Topic: Barack Hussein Obama: A Great Human Being for a Great Nation.
iQ Moderator Posts: 4237 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 07, 2012 05:47 AM
Accused of being a foreign born. Accused of being a Marxist, a Communist. Even accused of being a Racist. Hated by fundamentalists of all religions. Hated by those who belittle their less fortunate fellow citizens. Written off by the pollsters and pundits, and several media groups. Even denied equitable funding by Wall Street Biggies who were generous in 2008.How he proved them all wrong. Today, Americans can feel more proud than ever. Today, Americans have cemented their place in World History. You have made the entire Planet proud. You have risen above lies, racial prejudice, deceit, greed, fear and elitism to elect a compassionate, empathetic Human Being. A man who knows about caring, about taking everyone along the path to happiness. A man who has the humility and cordiality to be generous in praise of a bitter rival. Who gave an amazing credit to his phenomenal campaign staff, calling them the best in political history. The Laws of Karma never fail. When a good human being is hated, when he is accused of wrongdoing when innocent, the burdens of his errors are transferred to the accusers, to the hate mongers. And Obama has earned great positive karma for Americans by saving the lives of so many who were denied medical care for want of insurance. These are blessings for generations. His compassion for the victims of Hurricane Sandy was further proof of the Nature of his Soul. He has not sold out to the devil. America has elected a man who loves the compassion and generosity of his countrymen. A man who has made America likeable. A man who comes forward to hug foreign leaders who are older to him. A man with Impeccable Humility and Amazing Self-Belief in doing what he knows is right. A man who knows the true idea of America is equal freedom for all citizens, and being a responsible Nation who will help other Nations escape tyranny. The Nation that opens its borders for the oppressed as well as the talented. This great human being will strengthen America and inspire Americans for generations to come. He will inspire the rest of the world to value the power of Equality, Humility and Self Belief. Thank you for winning Barack Hussein Obama. And Thank you for voting him America. IP: Logged |
pire Knowflake Posts: 2072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 07, 2012 07:18 AM
IQ I agree with everything you said  Vive Obama et vive les Etats-Unis d'Obama!  The US gave a lesson to the world. I think he's the only leader to have been reelected during the economic crisis. Well done. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 3227 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 07, 2012 07:24 AM
Drone attacks, unilateral warfare, assassination of Americans, preventive detention, secret prisons, persecution of whistle blowers, expansion of TSA to invasive VIPR teams, climate of fear, lies, more lies, and broken promises.IP: Logged |
pire Knowflake Posts: 2072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 07, 2012 07:47 AM
And Sandy! lol I think he's neither a messiah nor the socialist he's portayed as. Considered from french perspective, obama is seen as center right. U definitely don't know what is a marxist.To a lesser extent, it is socialist ideals that keep visits to the doctor at 35 $ and reimbursed in france, free education till 18 and less than 200$ for the tuition fees at uni, per year. (besides student loans don't exist we have bursaries for students in needs)  Simply being an alternative to his opponent has been enough to be elected. If something is wrong it must be with them. Ps: in france there is a difference between socialist party and communist party. The communist was the original copy if I may say. Then out of this party, in the 20's, at an annual convention I think in 1924 in the city of Tours, it split into 2. On one side remained the communist party supporting USSR, and the socialist party was created. They were more liberal. Not difficult I suppose, more liberal but still socialist with an emphasis on improving the social conditions of the masses. This party was called SFIO. It created in france the paid holidays 12 years later in 1936. Besides, it should be said that whrn marx wrote the capital around 1850, workers had no retirement, paid holidays or days off. Nor social security/insurance of course, like recently in the US. Marx wanted to help the workers cause in the previous decades, the industrial revolution had spread among european nations changing dramatically the ways of life that were centuries old. So far people lived of the country exclusively and society had evolved over the time intertwined with religion and "rituals" that paced the life of the peasant. Suddenly migrations to the cities and factories shifted habits and traditions. IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 9363 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 07, 2012 02:27 PM
what i am most happy about is that it is now patently obvious, after TWO elections where big money thought they could buy america, that that AIN'T NECESSARILY SO...even the obama campaign were worried about all the money being thrown at romney's campaign. they were outspent and they still won. also a great result in many congressional races, wackadoodles left behind. @faith, i understand your worries, but now we have a more empowered president hopefully he will get to work on some of those things too. no one can do everything at once, and especially the military-industrial complex is a hard target to dismantle without causing havoc. in california i believe we lost on prop 37, we will just have to go about food transparency another way for now, and write a better bill for 2014. colorado legalized marijuana last night! a very interesting election in so many ways. last of all, it signalled it is time for the AFFLUENT to relinquish their poverty consciousness and realize that hoarding is a disease. keep the flow going! IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1591 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 07, 2012 02:49 PM
