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Author Topic:   Palin proves an empty intellect once again

Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 13, 2012 06:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You mean what YOU SAY your friends experienced don't you katatonic.

You're not claiming to have gone to Alaska to check out Alaskan gas prices are you?

One last thing katatonic. One would think you would be aware of your high gas prices in California...which are about $0.80 (eighty cents) per gallon higher than in Alaska.

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posted August 14, 2012 04:54 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i mean what i say, jwhop, unlike you with your decoy tactics and red herrings all over the stinkin place...

and i don't appreciate your insinuating that i lied.

yes, a friend - who has no reason to lie either - told me about the alaska prices she was SHOCKED by when visiting the lovely outback state...where people NEED a lot of gas, even though it is a prime OIL state.

the prices i see in california are my own observation. i don't even look at the price at SHELL stations (your highest marks) because i buy 76 and my local price as of this morning...$4.06. as i said, they went up by 25c the morning after the refinery blew up (due to negligence by chevron but that's for another thread).

the prices i saw on YOUR CHART show that the average price (between lowest and highest) is about the same even if your chart is right,


however the LOWEST price gas is significantly LOWER in california than in alaska.

just as i said.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 14, 2012 06:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Gee katatonic, you're having a real hard time getting a grip.

"however the LOWEST price gas is significantly LOWER in california than in alaska.
just as i said."

Cheapest gas in California.....$3.61
Cheapest gas in Alaska.........$3.64

Hmmm katatonic, since when is $0.03 significantly less..on a $3.60 price?

Let's see katatonic, I make 3 cents to be less than 1% of $3.61 or $3.64.

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Posts: 8688
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posted August 14, 2012 07:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 15, 2012 04:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
well i meant the average of the lowest price charts but never mind; the figures have changed already, argument decapitated!

yesterday, when you posted those links, the difference was more obvious ...these things do have a way of fluctuating, but the long term picture shows they average out pretty evenly.

it seems your claim that cali gas averages almost a dollar higher than alaskan is not supported in general.

so what my friend told me is neither supported nor defied by your daily chart.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 15, 2012 11:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hardly a decapitated argument katatonic.

First, you didn't say a word about "average prices". You said Alaska has the highest gas prices in the US...and I proved that's bullshiiit...which was all I need to prove to show that as usual, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Then, you came back and said California gas prices are "significantly lower" than gas prices in Alaska. More bullshiiit!

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Posts: 7855
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posted August 16, 2012 01:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Like I said, Sarah Palin has more intelligence in her toe-nail clippings than exists in the empty heads of O'Bomber and his entire campaign staff.

Thanks to Gov. Palin, The Democrats are Stuck with Uncle Joe
Posted on August 16 2012 - 2:37 AM - Posted by: Steve Flesher

Don't look to Andrea Saul or Kevin Madden to be this clever.

But even I have to admit, when Palin threw out a suggestion to the Obama campaign Tuesday night with Greta Van Susteren to replace Joe Biden, I scratched my head. In response to Biden's latest, disgusting comment, Palin said the following:

Greta if that's not the nail in the coffin really the strategists there in the Obama campaign have got to look at a diplomatic way of replacing Joe Biden on the ticket with Hillary and I don't want to throw out that suggestion and have them actually accept the suggestion because then an Obama and Hillary Clinton ticket would have a darn good chance of winning but really Joe Biden really drags down that ticket.

Immediately, the liberals at Mediaite responded by posting the headline and their liberal commenters had a field day. Similarly, the Huffington Post covered it, and 2,768 hysterical comments later, the liberals are still ranting. Other mainstream outlets like ABC covered it as well. McCain even came out to say it, too!

Obama came out today to respond, dismissed the idea, and further attempted to pathetically excuse Biden's chains remark.

In less than a day, Palin set a trend. Liberals were even crankier than usual and Republicans were unexpectedly quiet. After all, she literally suggested what would be beneficial to Obama.

As we all know, Obama is a drag. We also know that Romney's been lackluster. Neither has been able to energize their bases. That changed for Romney when he announced Paul Ryan as his V.P. nominee. Suddenly donations poured in. After a full day, Romney managed to raise $3.5M! No, it's not the $7M McCain raised after announcing Palin but still, it's a larger surge of energy than Obama has yet to capture in 2012's campaign.

