Topic: Welcome to The New America
pire Knowflake Posts: 2019 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2012 01:30 PM
Faith u remind me of my scorpio friend very engaged politically (on the communiist side) who think i am eithr naive or liberal (it is bad for him) because i support a candidate from the center. I can't explain to him (well he refuses to understand) that i do support this man (francois bayrou) because he is the only sensible and trustworthy politician. What is the point in arguing with my friend? He consider me being illogical having left views and voting (being a member) for a party in the center (too liberal to him) When i lived in london i studied politics because i was a young idealist gay men that thought ideals needed good people to defend my ideals of peace, u.derstanding, ... U name it. But i finished my degree understanding that those who get in power either don't have morals or drop their pants every once in a while. And i never wanted that for me. No way i would work in that field and publicly defend ideas that i disagree with because ultimately they let me work on issues that i want to resolves. But kudos to those who can do that. But when i talk with my friend i realise that his motives are less selfless than they first appear. And also because his position allows him to be an eternal critic, never actually getting his hands dirty. U remind me of him. For sure he is always gonna be right by protesting against those who take the risk to act. There is saying in french, maybe in english idk, i didnt understand it until recently: there is only those whonever act that never make any mistakes. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 2987 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 14, 2012 02:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by AcousticGod: The "government" document was merely stating what things are likely to be true of a domestic terrorist.
Hmm! Are you talking about the MIAC report?
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AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2012 02:26 PM
Yeah.IP: Logged |
NativelyJoan Knowflake Posts: 1245 From: New England Registered: Sep 2011
posted November 14, 2012 02:26 PM
Faith,Barack Obama may never live up to your standards of what a leader or President should be because he's not libertarian. We live in a democracy and he's a Democratic President. He's not Ron Paul. He's not Ron Paul. He's not Ron Paul. You want me to breakdown my reasons for disliking the President, explain his failings to you in precise detail. Yet, you've already made your judgments. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I don't need to nor do I want to. I think it's great that you have such strong convictions, I'd wish you'd wouldn't label others as blind for doing the same. You hold so very strongly to your beliefs and I've deduced this discussion is therefore pointless. I've done my Obama homework, I've just come to a different conclusion then you. And it's not likely that we'll come to a common ground. I'm tired of this irrational debate. Oh and about those legions of people who support the President and recognize his failings, there are articles, blog posts, even radio stations (independent ones) dedicated to picking apart this President and his promises. And shocker, many of them still supported his reelection. Here's a podcast from one of my favorite independent radio stations, Citizens Radio: Edit: here's another one that's criticizing both Romney and Obama's policies on drones: Here's a political blog post from DailyIntel: Here's another nice one picking apart the President: An argument from another blogger: IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 2987 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 14, 2012 02:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by pire: And also because his position allows him to be an eternal critic, never actually getting his hands dirty. U remind me of him. For sure he is always gonna be right by protesting against those who take the risk to act. There is saying in french, maybe in english idk, i didnt understand it until recently: there is only those whonever act that never make any mistakes.
I just don't think Obama's doing a good job. Political discussions usually involve complaint. Even the optimists tend to throw in sharp jabs about the opposing party, so I don't know who, in a political discussion, isn't being critical. I dislike being judged for not acting before someone takes the time to ask me whether or not I act. Why not be, you could say: "Faith, do you give money to political organizations to try and accomplish something positive in government?" YES. "Do you actually go out into the world participating in protests, events, fundraisers and stuff like that?" YES. "Do you get your hopes up like the Obama supporters do, when you see a candidate who, imperfect as they are, still are good enough to make you hope they might do something right?" YES. "And you fund their campaigns?" YES. "Do you sign up for emails from activist groups so you can sign their petitions and send money when you believe in a cause?" I do. Not that this will change your mind about me being a smug, lazy cynic. But that's the truth, anyway. IP: Logged |
pire Knowflake Posts: 2019 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2012 02:41 PM
NJ, i am listening to the podcast u posted and i don t understand what they answer at the begining to the question: why the french people should burn? Because.. They are not ****** ??? I didnt get the word. Can u tell me pleaseIP: Logged |
pire Knowflake Posts: 2019 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2012 02:44 PM
Faith it seems u miss the purpose of my comment. No worries. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 2987 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 14, 2012 02:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by AcousticGod: Out of curiosity I just looked up this claim that Ron Paul supporters are supposedly on a terrorist watch list. There's no evidence that a Ron Paul supporter would be singled out for being a Ron Paul supporter as a possible terrorist suspect. The "government" document was merely stating what things are likely to be true of a domestic terrorist.
In what way does the MIAC report NOT count as a bona fide government document? Why did you put that word in quotations? quote: Originally posted by AcousticGod: This profile of a domestic terrorist is likely based upon the ones that have already carried out acts of terrorism in the United States.