@ iQ  For speaking so openly about a man who is ... yes, a very good human being! My sense of his aura/energy has been (right from the beginning) that he is gentle and compassionate, but asserts himself when necessary, even tho' he's non-confrontational by nature. The likes of him are rare in Washington. In his first term he tolerated a lot from the republicans without complaining or quitting. Given that he's been probably the most disrespected (shockingly so) of all American presidents, his utter humility in withstanding this alone makes him starkly different from the rest of ego filled Washington. Everything you've said in your post is a poignant reminder to us that the burden of the errors of judgment of his competitors has been deflected away from him by his re-election and put upon his rivals instead. In fact the very venom spewed on him is proof of his humanity, since Washington cannot tolerate a good man in their midst. But their attempts to tear him down and chase him out have been blocked by the ever compassionate and responsive energy of the Universe. He had tears rolling down his face as he thanked his campaign staff yesterday after the campaign wound down to await the announcement of the results. He even extended his charity toward Romney thanking Romney for running a spirited campaign. Goodness ultimately cannot be defeated. And his re-election gives renewed hope to keep goodness alive. I hope we as a nation don't blow this second chance to do everything we can to help each other and the country move forward by putting the good of the nation before our own pettiness. ------------------ I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination IP: Logged |
NativelyJoan Knowflake Posts: 1247 From: New England Registered: Sep 2011
posted November 07, 2012 04:50 PM
Words of truth IQ! Is it just me or can anyone else feel the energy of Aquarius Rising? 
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juniperb Moderator Posts: 5793 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 07, 2012 04:54 PM ------------------ We dance around the ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and Knows Robert Frost IP: Logged |
NativelyJoan Knowflake Posts: 1247 From: New England Registered: Sep 2011
posted November 07, 2012 04:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by Linda Jones: He had tears rolling down his face as he thanked his campaign staff yesterday after the campaign wound down to await the announcement of the results. He even extended his charity toward Romney thanking Romney for running a spirited campaign.Goodness ultimately cannot be defeated. And his re-election gives renewed hope to keep goodness alive. I hope we as a nation don't blow this second chance to do everything we can to help each other and the country move forward by putting the good of the nation before our own pettiness.
I remember seeing him get emotional, it was saddening to watch because this is a man who truly wants to make this county and this world better for everyone, he wants to make a difference. And he will because he already has. The change began years ago and this is the beginning of the unification. Everything is going to have to change so that we can all move forward. It's going to take a great deal of hard work but it's attainable. IP: Logged |
birdy Knowflake Posts: 669 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted November 07, 2012 06:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by NativelyJoan: Words of truth IQ! Is it just me or can anyone else feel the energy of Aquarius Rising? 
The truest form of an Aquarius rising. He also has Jupiter in Aquarius. HOW CAN anyone dispute his sincerity? He truly cares despite the naysayers. True humanitarian and visionary man.
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PixieJane Knowflake Posts: 1484 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted November 07, 2012 06:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by birdy: HOW CAN anyone dispute his sincerity?
Faith already answered that question, and I can think of other reasons as well (though Faith listed the most compelling ones to me). I certainly dispute his sincerity. That's not to say I think he's evil (and I roll my eyes over the assertion that he's Muslim or Marxist or "hates America"), but he does have his flaws. That said, he's pleasantly surprised me more than once, and I certainly prefer another 4 years of Obama rather than Romney/Ryan (main thing is Romney would almost certainly make the bad of Obama even worse, at least in most cases, and I can't stomach Ryan's beliefs that his religion should mandate our lives with Romney seeming to go along with that). But this is a case of me seeing Obama as the shiniest of 2 turds, and I get the impression that's how many see it, that is many who voted for Obama were actually voting against Romney and are just glad Romney was defeated, not that Obama is POTUS. (I also get the impression that many who voted for Romney were actually more voting against Obama than sincerely supporting Romney as well.) But I bet if we already had IRV then we'd have radically different results and would probably be congratulating Jill Stein or Gary Johnson now instead...and while I prefer Obama to Romney, no question, I'd prefer either of those to Obama, and those 2 I do see as sincere. (I also wonder how many would've voted for Ron Paul as their first choice when it's no longer "throwing your vote away" to do that.) IP: Logged |
NativelyJoan Knowflake Posts: 1247 From: New England Registered: Sep 2011
posted November 07, 2012 07:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: ...I also wonder how many would've voted for Ron Paul as their first choice when it's no longer "throwing your vote away" to do that.
