posted November 11, 2009 04:30 PM
It took me awhile to post about this. What happened at Fort Hood was an act of terrorism, whether it was person or endorsed by Militant Muslims.
The ahole that did it.. MAJ Hasan was on the radar, but in our politically correct nation (at least now run by Obomber) we no longer can target or kick out idiots like Hasan.
Obomber decided to do a shout out to Joe Medicine Crow before he acknowledged the attack that occured. He called Medicine Crow a "recipient of the Medal of Honor" which he wasn't. Infact, he was the recipient of the Medal of Freedom, which Obomber personally awarded to him in August. Nice one Obomber, not only did you spend the majority of your speech on shout outs and jokes, you didn't even remember what you awarded good ole Joe with.
Now, don't get me wrong. I am American Indian and I know.. from talk on the tribal links that NO ONE thought what he did was appropriate. The POTUS can call a press conference at ANY time, he could have addressed things BEFORE the AI conference. But no.. he didn't.
So back to our Peaceful Muslim Shooter...
I think it was his OWN personal act of terrorism. In a class where he was supposed to present a medical topic of his choice, he decided on a 50 slide powerpoint presentation called "The Koranic View As it Relates to Muslims in the US Military". (actual presentation
Another time, during an environmental health class he presented "Is the war on terror a war on Islam"
Finnell said the warning signs were clear to many, not just classmates. Faculty members, including many high-ranking military officers, witnessed firsthand his anti-Americanism, he said.
Finnell recalled Hasan telling his classmates and professors, "I'm a Muslim first and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution."
He recalled one time when his classmates were giving presentations in an environmental health class on topics like soil and water contamination and the effects of mold. When it was Hasan's turn, he said, he got up in front of the class and began to speak about his chosen topic, "Is the War on Terror a war on Islam?"
Finnell says he raised his hand. "I asked the professor, "What does this topic have to do with environmental health?"
"When he was challenged on his views, Hasan became visibly upset. He became sweaty, he was emotional."
But despite questioning from the other students, Finnell said, the professor allowed Hasan to continue. He said Hasan's anti-American vitriol continued for two years as he worked toward his degree in public health.,2933,573469,00.html
To me, that is terrorism. Is it on a large scale or an attack from a group on American Soldiers? I have no idea, the investigation is still pending, but his motives have been out there for a long time.
I think others here that have majored in any health, nursing or medical major can see how insane it would be to hear someone conduct a presentation on the "Is the War on Terror a War on Islam" or "The Koranic View As it Relates to Muslims in the US Military" as being absolutely unrelated to the major or field at hand.
I am wondering.. when will others speak out? When will Muslims here, with the exception of a few that did, decry what happened?