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Author Topic:   The O'Bomber Deception

Posts: 5598
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 05, 2012 10:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Obama's Calculated Deception
By Peter Ferrara on 8.1.12 @ 6:08AM
How the Obama campaign is trying to deceive you on the economy.

Calculated Deception. That is the central theme of the Obama campaign. Calculated Deception is the term I use for Obama's rhetorical practice of trying to take advantage of what he calculates the average person does not know, and his party-controlled, so-called mainstream media won't report. And that can be seen over and over in the Obama campaign.

Obscuring the Worst Recovery Since the Great Depression
In Monday's Wall Street Journal, Edward Lazear, former Bush chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisors, notes, "A graph titled 'Private Sector Job Creation' on the Obama-Biden campaign website… announces proudly that 4.4 million private sector jobs have been created over the past 28 months." But that factoid is meaningless out of any context, more like a pediatrician boasting to you that under his care your 16-year-old son has grown to 4 feet 4 inches. At the same point during the Reagan recovery, the economy had created 9.5 million new jobs.

Moreover, Lazear correctly adds, "there hasn't been one day during the entire Obama presidency when as many Americans were working as on the day President Bush left office." That's right, contrary to the Obama campaign's misleading claim of 4.4 million new jobs created, total jobs today are still half a million less than in January 2009 when Obama entered office.

Lazear continues, "Moreover, the unemployment rate, which we were told would not exceed 8% if we enacted Mr. Obama's stimulus package…has never fallen below 8% during his presidency. The rate has averaged 9.2% since February 2009." In sharp contrast, after Bush's tax rate cuts were all fully implemented in 2003, the economy created 7.8 million new jobs over the next 4 years and the unemployment rate fell from over 6% to 4.4%. We won't see that again until Obama is out of office.

President Obama and his chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, Alan Krueger, brag that private sector jobs have now grown for "28 straight months." Obama and Krueger apparently think most Americans do not know that job growth is the norm and not the exception for the American economy. In the 62 years from January 1946, after World War II, until January 2008, jobs grew in 86% of the months, or 640 out of 744. Reagan's recovery produced job growth in 81 out of its first 82 months, with 20 million new jobs created over those 7 years, increasing the civilian workforce at the time by 20%. Even George W. Bush oversaw 52 consecutive months of job growth, including nearly 8 million new jobs created after his 2003 capital gains and dividends tax rate cuts became effective (which Obama is dedicated to reversing).

The relevant streak of Obamanomics was extended in the June jobs report. That report established that under President Obama America has suffered 41 straight months of unemployment over 8%, which the Joint Economic Committee of Congress confirms is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression almost 75 years ago. Indeed, the last time before Obama unemployment was even over 8% was December 1983, when Reaganomics was bringing it down from the Keynesian fiasco of the 1970s. It didn't climb back above that level for 25 years, a generation, which is a measure of the spectacular success of Reaganomics.

But Krueger tells us about that June jobs report, "It is important not to read too much into any one monthly report." The Obama Administration, however, has said the exact same thing for each of the last 30 months, as documented July 6 by Bryan Preston for PJMedia.

How Stupid Does He Think We Are?
President Obama keeps telling us his economic program should be judged by comparison to the worst of the recession. Look, we have turned the corner, he says, and the economy has started growing again, just like your teenage son. But the correct comparison is to prior recoveries from past recessions. As Lazear explained, "Yet we know that all recessions end and that labor markets recover eventually. What distinguishes this labor-market recovery is not that jobs are finally being created but rather the growth rate is so slow that it will be 2016 before we return to pre-recession employment levels." Obama is campaigning as if he were certain that a majority of Americans do not know that all recessions end and that labor markets recover eventually.

American recessions since the Great Depression previously have lasted an average of 10 months, with the longest at 16 months. But this latest recession began in December 2007. The June labor report showed that the most commonly cited U3 unemployment rate remains stuck at 8.2%, with the number of unemployed Americans actually rising over the last 3 months by 76,000, 54 months after the recession started, and 3 years after it was supposedly over, the longest period of unemployment that high since the Great Depression.