I am not a fan of Ron Paul, but if he had been on the ballot as either the Libertarian or Republican candidate, I wouldn't have been surprised if he did pretty well in the election. Well enough to win? I don't think so only because his views might be too eccentric for the general public. I think his platform is a bit too polarizing for the general population and not appealing enough to those who aren't Independents. Ron Paul is a very idealistic Libertarian politician with very strong beliefs and convictions which is admirable. However, in my opinion, I just don't think his platform appeals to enough of the population. His views, policies and beliefs don't appeal to me at all (and I learn towards anarchy). But he has very loyal and passionate followers. It speaks to his sense of integrity and dedication. I don't think twice about where Ron Paul stands because he's consistent. IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 2101 From: 1,981 mi East of Truth or Consequences NM Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 08, 2012 08:58 AM
iQ:Very well said, and thank you. Hopefully- partisanship at all cost is on the wain. The voters have shown [twice ] where they want to go, and who they want to lead. Gaining Democratic Senate seats solidifies this. Usually we hedge our bets re/ congressional balance. With an incumbent Obama. the majority are giving added insurance that progressive policy should have a better chance at succeeding. I said here for the last election that an Obama win was most important for his US Supreme Court Selections. Let us all hope that the right wing is finally getting the message. Let us hope the blue dog Dem's got the message. On a personal level: election evening found me in bed very early for work related reasons. Anxiety had me up at midnight checking the returns. The merc retro I have been hearing about for months from astrologers was imprinted deeply. I am very very happy with the lack of drama, and the clean resounding win by Obama. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 3227 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 08, 2012 03:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: Faith already answered that question, and I can think of other reasons as well (though Faith listed the most compelling ones to me). I certainly dispute his sincerity.
Thank you. The Obama illusion of peacemaker/friend to the poor/etc. is difficult for me to stomach without other sensible people sometimes stepping in to acknowledge that it's just an illusion. quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: That's not to say I think he's evil (and I roll my eyes over the assertion that he's Muslim or Marxist or "hates America"), but he does have his flaws.
I seriously don't even care about him being a Marxist or Muslim, but I'll go along with drone attacks, torture, and some other policies being outright evil. quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: That said, he's pleasantly surprised me more than once,
I don't mean to challenge you but to learn from you: can you tell me what he pleasantly surprised you about? quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: But I bet if we already had IRV then we'd have radically different results and would probably be congratulating Jill Stein or Gary Johnson now instead...and while I prefer Obama to Romney, no question, I'd prefer either of those to Obama, and those 2 I do see as sincere. (I also wonder how many would've voted for Ron Paul as their first choice when it's no longer "throwing your vote away" to do that.)
Good point, and if we had that voting, we might have had even better candidates than Johnson (who has all the charisma of Eeyore.) I love Ron Paul but concede that he was too old to inspire confidence. Unfortunately, I think the point of elections is not to make sure the people get the leader they want but that the special interests get the puppet they want. IP: Logged |
Jovian Knowflake Posts: 577 From: US Registered: May 2012
posted November 08, 2012 05:44 PM
You are correct, Faith. This latest puppet is a fantastic illusion. A brilliant deception. Evil is so very intelligent and far-seeing. We keep forgetting. We so badly wish it weren't so. We so badly wish things were at last truly, organically blossoming into this beautiful loving era. I found myself even shedding a few tears, at the end of Obama's election night speech.The beings beholden to darkness see across eras, in their quest to control. Plans are in motion for decades. They DO NOT behave like human beings. The psychology of manipulating the psyche of the masses is well known to these forces. They are past masters at manipulating our minds. They have been having us respond as they wish us to for generations. We MUST stop being so naive.
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PixieJane Knowflake Posts: 1484 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted November 08, 2012 06:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: but I'll go along with drone attacks, torture, and some other policies being outright evil.
