Topic: Canada is on top of the world! ... Well Job growth wise amoung the G20 anyway
Xodian Moderator Posts: 272 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 09, 2010 11:13 PM
Face it... We are fiscally responsible and have the most successful economy amoung the G8 at this moment... We rule!Canada adds 93,000 jobs in June. ne/article1633942/ The Canadian jobs machine kept powering ahead in June, as the economy created 93,000 new positions and unexpectedly pushed the unemployment rate below 8 per cent for the first time since January of 2009. The whopping employment gain reported by Statistics Canada, split about evenly between full- and part-time jobs, was nearly five times as big as economists had anticipated and came after increases of roughly 109,000 in April and 25,000 in May. The jobless rate dropped to 7.9 per cent from 8.1 per cent. The string of job gains through the second quarter reinforces the International Monetary Fund’s forecast this week for Canada’s economy to outperform those of other advanced countries, and indicates that the flat growth in gross domestic product during April wasn’t a sign that the recovery has sputtered to a halt. The Bank of Canada in early June became the first central bank in the Group of Seven to raise interest rates since the global downturn, and is expected to tighten again at its next meeting on July 20. Economists noted that the private sector has accounted for more than 246,000 new jobs over the past four months, which bodes well for the second half of the year as government stimulus spending fades. IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 4579 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 09, 2010 11:25 PM
but but is that possible? the canadians are just french/english speaking russkies aren't they???IP: Logged |
cathy Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 10, 2010 01:21 AM
I hope you are'nt being serious. I'm proud to be a Canadian. We are in good shape financially,though I don't personally like our Prime Minister.IP: Logged |
AbsintheDragonfly Moderator Posts: 997 From: Gaia Registered: Apr 2010
posted July 10, 2010 09:44 AM
cathy, Kat was being a touch sarcastic.IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 4579 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 10, 2010 10:58 AM
i save my sledgehammer for the REAL russkies!! and resident wingnuts.IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 833 From: Nov. 11 2005 Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 10, 2010 04:44 PM
on a quickie hunt for a pic of a kitty Kat with a sledge hammer.... Kat when next at the library you must click on This
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jwhop Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 12, 2010 11:20 PM
"I don't personally like our Prime Minister."...cathyTell you what cathy. Since you don't like the Conservative Harper...even though he's straightened out the Canadian economy...I'll trade you O'Bomber, O'Biden, Hillary, Nancy Pee-Lousy, Harry Reid, Eric Holder and the entire gaggle of Progressive Congressional demoscats...for Harper. Then, they can do to the Canadian economy what they've already done to the US economy. They're fully experienced in the destruction of economies. IP: Logged |
cathy Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 12, 2010 11:31 PM
I get your point. Jwhop.IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 4579 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2010 10:41 AM
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amowls* Knowflake Posts: 1386 From: richmond va Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 14, 2010 10:06 PM
Yeah, because the US Economy was straight BOOMIN under Repub control. Cheers.IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 15, 2010 01:13 PM
Well amowls*, let's let reasonable people decide who had the handle on the US economy.In January 2009...when O'Bomber and his comrades infested the White House, the unemployment rate was 7.6%. In the last 18 months, the comrades have managed to drive unemployment rates above 10% and it would be above 10% now had not millions of Americans become discouraged and stopped looking for a job. When that happens, they're dropped off the unemployment statistics. The current 9.5% unemployment rate is down from 9.8% only because 655,000 Americans stopped looking for work and were dropped from the the month of the report. O'Bomber has spent $860,000,000,000 supposedly on a jobs stimulus bill and all we have to show for it is even higher rates of unemployment....oh, and almost a trillion dollars in additional debt Americans and their kids and grandkids will have to pay back in the form of higher taxes on everything they buy. O'Bomber has spent almost a trillion dollars and lost almost 3 million jobs. Compared to O'Bomber, Bush is a economic genius. O'Bomber is an economic pin-head. In fact, Bush did produce a booming economy right up until the time in late 2008 when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had to be bailed out for making bad mortgage loans decreed by demoscats to people who didn't have sufficient income to meet their mortgage payments. IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 4579 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 15, 2010 01:55 PM
since bush laid the groundwork he can hardly be called an economic genius. the trillion or so dollars he removed from the economy by cutting the tax rates of the best able to pay is a large part of the problem. and the economy was going to get worse before it got better no matter who got in. especially since a certain segment of the population decided to remove as much of their money from circulation as possible so as to see the current government fail...comrade. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 15, 2010 11:39 PM
Comrade katatonic:Those Bush tax cuts...which were across all income levels...actually increased tax receipts to the federal treasury by almost 20%. Further, those tax cuts kicked off the economic boom enjoyed in America by Americans for most of 6 years. I know you and the comrades in the White House and congress believe a 100% tax rate would increase tax receipts to the federal government but all it would do is what tax increases always do. Tax increases destroy investment and destroys the ability of small businesses to create jobs. Small business is where 75% of all new jobs are created. 55% of Americans believe Socialist is a good descriptive word to describe O'Bomber politically. Of course, you could have just taken my word for it katatonic. That's what I said about O'Bomber as soon as I heard his Socialist drivel many months before the elections. IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 4579 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 16, 2010 10:53 AM
you know nothing as far as i can figure, least of all what i think. how is it after all these months that you haven't figured out the first thing about me, which is that i am not here to be a Hater, but to deflate the hate? yes once in awhile you get so irritating that i want to knock your block off but for the most part jwhop, i feel sorry for you if you believe HALF of what you say. and i find it scary that you seem to think you are coming up with this stuff yourself, when so much of your platform could have been recorded from fox and inserted/transcribed here. but that would be plagiary wouldn't it?and like the fox pundits you will readily contradict yourself if you think it will reflect badly on your targets. whatever. you will even use the fact that the left is disappointed in obama to attempt to add weight to your case that he is a leftist. no one has increased the tax rate lately. but you will not convince me that all our problems started when the brownface was elected whatever you do. so give it up. history and life are a little more complicated than black and white, OR red and blue...munchkin. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 16, 2010 12:17 PM
"after all these months that you haven't figured out the first thing about me"...katatonicI have figured out that you are always in defense of Socialists, including O'Bomber, socialist concepts, like a Socialist Health Care System and socialist hot button emotional issues, like so called social justice and so called economic justice. All these you have defended. "which is that i am not here to be a Hater, but to deflate the hate"...katatonic "Sarah Palin has been indicted in Alaska"...katatonic "how about sarah the impaler? or better yet -the alaska gasbag?"...katatonic "they should disabuse themselves of the notion that anyone takes the lady seriously at all. she is a non-starter. despite the apparent awe in which she is held, she is at the end of the day a common-garden opportunist, who rode roughshod over all the rules when mayor and governor and basically dared people to sue her "...katatonic "she'll probably quit soon anyHOO and she is already a laughing stock around the world."...katatonic "and obama has not "taken on" palin on any issue...she is not worth the notice 99% of the time"...katatonic "of course sarah palin cannot understand a single thing obama does. she had to try 5 colleges to find one that would graduate her"...katatonic "sarah palin is cunning with a facile brightness that deceives...apparently a lot of religious right voters and men 20+ years her senior. as per usual the majority of the american public may prefer her to someone more thoughtful and careful not to jump from frying pan to fire, but that doesn't mean she is "intelligent" or has "common sense"....katatonic "not here to be a hater"? "here to deflate the hate"? An example of leftist love by the angry left who despise Sarah Palin. IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 4579 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 16, 2010 01:25 PM
dearest munchkin, those were all in response to your lionization of someone who doesn't belong anywhere near the term "political figure". you claim to like her mind but no one mentioned her legs but - YOU. "methinks...doth protest TOO much." i don't like sarah palin. neither does john mccain. is he a leftist?as to your other points, i have not so much been defending the left as deconstructing your lies and oversimplifications. but i don't expect you to see it any other way. the fact that i think SOME regulation is necessary - as in a completely "FREE" market the big boys swallow up the small fry and then there IS no "free" market - and that i have seen universal healthcare to be a good thing when done right; do not make me particularly leftist. the fact that i understand that reagan"s "no one shall be denied healthcare" means we are all ALREADY paying for the health of the indigent doesn't make me a leftist, but a pragmatist. the fact that i think the healthcare "reform" we GOT stinks is lost on you, and the fact that it could have been a good thing if there were some input from the "other" side, equally obscured. i guess what it boils down to is this...i believe that "government is the problem" was a smokescreen used by someone who really GREW the government while deregulating business and giving the go ahead for people to be ENCOURAGED to live beyond their means which led to inflation and the subsequent crash of what was basically a hollow "boom" balloon. as to palin, well she IS a joke around the world, and she has been doing her best around the world to undermine the government of her country. that would be called treason in a lot of places but you think she is a patriot and the "real deal"...not sure why you can't see how easy it is to criticize someone who is doing what you can't. or how you can say she has beaten obama when the facts are OBVIOUSLY that he beat her... i like obama. that doesn't mean i agree with everything he's done. you see i understand something ms palin hasn't figured out yet - that getting to the white house doesn't change everything instantly, and the game is a lot more complex than she can even fathom...but you seem to be able to understand that the "left" don't like him and still insist he is a socialist of the worst kind. THAT, munchkin, is not even rational. there's a big difference between being president and being visible opposition. for one thing the opposition doesn't have to deal with reality, just speculation. and the reality is that the political mess and corruption is so intricate that it resembles a minefield for anyone trying to actually achieve anything in the white house. again, just ask kennedy. he is a major symbol of what happens to those who attempt to buck the system directly. and as to taking your word for it? i make up my own mind, so no thanks. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 16, 2010 02:55 PM