Barack Obama knows that history, even though he is sure a majority of you don't. That is why he was confident enough to tell Matt Lauer and the nation in February 2009 regarding economic recovery: "If I don't have that done in three years, then this is going to be a one-term proposition." And it is why the Administration so confidently labeled the summer of 2010 "Recovery Summer," as by historical standards the recovery was already way overdue by then.

Obama's tragic jobs record reflects the dismal economic growth under his administration's throwback, Keynesian economic policies. For all of last year, the economy grew by a paltry real rate of 1.7%, only about half America's long-term trend. The average so far this year has been no better. That dismal growth is further reflected in the Census Bureau reports of falling real wages under Obama, kicking median family income back over 10 years, with more Americans in poverty today than at any time in the more than 50 years that Census has been tracking poverty.

In sharp contrast, in the second year of Reagan's recovery, the economy boomed by a real rate of 6.8%, the highest in 50 years. Real per capita disposable income increased by 18% from 1982 to 1989, meaning the American standard of living increased by almost 20% in those first 7 years of the Reagan boom alone. The poverty rate, which had started increasing during the Carter years, declined every year from 1984 to 1989, dropping by one-sixth from its peak. That is the proper comparison for Obama's economic performance.

Obama cannot explain away the disgraceful failure of his Keynesian economic policies by arguing it is because the recession he inherited from Bush was so bad. The American historical experience is that the worse the recession, the stronger the recovery, as the American economy snaps back to its world-leading, long-term, economic growth trend line. Based on this historical record, we should be enjoying the third year of a raging economic recovery boom right now.

But the dismal economic performance we have suffered instead, with no real recovery from the steep 2008-2009 recession at all, is because Obama has so thoroughly followed the opposite of every policy of Reaganomics. I first argued in the Wall Street Journal in February 2009 that Obamanomics was going to produce the opposite of Reaganomics as a result. That is what is now just beginning to happen.

"The Rich" and Their Fair Share
We can see the same Calculated Deception in regard to President Obama's tax policy, where he has been barnstorming the country for three years now telling us that "the rich" (whatever that is supposed to mean) do not pay their fair share of federal taxes, and the middle class pays more as a result. But the CBO issued a report last month that proves him grievously wrong.

"The Distribution of Household Income and Federal Taxes, 2008 and 2009," issued by CBO on July 10, reports that the top 1% of income earners paid 39% of federal individual income taxes in 2009, while earning 13% of the income. That means their share of federal income taxes was three times their share of income.

And that is down from 2007, before President Obama was even elected. In that year, after 25 years of Reagan Republican tax policies, the top 1% paid 40% of federal individual income taxes. That was more than double the 17.6% of federal individual income taxes paid by the top 1% when President Reagan entered office in 1981.

Also in 2007, again before Obama was even elected, and after 25 years of Reaganomics, the bottom 40% of income earners on net as a group paid less than 0% of federal income taxes. Instead of paying at least some income taxes to help support the federal government, the federal government paid them cash through the income tax code.

Does that reality sound like what you hear in President Obama's deceiving speeches?

CBO further reported that in 2009 the top 20% of income earners, those earning more than $74,000, paid 94% of federal individual income taxes, virtually all of the net total. That was 85% more than the share of national income they earned.

Yet, in that same year, the middle 20% of income earners, the true middle class, paid 2.7% of total federal individual income taxes on net, while earning 15% of before-tax income. And the bottom 40% of income earners, instead of paying some income taxes to support the federal government, were paid by the IRS cash equal to 10% of federal individual income taxes on net.

That means altogether the bottom 60% of income earners, which includes the middle class, paid less than 0% of total federal individual income taxes as a group on net. Instead, as a group, they received net cash payments from the IRS on net.

Ignorant or Lying?
The Obama campaign continues its Calculated Deception in saturating the Internet with advertising alleging that Mitt Romney's "tax plan" would raise taxes on the middle class and working families. Not only has Romney proposed no such thing. House Republicans have already voted for Rep. Paul Ryan's tax reform plan that would cut the federal income tax rate for all families earning less than $100,000 to 10%, and Romney has endorsed that as well.