Further, Romney and Ryan got rallies which were impressive in size, like the crowd of 10K in North Carolina! Again, not really the 60K Palin got in Florida, but it's still more energy than Obama has been able to gin up this year. As it stands now, Romney and Ryan have a clearer shot than ever before of picking up some battleground states and putting themselves on a path to victory and moving us a step further to better days for America.

If Obama decided he needed a wild card to energize his base, what's he going to do? Take advice from Sarah Palin? How would his base respond? The following article which describes Palin as a smart political operator, via the Hayride says it pretty well:

So just in case the Democrats might think about making a switch to Hillary, along comes Sarah Palin to suggest it.

And now they can't do it even if they wanted to. Obama can't be seen as taking advice from Sarah Palin.

So she's helping the Romney ticket by writing Biden off. The Romney ticket wants Biden right where he is.
You can read the whole thing here.

So thanks to Palin, it appears that Obama is (for the lack of a better phrase) chained to Joe Biden for this go around.

The response from the left is not at all conspicuous. Enjoy! ts-are-stuck-with-uncle-joe-2.html

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posted August 16, 2012 05:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 16, 2012 05:39 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote ision/NATL-Stewart-Mocks-Republican-Outrage-Over-Bidens-Chains-Remark-166375856.html

hurry, jwhop, your fave rave is on view here!

(biden gets a few digs too, just for the sake of fair and balanced?)

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Posts: 8688
From: Dublin, CA
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posted August 16, 2012 06:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Palin's trying to write off both the guys that beat her ticket. Big surprise there. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert both have been on tears of late, but I don't see where Palin's comments hold any substance beyond being fodder for humorists/satirists.

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posted August 16, 2012 06:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
sad when you need a VP more attractive than yourself to have a foot in the door isn't it?

shades of mccain/palin, without the baggage, as a conservative author suggested on a conservative pundit's show the other day.

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posted August 17, 2012 10:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I saw that Daily Show clip today. Nice montage of not only Sarah Palin vitriol, but also the kind of language found on Fox.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 17, 2012 10:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know you get your news from comedians and I know this is hard for the usual suspects but do at least try to think.

Sarah Palin just backed O'Bomber and his Socialist comrades into a corner from which there is no escape and she did that deliberately.

Sarah Palin advised O'Bomber and his Socialist comrades to dump the gaffe machine O'Biden in favor of Hillary Clinton for VP.

After demonizing Sarah Palin for more than 4 years, Sarah Palin knows there's no way in hell O'Bomber and his Socialist comrades can take her advice now...which means O'Bomber is now stuck with the gaffe machine O'Biden.

John McCain and other Republicans jumped on the Palin bandwagon after her suggestion and suggested the same thing.

We had acknowledgment that O'Bomber is well aware of the corner Palin backed him into when he sent Jay Carny out to tell the White House press corps that they're not going to listen to suggestions from McCain.

But, it was Sarah Palin who delivered the strategic blow FIRST.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 19, 2012 04:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
August 19, 2012
The Defiant Ones
By Clarice Feldman

This week we saw one of the neatest political plays ever. Obama biographer Ed Klein says that about two weeks ago Valerie Jarrett, Obama's brain trust and manager of his Acme Campaign Strategery , offered Hillary Clinton a slot on the ticket as Obama's running mate and she turned it down. Perhaps Sarah Palin got wind of the offer and rejection, or maybe she intuited the White House was thinking of such a thing (as I did last week). In any event, shortly after the Jarrett-Clinton tęte-ŕ-tęte, Joe Biden made another of his many classic goofy statements, telling a crowd his opponents would put "y'all in chains." (In the same week he indicated he thought we were in the 20th century and that Virginia was North Carolina.)

Timing is everything, and seeing her opening. Sarah suggested Obama replace Biden with Hillary.

Once again she demonstrated her superb political skills. Her jibe locked Obama into running with Biden again; reminded Hillary supporters how much better a choice she would have been than Joe; showed how much smarter Sarah was than Biden, the dummy Obama ran with and whose constant gaffes (like Obama's) had been downplayed or covered up by a then love struck press.
Since Palin made the suggestion, Biden and Obama are now shackled together, like Sidney Poitier and Tony Curtis in the old movie "The Defiant Ones." It's as if she tattooed on their backsides "Together Forever." Joe's many fumbles this week caused Obama publicly to meet with Hillary and Joe. Afterward , Biden was shipped off to Delaware where it is unlikely he will be allowed out without minders and prepared statements until the election is over. Polls show what common sense suggests, Biden's a liability to Obama.

