posted February 13, 2010 08:12 AM
Counter Intelligence ProgrammePart of the purpose of Co-Intel-Pro is to plant disinformation in our minds so as to steer us away from the truth and hopefully make us go back to sleep. It was set up in the 60's during the Vietnam War and is still very much alive today.
The BBC documentary "The Conspiracy Files" is a good example of this. Their first in the series on 9/11 was a blatant hit piece which had fourteen “debunkers” challenging three 9/11 truthers.
Watch David Shayler’s (ex MI6) debunking of this on google video, just search for “911 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy”. Their recent programme in the same series on the collapse of “Building Seven” did more to raise rather than suppress suspicion.
The History Channel's hit piece on 9/11 (Why the towers fell) is another good example. You will build up a certain immunity to dis-info as you go along. You will meet the paid Co-Intel-Pro dis-info trolls on most popular truth site forums and in the comments sections after various MSM truth articles.