Those are only a few of your attempted put downs of Sarah Palin. They're also proof positive you aren't here...on this site and forum to deflate hate.Your claims are entirely bogus as they relate to Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is not viewed as a joke around the world. Leftists despise Palin for the simple reason they fear her. You mistake the rantings of the few, the leftists as being the general themes around the world and they're not. Palin's speech in Hong Kong to CLSA Asia Pacific Markets, a division of Paris-based Credit Agricole SA was well received by investors there as she laid out a foreign markets in Capitalism..for the United States and Asia. Palin isn't attempting to undermine America. That's what O'Bomber and the Comrades in Congress are doing. Palin is undermining O'Bomber and his Socialist pals...and doing a damn fine job of it too. You, as usual continue to be ill one would expect considering your choice of news sources. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 3417 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 16, 2010 05:07 PM
I think the mere notion of applying the word "hate" shows a serious lack of understanding. Why would anyone "hate" Sarah Palin? Has she done anything "hate"-worthy? Maybe if you're an animal lover she has, but to the rest I can't imagine anyone "hating" her. That's far too dramatic an emotion to apply to people annoyed by idiocy. Get a grip.The Hong Kong speech couldn't even be attended by journalists. IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 4579 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 16, 2010 06:40 PM
sorry but if obama bowing in courtesy in countries where people bow greetings is undermining our prestige around the world - as YOU claim - then dissing the president is certainly much more blatantly so.the quotes you posted show only one thing...that i object to your obvious infatuation with someone by pointing out that she is worse than useless, puffed up with her own celebrity, etc. full stop. i've said enough times that i wouldn't run for office for anything, so why would i be jealous? mayor of the meth capital of alaska, that is some kudos. john cleese finds her hilarious, and as a professional comedian he knows funny when he sees it. very few people take her seriously accept as a pretty face to sell the hate-obama platform. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 16, 2010 11:14 PM
That's right, it was a private meeting with the people who make the markets work. That would exclude so called journalists, most of whom are clueless about how markets actually work.Thanks for the misogynist viewpoint acoustic. Your statements...which I posted katatonic show you are not here to deflate hate but rather to fan the flames. Here katatonic, let's add this one to the list. "i object to your obvious infatuation with someone by pointing out that she is worse than useless"...katatonic IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 4579 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 16, 2010 11:56 PM
she IS worse than useless.IMO to which i am certainly entitled. i'm not suggesting anyone go out and throw bricks through her windows, or "execute" her like those lovely moral pundits on fox do when they don't like what someone says or stands for...careful jwhop, keep trying to stop me exercising my right to free speech and i will start a palin style campaign against you, until everyone you know thinks YOU are a socialist!! oh i am sooo hateful. i didn't notice anything misogynistic in accoustic's post. please explain. IP: Logged |
cathy Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 17, 2010 01:31 AM
I take back my post about seeing your point jwhop, I would take Hilary any day over sarah, who is an airhead.IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 4579 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 17, 2010 10:40 AM
cathy - sorry to say i don't really follow canadian politics. i take it from what jwhop said and your not disagreeing you have a conservative prime minister. how long for?but you still have your national health. has the whole government gone over to the conservatives or was he elected for his standout qualities? in other words do you operate on a similar-to-england system or more like us, where the head of state is voted for by people not just his party? edit: ok i have just looked it up and see that the queen is still the "monarch" and ultimate "ruler" though you have a parliamentary democracy similar to how long have the conservatives been in power and how has this changed the government? are they privatising the national health system? or not? etc... i was curious about your last comment about hilary. partly because for some reason jwhop mentioned misogyny (though AG's post had nothing to do with it)...[i should make it clear if you don't already know i am female myself]. but i always find it odd when women politicians seem slated to be compared to each other rather than to the general body of politicians...
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cathy Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 18, 2010 03:07 AM
Hi Katatonic, Yes Harper is a Conservative, first elected in 2004 & again in 2008. There is no limit on how many times he could be re elected. Though he only has a minority government,so the Liberals and NDP can together oppose him he does'nt have total power.The reason I compared Hilary to Sarah was due to an earlier post by jwhop.IP: Logged |
cathy Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 18, 2010 05:39 AM
Me again, I did'nt answer all of your questions, he would'nt be allowed to privatize our health care, we would still have our universal coverage, there are private clinics now for those that want to pay for care. Yes, the Prime Minister is head of the whole Country, Ottawa is the Capital, though each Province has their own Government much like your States. \
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