Iowahawk's take on Biden is, as usual, succinct and fantastic:

"David Burge @iowahawkblog

Joe Biden reminds of a simpler America, when a kid could go to the local drug store and buy cough syrup and model glue and leaded paint."

But everyone it seems had their shots at Biden and the Obama campaign's effort to destroy Paul Ryan, forcing it to return to all that it has left in its sparse quiver-- cheap shots in the class and race war-- this week.

Andrew Malcolm at Investor's Business Daily:

According to veteran Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, between now and that election day Obama and his skilled team of reputation removers are going to so systematically dismantle Paul Ryan piece by painful piece, such that even his own children will boo him.

Much of this will be accomplished by Chicago's opposition researchers feeding negative information to a few cooperative media representatives who will deliver it to the American public as news, sources masked.

We might learn, for instance, that for two decades Ryan has been attending a church where a priest has regularly delivered such anti-American, anti-Lutheran rants that Ryan will have to deny he ever heard any of them.

And Shrum knows well how this works. After all, he's led or worked on victorious Democrat White House campaigns for President Dick Gephardt, President Ted Kennedy, President Michael Dukakis, President Bob Kerrey, President Al Gore and, most recently, the winning come-from-ahead campaign of President John Kerry. Oh, wait.

Over at JustOneMinute, frequent poster bgates did his on-target spoof of Biden:

Listen, folks, as far as I'm concerned there's only one person who chooses who the Vice President is, and his name is Barack Hus...Obama. And the American people. Of course, you guys get your say, right? That's what this is: It's election season! And so everybody gets political.

But I'll tell you right now the same thing that I told Barack in 2008, that I am ready, willing, prepared, able, and eager that if the worst should happen - obviously not eager about that part, but if it did, and you don't even want to put that thought into the air. Don't want to give the crazies any ideas. Especially on a day like now, when we're learning that a far right-wing conservative Christian organization has been involved in a deadly shooting right in Washington DC. I mean that's what we're dealing with every day, folks.

And now they'll come out, Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh, and all the rest of 'em, who want to tear down what we've done and take America back into the Stone Age of the 1950s and the 1800s instead of working with us on a bipartisan basis without all the name-calling, and they'll say that Joe Biden accused everybody on the right of being a potential mass murderer. I never said that. I have no way of knowing how many, or what they're all thinking. My job as Vice President isn't to count every one who might be a threat, but to be aware of the ones who are a threat, and plan to deal with those as best we can, besides helping on the different initiatives that Barack gives me, and so far I've done it. And I'll continue to do it.

And I'm going to do it for another four more years, and Barack is going to do it with me. God bless you and God bless America! And every other country, whether Allah or God or even for the agnostics, because we have freedom of religion which is so very precious.

Posted by: bgates | August 15, 2012 at 04:51 PM

But defiance toward Obama and his team and its gutter politics is growing. Even the press is starting to rankle at the fact that Obama will speak only to exceedingly soft star struck interviewers on local stations and frivolous publications like People magazine, while refusing to take any hard questions, and his surrogates are getting what they've long deserved: ridicule of their fact free claims.

Wolf Blitzer refused to let go unchallenged Debbie Wasserman Schultz's lies about Medicare and Ryan's "extreme" positions to "shred Medicare" and "leave seniors out in the cold". Once she was challenged and forced off her prepared lies, she was struck dumb.

By picking Paul Ryan as his running mate, Romney did a little Sarah-like jujitsu himself. Knowing that Obamacare is hated and Medicare liked by seniors, Romney has made it difficult for the Democrats to win by scaring old folks yet again. He is hitting over and again how Ryan tried to save Medicare while Obama stole $716 billion from it to fund the detested Obamacare.

In another instance of the tide turning, watch White House spokesman Carney flail when his boss is rightfully charged with making frivolous claims while at the same time hypocritically pretending he wants to make the campaign to turn on debates about more high minded policy matters. Mary Katharine Ham describes it:

Jake Tapper asks if Obama's three references to Seamus are part of the "important policy debate" the White House is trying to have, which is allegedly being foiled by Romney and Ryan. Carney demurs, saying the Seamus line was just a joke in three speeches and shouldn't overtake the conversation. Tapper calls the comment "cable catnip" the White House should be savvy enough to avoid. Carney exhibits wide-eyed innocence as most of the press corps chuckles.

