posted October 21, 2012 11:26 AM
Originally posted by jwhop:
2 security TEAMS were pulled out when more should have been inserted.Who the hell is talking about 2 additional people? This is just another BS deflection of responsibility.
2 previous attacks should have been enough for anyone with a functioning brain to call for reinforcing security...and they did..and were ignored by the O'Bomber administration.
I don't think O'Bomber can squelch this. Thank God it is coming out, now. I see that the thinking independents are going toward( and for) Romney.
The base will make excuses for O'Bomber no matter the idiocy of what he does. They are written off. The true independents are in play. Thank God, they are coming toward Romney.
I have been praying so hard. If I don't pray, my feelings will go to pure rage.
Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal