posted April 14, 2010 08:20 AM
In essence, the Court told the federal government to mind it's own business and keep their noses out of private enterprise.Odd how leftist solutions to every problem involve government regulation as the solution.
The statement has been made that we don't want corporations in control of the Internet.
What trash.
Current Internet providers ARE corporations.
What I hear is lobbying for government control of the Internet.
It escapes leftists that government has bankrupted Social Security; bankrupted Medicare, bankrupted Amtrak, bankrupted the Post Office, effectively bankrupted some of the states and that Congress couldn't operate their own congressional bank, their post office or House and Senate dining rooms.
Leftists are all for government run Health Care and now for government controlled Internet.
Like our Prez, most members of Congress have never run anything successfully in their lives. Like our Prez, most are total screwups.