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  thank wall street for the price of your gas?

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Author Topic:   thank wall street for the price of your gas?

Posts: 3446
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posted March 31, 2010 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message d_energy

Consumers still pay more even though supplies are up
By John W. Schoen

Oil prices have risen steadily over the last year, and experts are worrying further increases could snuff out an already-fragile global economic recovery.

President Barack Obama announced Wednesday his plan to open oil and natural gas drilling off the Atlantic Coast and Gulf of Mexico. The proposal aims to reduce the nation’s reliance on foreign oil, which theoretically could hold down prices for U.S. consumers.

But analysts contend that the rise is prices is not a supply problem — it's a Wall Street problem.

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Posts: 1303
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted March 31, 2010 03:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Anything seen on MSNBC is either an outright lie or a fairytale.

Let me clear this up for you.

When Bush, McCain and other Republicans started saying Drill baby drill....the price of crude oil fell from almost $150 per barrel all the way down to $34 as oil traders and brokers wet themselves and started bailing out of their oil futures contracts which drove crude oil prices much lower. Gasoline fell from more than $4.25 to under $2.

Then came O'Bomber and his totally unworkable, irresponsible and utterly brain dead nonsense of replacing oil with windmills and solar panels.

Oil traders, brokers and oil producing nations know O'Bomber, Pee-Lousy and Reid are full of hot air about so called green energy replacing fossil fuels and the result is they've bid up crude oil prices to above $80 per barrel...more than double the price of only a year ago.

Then, these white house and congressional morons proposed a huge tax on fossil fuel energy for Americans and these same brokers and oil traders realized they could basically charge whatever they wished with the full approval of O'Bomber and the rest of the idiots on Capitol Hill.

In fact, these oil producers, oil traders and oil brokers know that for however long O'Bomber, Pee-Lousy and Reid are in control of the US government; there will be no serious effort to make the United States energy independent...and the sky is the limit on crude oil prices.

Goin up.

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posted March 31, 2010 04:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
so you missed the news about virginia then??

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posted March 31, 2010 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ghanima81     Edit/Delete Message

So, when MSNBC says it, it's a lie, but whatever BS you post from RIGHTWINGERS R US.COM is supposed to be swallowed as the frickin doctorine?

People like you and your ONEmindedness are the reason so many people are ignorant of what goes on in all facets of the world. "I'm right and you're wrong because I said so, I read it on this website". FFS.

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posted March 31, 2010 07:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
It's a bummer I can't find that thread. Jwhop was confused when he thought Republicans drove down gas prices by the mere suggestion of drilling. We debated it quite extensively.

MSNBC got it right, of course. Jwhop saying that they lie is about as sure fire proof of them being right as you can ask for.

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Posts: 1303
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted March 31, 2010 07:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
So, I see you missed the part where O'Bomber says SOME coastal areas will be opened up for "EXPLORATION". Not a word about drilling and not a word about uncapping existing wells in oil fields off the California coast which could be in production in short order.

In fact, there are tracks in which O'Bomber "canceled" existing oil leases. Oil leases already let to oil companies for which they've already paid for the leases.

Everyone can see O'Bomber is really, really, really, really serious about US oil independence. Yep

Of course when MSNBC says something it's a direct lie or a fairytale ghani

The best reason to believe that is because I said it.

Now ghani, if you don't believe me; tell me which of the O'Zombiebots at MSNBC has told a truth in the last 5 years.

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Posts: 1303
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted March 31, 2010 07:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message

How droll acoustic, that you, a member here with the perpetually confused mind would ever bring up confusion.

Considering that oil prices did exactly what I predicted they would do....fall out of the sky....when it appeared the US government was serious about drilling and producing our own...there's no way anyone but a confused mind would think they had done anything with their argument except drill another dry hole.

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Posts: 587
From: Nov. 11 2005
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posted March 31, 2010 11:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message
Here is one from the past: From the Easy to use Template for GU thread=>


Posts: 590
Registered: Oct 2003
posted November 09, 2006 02:04 PM

It occurred to me that there would be a much simpler way to communicate in the GU thread. This template is based on extensive research and impeccable logic.

