Topic: Presidential Election [Obama / Romney]
mockingbird Knowflake Posts: 700 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted October 13, 2012 12:38 PM
I'm not remotely interested in voting for the man, but do find it interesting that Mitt's a March 12th Pisces with a first House Uranus (as am I) ------------------ If I've included this sig, it's because I'm posting from a mobile device. Please excuse all outrageous typos and confusing auto-corrects. IP: Logged |
C1ND3R Knowflake Posts: 1391 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 13, 2012 01:02 PM IP: Logged |
C1ND3R Knowflake Posts: 1391 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 13, 2012 01:13 PM
This guy just reeks of scum. Just listening to him talk made me want to puke. His b.s. is obvious to the point of being on par with a shamwow commercial. I don't like him and i doubt that a lot of people do. Just because of his vp, i think romney might've lost a lot of fans. It doesn't help that romney has mercury mars and sun in pisces and that his vp has mercury in hard aspect to uranus. NONE of it sounds like it will result in steady leadership. If they get elected, the entire thing will be one big, floppy disaster! IP: Logged |
C1ND3R Knowflake Posts: 1391 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 13, 2012 01:33 PM IP: Logged |
C1ND3R Knowflake Posts: 1391 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 13, 2012 08:46 PM
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12thhouser Knowflake Posts: 672 From: Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 15, 2012 02:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by amowls**: So have you if you think Obama/that healthcare bill is even close to socialism.
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C1ND3R Knowflake Posts: 1391 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 17, 2012 10:21 PM
Also, just realized that the South Node will be moving through Pisces during the term and if Romney gets elected; his sun, mercury & mars... As Neptune hovers over his Mars. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 4860 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 17, 2012 10:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by C1ND3R: Also, just realized that the South Node will be moving through Pisces during the term and if Romney gets elected; his sun, mercury & mars... As Neptune hovers over his Mars.
Isn't the south node in Taurus right now? Neptune is conjunct my Mars, too. IP: Logged |
C1ND3R Knowflake Posts: 1391 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 17, 2012 10:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: Isn't the south node in Taurus right now?Neptune is conjunct my Mars, too.
It'll be in Aries next year and in Pisces the year afterward... Right after it gets out of Pisces, Romney's planets will begin to be squared by s-turn.... It seems that if he gets elected, it'll sink to all hell. IP: Logged |
a_may_gemini Knowflake Posts: 133 From: Los Angeles, Calif Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 18, 2012 10:08 AM
Ummm Obamacare is f*cking socialism. Anyway you want to slice it, making the people who have more money pay for those who don't have enough/none is highway robbery. Where is all this money going to come from to make healthcare possible for everyone? Give me a freakin' break. Idealism is bullish*t for the birds!This is coming from a working girl who didn't have much to begin with and now has even less (largely thanks to Obama) I'm also a native Californian (shocking, isn't it?) and I don't want to pay for others and I don't want/nor expect anyone to pay for me. Bush Jr brought us into this mess but Obama further increased it 10 fold. Now is the time to flip the script and change all this. Romney doesn't hate the US to plunge it further into economic abyss and censorship. For those who use the excuse being fearful that Romney will make the country turn Mormon are idiots. People were fearful of Kennedy turning the country into a Catholic state and he wasn't even remotely religious as it "appeared." If handsome JFK couldn't turn the country Catholic back in the 60s when people were more religious than now, I doubt less handsome Romney could persuade the country to go Mormon now when religion is on the verge of extinction. I don't like either candidate and I'm not a Republican but I will break my vow of never voting to vote for Romney because at least there will be CHANGE. Yes, CA is automatically democrat but we did vote for Arnold 2 terms as our govenator. Who cares if he cheated on Maria. That's their personal