reminded the CPAC audience why CPAC was born.

“Conservatives wanted not so much government but the Republican Party to hear us,” Palin said, in describing the genesis of CPAC. “At the 1975 CPAC, Ronald Reagan … laid out a blueprint for rebuilding the GOP under a banner of bold colors not pale pastels … And ever since then, CPAC has been a rally for conservative action.”

Added Palin: “Today, the conservative movement has never been stronger or brighter … Yet, the federal government has never cast a bigger shadow.”

But while Palin said Americans were waving a “bold banner that shouts ‘Don’t Tread on Me’" and that “our movement is bigger than one person, one candidate, one party …”, the conservative movement lacks a leader who can not only galvanize conservatives but also attack the opposition while having a record to personally back up those criticisms.

And on a day when Palin reportedly generated more enthusiasm than every presidential candidate combined who spoke at CPAC and owned the room and conference, one could not wonder how many who were listening to the speech were coming to the realization that Palin should be the GOP nominee for president much in the same way the majority in attendance at Kemper Arena in Kansas City in 1976 at the Republican National Convention, in their hearts, knew that Ronald Reagan -- and not Gerald Ford -- was the rightful standard-bearer of bold conservatism.

Exhibit A: Palin indicted Obama for his “Winning the Future” plan she dubbed “his WTF plan” and his “bankrupt green energy plan,” and said, regarding the debt: “Cut it, gut it, get rid of it.”

Exhibit B: She fiercely defended life: “We believe every child is created equal with right to life,” Palin passionately said. “I ask you to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves … if not us, then who?”

Exhibit C: Palin said she did not want Obama’s economy that lasts and, instead, wanted an end to his administration and false promises.

“He can keep his change,” Palin said. “We’ll keep our God, our guns, our Constitution.”

Exhibit D: Palin’s fiercest words were against the crony capitalistic system of Washington that has turned all Americans off.

Palin said this is not the Washington of our founding fathers and it is “something our forefathers never envisioned.” She said the “permanent political class is content,” and they exempt themselves and play by a different set of rules.

She said the “money-making opportunities” for those in D.C. are endless and they “spread their wealth” to their friends and donors. Palin has repeatedly rebuked and attacked this culture of “crony capitalism.”

“This isn’t the capitalism of free men and free markets,” Palin said. “It’s the capitalism of connections. … This is the capitalism of Barack Obama of the permanent political class.”

She called Washington a “playground of the government rich” where “millionaires are minted overnight” even though nothing is produced except favors to friends and cronies.

“Our permanent political class is content, they are immune to the realities that the rest of us face; they exempt themselves, they play by their different set of rules,” Palin said, before adding politicians are elected by promising more programs and “new freebies and new favors” and government grows to accommodate their promises.

“It never shrinks,” Palin said, in reference to the ever-growing government that “crowds out equal opportunity” and “extinguishes the independent, pioneering American spirit.”

She said politicians run by indicting Washington as a “cesspool” but then, once they arrive in Washington, decide it is like a hot tub.

“Well America, it is time we drain the jacuzzi and we throw the bums out with the bath water,” Palin said.

And then, Palin brought down the hammer. Walked the walk. And cast herself as someone who faced the same problem that Obama faced and took a different path than Obama.

“I came from a state with a corruption problem too -- though you don’t make many friends in the establishment doing it, I fought the corrupt political mistake,” Palin said. “Barack Obama used it … he brought it here with him.”

To combat Obama’s cronyism, Palin said conservatives needed reinforcements and the Republican establishment should give the coming reinforcements leadership posts and described why it was essential for Republicans to be united in the fall.

But while she said conservatives and Republicans had to unite around the eventual nominee that she hoped would address CPAC in 2013, Palin said that the GOP nominee must be “strong,” “fortified,” “passionate,” and “a fighter for America’s ideals.”

She added, in a veiled shot at Mitt Romney: “Our candidate must be someone who can instinctively turn right to constitutional conservative principles,” Palin said. “It’s too late in the game to teach it or spin it … it’s either there or it isn’t.”

Palin said the 2012 election was critical because Americans could “look to the old world to see the new world’s future” if America does not take care of its fiscal crisis.

“So help me God, it’s not the future we will ever accept,” Palin said.

