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  our taxes do not pay for national services; it pays debt to private banks

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Author Topic:   our taxes do not pay for national services; it pays debt to private banks

Posts: 1019
From: the 5th dimension
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 24, 2010 09:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for listenstotrees     Edit/Delete Message
Just found out that UK taxes do not go toward financing public services...our tax money actually goes to the debt that the UK government has to pay the Bank of England (a private corporation) for printing the money....because every penny is actually a loan from the bank to the governmemt!


"Throughout the universe there's a network of wires stretching to infinity. The horizontal wires are placed in space; the vertical in time. Everywhere where these wires cross eachother, there's an individual. And every individual is a crystal bead. The big light of an Absolute Being enlightens and penetrates each crystal bead. And every crystal bead reflects not only the light of all other crystals in the network, but also every other reflection, from all corners of the Cosmos."
The Rigveda - Indra's Net

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posted April 24, 2010 10:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
and our own federal reserve, and bank of new york, are also underwritten by the - bank of england!! going back to the 18th century and that "communist" alexander hamilton's stint as treasurer...

Alexander Hamilton was a talented political figure in American history, but he was prevented from achieving widespread recognition because of an overbearing nature and an inability to relate to the concerns of the common man. His views on the issues of favoring federal authority over the states rights, now firmly established, are still argued today.

*The Bank of New York, opened on June 9, 1784, was created by private investors and chartered (underwritten) by The Bank of England. It was the first bank in New York City.

The Bank won a 20-year charter from Congress that was rescinded in 1811, due to its association with the Bank of England, tight monetary policies, and competition with state chartered banks. Some accused it of corruption, but it survived and continues to operate independently.

In 1913, the Bank of New York became the controlling bank of America's central banking scheme, the Federal Reserve System.

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Posts: 1019
From: the 5th dimension
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 24, 2010 01:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for listenstotrees     Edit/Delete Message
Good find!

If you find any info on that other thing you questioned in the film "The Esoteric Agenda", do let me know.

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Posts: 1019
From: the 5th dimension
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 24, 2010 03:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for listenstotrees     Edit/Delete Message

Who owns the Bank of England? The truth…
April 24th, 2010

The Royal Charter was granted to the Bank of England in 1694. Its mainstay of operations was the provision of loans to the British East India Company, and other companies associated with imperial expansion, as the British Empire spread across the world.

In 1844 the Rothschild family had ambition to control the British economy (and therefore foreign and domestic policy) and this was secured by the Bank Charter Act of that year, giving the bank monopoly control over the production of Sterling and the nation’s money supply. All profits were paid to the private owners. This remains true today of the Federal Reserve Bank in America. In the case of the Bank of England it’s a little more complicated, though nonetheless true.

The now famous quote by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, only a few years earlier, said it all. “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws.”

I often wonder what is so difficult to comprehend about this, and why people seem not to realise the implications, particularly at the time of writing this, as the world faces a coup d’état by a ‘financial elite’, collapsing the current financial system (and not a few economies as a result) into a well planned global system upon which it has already made every economy dependant. Just as was originally planned!

They themselves refer to their ultimate goal as ‘The Great Work of Ages’. To try to identify the ‘elite’ individuals concerned, and to ‘legally’ prove their crime, is to be distracted from something far more obvious and important. Who they are does not matter. Their presence is betrayed utterly by the act they have committed and continue to commit. That is the issuance of our currency to our nation as a repayable, interest bearing, debt. This burden can and should be removed. To do so would not be an act of ‘politics’ but one of spiritual and economic necessity… and pure common sense.

Britain was bankrupt as a result of WW2, and could not afford to pay cash for the bank, so an agreement was drafted whereby shareholders would receive 3% Treasury Stock instead. All the shares were transferred to the Treasury solicitor, who holds them to this day. The bank, however, remains a ‘Corporation’ not a government department.

The bank was indeed nationalised in 1946 making it a ‘public sector institution wholly owned by the government’. At least at first sight!