Indeed, the whole history of Republican tax policy going back to Reagan is that Republicans have never raised income taxes on the middle class and working people. Quite to the country, Reagan and his Republicans abolished federal income taxes on what the Left calls the working class, and almost abolished them for the middle class, as the official data discussed above shows.

That began with the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which grew out of then Governor Ronald Reagan's famous testimony before the Senate Finance Committee in 1972, where he proposed exempting the working poor from all Social Security and income taxes as an alternative to welfare, with the credit serving as a way to offset payroll taxes for the poor and low income workers. As President, Reagan cut federal income tax rates across the board for all taxpayers by 25%. He also indexed the tax brackets for all taxpayers to prevent inflation from pushing working people into higher tax brackets.

In the Tax Reform Act of 1986, President Reagan reduced the federal income tax rate for middle and lower income families all the way down to 15%. That Act also doubled the personal exemption, shielding a higher proportion of income from taxation for lower income workers than for higher income workers.

Newt Gingrich's Contract with America adopted a child tax credit of $500 per child that also reduced the tax liabilities of lower income people by a higher percentage than for higher income people. President Bush doubled that credit to $1,000 per child, and made it refundable so that low-income people who do not even pay $1,000 in federal income taxes could still get the full credit. Bush also adopted a new lower tax bracket for the lowest income workers of 10%, reducing their federal income tax rate by 33%.

That is how we reached the point by 2007 where the bottom 40%, or even 60%, of income earners as a group on net were being paid by the federal income tax code instead of paying federal income taxes. So when then candidate Obama said in 2008 that Republicans cut taxes for the rich, but haven't "given a break to folks who make less," was he ignorant or lying?

Obama's lying allegation regarding Romney flies in the face of that reality. Rather, it is Obama who has raised taxes on the middle class, in gross violation of his 2008 campaign pledge not to do so. That has been held, in fact, by the United States Supreme Court, which ruled that the individual mandate in Obamacare is constitutional precisely because it is a tax. And that individual mandate tax applies to the middle class, and working people. Moreover, Obamacare includes several other tax increases that apply to the middle class, and working people, such as the new tax on medical devices, the new tax on health insurance, the new tax on prescription drugs, and others.

Blame Obama on the Democrat Party
The Obama campaign is trailblazing new realms of dishonesty in the history of American politics, bringing to America for the first time Soviet-style propaganda that flies in the direct face of reality, buttressed by dishonest, party-controlled media operations. Moreover, it is a classically abusive Saul Alinsky trick to accuse your opponent of planning to do exactly what you have done, as Obama does in continually accusing Romney of proposing to raise taxes on the middle class. Only an idiot can fail to see that the entire Democrat party's spending plans require sweeping tax increases on the middle class.

The bottom line is that the entire Democrat party needs to be held responsible for Obama, the abusive dishonesty of his campaign operation, and the accelerating downward spiral of America his neo-Marxist policies are producing. Those policies in fact are not unique to Obama, but represent the heart and soul of today's Democrat party. This is a Paul Revere moment for the American people. The only way to save your country is for each of you to rally your friends, neighbors, and relatives this fall to come out in force and defeat the entire Democrat party root and branch.

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posted August 05, 2012 10:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
what amazes me is how often i hear liberals and conservatives making identical complaints about their "opposite" numbers...

and how sucked in people get by it.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 06, 2012 08:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So, in the face of specific instances of lying/deception by the Marxist Messiah O'Bomber, we get a broad non specific defense...everybody does it.

Examples please...if that's your defense of your Marxist Messiah O'Bomber.

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Ami Anne

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posted August 06, 2012 08:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by katatonic:
what amazes me is how often i hear liberals and conservatives making identical complaints about their "opposite" numbers...

and how sucked in people get by it.

