Topic: Lindaland Central
cpn_edgar_winner unregistered
posted July 01, 2010 06:39 PM
i understand what you said more than you will ever know. i have always been very different and looked at things very differently than most people too. a lot of people don't understand how i think, i always try real hard to understand how they think. i always felt like such an obsesrver of people, thier motivations and as a strong intuitive person, it all of my life seemed like i was on the outside looking in. thats really all i can say right now.except the part about my friends. that i don't agree don't see in them what i do. IP: Logged |
AbsintheDragonfly Knowflake Posts: 2314 From: Gaia Registered: Apr 2010
posted July 01, 2010 06:41 PM
quote: i always thought jupiter in 8th was someone who benefitted from other's resources... least that's what i have experienced and been told by some great astrologers.
IT is Kat. Mine's still in Pisces. IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 6508 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 01, 2010 06:56 PM
and it would amaze you how fast others might acknowledge your value if you would shut up and give them a chance - you doth "protest too much" and that indicates that far from being honest, you are trying to convince yourself, by convincing others.when you KNOW something the approval of others is moot. and valuable is NOT equal to SUPERIOR. we are all valuable whether anyone acknowledges it or not. IP: Logged |
cpn_edgar_winner unregistered
posted July 01, 2010 07:09 PM
you know valus, if you can ever realise how worthy and loved you are, and let your defenses down to overcome the part that has to externally try to make people understand who you are and your place in this world you would be unstoppable and see immeasurable results that you are capable of and the change you vision will not only be possible but inevitable, in my opinion. then you will be happier than you ever imagined you could be in every way and fulfill your true purpose.once i overcame my issues and learned this along with tact and diplomacy... MOST of the time.... my life changed so much. i am sending you healing and love, accept it please. distance doesnt matter. IP: Logged |
Xodian Moderator Posts: 302 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 01, 2010 07:43 PM
Alright! Now we are talking! No more shackles to hold me back from really putting it out.Its obviously no secret that I diagree with Valus' lifestyle but I am willing to tolerate whatever his delusional self can come up with to justify his actions IF he chooses to follow LLC rules and shut his yap when it comes to labling people who do not agree with his lame, uneducated (and I am going to go as far as saying Self Harming) choices. Dealing with such people is a pain since you do not only have to consider the fact that they no only refuse to let off harming themselves and others but they have to be helped and saved (in ethical terms) by the very "institutions" that they bad mouth. Valus obviously should know this after his own personal run-in with ER doctors who saved his life (or am I to assume that he is so dense that he can't look three feet forward infront of him.) Then again, having a "victim complex" kinda prevents a person from seeing that his rude and provacative actions will have concequences. But rather then standing up to those concequences, he chooses to hide behind his shell of denial and victim mentality. Such are the mannerisms of a child! A 6 year old! So it surprises me greatly that I am at times dealing with a grown man! A man who is supposably half a decade older then me! Truly deporable IMO. But even after all of this, I wouldn't have cared about his views because lets face it, I find them as valuable as the contents of my toilet seat. What I do mind is the fact that he chooses to hide behind the civilized rules of LLC and posts his threads in there and when he is questioned upon those views, runs off to and hides behind his usual victim mentality. I rather he posts ALL his threads here so he can indeed be given the STRAIGHT answer on his views freely. If he values REAL advice, he would do that (during which time I can easily show him just how "smart" his little sources really are... Not so much considering most of them don't even know basic biology.) IP: Logged |
Xodian Moderator Posts: 302 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 01, 2010 07:52 PM
quote: the locking of the godzala threads was a rediculas move that many awesome people left over and made LLC2 way less fun.
Everyone in LLC has been told time and time again as to why those threads were locked. I actually support the fact that they were locked considering that not only were there wayyyy too many of them but the content of some of those threads was blatently family unfriendly. Had the creators of those threads chosen to act with a little bit of self-control and consideration, those threads wouldn't have become such a huge issue in LLC. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 5350 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 01, 2010 11:28 PM
quote: Actually, I guess it hasn't been that rocky... I just wasn't always thrilled with certain things you had to say about us Aries, but it was nothing to hold a grudge over. You didn't seem to like me at all, though. I haven't changed my name ~ other than omitting the word 'baby' from the end of it. Now I'm wondering who you're talking about.
T bumped a thread recently that had one of that Aries' names. It was naiad, but it had been something else before that. Can't quite remember. quote: AG - a big wave to you!!! How's the cojun going??