Miners and regular folks are showing up in great numbers all across the battleground states where Ryan and Romney are campaigning. (See this.) Turnout for the President and Biden is often sparse and not as enthusiastic.

Young people are abandoning Obama. Respecting young voters:

Pollster John Zogby of JZ Analytics told Secrets Tuesday that Romney received 41 percent in his weekend poll of 1,117 likely voters, for the first time crossing the 40 percent mark. What's more, he said that Romney is the only Republican of those who competed in the primaries to score so high among 18-29 year olds.

"This is the first time I am seeing Romney's numbers this high among 18-29 year olds," said Zogby. "This could be trouble for Obama who needs every young voter he can get."

Black voters aren't as ecstatic about Obama as they were in 2008 and that is (a) critically dangerous for him and (b) a sign that his campaign will shift to even more race baiting. Jay Cost at the Weekly Standard:

...his election chances once again hinge on convincing some African Americans who do not normally vote to vote for him, and persuading some other African Americans who usually vote Republican to vote for him.

There is no guarantee this will happen. The latest Rasmussen poll of likely voters finds Romney pulling in 9 percent of African American support, and African Americans making up 12 percent of the total electorate. If that turns out to be the case in November, Obama would still do better than Kerry, but about 1.5 points worse than he did in 2008, taking into account the black vote alone.

With jobs scarce in the ghetto -- Obama's mismanagement of the economy hurting the poorest the worst -- even his old friends on Chicago's South Side have fallen out of love with him.

It's almost certain that his feckless campaign staff which is doing a weak job at filling crowds at even small campaign venues and otherwise advancing his appearances will not be enough to pull him through to the winner's circle. Tom Bevan of Real Clear Politics:

In Des Moines, at the end of his first day on the road, the president stopped off at the Iowa State Fair to visit the fairgrounds' famous beer tent. The Obama campaign was thrilled with the resulting photo-op: Regular-guy president buys a round of Budweisers for a dozen or so fairgoers, who break into a cheeky cheer ("four more beers!") in support of his re-election.

But it soon emerged that Mike Cunningham II, the third-generation owner of the 65-year-old institution known as the Bud Tent, was less than thrilled with the visit. On one hand, he told reporters, it's always an honor to host the president of the United States (in 1954, his great-grandfather received Dwight Eisenhower at the fair, the first of four sitting presidents to visit over the years).

On the other hand, in a tough economic environment the security requirements of the presidential stop, which included a full Secret Service sweep of the area, meant the beer tent had to be shut down for nearly two hours during its busiest time of day, Cunningham complained. He claimed that Obama's appearance cost him some $25,000 in revenue, which he described wryly as making a "campaign contribution against my will."

"I wouldn't have voted for him before," Cunningham told the Des Moines Register. "I won't again."

On Day 2 of Obama's bus tour, he visited a wind farm in central Iowa to highlight his support for -- and Mitt Romney's opposition to -- tax credits for the wind energy industry. Again, the campaign was thrilled with the picture-perfect optics of the event.

But shortly after Obama's caravan departed, Jeff Heil, the owner of the farm, and his son Jarret, let it be known that although the president was "gracious, personable, and very respectful" -- and that Jeff and Obama actually said a quick prayer together at the farm Tuesday, neither man will be voting for him in November.

"It is important to not get caught up in the president's glamorous re-election words and remember President Obama's first term record and rhetoric does not represent Middle America, entrepreneurs, small business owners and farmers," Jarret Heil said in a statement to the media.

The defiance against Obama grows. At one stop his caterer hired by the Obama campaign showed up in a t-shirt saying he did build his business, at another in Virginia, a bakery (Crumb and Get It) refused to serve Biden and ended up with so much new business there were lines around the block until he ran out of food to sell.

Pajama Media's Ed Driscoll observes:

David Gelernter (like Slate's Gage, a Yale professor himself) writes in his new book America-Lite:

Everyone agrees that President Obama is not only a man but a symbol. He is a symbol of America's decisive victory over bigotry. But he is also a symbol, a living embodiment, of the failure of American education and its ongoing replacement by political indoctrination. He is a symbol of the new American elite, the new establishment, where left-liberal politics is no longer a conviction, no longer a way of thinking: it is built-in mind-furniture you take for granted without needing to think. [/quote] **How true**

Well the miners , small business owners, Middle Westerners and farmers have had their eyes opened. They've observed the failure of this heads-full-of mush elite and are defiant. I don't think Obama's given them any good reason to return to office its most prominent symbol, a man who thinks a certifiable dunce could handle his job were he unable to serve out his term in office.