Palin will not accept that future because it is an un-exceptional one. An un-American one, to say the least.

“We are the heirs of patriots who cast off the chains of tyranny, of immigrants who braved the seas, of pioneers who pushed into the great unknown, of soldiers who stormed foreign shores, of farmers and workers laboring in field and in factories from dusk to dawn,” Palin said. “They toiled so their children would have a better life. That is America. And that is freedom. And that is why we are exceptional.”

Palin repeatedly said the door was open for a conservative victory, but the door that seemed to be open the widest was the one to her political future as the leader of the conservative movement and as heiress to the Reagan legacy.

It was her Party on Saturday, and it could be for the foreseeable future.

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posted February 14, 2012 09:20 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
actually i HAVE posted attribution in the form of a quote from mz pea herself, but i am not going to go hunting for the source again. what you conclude rarely has anything to do with what i say, but with your own agenda.

you like to say that people think obama is the you not hear the drool and obeisance in blogs like these?

it's all very well using the name of god, reagan, whoever will push buttons. they're all doing it. i hope sarah got a nice rush from her reception, but she is all flash and no pan.

and once more we trot out the babies for a knee-and-tearjerk moment. the babies no one has any intention whatsoever of giving a reasonable chance of survival and thrival. more fodder for future wars to keep america at the tippy top of the pops; more government interference in what women can do with their own bodies. and please, let's not forget that consenting adults should NOT be allowed to choose their life partners or lifestyles!

why are christians so unchristian these days?

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 15, 2012 12:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You posted no attribution that Sarah Palin said babies are fed cows milk.

When and where did Palin say that? Post the link to the story. Credible sources only please and not the wet dreams of leftist trolls sitting in their mother's basement making up bullshiiiit.

You know the bullshiiit you posted that Sarah Palin had been indicted in Alaska!

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Posts: 2670
From: 2,021 mi East of Truth or Consequences NM
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posted February 15, 2012 09:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
that's what happens when you read extremist blogs for a main nuws diet JW.

anything that disproves/sheds an unflattering light- etc. on your pet theories/opinions is not likely to get much air play.

The cows milk story was all over the news.
regular general consumption news that is.

here--cut n paste this-> *palin and cows milk*

your welcome


During a segment about new rules regarding women in the military, Fox News contributor Liz Trotta attacked the Department of Defense for increasing spending on support programs for victims of sexual assault. Trotta also reacted to a Pentagon report showing a 64% increase in violent sexual assaults since 2006 by stating: "Well, what did they expect? These people are in close contact."

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posted February 15, 2012 01:21 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oh node, you are so hard on the poor guy!

here jwhop, the first on the page: itics/2011/02/sarah-palin-on-the-first-lady-no-wonder-shes-telling-people-to-breast-feed-price-of-milk-too-high/

and here's a little un-sourced quote by palin re michelle obama

During an episode of her reality show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” that aired last December, Palin, while searching for S’ Mores ingredients, said she’d make the treats “in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert."

the woman is overflowing with pure spite! she either breastfed all her babies without consulting a pediatrician about alternatives, or someone else nursed her kids for her while she was busy mouthing off at her windmills.

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Posts: 1052
From: kamaloka
Registered: Jun 2009

posted February 15, 2012 02:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for shura     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
36 pages dedicated to this ditz? Unbelievable.

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Posts: 2670
From: 2,021 mi East of Truth or Consequences NM
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 15, 2012 02:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just For the chèvres of it, an antique NYT quote:

Vermont calls to mind some vivid associations: maple syrup, progressive politics, cheese. Laini Fondiller has brought two of the three together with Lazy Lady Farm. Taking inspiration from the talk radio she listens to while making cheese from goat and cow milk in her off-the-grid facility, Fondiller has sent out offerings with names like Tomme Delay (a riff on French tomme-style cheese), Barick Obama (a square cheese from 2004, named after the young state senator gave his speech at the Democratic National Convention) and Fil-a-Buster (a hefty wheel banded with spruce). The Ben & Jerry’s flavor Imagine Whirled Peace might make for a cute take on a bumper sticker for the state’s rusty Saabs, but until Hubby Hubby becomes permanent, Lazy Lady has the leftie-foodie market cornered.

