posted July 22, 2010 03:56 PM
Has there ever been a bigger boob as Senate Majority Leader than Harry Reid?If so, I can't seem to recall who that could possibly be.
This is the guy who marched demoscat Senators off the cliff on O'Bomber's orders. Apparently Harry Reid doesn't understand the checks and balances built into the US Constitution and thinks he has to "Obey O'Bomber.
With the House, Senate and O'Bomber trying to "Rule America" instead of governing with the consent of the governed, this group of clowns passed bill after bill on O'Bomber's orders in defiance of the American People.
They're going to pay the price on November 2, 2009.
Not only has this group of would be rulers over Americans lost their senses, Harry Reid believes the Auto Bailout bill included Ford Motor Company...the only American auto company which told the O'Bomber regime to take their bailout money and stuff it.
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "Isn't it a good thing today in America that we have an automobile manufacturing sector? If it had been up to them [Republicans], General Motors would be gone. If it were up to them, Ford Motor Company would probably be gone. Chrysler definitely would be gone."
How do clowns like Harry Reid ever get elected to the Senate of the United States..let alone Majority Leader of the Senate?