business. Arnie did a decent job with how crappy CA has been. Republicans care about money and making money. That's what I have in common with Republicans. I'm sick and tired of this mess of massive unemployment and having no money for anything. There aren't even any opportunities to create wealth. Everyone is living on tight budget strings. Life sucks without bucks. The silly entitled Democrats can't seem to stop being delusional idiots ranting and raving about "social injustice" and just get a clue that without economic freedom, there is NO FREEDOM whatsoever. Wealth is not a pie to be divided up, wealth has to be created and very few are able to create wealth. No one wants to create anything, let alone wealth if they're going to get taxed by the gov't up the a$$ and have to leap through many environment hoops just to make a profit. No one is in business to not make a profit. No one can stay in business if they can't cut a profit. If businesses can't make profits, no jobs get created for regular people who are dependent upon the wealth creators for jobs. Money is the foundation of our lives, whether we like it or not. As for the astrological part, I love Romney's chart!! His Gemini rising with Uranus in the 1st house speaks to my 9th house Gemini stellium. His Pisces stellium in the 10th house is excellent. I love people who have the strong personal planets in the 10th house because that means they're competitive and in it to win it. The 6th house Scorpio moon conjunct Jupiter speaks to me. He gets emotional fulfillment by working and being purposeful. I also have water moon (Pisces) in the 6th house and I understand that energy very well. I love people with Scorpio Moon. Romney has Neptune in the 5th house which is a sweet spot. I like Saturn in 3rd house because those are the people who mean what they say and say what they mean. They also value and think carefully about mundane life which is important. Venus on the MC, wow! Also, he has 4 retrogrades. That's a lot of retrogrades and that signifies drawbacks so he does know what it feels like to have drawbacks and keep going. For a Pisces Sun, his chart is actually pretty damn good. So what if a bunch of planets will square his chart. I have a bunch of planets trine my chart and I'm not more cheerful/lucky/successful than when I've dealt with squares and oppositions. As for Obama's chart... who knows what the heck is real chart looks like. I remember I looked at his chart briefly before he was elected president and he had Cap moon with Pluto in the 1st house on the AC. Now his birth chart changed to Gemini moon. I know Gemini moon and they love talking everyone's heads off. Gemini moon will talk more than Gemini sun. Gemini moon does not believe in censorship. Obama sides with Muslim extremists and censors any "negative" opinion about that religion. Obama doesn't have Gemini moon. But then again, there's not much we actually know about Obama other than he pushed this country into gross depression (money, morale, and mentality) and wants to keep it that way. IP: Logged |
C1ND3R Knowflake Posts: 1391 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 18, 2012 10:45 AM
I'm not agreeing nor disagreeing with u gemini, but may one suggest a bit more of a sagittarian point of view to things? I don't ever recall obama being anti-wealth.. Nor anti-profit. If you're windering where your healthcare money is going be sourced from, if his plan goes through if he's re-elected, i would assume that it may be from the hefty bailout he just gave to those very same people who "got us into this mess".What bush did was spend money on war but none of what you mention deal at all with the real estate issue which is largely to blame along with fraud from those looking to make a profit. i.e. bernie madoff- sure, it was only 60 billion by ONE man.. If all of the fraud that was committed was totaled up, i would think obama and his trillions look like child's play. No one person got everything to be such a big a mess. Even though i feel that some change would be better than none, i try to keep an open mind and remember the transit of s-turn through libra and don't point fingers at obama. Going for romney out of desperation would be juvenile. Since you're into astrology, i would advise you look at his transits over the next 4 years. Neither candidate will have it easy. Whereas obama will have a square from s-turn and his entire staff (mostly scorpios) will have the conjunction- romney will have the trine for a bit but, he will also have neptune moving over his mars. Before the term is up, the south node will be moving over his