Good point, and I agree that those are certainly evil acts...and I'm not a pacifist, I pretty much support like his going after Somali pirates and Osama as long as it's done right, but even when his kill list including Americans is ARGUABLY justified (I reject the argument myself for the same reasons as given here), it sets up a precedent for those with even darker ambitions to use. It's like how the USAPATRIOT Act desensitized Americans who got used to it and we've slipped to the NDAA now among other abuses, marching ever forward to an utter police state in which the government can assign people to be watched, detained, or even murdered without any due process whatsoever. This slope has been described as boiling a frog alive by turning up the heat so slowly the frog doesn't realize it's cooked until too late, and this metaphor being described brilliantly in real life can be read in this chapter here. And now Obama has not only taken us a little further down the path, no matter how good his intentions may be, and now has opened the floodgates to the REAL death panels that not even conservatives talk about...after all conservatives think Obama is TOO SOFT and don't want to make him look good by emphasizing that he shares traits with a tyrant, at least the kind of tyranny they want to be practiced under themselves even harder. And didn't many Republicans cheer when Ann Coulter said others should be executed to keep liberals from becoming outright traitors? (Btw, Ann Coulter responded to Obama killing Americans on secret kill lists by recommending Jane Fonda to be put on the list, and she does have a point, at least if the Viet Nam war was still going on, she'd have earned it more than the 16-year-old...). And then there's how doing this makes enemies faster than we can kill them. But as much as I see his acts as evil I think the Obama administration is sincerely trying to protect America first and the globe second from terrorists (of course big biz gets their say, too, but he could rationalize that as helping the world be more prosperous or some such). If the history is true then George Washington (who is said to have refused to raze a city of innocents just to get at the British forces hidden within) would be appalled, but I see very little conscience in the more powerful people in politics today, at least in America. I suspect such people have huge egos and an amazing ability to rationalize the compromises they've made (assuming they're not outright sociopaths who don't need to rationalize these things to themselves) and decades of practice have made it easy, along with making decisions about people they don't really know and never seen before (so their humanity is's easy for some people who lack imagination to ignore the scores of children they kill and those who weep and swear vengeance against America over their dead little bodies if all they ever see is a footnote on a piece of paper), then it helps them to use evil means to achieve supposedly good ends. Perhaps then the story I did that got me in such trouble in high school (where George Washington and other founding fathers decided to hold another revolution against America's government, including both then President Clinton and Texas Governor Bush) would be true after all...but then they, who were superior in ethics than modern politicians in many ways, were themselves slave owners, which most of our modern politicians would not support (at least publicly, though I believe Bachmann secretly supports slavery). I'm not sure what to make of that. Anyway, getting too OT (and I haven't even gotten to the torture yet!) so I'll just say I was responding to this idea which I reject: quote: Originally posted by Faith: can you tell me what he pleasantly surprised you about?
Offhand, he's proven to be a friend of gun owners (even despite how the NRA has demonized him and people showing up near where he speaks toting AR-15s and carrying signs about watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants--contrast with the Bush administration who had people jailed just for showing up with shirts that criticized them!) AND he's been the best POTUS for the gay community ever, neither of which I expected. I also liked how he remained and urged calm where other presidents would've milked it for all it was worth (from swine flu to the gulf oil spill--granted, he caved to political pressure a little at the end in the gulf oil crisis, and Obama helped facilitate the crisis happening in the first place, though I'd have expected no less from any politician). That's just off the top of my head. Oh, and bonus points for not being an embarrassment like Bush and Romney (the last 2 continually sticking foot to their own mouth and saying mind boggling stupid things that make the rest of the world wonder if that's really the best Americans can find to lead us). quote: Originally posted by Faith: Unfortunately, I think the point of elections is not to make sure the people get the leader they want but that the special interests get the puppet they want.