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Posts: 8688
From: Dublin, CA
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posted August 19, 2012 04:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sarah Palin just backed O'Bomber and his Socialist comrades into a corner from which there is no escape and she did that deliberately.

As always, you give Palin more credit than is reasonable. Canning Biden has never been on the table, so any suggestion by anyone about it is moot. You're imagining things.

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posted August 19, 2012 06:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
it's a laugh a line with jwhop! of COURSE, lambchop, when obama talks about mccain that is CODE for palin, at least for those of you who have her permanently on their drooling minds...which is really not that many people, by the way. sure their are goofballs all over the states, but most people can tell the difference between "what mccain said" and "what palin said"

and what possible corner do you think palin could back obama into? she is the ditz-of-the-west-radio-personality; not putin! not even cameron!

just cos you think she is cute don't go overblowing up the inflatable doll...she will POP all over you!

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted September 19, 2012 09:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Joe "Plugs" O'Biden to a mostly black audience.

More intelligence in her toe-nail clippings than O'Bomber has is his whole body.

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posted September 19, 2012 10:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
a lot of working people don't cling to either. and a lot of people who do are not "working folk" but upper class.

another mean-spirited miss from the queen of green (as in envious).

heard the latest good news about housing and construction, lambchop?

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted September 19, 2012 11:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I guess you failed to recognize whose words Mrs Palin was repeating for your reading pleasure katatonic.

None other than your little empty headed Marxist Messiah's, Barack Hussein O'Bomber's.

Bad, bad, bad mistake for O'Bomber to ever have insulted Sarah Palin. She's been tearing pieces off his sorry carcass ever since.

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posted September 20, 2012 12:26 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i just noticed your post where it is claimed that sarah palin - just by suggesting hillary - "locked" obama into running with biden again.

i have to hand it to you, jwhop, you come up with some really good laughs. rush was doing the same thing the other day, trying to pretend that if he suggested obama was going to get involved in the teacher's strike in chigago, that the president would be afraid to make him look smart and choose his actions accordingly.

pity they don't have anything else to do than to come up with trash talk about people who are actually doing something...

these people show how little they actually know about the job, - being president is just a little more complicated than being mayor of wasilla, part-time governor of the hinterland state, or lord of the loons on radio - and how much they think of themselves.


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Posts: 7855
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posted September 28, 2012 01:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Actually Palin did suggest getting rid of Joe "Plugs" O'Biden and drafting Hillary as VP. Palin did that knowing full well O'Bomber could never be seen as taking her advice...and that's how she "locked" O'Bomber into retaining the Gaffomatic Joe "Plugs". Palin wasn't the only one to make that suggestion. There were some copy-cats who jumped on the bandwagon but she was the first and at a time when Joe "Plugs" was spewing horseshiiit out and embarrassing O'Bomber daily.

Leftists just can't seem to get it through their thick skulls that Sarah Palin is far more intelligent than they are, is always going to be several jumps ahead of them and not only that but she can and has taken their best shots and made leftists look like the sniveling chumps they are.

I have to say that though I have a low opinion of O'Bomber's intelligence, at least he's learned not to attempt engaging her. I suppose as many times as Palin has handed O'Bomber his own head, he's had enough to have learned his lesson.

Still, there are other sniveling leftists who haven't. This is a story about another idiot. One who took exception to the traffic around the Alaska Governor's Mansion. Can you imagine an idiot stupid enough to file a lawsuit against a Governor...because of traffic around the Governor's mansion?

Of course, this wasn't about traffic at all. It was just another attempt by yet another leftist moron to harass Sarah Palin and like all the others, it failed.

Judge Throws Out Junk Lawsuit Claims Against Governor Palin
September 28 2012
Stacy Drake

Another one bites the dust:

A federal judge on Thursday struck down claims in a lawsuit alleging that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin acted to silence an activist who complained about traffic around the governor’s mansion in 2009.

U.S District Judge Timothy Burgess granted Palin’s request for summary judgment, finding that activist Chip Thoma failed to provide the evidence necessary to support his claims. Palin’s attorney, John Tiemessen, said the ruling means that, as a matter of law, no valid claims stand, and it should lead to dismissal of the case…

Thoma’s initial lawsuit was partly based on a leaked draft manuscript by Frank Bailey, a Palin aide during that period. Bailey’s book claimed Palin aides “went into discrediting Chip overdrive” after Palin expressed frustration with complaints she took as an attack on her family being in Juneau. For part of her tenure, Palin had gotten flak for not being in Juneau enough, or full-time.

Burgess said excerpts from the book could not be considered in the motion for summary judgment for several reasons, including that the passages are inadmissible hearsay. He said Thoma lacks the personal knowledge to authenticate the statements made in the book.

Burgess also said the only documented evidence that Thoma submitted to support his motion and oppose Palin’s was his own affidavit.

“The record is simply devoid of evidence concerning the alleged retaliation,” Burgess wrote.

So, this clown used Frank Bailey’s book as his evidence? Ha, that’s hilarious! It’s also funny because now Jeanne Devon’s “work” has been legally (and properly, I might add) ruled as “inadmissible hearsay.” To say the least, your Honor

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posted September 28, 2012 05:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
it is classic egomania to jump ahead of your opponent and then when they don't act as you suggest or project, to say they were "too scared to be seen taking your advice" and that is why YOU WERE WRONG.

rush does it, you do it for palin, hell, jwhop, i could say

"i bet jwhop decides to run for president himself!!", and then when you don't run, i can CLAIM ALL THE CREDIT! HOW"S ABOUT IT??

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted September 28, 2012 10:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fact, Palin suggested replacing Joe "Plugs" and demoscats were nervous about Joe "Plugs" and his big mouth.

Fact, demoscat saw O'Bomber/Hillary as the "dream ticket" and unbeatable.

Fact, Palin suggested Hillary as O'Bomber's VP running mate and she did so very publicly...and that killed it dead.

Sorry but you're not going to get any credit when I decide to not run for president kat.

I'm on record...long ago on that subject..."If nominated, I will not run, if elected, I will not serve."

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posted September 29, 2012 12:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
exactly! see, you are afraid to be seen doing what i suggest!!!

it is to MY credit that jwhop is not running for president! woohoo!

ps. i doubt very much if the democrats were dreadfully worried about biden's mouth, most of them applaud his outspokenness. and if they WERE i doubt if it would be because they were listening to one of the biggest mouths out there with the least to back it up.

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Posts: 7855
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted October 03, 2012 09:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I took away your option to suggest you would ever have anything to do with me not running for pres long ago katatonic.

It just hasn't managed to percolate through your mental fog yet.

Now here's a nice description of those who have tried to take Sarah Palin down..."Anklebiters". Fits perfectly!

Judge in Alaska formally dismisses latest frivolous lawsuit against Governor Palin
October 02 2012
Doug Brady

Last week Stacy brought our attention to the fact that an Alaska judge struck down yet another in a series of meritless lawsuits brought against Governor Palin by Palin-deranged “activists”. In this case, Chip Thoma was the hebetudinous anklebiter who brought the legal action. Today, to nobody’s surprise, the judge took the next step and formally dismissed the case, and in so doing ruled that Thoma must reimburse the Governor for the legal costs she incurred as a result of his frivolous litigation.

JUNEAU, Alaska — A federal judge has formally dismissed an activist’s lawsuit against former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Last week, U.S. District Judge Timothy Burgess struck down claims brought by activist Chip Thoma, who alleged that Palin acted to silence him for complaining about traffic around the governor’s mansion in 2009.

Thoma had sought at least $100,000 in the case. But Burgess said Thoma did not provide the necessary evidence to support his claims.

In a judgment filed Tuesday, Burgess dismissed the case, saying Thoma will recover nothing, and Palin will recover costs from Thoma.

It wasn’t immediately clear what those costs would total. A private attorney and an attorney for the state were involved in the case on Palin’s behalf.
I have no idea whether or not there are any more of these frivolities, floating around, but if there are they’ll no doubt meet the same fate. The fact that the judge has required Thoma to pay Governor Palin’s legal costs is significant, and should make future filers of frivolous lawsuits think twice. Of course that presupposes an ability on their part to think rationally, which, given the mental acuity of the cretins involved, is probably an overly optimistic assumption. alaska-formally-dismisses-latest-frivolous-lawsuit-against-governor-palin.html

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