For sake of brevity, "RR" and "DD" are used to represent any poster- and I am assuming we don't need a key to determine the meanings.

RR: Look at what the stupid Dems are doing now!

(copy and paste article here)

DD: That's not true! Read this!

(copy and paste article here)

RR: You suck!
DD: You suck!

MOR: (this is a poster whom is either new to LL, appears to be politically moderate or new to the game) Hey all, what's up? I think...

RR: Dems are idiots. If you agree with them, you are an idiot.
DD: Reps are idiots. If you agree with them, you are an idiot!

MOR: But I think....
RR and DD: YOU are an idiot! You suck!
MOR: FINE! You both suck!

RR: Rush says....
DD: Al Franken says......
RR: Newsmax say.......
DD: CNN says.........

DD: Bush sucks!
RR: Kerry sucked!
DD: Rumsfield sucks!
RR: Clinton still sucks!
MOR: Umm, Clinton has been out of office for how many years?
RR: Shuddup..its all Clinton's fault!
DD: Its a conspiracy!

RR: 9-11....
DD: Iraq....
RR: Hussain....
DD: Osama bin Laden...
MOR: Umm, what about...
RR and DD: That's not important! This is !

DD: You suck!
RR: You misspelled that, and you suck!

Easy to use, and applicable to just about every topic posted in GU. Have fun!


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Posts: 587
From: Nov. 11 2005
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 31, 2010 11:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message
The Wall St connection has been widely reported.

actually before last year;
maybe the AMerican Thinker hasn't gotten around to the spin.

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Posts: 2634
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posted April 01, 2010 12:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
No confusion here, Jwhop. But I did find two of the links to this topic. Sorry!

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Posts: 587
From: Nov. 11 2005
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 01, 2010 08:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message
I have a question
And this is related, but not thread specific.
Like Mz Scarlett, I will think on change for irritating habits tomorrow

What about Exports? I was listening to commentary yesterday that was conflicting.

I heard that production is up in the U.S. for oil- but- that increase is being exported.

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Posts: 1303
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 01, 2010 08:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
MSNBC seems blissfully ignorant that crude oil is part of the commodity futures markets and is not any part of the Wall Street Equity {stock} Market.

Oil is traded in the form of futures contracts on the NYMEX...New York Mercantile Exchange and...the CBOT, Chicago Board of Trade. Oil is not traded on the New York Stock Exchange, {Wall Street}...though the stock of individual oil companies is.

"But analysts contend that the rise is prices is not a supply problem — it's a Wall Street problem."

Nope, it's a producer nation, oil trader and oil broker I explained in another thread.

"OPEC countries also are convening in Mexico this week to map out a strategy for keeping prices from rising higher."

"But officials may face an even bigger problem: The recent rise in prices seems to be driven by commodity investors — not market supply and demand."

Yep, oil futures traders and oil brokers who bid the price of contracts up for profit...along with producer nations who manipulate the price by restricting supply.

Bush said drill, drill, drill and these brokers and traders bailed out of their futures contracts...sold them as fast as avoid the rapid fall of crude oil prices they knew were coming. That kind of panic selling produces the result I predicted that as soon as it appeared the US was serious about energy independence by drilling for and producing our own...oil prices would plummet.

And, that's exactly what did happen.

Thanks acoustic for helping me show it's the US government..Congress and White House..who are the greedy bast@rds in the oil business and not the oil companies.

From every gallon of gas sold in the US, oil companies make about 8 cents. The federal government makes more than twice as much in taxes on the sale....more than 18 cents per gallon. They are the greedy bast@rds.

To understand why prices fell out of the sky when Bush said drill, drill, drill; there's some things you have to know.

The US is the biggest market for oil in the world. Our economy is tied to energy without which almost nothing gets made, transported or sold.

It's no secret to oil producing nations, oil brokers and oil traders that the United States has energy reserves which rival the rest of the world combined in the form of crude oil, coal and oil shale deposits.

