posted April 03, 2010 10:05 AM
Perhaps if you were in possession of some facts it would clear your fog away and you wouldn't post with such smugness as to suggest O'BomberCare bills never contained language which would have permitted the IRS to fine, and then file criminal charges for non compliance with a $250,000 fine and 5 year sentences in prison.This was the process.
The House passed their version of O'BomberCare. Within the House version the IRS was given the power to fine and file criminal charges plus a huge fine for non compliance.
The Senate passed their version of O'BomberCare December 24, 2009...which contained different provisions...a different bill.
In normal circumstances there would have been a House/Senate conference committee to merge the different bills because there must be only one bill..worded exactly alike..voted on by both the House and Senate to present to the President for his signature.
Then, Scott Brown was elected Senator from Massachusetts and Harry Reid lost the super majority he needed to pass a merged bill from the conference committee.
At that point, the House bill was effectively dead. The only way to proceed with O'BomberCare was for the House to pass the Senate version of the bill changes...and enter "reconciliation" which requires only a simple majority to pass in the Senate.
However, the odious IRS fines, criminal prosecution and $250,000 for non compliance under the House version of O'BomberCare were always in the HOUSE BILL which was dropped because it would have been DOA in the Senate.
As it is right now, the IRS can still fine and the IRS CAN prosecute for non compliance AS A MISDEMEANOR OFFENSE. Misdemeanor offenses carry a sentence up to 11 months and 29 days in jail. The Bill which passed specifies NO CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS.
You need to know what "Penalties" means in IRS lingo. If you file a tax return late...or if a mistake is found on your return and you own the IRS more than you paid didn't pay, then, the IRS may and will add a penalty of 25% to what you previously owed. The "penalty" is not the filing of a criminal or misdemeanor prosecution. It's an additional amount of money the IRS adds to your tax a "Penalty".
So katatonic, you can wipe the smugness off your face because the people you cited as being wrong...or spreading false information..including me WERE RIGHT. The detestable provisions for fines and criminal prosecutions with sentences up to 5 years and a $250,000 fine were always in the House version of O'BomberCare.