Hello! Tha cajon went back into the closest after that night. My bedroom's a mess, so it had to be put away. IP: Logged |
iQ Knowflake Posts: 2832 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2010 01:54 AM
There is a lot of benefit in all medical systems, and a lot of harm in any system that is unresearched or funded by Special Interests.Allopathy rocks in Anti-Biotics for preventing infection but is disastrous in vaccinations where Autism is increasing with increase in multiple vaccinations to babies. Likewise, Allopathic surgeons do a great job in surgical removal of giant tumours but fail miserably in chemotherapy and irradiation techniques. Alternative therapies that are diet based on the fundamental principle of alkaline diet [Nobel Prize has been awarded for the discovery that cancer cells die in alkaline medium] logically will succeed in healing. Natural Vitamin C overdose [researched scientifcally, recommended and successfully used by 2 time Nobel winner Linus Pauling] will also work. Bill Henderson has collected evidence of miracle remission using Vitamin C. I have in my office the medical reports of a cured patient from alkaline herbal diet, sent home by the doctors to die. She is an illiterate villager and cannot promote her story, nor did the local Cancer Institutes accept my evidence, stating that the initial diagnosis could have been wrong as she is from a village! The establishment has too much money to make from conventional Cancer therapy. My aunt is a successful homeopath, and she has treated dozens of retired, sneaky allopathic doctors who DO NOT TAKE THEIR OWN PRESCRIPTIONS, nor confess to their junior doctors in hospitals that they got successfully treated through homeopathy. Also, check this out about vaccinations: The point of my writing this is to request Valus to be professional in his approach than take a confrontationalist stance and alienate readers away from the excellent core message of exploring successful alternate therapies in curing cancer. More than 95% of the readers here already explore alternative therapies and are certain to adopt it if the correct information is presented without any manipulative/aggressive tactics. One should not build a beautiful palace of wood and test dynamite sticks in the basebent, such acts befit only Wily Coyote of loony tunes fame. IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 1066 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2010 02:37 AM
yeah, what the women said and IQ. cpn, you are a goddess. X you remind me of someone I would call a dumb ass to my friends. Of course I wouldn't call you that, not with all of your power and all.*dude, "Melody,
It would've been nice if you hadn't "spilled the beans" about my stay in the hospital, and given ammunition to use against me to the very people who are wont to use it. No getting that back in the box. " I said that because I love you and I was telling our family and you know it. It's not my fault you have to have a dysfunctional relationship with damn near everyone in the family. These women love you, that is why you can hurt them so much and get them so upset. They CARE. As for who I think I am... you know exactly who I am. I am your friend. Always. Yin, I have more respect for you, as always. Be careful not to get drug down into the mud. You have a tough assignment. Yeah, that means YOU, *dude. If that was what you were going to ask me next. *edited name on request even though it has been shared publicly many times previously with permission
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cpn_edgar_winner unregistered
posted July 02, 2010 07:13 AM
tina turner deserves every happiness. her parents abandoned her, ike used her ..took her money, talent and youth and knocked her lights out on a regular basis, she had hit records and walked out with 57 cents in her pocket. cleaned houses and lived in a car, because she really would rather have nothing...and rose again to the top of a music career with gigs with mick jaggar...quite a lady, quite a career.. and she deserves to be abundantly happy forever. someone please acknowledge that tina turner deserves to be happy! thanks!IP: Logged |
AbsintheDragonfly Knowflake Posts: 2314 From: Gaia Registered: Apr 2010
posted July 02, 2010 09:10 AM
NOt only does TIna Turner deserve to be happy, she also deserves a Burger King Crown!All happiness to Tina IP: Logged |
Valus unregistered
posted July 02, 2010 09:11 AM
cpn,Thanks. I'd say it works both ways, though, wouldn't you? I mean, while I'll have to learn not to care so much what others think, and to stop giving my take on who I am, don't others also have to learn to be a little less blood-thirsty in their attempts to show me who they think I am? And maybe, just maybe, make an effort to hear what I'm saying, rather than getting lost in how I'm saying it. Suppose a rich man threw gold at you. Sure, it would be nice if he gently placed it in your hand, but, how much does that matter, really, when, after all, he just threw you GOLD. You can throw gold at me any time you want. I'm always ready to catch it. Melody,
Why are you using my last name? Do you think that's appropriate, especially after I just expressed my desire for you not to do things exactly like that? quote: X you remind me of someone I would call a dumb ass to my friends.
You partly redeem yourself with this. kat,
quote: i always thought jupiter in 8th was someone who benefitted from other's resources...