Those answers would get you a ZERO a Logic exam

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posted August 06, 2012 01:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i'm not here to get grades from ami, and i refuse to get drawn into refuting a bunch of propaganda from people with axes to grind. at no time have i defended obama except to point out the ridiculous exaggerations of rightwing talking points.

here i am simply observing the similarity between the supposedly OPPOSITE sides. though very much alike they PRETEND to be different because they aim at different heads.

BOTH sides accuse the other of PROJECTION, both sides accuse the other of being OUT TO DESTROY us all, both sides have examples of how dishonest the other is, and both sides demonize the figureheads of the "other".

the talking points are like mirror images of each other. i am talking here of those who make their living jinning up factional hatred. (and those who swallow such GUFF whole).

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posted August 06, 2012 01:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you two should enjoy this:

A Message from Pres. Obama on his Birthday
Posted on August 5, 2012 by Planet Waves
Distributed via Associated Press and Bloomberg News

My Fellow Americans:

Today is my 51st birthday, and on this occasion, I have decided to tell you the truth about who I am. There has been much rumor and speculation: that I am not really a citizen; that I am not loyal to the United States; and that I am a Muslim. Some even contend that my entire identity is a “complete fabrication,” in the succinct words of Conservapedia, and that even my birth announcement in the Honolulu Post is a forgery, along with my birth records in Hawaii.

Photo by Vicki Santillano.
Some of the rumors that are circulating are even stranger than that. We have devoted an office in the White House, staffed by social media specialists and paralegals, that tracks what people are saying about me, and it is odd. But as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

I have decided on this day to come clean. This way, when the time comes to vote on Election Day, you will know what choice I actually represent — and you will choose me. As you were so kind as to endorse my selection as “president” by what I will call the larger political forces, expressing such touching American idealism, I want you to know the reality of the situation, which I believe you deserve.

Much has been said of my involvement with an organization called ACORN, supposedly a community outreach and citizen activist group in Chicago. That was an important base of operations for a much larger — and I do mean significantly larger — mission.

Let’s begin with my birth. Though he’s something of an arrogant fop, Donald Trump is correct. Part of our strategy is to reveal bits of truth through unlikely or seemingly non-credible sources, so that we inoculate ourselves. In reality, I was not born in Hawaii. My entire Hawaiian identity is a ruse; it’s fictional. If you only knew how easy it is to fabricate documents, even to the point of replacing the few microfilm copies of the Honolulu Post that exist, and the two or three dusty binders of crumbling back issues in libraries, you would be surprised.

Our intelligence operatives do this kind of thing all the time, and it would be no problem finding vintage birth certification forms from 1960, if we needed them. However, all of these documents were filed at the time of my birth, as I was born to preside over not only the United States but also this thing that my stepfather referred to as the New World Order. (There are in fact another 37 “unoccupied identities” that might have been used for me, and which may be used for others in the future.)

Student ID of Barry Soetoro when he was a foreign student at Columbia University.
I was in fact born in Kenya, on the Bush family compound there. The Bush family and the Kennedy family go back a long way; our connection to Kenya, once a British colony, goes back to Joe Kennedy, John F.’s father, who was ambassador to Britain under Roosevelt.

Both (really, all three) of these families are known for their long view of history — and their long-range plans. They knew even in the 1950s that there would be a need for a black president, mainly to avoid a racial uprising and to preserve the image of the United States as “progressive,” and I was bred for this purpose. In the mid-1950s, when the Civil Rights movement was coming to a boil, a study by Rand Corporation said that there would have to be a black president by 2012 or there would be a high probability of racial uprising. That possibility was preempted by just four short years.

My mentor and stepfather is George H. W. Bush. It is funny that liberals refer to him as “Pappy Bush,” because that’s exactly how I know him — Pappy. He’s a good and caring man, and he raised me from before infancy, taking more interest in me than any of his biological children — but he had plans for me. And yes, something unfortunate happened to George W. as a small child, but I will not get into that here.

My actual name is Barry Soetoro. I morphed into “Barack Hussein Obama” in 1989, just prior to Gulf War I, when both Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were on the CIA payroll. The plan to convert them to enemies was long sealed; they wanted a name evocative of those future enemies, partly as camouflage and, I will admit, partly as a joke. (And one of my nicknames quickly became “Black Osama.”)