pisces placements before s-turn then squares his pisces placements in 3 years when it enters sagittarius. If you knew anything about mercury or mars in pisces, i would maybe hope you understand how fluid it is and inconsistent. There have been plenty of threads about that. I don't quite understand how that seems "better" especially given that neptune will be moving over his placements- as if we need another drunk guy in office calling the shots...... Bush jr did enough of that. Obama isn't the issue but the people blocking him, are.. And those people, are counting on people who are upset to get him out of their way. That being said, if something were to happen to romney, we'd end up with his buddy paul ryan as president... Have you seen his mercury in hard aspect to uranus? You'd consider either one consistent? Neither can or will try even remotely hard enough to keep their word. In case you may not be informed, i'm guessing people with similar attitudes are who were all the rave for hitler after the decline of the weimar republic; during that time, uranus was also squaring pluto much like it is now. Haste makes waste, is all i'm saying. IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 4080 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted October 18, 2012 10:58 AM
Never mind, sorry. May be a highly charged issue and I appreciate the passion, but let's all just chill a little alright? Nothing substantial is going to change regardless of who is elected. They often get proven ineffective rather quickly.IP: Logged |
Blanky Knowflake Posts: 40 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 18, 2012 12:55 PM
Obama's Rising is Aquarius and Uranus is in Leo in the 7th House. His Uranus conjuncts his North Node too. So his direction in life is not of the ordinary. This is what we need from our President. New ideas for the future and a break from tradition. Romney has a Leo Saturn and Leo Pluto conjunction conjunct his IC and it is in opposition to his Aquarius Venus conjunct MC. That Saturn/Pluto conjunction disturbs me. His Ruler of the Chart is Mercury and it conjuncts Mars. So his thought processes are tinged with aggression and anger. This could signify one that makes snap decisions based on anger instead of carefully weighing the pros and cons during decision making times. IP: Logged |
bella_taurus Knowflake Posts: 208 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 18, 2012 01:18 PM
I read and she stated Romney is going to win....hmm. IP: Logged |
PhoenixFire Knowflake Posts: 929 From: The Crossing Registered: Jun 2009
posted October 18, 2012 01:46 PM
What aspects did serita list, bellataurus? Election Day is right w a Mercury Rx as in 2000. I wonder if the solar eclipse on 11/10 will aspect Romney's moon? I'm worried about the Venus in libra square to Uranus/Pluto the week of election... Values conflicting w change and power. I'm in California as well, and concur on some of May's statements regarding necessity of wealth. I don't think Obama's made a stance against wealth, but do feel he is fighting an uphill battle w congress. He seemed very tired in the first debate, makes me wonder if he'd be thankful if his time as President were to end soon. His ideas & vision just might be ahead of these times. This is a Cancerian country which holds fast to the conservative in many ways, esp ties to Christian ideologies within government. Romney I do not trust, there is a vibe of extreme power hunger from him. I like that he is a business man but am not sure if he'd be particularly in touch w the working/middle class. I'm also very disturbed by his comments on the poor and single women. All in all the decision will be sure to polarize many people regardless of who wins. Interesting times for sure
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ail221 Knowflake Posts: 1807 From: Mary Margaret Blanchard's home Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 18, 2012 01:56 PM
ehhhh serita used numerology and personal years those never really work out for me personally.IP: Logged |
Dreaming111 Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted October 18, 2012 02:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by a_may_gemini:
**My quotation/ apostrophe button is messed up so I used ; instead. : / (I am not white and am first generation here in the States.) I totally agree. We are so similar. I am also a native Californian that is far far from rich but hate the idea of hardworking people forced to pay for others. I would rather earn my 5 bucks than have a 100 handed down to me from someone else;s paycheck. I hate injustice.
