posted October 05, 2011 10:33 AM
Such idiocy was seldom seen outside mental institutions; though it's becoming prevalent among the Loony-Tunes leftist set of which Slaughter is a charter member.Get this. Slaughter wants to institute retroactive law to punish a black Supreme Court Justice with whom she...and other Loony-Tunes leftists disagree.
The active racism which runs riot through leftist circles is only one element of what's wrong in Loony-Tunes leftist circles and in Slaughter's thinking.
Clarence Thomas is a Black Associate Justice of the Supreme Court who didn't use the demoscat leftists "system" to arrive at one of the highest positions in the United States.
Thomas "Earned" his position the old fashioned way..through ability, diligence to legal and Constitutional principles and hard work.
To say that frosts Loony-Tunes leftists is an understatement. Leftists can't bear the thought of a minority making their way in life without benefit of leftist structure, guidance and Affirmative Action for instance.
So, we have the member of the US House, Slaughter wanting a retroactive law to set aside the Supreme Court votes of Justice Thomas.
Note, Slaughter is a member of Congress who took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
Within that Constitution Slaughter is supposed to be "upholding" is the prohibition against passing Ex post facto laws.
So, Slaughter is not only a Loony-Tunes leftist but also a grossly ignorant member of Congress who, if she had an ounce of character or integrity.....she would resign her House seat with immediate effect and crawl back into the woodwork from whence she came.
Ex post facto:
Literally...."after the fact".