As an ordinary citizen you may not see the humor in the kind of “direct actions” (as they are called) that are accomplished by the New World Order; you don’t see how obviously ridiculous they are, in part because some of the stupidest people in the world are the talking heads you watch and trust on television — and if they don’t get it, and then say it, you never will. The Sept. 11 incident was so obviously a setup that it would be impossible to miss, except for the fact that not even Keith Olbermann, or Rachel Maddow, or Jon Stewart has ever breathed a word about it.

Location of Alpha Draconis, directly above the Earth.
The only newscaster to say anything has been Geraldo Rivera, but nobody believes him anyway. We planted that story on FOX News to relieve pressure, and to confuse liberals, who would certainly wonder why FOX was the only station to say anything. But I digress.

I have been called a communist, a socialist and a fascist. In the pure sense, I am all three, which are branches of the same metaphilosophy — though in truth I am something that many of you have suspected, and that some would consider worse.

I represent what you might think of as an extralegal jurisdiction: neither me, nor my dual family background — the Kennedy clan and the Bush clan, who are actually not-so-distant cousins — are properly what you would call “Earthlings.” Neither our souls nor our genetics (not DNA but something called XMA) are human. (I personally possess partial human DNA sequences, to make me more convincing.)

Though this will sound outrageous to some and unbelievable to others, many of you correctly suspect something close to this fact: my “people” and I originate from Alpha Draconis. The troubled history of your planet has been presided over by the Thubans, shape-shifting reptile-beings from that star system, who are not planning to take over the Earth; for all practical purposes, we already have.

In closing, I would like to correct one idea — that I am planning to collect all the guns, and melt them into materials that will be used to construct concentration camps organized by FEMA, in which you all will soon live. This is a paranoid flight of fancy, spread mainly by gun manufacturers. We don’t need to do anything like that. The truth is that we can leave this place, and you cannot. And as for the person who has told you so much about this, David Icke, I suggest you ask him how he knows.

One last thought. Today is being celebrated as my birthday; however, it’s more of what you would call my “modification day,” when my genetic code was formed into the familiar, friendly-seeming entity that became me. Monsanto will soon be taking this project public, as soon as I put several more of its representatives on the Supreme Court, who will then make synthetic genetic recombination mandatory for everyone.

Thank you. May God bless you, and may God bless America.

Sincerely yours,

Barry Soetoro

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posted August 06, 2012 03:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hahaha, no one is ever going to accuse you of being a conservative katatonic.

AND, stringing together a bunch of words which taken together are incoherent is not going to deflect from the truth in the lead article that O'Bomber is a liar.

O'Bomber has only gotten away with his lying because the drooling idiots in the O'Bomber press cover for him...and, most of his supporters exhibit a degree of ignorance about economic, domestic and energy policy which is staggering...for people who claim to be Americans.

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Ami Anne

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posted August 06, 2012 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
AND, stringing together a bunch of words which taken together are incoherent is not going to deflect from the truth

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posted August 06, 2012 06:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wait...the people that brought us "swift-boating" are calling foul play? Do I have that right?

I started fact-checking this weirdo's article, but frankly it's too much. I don't have the time to go over every detail that lacks context from Obama's supposed 8% unemployment "promise" to criticizing the tax system under Obama, which continued George W. Bush's tax rates. It's very clear to me that this guy quite disingenuous, or outrightly a bit on the dumb side.

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posted August 06, 2012 11:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah, the very people who knew John Traitor Kerry best told the truth about Kerry.

The truth became known as "swift-boating".

Oh and there's a hell of a lot of us out here who got our DD-214s (discharge) upon separation from the US military who wonder why Jimmy (The Teeth) Carter had to convene a special panel...years later, to get John Traitor Kerry his discharge.

Oh, and we're still waiting for John Traitor Kerry to release ALL of his military George W Bush did.

You do have a knack for stepping straight in the crap acoustic.

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posted August 07, 2012 02:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The word swiftboating is an American neologism used pejoratively to describe an unfair or untrue political attack. The term is derived from the Swift Vets and POWs for Truth (formerly "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth," or SBVT) widely publicized,[1] then discredited, campaign against 2004 US Presidential candidate John Kerry.[2][3]

Only in your bizarre mind did the "truth" become known as "swift boating."

I can't imagine where you get the idea that I step in crap when you post nonsense like this. You didn't even comment on the things I noted were clearly wrong with the article. That was smart on your part, but it makes it look like you don't want to confront the unfortunate truth about this article.

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posted August 07, 2012 05:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
it took bush 4 years and a second campaign to release his military history. in 2000 it came out that he had been unfindable for 6 months of his NATIONAL GUARD term...

Bush would offer no explanation for his absence and, as he had throughout the campaign, refused to discuss his military service during the Vietnam War. Why would a man who was running for the office of Commander and Chief of the US Armed Forces refuse to discuss his service in the military? Why didn't the public and press take notice? Their attention that day was focused on something else.

... As the 2000 Presidential campaign moved along, angry veterans in Alabama claimed that George W Bush never performed any military service in that state, as stated on his campaign website. They offered a reward of $1000 (which rose to $3,500) to anyone who could prove that he had. No one came forth with any proof.
Eight days before the election, the Boston Globe reported discrepancies between the Bush campaign's statements regarding his military service and what records and documents showed. In 1972, the Globe reported, Bush moved from Houston to Mobile, Alabama to work on a Senate campaign. It was at this time, the Globe found, that he was suspended from flight duty for not taking his annual flight physical. Furthermore, the Globe could find no evidence that he ever performed any drills while in Alabama, or any more drills after returning to Houston

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posted August 07, 2012 05:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
did bush ever "release" his military records or were they outted? apparently he was tearing up so much in texas the family had him moved to alabama, and no one in the alabama unit remembered him doing any time there at all.

and yet bush was a fine example of the species CHICKENHAWK, those who duck out of active service but support everyone else's sons DUTY to take part. those who avoid battle but relish in ordering others into it. what a guy he was.

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Ami Anne

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posted August 07, 2012 06:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by jwhop:
Yeah, the very people who knew John Traitor Kerry best told the truth about Kerry.

The truth became known as "swift-boating".

Oh and there's a hell of a lot of us out here who got our DD-214s (discharge) upon separation from the US military who wonder why Jimmy (The Teeth) Carter had to convene a special panel...years later, to get John Traitor Kerry his discharge.

Oh, and we're still waiting for John Traitor Kerry to release ALL of his military George W Bush did.

You do have a knack for stepping straight in the crap acoustic.

How do you put up with these people

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted August 08, 2012 09:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well Ami, rubbing leftists noses in their own bullshiit is a dirty job...but someone has to do it. I consider it a public service.

The usual suspect considers the truth to be perjorative but, the truth is neutral. It's the actions of those about whom the truth is told who took the negative actions which drew the negative spotlight.

John Traitor Kerry IS the perfect example of one who had the truth told about him and got "swiftboated" by the truth; told about Kerry by those who knew him best. They knew about his lying after action reports in Vietnam. They knew about his phony medals and his attempts to make himself out to be a war hero when in fact, his miniscule injuries were self inflected.

And, we still haven't seen the Traitor Kerry's whole military file; even though Traitor Kerry promised to sign the release to make them all available, he didn't and still hasen't.

In contrast, George W Bush DID sign the proper releases to make ALL his military records available. And, George W Bush left the Texas Air National Guard with more hours of service put in than was required for separation.

In spite of the usual suspects attempt to cast doubt on Bush's military service, there was no there..there.

Just to refresh the usual suspects memory, Dan Blather and Mary Mapes lost their jobs at CBS, fired, canned, after introducting a forged Bush military file on the air shortly before the 2004 presidential election.

Blather and Mapes were also "swiftboated" by the truth.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 08, 2012 10:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So, here's another example of O'Bomber's lying deceptions told to American voters.