Anyway, I like Obama as a human being. He is a great family man and father. But yes, he had no experience walking in, nothing even to show for in his career. Romney is a shrewd man, who knows how to build a successful plan. That is what we need right now. Everyone says we should give illegals the American Dream, but that is something that one must earn. We were build on the Puritan work ethic so it baffles me why we have a culture of entitlement. Who pays for all that? Who are we hurting by doing this? The citizens! I think that the religious groups that harbor illegals should be told that they can no longer be considered NGOs and taxed to hell. No institution should be above the law. California has seriously gone down the shithole. Everywhere I look it is always about illegals getting a free ride. What about that person way out in Fiji that is working to gather their paperwork? What about that person in Sweden that waited for his moment at the consulate? What about hat Somalian that is struggling day in and day out but still gets his paperwork in order? I would rather have honest people in this country than flood it with cheats and liars. Also people can cross those porous borders. Anyone can, so that means if a spy wanted he could take that route. Or if a terrorist wanted he could too. Why are we being negligent about this issue? It seems either politicians are stupid or being paid under the table. What about fast and furious? Wth was that? See so much for honesty and fairness. No one not even tree-hugging-dems are honest. So it sounds hypocritical when they get pissd at Romney for LEGALLY earning money. Big deal that he ended up closing a unprofitable plant. ANYONE would do that. That man on the video complaining about his wife dying due to lack of insurance is a moron. He was able to get insurance for her but did not want to pay more for his wife. Dude. I would pay for insurance and eat a couple burgers less. Jeez. That is called making choices and prioritizing. Romney;s task was to make sure his group was profitable and LEGALLY he did that. If I were a businessman, it is not responsibility to ensure you have made the right choices in life or that you will be ok after I sell the business. People need to take ownership of their own lives and be responsible. What about all the money Obama invested in all those companies his croonies and lobbist wanted him to? They had invested in his election so he showered them with tons of money. Way to go! And yet, Dems say that Repubs are frauds and only care about the rich blah blah, but that they are pure, honest, care for everyone. Please! I dislike both groups but I find Dems intolerable and hypocritical. Sadly I was once a Dem. Now, they sound like whiners that don;t want to work hard themselves but want to rip at someone else;s success. Anyway, I think Romney and Ron Paul should have been together. We would have totally revived ourselves. IP: Logged |
Dreaming111 Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted October 18, 2012 02:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by C1ND3R: I'm not agreeing nor disagreeing with u gemini, but may one suggest a bit more of a sagittarian point of view to things? I don't ever recall obama being anti-wealth.. Nor anti-profit. If you're windering where your healthcare money is going be sourced from, if his plan goes through if he's re-elected, i would assume that it may be from the hefty bailout he just gave to those very same people who "got us into this mess".Going for romney out of desperation would be juvenile. Obama isn't the issue but the people blocking him, are.. And those people, are counting on people who are upset to get him out of their way. That being said, if something were to happen to romney, we'd end up with his buddy paul ryan as president... Have you seen his mercury in hard aspect to uranus? You'd consider either one consistent? Neither can or will try even remotely hard enough to keep their word. In case you may not be informed, i'm guessing people with similar attitudes are who were all the rave for hitler after the decline of the weimar republic; during that time, uranus was also squaring pluto much like it is now. Haste makes waste, is all i'm saying.
- Haste makes waste but sitting idle and you will have fungus growing on you. - People were for hitler because of astrology? Do you think that someone could turn that around and say that you are pumping your fists in the air for Obama for the SAME reason? - Obama is the president that if you remember came in with a Dem MAJORITY. He did NOT have anyone blocking him. He was simply ineffective and confused. He has saturn conjunct moon. And carter in vedic astro had the same. BOTH men were ineffective leaders and made a mess. - Electing and official out of desperation is juvenile? How did a no name, inexperienced man get elected into position of running an ENTIRE country? Based on his successful career track record?!? What track record! What was he elected on beside the fact that people were *desperate*, was black, and it was fashionable to vote for him? We wanted to make history right? So let us elected a martian this time. That ought to be great. Maybe that will show the world we are really progressive. I mean this was EXACTLY the logic behind his votes.