People who want to pick up a Crumb Cake goat cheese this month will be out of luck. Wait, you mean cheeses have a season? Yes: Even Barack couldn’t get a Barick from June to October. As the organic milk from her goats naturally tapers off in the winter — “The goats just began to collect unemployment as of last Friday,” Fondiller e-mailed me on Dec. 15 — she mixes it with organic milk from her neighbors’ Holsteins and Jerseys to create cheeses like Bipartisan (cow with goat in the middle), moving into all-cow before phasing back into goat in the spring. For a few weeks in the fall of 2008, she used the dregs of a vat of cow milk to make Palin Comparison: “I said, ‘This is where they drug her up from!’

A Whey with Words

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Posts: 1052
From: kamaloka
Registered: Jun 2009

posted February 15, 2012 02:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for shura     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 15, 2012 05:57 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

i agree shura, just trying to help poor jwhop out of his infatuation with the glamour that has been built around the alaska aska! her home state may be renowned for its blustery weather, but i think she has a corner (or is it a bag?)on the wind factor.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 16, 2012 10:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is for all the women here who think they know more about what to feed babies than Sarah Palin.

Strangely, some here must think the main ingredient in baby formula is...prune juice or Wheaties or Captain Crunch or somethin...

Now, if women here and some on leftist sites whose heads exploded when Sarah Palin mentioned "cows milk" wish to contest this they did when they thought Palin was out of touch with ordinary people and prices and didn't know the price of "Beef Jerky", stumble on. Palin was correct within 2 cents of the retail price of Beef Jerky, leftists were left with egg on their little leftist faces looking jerky!

It's fascinating that there's women out there who do not know that the main ingredient in baby formula IS...COW'S MILK and it always has been. Some women used to make their own baby formula out of Carnation Condensed milk...and probably still do...again, COW'S MILK.

PDS...Palin Derangement Syndrome is alive and well on the left. You can choose to get some treatment or you can continue to get your butts kicked by Sarah Palin because she's got you covered. She's got your little leftist Messiah O'Bomber covered too.

Now, let me head you off before someone here steps in it again. Yes, there are some specialty baby formulas made from Soy Milk..for that small percentage of babies who are Lactose Intolerant.

But, the main ingredient in baby formula is overwhelmingly COW'S MILK.

•With extra vitamins and minerals*, Enfamil EnfaCare is a milk-based, 22-Cal/fl oz formula that supports your baby's healthy development
•Includes our blend of DHA and ARA (important fatty acids found naturally in breast milk) at expert recommended levels
•Premature babies fed Enfamil formulas during the first year have achieved catch-up growth similar to that of healthy breastfed infants1
•A premature formula like Enfamil EnfaCare is often recommended to be used through 9 months of age

Permission is granted to whine on about Sarah Palin. Don't let common sense get in your way!

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posted February 16, 2012 01:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
it is you who suffers from palin derangement syndrome jwhop. you appear to be among those who think she will ride in at the last minute on a white motorcycle and knock everyone's heads together and take over the republican party.

carry on, your party! i'm with shura, only deluded individuals waste time worrying about the ditz of the west.

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Posts: 8688
From: Dublin, CA
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posted February 16, 2012 02:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
36 pages dedicated to this ditz? Unbelievable.

The new and improved Ann Coulter!

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 16, 2012 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interestingly enough, those here with Palin Derangement Syndrome never seem to able to speak to what's wrong with what Palin says about O'Bomber, the economy, domestic issues, Crony practiced by O'Bomber, interference in ever aspect of American's lives, O'BomberCare, weakening of US Military forces or any of the other pointed and very sharp barbs Palin has stuck in O'Bomber for the last 3 years.

Nope, our PDS sufferers are consumed with trying to show something Palin said...on the periphery of an argument but not anywhere near the core subject wrong. But, they've been proved wrong every time they tried it.

They're wrong about the "Cow's Milk" issue too and after having their little leftist noses rubbed in their error, dropped it as a talking point against Palin.

If that's all you've got in your tanks, it's probably best you retire from the field before you do any more damage to your credibility.

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Posts: 8688
From: Dublin, CA
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posted February 17, 2012 12:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The subject of her intellect is more laughable than debatable. I'm happy to watch you bump up this thread with her words as much as you like.