Most think that, kat, because they focus on the most obvious manifestations. But it works both ways; the 8th house is "shared resources". These people often have qualities that make others want to benefit them, and that make them want to benefit others. But there's nothing easy about the 8th house. The benefits you receive and the benefits you give are both likely to be misunderstood. The former, because others see them (and think you don't deserve them). The latter, because they don't see them. Do you think telling me to "shut up" helps illustrate your point about diplomacy? You could take a lesson from cpn. AB,
Didn't you say yourself that it was always your intention, if anybody in your family got really sick, to go to the Gerson clinic? Yet, you still take offense when I say "your doctor is lying to you,"? Your doctor is lying to you, and he's being lied to, and knowing this isn't putting your life in danger -- it's giving you a chance at life that you might not otherwise have had. Whether or not you agree with me (which you do, whether you can admit it or not), try to see where I'm coming from. Even if you think my judgment is fatally flawed, see that my intention is not to hurt, but to heal. That counts for something. Same as those doctors you're defending. They want to heal. The fact is, their judgment is flawed and they do more harm than good. Meanwhile, I'm promoting the Gerson therapy. The one you said you'd choose over conventional treatment. Charlotte Gerson, who directs the institute, says exactly the same things I'm saying. Do you want to execute her, or seek her help? You can't have it both ways.
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AbsintheDragonfly Knowflake Posts: 2314 From: Gaia Registered: Apr 2010
posted July 02, 2010 09:28 AM
quote: AB,Didn't you say yourself that it was always your intention, if anybody in your family got really sick, to go to the Gerson clinic? Yet, you still take offense when I say "your doctor is lying to you,"? Your doctor is lying to you, and he's being lied to, and knowing this isn't putting your life in danger -- it's giving you a chance at life that you might not otherwise have had. Whether or not you agree with me, try to see where I'm coming from. Even if you think my judgment is fatally flawed, see that my intention is not to hurt, but to heal. That counts for something. Same as those doctors you're defending. They want to heal. The fact is, their judgment is flawed and they do more harm than good. Meanwhile, I'm promoting the Gerson therapy. The one you said you believed in and wanted to try. Charlotte Gerson, who directs the institute, says exactly the same things I'm saying. Do you want to execute her, or seek her help? You can't have it both ways.
No it was the Hoxey clinic. Yes, I know your working towards healing and helping people, that's why I'm still doing my best to explain, why people get up in arms towards you when you talk about this, instead of just blowing it off. Because it's important to me too. It's that you, seem, to me, to be so intent on spreading this message, that you forget that the people you will be talking to, won't be coming from the place you are, and it's going to take some time for them to realize that the AMA isn't anyone's friend. Realize that if you come in and blow them out of the water, they will close down, and not hear anything else you have to say, and possibly get angry at you. I guarantee it. I've been in their shoes. THis is also why I am still here attempting to explain this to you. I was lucky, I understood the dangers of trusting the conventional medical system, however, as Iq said, they do best with Hodgkin's, so we went jolly along, and don't you think I beat myself up still about it? I want you to succeed, do not mistake it. I just want you to be more aware of the fragile nature of the emotional state of the people you will be dealing with. You're going to have to walk on cracked ice. Which might be too slow for you, however, if you run across it, you might just fall in the water. IP: Logged |
cpn_edgar_winner unregistered
posted July 02, 2010 09:34 AM
valus - i just did. a rich truth that you cast aside.we can not change others. different is not better. you have your gifts. others have thier gifts. if you can not see that then how will they ever see yours? i see yins gifts of healing as just as important if not more so important than your gift. see, everyone has gifts and everyone has defieniecies. until you realise that you are not better, just different, you will keep repeating the same dance. one forward two back, one forward two back. i am telling you this because i care and want you to move in to what i know you will someday be. an extroidinary man. that does not take away from what anyone else is. until you realise that and stop playing the victim, you won't move forward. its almost like you love this cycle that hurts you. it takes away from who you really are. i do wish you the best. yeah, abs, tina should get a burger king crown for sure! you cant do the same things over and over and expect different results.