- If you did some homework you would learn that the real person behind the finncial bubble was ....drum roll...BILL CLINTON.,28804,1877351_1877350_1877322,00.html - *Neither can or will try even remotely hard enough to keep their word.*
Did Obama keep any of his word? lol
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PhoenixFire Knowflake Posts: 929 From: The Crossing Registered: Jun 2009
posted October 18, 2012 02:44 PM
The thing that irks me about the blaming illegals debate, is the failure to add in the employers who hire them with the knowledge of their illegal status. Living in California and being in the field of social services, I've witnessed first hand the way employers (mostly farmers) look the other way, and profit from cheap labor on the backs of illegals. I recall a recent uproar in the farm community over a legal proposal that would hold employers accountable for knowingly hiring illegals, and require better screening methods due to the massive amounts of illegal residency & SSN cards floating around. I've also contacted farm payroll clerks to verify employment statuses, who openly admitted the workers were illegal thus making it harder to verify employment status. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for immigration reform and agree breaking the law is wrong. I come from a family that stood in line and obtained residency the right way, and worked to achieve the American dream. I just find it super hypocritical to observe the many times someone takes a public stand against illegals, while secretly pocketing profits off of them. In my opinion, the culture of entitlement abounds as some people are making big $$$ for keeping things as they are... Bash the illegals in public, build an empire off of them in private. As for the free ride, illegal aliens are not eligible for public assistance and have taxes deducted from their pay when not paid in cash. When paid in cash they pay sales taxes as everyone else does. From my own experiences in observance of public assistance, the numbers of citizens who were unemployed while on aide were much higher than the illegals who tended to work year round. Of course due to confidentiality, it'd be impossible to have actual stats and thes observations were based on what the recipients themselves reported (many I'm sure where employed and didn't report). I also dont buy into the thinking that only illegals are willing to do hard labor, such as farm work in the fields. I do think that without illegals, farmers would have to pay a fair wage and provide better working conditions to citizens working the fields, as its doubtful citizens would tolerate being paid by piecework in awful and sometimes dangerous conditions. To summarize, the issue is very complex and should be approached w reforms soon. The big question for myself is why hasn't reform been done? The answer from my own perspective again goes back to economics and the few who profit w the status quo. IP: Logged |
C1ND3R Knowflake Posts: 1391 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 18, 2012 03:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dreaming111: - Haste makes waste but sitting idle and you will have fungus growing on you. - People were for hitler because of astrology? Do you think that someone could turn that around and say that you are pumping your fists in the air for Obama for the SAME reason? - Obama is the president that if you remember came in with a Dem MAJORITY. He did NOT have anyone blocking him. He was simply ineffective and confused. He has saturn conjunct moon. And carter in vedic astro had the same. BOTH men were ineffective leaders and made a mess. - Electing and official out of desperation is juvenile? How did a no name, inexperienced man get elected into position of running an ENTIRE country? Based on his successful career track record?!? What track record! What was he elected on beside the fact that people were *desperate*, was black, and it was fashionable to vote for him? We wanted to make history right? So let us elected a martian this time. That ought to be great. Maybe that will show the world we are really progressive. I mean this was EXACTLY the logic behind his votes.
- If you did some homework you would learn that the real person behind the finncial bubble was ....drum roll...BILL CLINTON.,28804,1877351_1877350_1877322,0 0.html - *Neither can or will try even remotely hard enough to keep their word.*
Did Obama keep any of his word? lol
Go, on... By all means. Your point of view is already one that i admire after seeing your posts about how to identify "gay" in a natal chart based on "flamboyance" and looking to mercury for "lisps"-- yeah, you certainly know what you're talking about. If you'd like another hitler comparison, he also had mercury in hard aspect to uranus just like romney and as it happens, just like ryan. Reply to posts of people who would agree with you or care about what you have to say. As for everyone else, yes, uranus in hard aspect to pluto is not a light aspect and with pluto being in capricorn, i'd not take it lightly, either. I haven't said i'm for obama nor romney in case some people might've missed it. There's no way in hell that i would vote for someone who's supposed to provide steady leadership that happens to have mercury and mars in pisces and an erratic changeable mercury/uranus, to boot. Does it take me to enlighten the whole population? uranus+pluto= destructive change Unless some of u are still working on your 401k-- oh, wait... That's right... Just about all of the people who have been laid off have lost that as well... Gee, i wonder how they'll be able to pay for healthcare if they can't get a flippin' job.... The plus side to obamacare is that since govt can't meddle in business affairs; his plan is at least covering those that cannot afford their 7 or 8 children from a government standpoint. Unless you guys can start naming businesses that are more than glad to cough up a healthy sum for some people and their ridiculous child bearing abilities, i'd advise those same individuals to take a look at third world countries and count blessings. When the economy tanked, business wasn't and couldn't provide for people and so, govt has had to. Also, obamacare isn't an obama dream it is simply the transit of s-turn having moved through VIRGO. It would've happened, regardless! A rose by any other name is still the same thing! I am not pro obama and i am not pro romney. What i AM, though is disagreeing with romney & ryan and obama is the only other choice. It's really that simple. In that man'a defense, he had a strong campaign and it happened around the time that jupiter later made a conjunction to neptune. If you guys are disappointed now, it's really not his fault but if looked at logically, he has kept his word to his best abilities. If you're bitter because of the high expectations, let's hope we never have to find out what romney would be like with his mars being TOTALLY immersed in transiting Neptune (also having his mercury squared by jupiter in gemini after it squared his mars) for the next 4+ years. I'm not gonna sink a ship because i'm pi$$ed at the other guy while i'm still riding on it. It's common sense. The statistics of people being on govt assistance seems to be a shocker for some people... If govt had not provided that, i don't think any of the people alive today would even DARE imagine what would've happened if that assistance wasn't there for them. Here's my suggestion: a few reality checks, less tv programming, a little more taking into acct the facts and maybe backing a candidate that is running on more than the other guy's shortcomings. It all sounds so fancy but i'm guessing none are yet too familiar with a person that has mercury in pisces. Not to mention, the guy will have to go and mingle with just about all leaders from every country and if mercury wasn't debilitated enough.. It is not someone that i would send to do my bidding. Obama on the plus side, ran on hope and change from the beginning.. He'd be continuing that but the only wind romney and ryan are running on, are the farts of the tea party and the anti-obama stance. Yeah, sure........ Voting right now, mr romney! Obama got elected before uranus and pluto were squaring one another.. He isn't carrying that energy around while he's in office. The other guy, if elected, WOULD! IP: Logged |
Dreaming111 Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted October 18, 2012 03:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by PhoenixFire: Don't get me wrong, I'm all for immigration reform and agree breaking the law is wrong. I come from a family that stood in line and obtained residency the right way, and worked to achieve the American dream. I just find it super hypocritical to observe the many times someone takes a public stand against illegals, while secretly pocketing profits off of them.I just find it super hypocritical to observe the many times someone takes a public stand against illegals, while secretly pocketing profits off of them. In my opinion, the culture of entitlement abounds as some people are making big $$$ for keeping things as they are... Bash the illegals in public, build an empire off of them in private.
Let me clarify myself. I am against anyone supporting or harboring illegals MORE than the illegals themselves. I think that these people running across the border do so only because they can. Why can they? Because people in this country let them. I am against the people of this country allowing this occur. I do not profit in ANY way from illegal immigration so that is another point I want to clarify. There is a NET loss for a majority of people in terms of how illegal immigration enhances their lives. Also why can;t we have seasonal work programs? 1. You could track who comes in and out of the country. 2. The farm owners don;t have to pay 8 dollars an hour but something fair to Mexican-South American standards. That helps the farm owners keep a better profit margin and keeps costs down. 3. This also prevents the farm owners from mistreating people, having them live like slaves and work under grueling conditions. It is a win win for EVERYONE: the farm owners, the fruit pickers from other countries, the citizens, the law enforcement agencies. I don;t understand why no on has even brought this up before. The only thing I can think of is someone is profiting from this loophole other than the farm owners. Also, when an illegal comes here you would be remiss to assume they come here alone. They bring in tow their family, who will apply for other jobs as maids, cleaning services, gardeners, construction workers. They then compete unfairly with the citizens working or trying to get work in these arenas but who need to abide by the law and therefore have to pay for insurance and other costs that someone working on the sly does not have to worry about. Also then comes the kids that they bring over and burden our already horrific school systems. They dont pay property tax and therefore add zero to the schools. They however have to be inegrated and up costing us dearly. Places all over the country are being inundated with this flood of these