Oil producing nations generally have one product to sell to the rest of the world...OIL.

Imagine the panic they feel when their biggest customer for their only product starts talking about drilling and producing our own oil...and knowing we have the ability to do just that.

Imagine the panic oil brokers and oil traders felt when they're sitting on oil futures contracts they bought at say...$130 per barrel, the price was $147 per barrel at the time...and Bush is saying to America..Drill, Drill, Drill. It was cardiac arrest time, panic all around, scrambling to get out of those high priced futures contracts and the result was predictable...prices falling like a rock in free I predicted before prices started to fall.

So, how do oil producing nations prevent the United States from drilling and producing our own oil? They've done this before and it worked.

They create an over supply of oil by producing more for sale in world markets...and that drives prices down, puts America to sleep again and talk of American energy independence dries up.

It was only a few years ago that oil prices were down to $12 per barrel...and Middle East oil producers were still making money hand over fist...because their true cost of production is much lower than our own domestic oil producers.

In the early 2000's, Middle East oil producers were saying they wanted to stabilize oil prices at $25 per barrel....a price at which they are able to make tons of money. Today, oil is selling at over $80 per barrel.

Oil is a commodity and it's not a rare commodity. There's more proven oil reserves in the world today than at any time in history. We are not running out of oil in the world.

This sounds counter-intuitive but through technology in exploration we are able to find oil that couldn't be found in past decades. Further, through improved drilling technology, we are able to drill in deep waters where the technology of past decades didn't exist.

Nothing I've said here is super secret information; it's well known information available to anyone who wants to know.

There is however, willful ignorance on the part of boneheads in the press, in Congress and boneheads in the White House.

The price of oil and gasoline will fall rapidly just as soon as Congress and the Executive branch get their acts together and "pass legislation" to make the United States energy independent by drilling and producing oil and natural gas here..where it's already known they both exist in abundance.

It's the nuts in Congress, the bone head Marxists in the White House and the eco loons who are responsible for high oil and gas prices in the United States.

It's time to throw the bloviating chair warming morons out of office so they can seek jobs they can actually do...if there are any such jobs for morons.

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Posts: 2634
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posted April 01, 2010 11:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
It's amazing, Jwhop's willingness to recycle lost arguments. Even put in the utterly unproven 8 cents a gallon profit.

Here's a site everyone might find interesting:

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Posts: 3446
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posted April 01, 2010 11:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
"In the early 2000's, Middle East oil producers were saying they wanted to stabilize oil prices at $25 per barrel....a price at which they are able to make tons of money. Today, oil is selling at over $80 per barrel"

well now i am confused, because not long ago you, jwhop, were talking about how little profit was being made by the oil producers..but nevermind that

of course there is more PROVEN oil reserves now than at any time - but it is not because there's more oil suddenly. do you know how long oil takes in its natural production? it didn't just show up, even in the last century.

we are better at finding/identifying it, that is all.

but the fact is that we will never move into space using oil as fuel. WWAAAAYYY too expensive (and heavy). the push for new energy sources ties into the obvious possibility that we will all have to emigrate if the population can't figure out to stop burying itself in toxic waste - and soon!! not something you'll find in most news reports and if you do it will be buried for a few years yet...

we will survive the rise in temperature. a few million casualties, which will be mourned but make room for more people in the remaining temperate zones after the ice comes. but we will have to MUTATE, not just ADAPT, if we don't find some way of getting rid of the gigantic mountains of toxic waste pretty soon. maybe the ice will cover most of it, who knows? do you think the space program is entirely about domination of earth? do you think the bransons of the world are gearing up to "spacelines" just to take billionaires on orbit cruises?

also if the population does not slow down increasing very soon we will not have enough energy from oil to take care of everyone. too expensive to excavate, refine,'s not just about cars and heating houses. very shortsighted logic going on with the oil producers, who are afraid they will lose their shirts if we harness the energy already available MUCH cheaper and cleaner from other sources!!

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