posted May 21, 2012 12:50 PM
A thought provoking article: longer-works-and-has-lost-its-meaning/ My thoughts on the article:
The article makes a good point about that there are a bunch of causes out there designed to keep us distracted from the real important issues that need to be addressed. Indeed prioritizing is vital and so many different causes do distract the masses from the real important issues that need to be addressed immediately and also can be used to divide and conquer.
Nothing seems to get fixed bc of the divide and conquer strategy and bc the people are no longer in control and our form of government is no longer a republic but more like an oligarchy. Activism raises awareness which results in more people getting involved but no real change will happen unless the people getting involved now step up, prioritize and make sure to vote out of congress the people who do not represent the people and have our best interest and reelect people that do. Once this is done then electing a good president would be the next step bc if Ron Paul wins but most of congress is corrupt it would be nearly impossible to make real change happen. This is why Ron Paul's strategy is first and utmost to take over the republican party to bring back liberty principles.