children. They then have to add to costs of translating books to spanish, buying additional material to help the Spanish kids integrate. That is unfair to some Japanese, Indian, Chinese boy in class. The teachers spend too much time on these kids and that means it is time spent AWAY from teaching our OWN. Then you have the issue of pregnancies that the hospitals have to be forced to foot the cost. That is again injustice. Then the kids now are considered citizens unfairly. We DO NOT need that quality of child. I am sorry for sounding harsh but no. I would rather some hardworking LEGAL MEXICAN family come here than someone who only learns to be a parasite and steal. This is why I am AGAINST any form of amnesty as the solution. We don not need people in here that have a parasitic mentality. You also have the issue that once here they support and encourage others to come here. There is a whole new group of businesses that crop from this, none of which are legal. - Gangs - Drug trafficking - Prostitution - Illegal rental and housing/ Slum houses - Illegal paperwork and document procurement (Someone has to make the illegal DL, SS cards.) - Illegal medical distribution - Medical fraud - Medical whack jobs prescribing meds from their backyard. We are allowing the unlawful and corrupt to live in another dimension in this country. I am sorry but I see no good from this. For those that thump their fists on the podium telling others about the sales tax paid. Paying sales tax at the dollar store is NOT enough! Instead we could invest in bringing in LITERATE people from Mexico like doctors, nurses, dentists, engineers, phds, researchers and we would have more honest incomes to tax. They would also be paying sales tax but at probably Macy;s or something that would actually amount to much more. We could have children brought up to work hard and not join gangs and do drugs. The work ethic would already be in place and part of their family upbringing. We wouldn;t need to waste time rehabilitating anyone. I don;t care if in all the illegal immigrant community there are one or two kids doing in well in school. That is NOT enough! Instead of this mess we would have energy to focus on other things like actually competing with the world in education. We get bogged down by this simply problem with a simple solution and waste precious time that we could spend on innovation, getting out of wars, working on our economy. Imagine if we have no illegal immigration. Just imagine how much time nad effort we would have to spend on these other pressing and vital issues? Anyway, back to the original topic. I think life can be made easy, but confused people love to make it complicated. IP: Logged |
Dreaming111 Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted October 18, 2012 03:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by C1ND3R: Reply to posts of people who would agree with you or care about what you have to say.
Honestly, no. I can reply to anyone I please. Why don;t you take your own advice? Just because you don;t like to be correct is not my problem. Sorry. Honestly, I don;t think you need to talk down to people, as if you know so much about politics, and everyone disagreeing with you are poor lost sheep. Maybe just maybe they are far more informed and educated. IP: Logged |
PhoenixFire Knowflake Posts: 929 From: The Crossing Registered: Jun 2009
posted October 18, 2012 04:29 PM
Thanks for clarifying, D. I agree, especially regarding harboring criminals. I think clearing out our prisons and jails of illegals should def be a priority. It ****** me off to think about violent criminals not only committing horrible acts, but also receiving free food/board/health care. especially when many hard working individuals aren't able to afford any health care. IP: Logged |
Dreaming111 Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted October 18, 2012 04:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by PhoenixFire: Thanks for clarifying, D. I agree, especially regarding harboring criminals. I think clearing out our prisons and jails of illegals should def be a priority. It ****** me off to think about violent criminals not only committing horrible acts, but also receiving free food/board/health care. especially when many hard working individuals aren't able to afford any health care.
Yeah I totally agree with you. I don;t know if you read this article: It;s not relevant to the illegal issue but jsut something that crossed my mind after reading this reply of yours. This is what really scares me. They don;t even want to bother trying to gather the inmates. :? And there is not enough media about this. Sigh. California is an impractical state. Also there was another inmate that was allowed to have a sex change operation after having killer and murdered his own wife. Who foots the bill? We do. I hate hate injustice. I hate that we are so weak with people, who deserve to be beat up, and we beat up good, hard working people. Anyway, thanks for not resorting to name-calling as a means of defense. I appreciate that we can have a different point of view on issues and still be cordial. It means a lot. IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka Knowflake Posts: 1954 From: Toronto Registered: Mar 2012
posted October 18, 2012 04:43 PM
I don't like Romney's views on women's rights and abortion so I'm rooting for Obama. Astrology doesn't even factor into it.To me, liberal and conservative are always social issues. Also, Obama is behind gay marriage. Almost makes me wish I had duel citizenship so I could vote for him. IP: Logged | |