Some do like to say that "America has the best democracy money can buy." And speaking of which, an article on one of the lesser reasons I don't care for Obama: (If you just want to skip directly to President Obama's part in this than skip to page 6.) And he dishes out the bribes to those who serve him well as well, and here's one example explained (btw, this lady gets accused of being a Marxist, too, just because she was born in Russia and is liberal, even if she's lived in the US since she was like 4): (Btw, Alyona is one of the few who point out the dark side of Obama on a regular basis, much darker than this including Obama's use of secret kill lists--the REAL death panels--and drones, though if possible she hits Republicans even harder, and at least once a government agent tried going KGB on her. But I was just pointing out here the bit about why America is the best democracy you can buy.) Gods, I could posts a lot more of these, too...and like the above many are from liberals (many of whom are asking why other liberals are so enamored by Obama as anything other than the "lesser evil" at best) as well. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 3227 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 09, 2012 07:33 AM
Jovian,Well said! Your comment reminded me of this quote: "Most people prefer to believe their leaders are fair and just even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing in principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all." -Michael Rivero (Not meaning to call anyone cowards, myself.) IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 3227 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 09, 2012 08:10 AM
Thank you, Pixie Jane.  I'm of the mindset that the terrorist threat is deliberately fomented and then treated with an overwhelmingly exaggerated response, to profit the military industrial complex and tighten the reins around all people, as we move toward global totalitarianism. As Alan Greenspan said: "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil" And Zbigniew Brzezinksi (who was Obama's one-time foreign policy advisor, amongst many other things) just nailed it when he acknowledged before the Senate: "The war on terror is a mythical historical narrative." I don't want to beat a dead horse but just to make my position complete for others who haven't seen it and may be reading, I believe the neoconservatives were intent on war before 9/11, used 9/11 as a pretext for implementing a predesigned war agenda. And I believe the neocons are still in power; there are indications that while conservative media generates hatred towards Obama, the forces behind it are actually very happy with Obama's continuation of wars based on lies. quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: Oh, and bonus points for not being an embarrassment like Bush and Romney (the last 2 continually sticking foot to their own mouth and saying mind boggling stupid things that make the rest of the world wonder if that's really the best Americans can find to lead us).
I'll go along with that, the friend to gun owners stuff, and relative tolerance for fanatics compared to GWB. Although they may just be letting the fanatics stay on the loose while compiling evidence against them in the event that they decide to imprison them later (NDAA). quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: And speaking of which, an article on one of the lesser reasons I don't care for Obama:
Oh that was good (page 6, I'm short on time and didn't read the whole thing.) Just telling it like it is: quote: You want to win elections, you bang on the jailable class. You build prisons and fill them with people for selling dime bags and stealing CD players. But for stealing a billion dollars? For fraud that puts a million people into foreclosure? Pass. It's not a crime. Prison is too harsh. Get them to say they're sorry, and move on. Oh, wait — let's not even make them say they're sorry. That's too mean; let's just give them a piece of paper with a government stamp on it, officially clearing them of the need to apologize, and make them pay a fine instead. But don't make them pay it out of their own pockets, and don't ask them to give back the money they stole. In fact, let them profit from their collective crimes, to the tune of a record $135 billion in pay and benefits last year. What's next? Taxpayer-funded massages for every Wall Street executive guilty of fraud?
The Alyona piece was good but a little disappointing to me; I had this quaint notion that RT operated 24/7 from the premise that Obama is a fake, and everyone in its viewership knows it. I guess I should have branched out and watched more RT videos on YouTube to get rid of this naive assumption earlier.  Oh yes and Obama appointing Monsanto shill Tom Vilsack as Secretary of Agriculture says a lot about his loyalties and was not exactly the stuff I'd expect liberals to go gah gah for...but it just got swept under the rug like mostly everything else. I think he does have people brainwashed pretty good. I love this video by John Pilger (Australian socialist), even though it's old: Obama is a Corporate Marketing Creation ^ Five minutes that have reverberated in my head for about three years now.