In this lie, Romney is accused of causing the death of the wife of an employee at a steel mill which closed and they..supposedly..lost their insurance coverage.

Lots of problems with these lies.

Romney left Bain Capital in 1999 to rescue the US Olympics in Salt Lake City.

That steel mill closed years after Romney left Bain.

In 2006 this employees wife was diagnosed with cancer and died. That's 7 years after Romney left Bain and about 4 years after the steel mill closed. In the interval, both the husband and wife had new jobs.

But for some lying reason, O'Bomber now says Romney caused this woman's death.

We know the usual suspects want so badly to believe it that it doesn't even matter whether it's true or not...and it's not true. It's a dirty rotten lie by their little Marxist Messiah, O'Bomber.

But this is what happens when O'Bomber's little mushroom brigades are kept in the dark and fed a steady diet of horseshiiit. They like it and scream for more.

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Ami Anne

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posted August 08, 2012 11:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well Ami, rubbing leftists noses in their own bullshiit is a dirty job...but someone has to do it. I consider it a public service.

You are a better man than I am. Jwhop. I know when to defer

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted August 08, 2012 11:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's weird for a person to talk about the truth as if he knows it, only to turn around and be dishonest.

Kerry released his records.

"Swift boating" is as Wikipedia described: an unfair or untrue political attack.

We're not rewriting history the way Jwhop wants it.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 08, 2012 01:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You're attempting analysis again acoustic and you know that gives you headaches.

John Traitor Kerry most certainly did not release ALL his military records.

Those he did release were only released to the Boston Globe but apparently, there's another 100 pages which cannot be released without Traitor Kerry specifically signing part III of form SF-180.

Then too, we only have the word of the leftist Boston Globe...a Traitor Kerry supporter..about what's in documents only them.

So, Traitor Kerry's military record was only released to the Boston Globe and what's in that record was not shared by the Boston Globe with the rest of the media...or America. Instead, we have the Boston Globe characterizing what's in the record of Traitor Kerry...instead of simply publishing it Traitor Kerry promised to do.

"The Navy said they had over 100 pages they could not release without Kerry’s authorization. Did the Globe get that many and are they reporting on all of them?

The biggest question of all remains unanswered. What type of discharge did Kerry originally receive? Remember, Kerry had his discharge re-issued after Carter granted a pardon to Vietnam vets.

Then there is this exchange between Kerry and Tim Russert on Feb 7th.

Last week the 2008 presidential hopeful suggested he wanted to review his full Navy file to make sure of “what is in the record and what isn’t in the record” before signing Form 180.

“I’m going to sit down with them and make sure that they are clear and I am clear as to what is in the record and what isn’t in the record and we’ll put it out,” he told “Meet the Press” host Tim Russert. ***didn't happen***

Kerry did not explain his reference to “what isn’t in the record,” though questions arose late in the campaign about why he received his honorable discharge six years after leaving the service…"

You're not up to this debate acoustic. You're already in way over your head. Advice, when you find yourself in a hole...and you certainly are...quit digging.

Swiftboat vets told the truth about John Traitor Kerry. Traitor Kerry was "swiftboated" by the truth.

On the other hand, O'Bomber is not "swiftboating" Romney. O'Bomber is lying through his teeth about Romney. O'Bomber knows it, his campaign knows it, the American people know it and I know it.

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posted August 08, 2012 01:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He did. That you don't know about it is not surprising, but the FACT is that he did. It wasn't simply to the Boston Globe either. The LA Times and the AP were also given full access.

You're not up to this debate acoustic. You're already in way over your head. Advice, when you find yourself in a hole...and you certainly are...quit digging.

That's funny considering that we've already had this debate, and you've already lost. Trying to rewrite history is a non-starter as far as I'm concerned. You should know better than that.

Swiftboat vets told the truth about John Traitor Kerry. Traitor Kerry was "swiftboated" by the truth.

Nope. Still wrong.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 08, 2012 07:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your big chance show us which newspapers Traitor Kerry signed SF-180 release forms for. Go ahead acoustic, make your day.