And, for the record, she has been found wrong here on this very website several times. Enough times, as a matter of fact, not to warrant pursuing every gaffe she might make.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted February 17, 2012 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As I've noted before acoustic; you're own IQ isn't high enough to assess the level of Sarah Palin's intellectual capacity.

I note that not you or anyone else here had a word to say when Sarah Palin was proved right again...this time about MILK.

Instead, you attempt to change the subject off leftists losing argument against Palin...which is the sign of a dead bang loser of the argument.

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posted February 17, 2012 03:35 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
madeira, the price of everything is going up. it's called inflation and more to do with bernanke and the fed than obama.

yes, milk is an ingredient in some formula, not in others. any formula is more expensive than breast milk no matter what the price of milk is.

the fact is only a palin devotee could make a sin out of the first lady trying to inform people as to the SUPERIOR QUALITY of breast milk as opposed to formula. unless the mother is a drug or alcohol addict, that is.

and another fact is that sarah palin may think she is having a "conversation" with the obamas, but they are not joining in, so it is NOT a conversation.

she is being ALLOWED to gnaw at obama and his wife for the destructive side...if the republicans win she will be considered "superfluous" once again.

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Posts: 8688
From: Dublin, CA
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posted February 17, 2012 04:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Jwhop, you're confused. I don't even know what you're talking about in reference to milk. You may think that other people or myself care about what Sarah Palin says, but believe me we couldn't be less concerned. Whatever you posted; I didn't even bother reading it. The majority of the material she puts out isn't worth concerning oneself over. It's Ann Coulter part 2 as far as I'm concerned.

Instead, you attempt to change the subject off leftists losing argument against Palin...

I didn't attempt to change the subject, and by all means you are welcome to keep on subject if you feel you're being distracted. I didn't witness the argument, so I couldn't have witnessed "leftists" losing to Palin within such an argument. Having not born witness to any of these events it's not even justifiable to claim I'm changing the subject.

As I've noted before acoustic; you're own IQ isn't high enough to assess the level of Sarah Palin's intellectual capacity.

As WE'VE all noted before, you're not really in a position to make claims on other people's intelligence. To do so would require a superior intelligence.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted February 17, 2012 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ummm, scusa me but the consensus here was that Sarah Palin was wrong to link COW'S MILK to baby food. Since COW'S MILK is the main ingredient in baby formula, you blew it again.

You were wrong. Sarah Palin was right...end of the story on this sorry episode of leftist Palin Derangement Syndrome.

Other issues on which those afflicted with Palin Derangement Syndrome were wrong.

1. The ride of Paul Revere where Revere WARNED the British that colonists were armed and would defend their arms and powder storage depots. Even the American historians agreed with Palin...and not you!

2. The retail price of Beef Jerky about which those afflicted with PDS asserted her number was way off...when it was proved Palin quoted a price within 2 cents of actual retail.

Face it, every time you attack Palin you get egg all over your faces. She's way more knowledgeable than you about just about everything and she's way more intelligent than the dunce you managed to the White House.

I've gotten a great deal of amusement from this thread..."Palin proves an empty intellect once again"...started by the guy whose bulb looks so dim by comparison to Sarah Palin's that a conscientious maintenance man would probably remove it from the marque thinking it was burned out.

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Posts: 8688
From: Dublin, CA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 17, 2012 07:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Is this a response to me? Did I participate in a conversation about milk for which I'm unaware? And then you talk about other people's lightbulbs being dim? Really. Embarrassed smiley is right.

I don't think I've ever gotten egg on my face regarding anything about Palin.

Historians were charitable towards Palin on Paul Revere stating in essence that she sort of got it right in her simplistic retelling of the story. Taking your stance of believing that historians 100% back her story is more embarrassing than taking the position against her recounting. It's not like people here can't look up the information for themselves to see what people actually had to say about her Paul Revere story. As much as Conservatives tried to wash the blogosphere with the idea that historians back her story, there is plenty of legitimate journalism that covers the nuance of what she might have meant, and might have been sort of right about. What I haven't seen anywhere is a straight up endorsement of her manner of telling the story. No one has said that her recounting of the story was flawless.

But this is only one debate over something Palin's said. She's said lots of unusual things since she grabbed the spotlight. Overall, the absence of her presence in this Presidential election says it all. She's not a real factor in politics anymore.

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