posted April 28, 2010 08:41 AM
I contradict nothing I've said Glaucus."Glaucus, you are a prime example in a racist voting block who voted for O'Bomber at a 95% rate because he's black. If whites had voted for McCain at a 95% clip, you'd claim racism."
Any member of any racial group who would vote for a member of their own racial group just because the candidate is a member of their racial a member in good standing of a racist voting group.
Let me repeat Glaucus
If whites had voted for McCain at a 95% clip, you'd be screeching, whining and shrieking...Racism.
Let me repeat Glaucus
You are more consumed with issues of race than anyone I've ever encountered.
Let me repeat Glaucus
Barack Hussein O'Bomber is exactly what I said he was from the empty suit held up only by the hot air issuing from his lower orifice, a created persona who lied his way into office and a Marxist Socialist hiding behind the banner of liberalism.
This is what the "modern" democrat party has become...a party of radical Socialists and it's no surprise to me that you consider yourself a proud democrat.
Fortunately, these radicals tipped their hands early on with the most radical leftist legislative agenda in the history of the United States...AND...mainstream Americans plan to throw them out of office and far from the levers of power in America...beginning November 2, 2010. Oh, and not only the demoscat radicals but their enablers and appeasers in the republican party as well.
Barack Hussein O'Bomber is a sick, sick, sick man...far out of the mainstream of American political thought...AND so is Kommander Korruption, aka, Bill Clinton.
As for the nic, O'Bomber, feel free to resent it all you like.