This is your contention acoustic...that Traitor Kerry didn't just sign the release form for the Boston Globe...but for other news media as well. Show us acoustic.

Oh, and you must have missed this acoustic.

"Last week the 2008 presidential hopeful suggested he wanted to review his full Navy file to make sure of “what is in the record and what isn’t in the record” before signing Form 180.

“I’m going to sit down with them and make sure that they are clear and I am clear as to what is in the record and what isn’t in the record and we’ll put it out,” he told “Meet the Press” host Tim Russert."

Notice the date of Traitor Kerry's interview with Russert. Looks like 2008 to me acoustic and that's long, long, long...after Traitor Kerry was said to have signed the release form for the Boston Globed...a wholly owned arm of the NY Treason Times...and there's Traitor Kerry still talking about signing that SF-180 release form.

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posted August 09, 2012 12:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
WASHINGTON - Senator Kerry of Massachusetts recently granted three reporters broad access to his Navy service records, according to documents obtained by The New York Sun.

The privacy waivers signed by Mr. Kerry authorized the release of "a single, one time copy of the complete military service record and medical record of John F. Kerry" to Glen Johnson of the Associated Press, Michael Kranish of the Boston Globe, and Stephen Braun of the Los Angeles Times.

The waivers, executed on a National Archives form known as Standard Form 180, also permitted release of "an undeleted report" of any discharges ever granted to Mr. Kerry. The undeleted reports would include the "character" of any discharge, the form indicates.

Last year, when Mr. Kerry was the Democratic nominee for president, some of the senator's critics speculated that a six-year gap in his service record indicated that he was disciplined or discharged less than honorably after leading antiwar protests in the 1970s. A spokesman for Mr. Kerry, David Wade, adamantly denied that the senator was ever punished by the military or discharged less than honorably.

The journalists who reviewed the records the Navy released said there was no indication of any discharge beyond the honorable one Mr. Kerry received in 1978.

Here's the signed 180:

Now we know, once again, who tells the truth around here, and who does not.

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From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted August 09, 2012 03:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Right, right acoustic. Now where are those stories about Traitor Kerry's military the Associated Press...or anywhere else that isn't based on supposed reporting by the Boston Glob?

Oh and by the way, did you think you were going to get away with posting the signed SF-180 release form for John E. O'Neill's military records...instead of the SF-180 release form for John Traitor Kerry's?

Talk about attempted deception acoustic...but the deception failed.

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posted August 09, 2012 04:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Who the heck cares about Kerry?

The OP-- who is not exactly famous for staying on topic, had a non starter of a topic, and here we are.

heart the Obama piece posted by kat, read that on Eric Francis' site and posted it is a hoot-

Deflection games. What should we really be talking about in this thread [maybe just me] ((^^_^^)) is a pickup on the Walker #43 Bush theme of deception. If we were to actually look at the loss of personal freedoms we now enjoy, and crimes committed, we would all wonder why he and his admin were never tried in court. but that is an old and tired meme right? Not to me. Justice is rarely served in these instances, particularly by the person [POTUS] who follows.

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Posts: 6507
From: Pleasanton, CA
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posted August 09, 2012 07:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That wasn't deception. That was oversight. It happens from time to time. Moreover, the theme of deception is purely in your court as you are the one attempting to prop up a group that presented a false account as having integrity towards the truth. You don't need the Boston Globe to have access to eye witness accounts of the events supposedly in dispute. Kerry posted most of his record on his website, even portions the Navy couldn't furnish without his authorization. This is just typical Jwhop style denial of reality.

Here's evidence of the LA Times receiving the file as stated: ition=&startpage=A.17&desc=THE+NATION

What should we really be talking about in this thread [maybe just me] ((^^_^^)) is a pickup on the Walker #43 Bush theme of deception.

Indeed. Mr. Diversion strikes again. Instead of dealing with the obvious inadequacies of his own article, or the dishonesty of his own party, he tries to defend the indefensible actions of his party as if they had integrity.

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