Immediately after WW2 ‘NAZI International’ commenced their financial coup d’état as they moved their industrial and financial complex across the world into Argentina and the US. It is no secret nowadays that a cabal of elite bankers financed the NAZIs as well as the ‘Allies’. It’s purely a matter of record. As is the NAZI element within NASA! Perhaps it’s time to realise what we have allowed to happen. Perhaps we feel we have no choice?
Indeed the 1946 act is quite clear on what actually happened:

“Transfer of Bank stock to the Treasury
(1) On the appointed day –
(a) the whole of the existing capital stock of the Bank (hereinafter referred to as “Bank stock”) shall, by virtue of this section, be transferred, free of all trusts, liabilities and encumbrances, to such person as the Treasury may by order nominate,(3) to be held by that person on behalf of the Treasury;
(b) the Treasury shall issue, to the person who immediately before the appointed day is registered in the books of the Bank as the holder of any Bank stock, the equivalent
amount of stock created by the Treasury for the purpose (hereinafter referred to as the “Government stock”).

Allow me to translate: The bank will be nationalised, but the full value of the bank will be paid to its owners on the day of ‘nationalisation’ by way of transferring UK assets! In plain English ‘legalese’, the nation paid for the bank which had effectively ‘privatised’ the nation under corporate control, though it did not yet have full autonomy over the nation’s resources. This remained a long term objective of the banking ‘cabal’. One attained before our very eyes behind a wall of distractions

Note the statement, “Any profits made by the bank in its day to day business are paid over to HM Treasury”. I would point out that ‘day to day business’ and ‘paid over’ are intentionally ambiguous ‘legalese’.

First of all, according to the Act itself, only HALF of the profits are payable to the Treasury! “In lieu of dividend on the banks capital” (B of E Act 1946 & 1998)

OR…‘such other sum as is agreed’ between the Treasury and The Bank!

This sum is to be paid in two halves, each being 25% of the banks ‘day to day’ profits, thereby totalling only HALF of the profits. (See also Bank of England Financial Accounts) This puts a slightly different perspective on the UK Treasury and the Banks official line (lie?) that it is ‘wholly owned’ by the state. It begs the following question which they consistently fail to answer.

Who receives the other half?

Since when has a nationalised company ever paid profits to private, indeed, secret shareholders? The banks own accounts this year state clearly:

“The overall effect is that the bank and HM Treasury will normally share post tax profits equally.” Note the phrase, ‘overall effect’.
Incidentally, all ‘profits’ paid to the Treasury are able to be offset by the Bank against Corporation Tax liability, so what they pay to the government is effectively given back by a reduction in corporation tax anyway!

They paid NO corporation tax this year and even received a £22m refund last year! (See Annual Accounts 2008)

This year’s accounts show that the profits were broadly £197 million, less a £36m corporation tax offset…leaving £161 million profit to be shared with the Treasury.
Approximately £80million, payable in two payments of £40 million each.

Note that these sums are miniscule compared to the operating profits of even some of the clearing banks! To put this in perspective, the amount of ‘profit’ it paid to the Treasury broadly equates to the sum taken from the staff pension scheme this year (£90m).

Yes, £81 million will be paid this year to the government, and we are deflected by this rather obvious sleight of hand and the miniscule sum quoted.

The bank states in its accounts:

“The Bank Charter Act 1844 requires that the Bank’s note issue function be separated from its other activities. Accordingly, the Bank is divided into ‘Issue’ and ‘Banking”.

As the notes to the accounts detail:

“The Issue Department and the Banking Department are accounting designations — neither is an organisational unit of the Bank. The Issue Department is solely concerned with the note issue, the assets backing the issue, the income generated by those assets and the costs incurred by the Bank in printing, issuing, sorting and destroying notes. The entire profit of the note issue is paid over to HM Treasury.”
“The separation of Banking from Issue in the Accounts is required by statute. A summary consolidated Bank balance sheet as at 29 February 2008 is set out on page 40. It is provided for information purposes only, to assist comparison with other central banks.”

The profit on ‘issuance’ is quoted as £2.327 Billion. Where is this accounted for? Nowhere!

In 1977, the Bank set up a wholly owned subsidiary called BANK OF ENGLAND NOMINEES LIMITED, (BOEN), a private limited company, No 1307478.

According to his Memorandum & Articles of Association, its objectives are:-

“To act as Nominee or agent or attorney either solely or jointly with others, for any person or persons, partnership company, corporation, government state, organisation, sovereign, province, authority or public body, or any group or association of them…”

The Bank of England Nominees Limited was granted an exemption by Edmund Dell, Secretary of State for Trade, from the disclosure requirements under Section 27(9) of the Companies Act 1976, because “it was considered undesirable that the disclosure requirements should apply to certain categories of shareholders.”