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cpn_edgar_winner unregistered
posted July 02, 2010 09:45 AM
as long as you view your self as a rich man throwing gold at peasants, you will never reach your potential.each person is amazing in thier own right. with potential to destroy and potential to heal. they can choose to break down or they can choose to build up. they can choose strife or they can choose peace what they don't often realize is when they choose strife, they live strife. when they choose peace, they live peace. when they choose love, they live love. what you think and feel about others is exactly what people will think and feel about you. it just is. each and every person. IP: Logged |
T Knowflake Posts: 3518 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2010 09:46 AM
"These women love you, that is why you can hurt them so much and get them so upset. They CARE."I wouldnt say I love him, but people care and he seems to hurt himself and others more than help them. Abs and cpn just said it best above. And the same things have been said over and over again to him throughout the years, but it doesnt sink in. I for one wont continue to repeat it and expect different from him anymore. He can put me on his list of "retards". IP: Logged |
T Knowflake Posts: 3518 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2010 09:46 AM
cpn, i noticed a long time ago that he seems to enjoy pain and hurt too.IP: Logged |
cpn_edgar_winner unregistered
posted July 02, 2010 09:57 AM
t - its interseting with all of your talent in art and creative vision that you don't see yourself as superior. you very obviously have superior talent to most of us. and yet, you don't lord it over our heads, you don't treat us like idiots that can't understand spatail and form and color...see where i am going with this?we all are superior in some ways. each different. each important. its only when we find value in others that they find value in us. IP: Logged |
Valus unregistered
posted July 02, 2010 10:02 AM
AB,Thanks for making an effort, and responding thoughtfully. I'm pretty sure you said Gerson. But that's not the point, is it? cpn, I thanked you. What did I miss? You can't give me lead, and expect me to receive it like gold. We can change others. Just ask a Scorpio. We do it all the time. We can't not do it. And I never said different is better. However, if there is not enough of one thing, and too much of another, then, under the circumstances, it makes sense to say that the former is, not better, but, more valuable. I admit that only the ego would pride itself on this. But it's equally true that only the ego deny it. Test this gold. Take it between you teeth. While it's not politically correct to say so, the truth is, not everybody brings an equal share to the table. Christ brought more than any of us. Buddha may have brought more than Christ. You said I'll be "an extraordinary man". So, how does that differ from "the everyman"? If we're all equal, we're all ordinary; the word extraordinary loses all meaning. Yin has extraordinary gifts which I don't have, and vice versa. This is partly what brought us together. We compliment each other and work as a team. Both of us are more effective with the other's help. I've told her, she's a queen, and that's why we're together; every king needs a queen. But how many women are as classy as she is? I've hardly met any who come close. Yes, everyone has different gifts, and a wide variety of gifts are needed, but not all gifts are equal. A diamond is greater than a pebble. Ten diamonds are greater still. A cup of water is priceless to a man dying of thirst. And so on. It's a cliche to say "we're all equal", and mostly we repeat it without reflecting on what it really means. We are all equal, but our gifts are not equal. We are not equal on account of what we have, or bring to the table. We are equal on account of what we are, as children of God. Show me you can receive gold. Then answer this riddle, which is making my head hurt: If it's better to give than to receive, isn't the one who receives actually giving? If so, is it better to receive than to give? IP: Logged |
Valus unregistered
posted July 02, 2010 10:07 AM
T, quote: I for one wont continue to repeat it and expect different from him anymore.
Yeah, you've said that before. And, yet, here you are... again. Telling me I like pain, etc. And if I said the same about you, you'd be up in arms, wouldn't you? Lots of people attract abuse. Lots of people attract abusers. It doesn't mean we like pain. Does it, T?
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cpn_edgar_winner unregistered
posted July 02, 2010 10:11 AM
a king throwing gold....hmmm.... i tried to reach through a drive through window once to beat somebodys ass who threw money at me. yeah, it does make a difference if it is placed in your hand or thrown. i seriously wanted to beat her ass for throwing money at me.IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 6508 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2010 10:12 AM
valus i am done being diplomatic with you since you despise diplomacy and believe that beating people over the heads with "gold" is forgivable because, after all it IS gold. when they come to and get their heads mended they will realize what a wonderful BLESSING that beating REALLY was? sorry. you seem to think it is worth brain damage to receive a few coins which, frankly, could have been gotten in a much more civilized way.good luck with browbeating people into doing the right thing for themselves so YOU can feel smarter and nobler than all the rest of us.
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T Knowflake Posts: 3518 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2010 10:17 AM
Thanks cpn. It's because I know I am not superior to anyone. And find other people's talent and creations thrilling and joyful to observe. It's about having respect for others and their unique brilliance too.IP: Logged |
cpn_edgar_winner unregistered
posted July 02, 2010 10:19 AM
my answer to your riddle came to me quickly and i believe it is the true answer to the riddle.if we can not give we can not recieve if we can not recieve we can not give the ability to do one relies solely on the ability to do the other. i am quite amazing. IP: Logged |
Valus unregistered
posted July 02, 2010 10:22 AM
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