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Jovian Knowflake Posts: 577 From: US Registered: May 2012
posted November 09, 2012 09:20 AM
Faith, this remarkable re-election has compelled me to start looking further into Obama's background than I had previously, to prove even more certainly to myself that there is well enough a mound of evidence to confirm the doubts that intuitively exist for so many about this man. Though, for those of us who realize that nothing is left to chance by the power brokers, it is to be completely expected that Obama was supported and cultivated to be this trojan horse from long ago, and the trail of his past continues to be scrubbed clean, in some places, and cavalierly left exposed in others. At the same time, I want to be happy that there appears to be a move toward what many of us here would call "progress," at least socially, from the ground up, with the election of many democratic candidates (which I'll call the lesser of the two-party system evils), including many women, at local and state levels, as well as the people themselves actually voting for gay marriage in Maine and Maryland. I am certainly not a political person and didn't even vote, such is my cynicism about the process, but certainly part of me wants to believe there are signs of a critical mass of the population awakening to our common humanity, however imperfectly. Yet, I find it is hard to trust that it is authentic, since I have no doubt in the ability of nefarious forces to manipulate the actual votes, to manipulate the media's presentation of what public opinions actually are, and manipulate public opinion itself...never mind their agenda to fan the flames of various initiatives that appear to be "good" and to manipulate them to their own twisted ends. As well, much of this apparent Obama victory, and perhaps the overall Democratic victories, is simply due to the changing face of America, and the inability of the Republican party's image to appeal to the many minority interests comprising the country. I think over 90% of African-Americans voted for him, as well as the great majority of Hispanic/Latin Americans. I don't know--it's just the fact that it is always tainted that dismays me. ...People's idealism and belief in goodness is being manipulated, big time. Obama has indeed done very little of all the amazing things he promised in his first term, and in fact has done quite a lot of other things. ...Yet here he is, elected by quite a margin. People would rather believe the lie, as you say. I understand how baffled the average Republican and others are by this fact, that despite all the lies, here he is again, with his amazing charisma and promises for the future.
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juniperb Moderator Posts: 5793 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2012 09:25 AM
I tend to agree with this:"People's idealism and belief in goodness is being manipulated, big time. Obama has indeed done very little of all the amazing things he promised in his first term, and in fact has done quite a lot of other things. ...Yet here he is, elected by quite a margin. People would rather believe the lie, as you say. I understand how baffled Republicans and others are by this fact, that despite all the lies, here he is again, with his amazing charisma and promises for the future." To add to the concerns is we still have the status quo... yet we expect a brighter future from this grouping? The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. I feel it applys here  ------------------ We dance around the ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and Knows Robert Frost IP: Logged |
Jovian Knowflake Posts: 577 From: US Registered: May 2012
posted November 09, 2012 10:22 AM
It ultimately matters not to TPTB who is ostensibly, outwardly in "power" --the "democrats" or the "republicans," since they know they actually have the true power over both "sides." They play any side, as long as we are moving along towards their envisioned New World Order and our enslavement.IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2012 10:25 AM
There is more to our country's dynamics than merely which party inhabits which branch of government, so while it may stay the same, outside forces will not.IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 5793 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2012 10:54 AM
quote: Originally posted by AcousticGod: There is more to our country's dynamics than merely which party inhabits which branch of government, so while it may stay the same, outside forces will not.
That`s what I`m "banking" on! I`d like to see the status quo shaken up and stirred... we shall see  ------------------ We dance around the ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and Knows Robert Frost IP: Logged |
Jovian Knowflake Posts: 577 From: US Registered: May 2012
posted November 09, 2012 11:10 AM
I remember Obama's initial election, and the tears from around the world, from those believing he was to be a sign of a better future for the entire world. It is interesting to see this view still prevails, as evident by the praise from those outside the U.S. here, while many of us within are skeptical.There remains much that can be considered not only lying "politics as usual" with this one, but something that seems even more sinister in his massive appeal and power of persuasion and his presumptuousness. Pire, I do understand that Americans have a limited view of other ways of living. The "socialist" idea of affordable healthcare and education sounds appealing, of course. Big changes are indeed needed in this country. ...But is it okay if new ideas are introduced--rather inflicted--via lies and deception and by skirting the laws of the land? Do the ultimate ends justify the means? So much of his dealings are indeed politics as usual, so much the more dangerous because of his presentation as an open, honest friend of the people. From what I am reading, if one keeps their head and emotions in check, it is clear there are an abundance of facts being hidden about his origins and past. ...More than enough to compromise him and keep him "playing ball" with corrupting forces. Yet, I think he has just about convinced himself of his own lies, his own myth. Isn't that the most dangerous kind of person? IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 09, 2012 11:40 AM
There's plenty of speculation about the motives of people, and about the actualities of power. I tend to think that all conspiratorialists are misunderstanding rather than seeing the big picture. Words like "sinister" are defined by intelligence and sophistication, which aren't terms that come to mind when viewing most Presidents. Evidence of this lack of intelligent malfeasance abounds. The truly "sinister" politician would get a lot more done than we've seen out of recent Presidents.IP: Logged | |