The Bank of England is protected from researchers by its “Royal Charter” status and the “Official Secrets Act”.

With the manoeuvring of Tony Blair into power in 1997, following the conveniently timed death of the then Labour Party Leader, he and his Chancellor, Gordon Brown (now Prime Minister) repaid their financiers by enacting the 1998 Bank of England Act, giving the Bank of England’s ‘Court of Directors’ complete autonomy and independence with regard to monetary policy. The Banks long term objective was finally realised.

It could now, in association with its ‘cabal’ members (including the Federal Reserve) stage the final financial coup across the planet, which would necessarily include collapsing the Dollar and the Pound Sterling with a view to moving toward global currency…as was publically announced by Gordon Brown at the recent G20 Conference!

The bank proceeded to inflate the supply of money whilst relaxing the regulations on lending. No longer did banks have to maintain cash in reserve to cover loans they made. Furthermore, the vast majority of money now entering the economy came from commercial banks simply entering figures onto an electronic ledger, creating money out of nothing, ex nihilo, literally. It was simply a matter of ‘when’ it must collapse, not ‘if’. I’d suggest that ‘how’ was merely a matter of choice.

This creation of money ‘out of nowhere’, and the ability to lend it many times over, has always been present in the case of the central bank, but now the commercial banks were empowered to do the same. Pure Alchemy, in practise!

If a bank had (say) £10 million in loan requests on any given day, it would simply request that money from the central bank, who would type a few keys to create the money from nowhere and send it to the commercial bank that night. They would then distribute it as loans to its customers. They earn interest from the customer and, of course, pay interest to the central bank for the loan of the capital. Money and profit from nowhere.

So, on the face of it, the bank is a wholly owned public institution. It pays half of its profits from ‘day to day’ business to the government (CROWN actually) and all of its profits from issuance to the Crown also.

Upon scrutiny, the institution ‘privatised’ government itself in 1946 (a ‘hostile takeover’ of certain governmental functions) and finally took control of monetary policy in 1998 (Gordon Browns very first act as Chancellor) to initiate the medium term collapse of the global economy, whereby they ‘privatise’ governments globally and consolidate the global financial system under their full control. Why would anyone do this to us? Are we really going to sit back and allow this to continue whilst we ponder the intricacies of that question when the answer is irrelevant? It has been done to us and is in the process of being irreparably rolled out across the world.

This is surely the New World Order so many speak of.

Clearly the bank is a private institution with secret shareholders. One of which is our government/crown! If we accept the government’s explanation, which is ‘true’ in law, and overlook the glaring holes in their version, we are surely fearful or ignorant.

Our own government, under the direct control of the Bank, issues our currency as a debt to the nation upon which it charges interest. Repayment of that debt accounts for all the taxes paid by the people of the UK. The Bank pays half of the profit to unknown persons, although in practise it seems that all profits may be paid to these anonymous shareholders.

Meanwhile, as everyone debates the complexities of ‘solving’ the economic crash the simple cure to the global economic problems remains entirely overlooked by the so called ‘experts’ and commentators.

We do not need to BORROW the money our nation requires to fund its infrastructures. ‘They’ create it from nowhere, and lend it to us. We can do that for ourselves, at zero interest and without capital repayment!

This is probably the single biggest ‘occulted’ truth throughout recorded history, and is a key to our immediate freedom and future prosperity. The principle of ‘usury’ and the dangers, experienced over millennia, of allowing ‘money changers’ to control its issuance, lays at the root of esoteric and spiritual philosophy throughout history. It is no coincidence, therefore, that the esoteric cabal of elite bankers (call them what you will) dominate the occult secret societies which have researched (and acted upon) these principles for many centuries, in furtherance of the ‘Great Work of Ages’.

Only now, in these current times, can humanity become sufficiently aware of the divine comedy being played by an elite occult ‘society’, and step up to take the starring role. Indeed it is doing so now.

Ergo these are the only times to face this issue and succeed.

In a recent interview I mused ironically upon Churchill’s famous quote, originally a tribute to the brave airmen in the Battle of Britain:

“Never, in the field of human apathy, has so much been surrendered by so many…to so few!”

The Battle for Britain unfolds…
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