"Likely," huh? But you don't know for sure? What terrorists were Ron Paul supporters? I'm curious. quote: Originally posted by AcousticGod: There's no good reason for this to concern you unless you have thoughts about carrying out plans of domestic terrorism.
How would you feel if being an Obama supporter was considered an indication that you might be a terrorist? It's in keeping with your superiority complex that you belittle my concerns. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 2987 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 14, 2012 02:54 PM
OK, NJ.I asked you to tell me in your own words how Obama may have failed or let you down but you just keep sending me links. I already told you that links don't answer the question for me. So we can drop it. No hard feelings. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 2987 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 14, 2012 02:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by pire: Faith it seems u miss the purpose of my comment. No worries.
Really? Can you explain it better or do you prefer to leave it hanging so it looks like I am just too stupid to grasp what you were actually getting at?
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AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2012 03:04 PM
I questioned my own putting of government in quotations. You're likely right that it shouldn't be in quotes. quote: "Likely," huh? But you don't know for sure?
Well, I could go find the document if you like, and see for myself. I was reading an article from a guy that said that he fit the profile outlined in that document, but he also said that it's unlikely that a person would be profiled based on the document. I take that to mean that the document was illustrating that characteristics of terrorists. Now, because you've challenged this, I'll have to go find out for our edification. I'll be back. IP: Logged |
pire Knowflake Posts: 2019 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2012 03:16 PM
Well u think politics is about being critical. And i think politics is about changing what can be done at one time, even if it means compromises. Good outweight the bad to me. Cause I KNOW politics IS the problem, not the solution. Like u i suppose. But for me the solutions is in creating a political environment that is constructive. Even if it is painstaking and taking time. That is the main difference between us or between me and my friend. U seem to think that opposing is more helping to create a constructive political environment whereas i think that painstakingly supporting the most determined politician that want to contribute to the fostering of a peaceful environment is the best choice. Even if it is slow or not so perfect as on paper. And i am aware of the compromises with truth or ethics that imply an election of that level. But i don't expect u to agree.Ps: must go to sleep though.  IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2012 03:22 PM
I haven't found the document itself yet, but in this excerpt from the article I had read, the same thing is implied:[S]tate law enforcement officials said the report is being misinterpreted. Lt. John Hotz of the Missouri State Highway Patrol said the report was compiled by the Missouri Information Analysis Center based in Jefferson City and comes purely from publically available, trend data on militias.
quote: How would you feel if being an Obama supporter was considered an indication that you might be a terrorist?
I would feel fine. I'm not a terrorist. If I were part of a smaller group of people that could be one of the signs indicative of a terrorist, I would probably understand what it was that inclusion in such a group of people might be attractive to a potential terrorist. IP: Logged |
pire Knowflake Posts: 2019 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2012 03:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Really? Can you explain it better or do you prefer to leave it hanging so it looks like I am just too stupid to grasp what you were actually getting at?
LoL; u have a way with words.  IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2012 03:27 PM
Here's the page the Ron Paul reference was on: Here's a link where you can read the whole brochure for yourself (instead of taking other people's word for it): IP: Logged |
NativelyJoan Knowflake Posts: 1245 From: New England Registered: Sep 2011
posted November 14, 2012 03:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: OK, NJ.I asked you to tell me in your own words how Obama may have failed or let you down but you just keep sending me links. I already told you that links don't answer the question for me.
The links I posted are in response to your statement: "What proof is there that they care? Are they protesting the Patriot Act still? Writing blog entries against drone attacks and the NDAA and the TSA? Worried about the militarization of our police? All the signs that in other places and other times would be seen as clear indications that we are increasingly becoming a police state? I haven't seen them doing that; I've seen them devoting much more energy to trying to exonerate the President for every controversial thing he's done." Yes there are in fact blog entries, articles, radio podcasts, discussing the unethical use of drone attacks, the NDAA, the FISA Bill, Guantanamo, Iran etc. All the information you assume doesn't exist is out there. Among all of his successes and failures, I still support the President and his attempts at bipartisanship with the Republicans in congress during his first term. Hopefully he learned his lesson, which is you can't reason with the unreasonable. This isn't the 18th century, there are bigger things at stake here. As far as his actions go, President Obama has had his successes (healthcare reform, ending the war in Iraq, stimulus bill, reduced government spending, increased renewable energy investments, signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair play Act) and many failures (the rise in national debt, continuing the war in Afghanistan, expanding the use of drones campaign under Petraeus, signing the FISA Bill, attempting to be bipartisan with Republicans in the House and failing miserably, inaction towards immigration reform) and each list goes on. And now onto his next four years. @Pire, I actually didn't catch that word either. I will try listening to that podcast again. They tend to mix politics with comedy. It's kind of a Jon Stewart vibe. They are very blunt and not trying to be offensive, just very blatant. IP: Logged |
NativelyJoan Knowflake Posts: 1245 From: New England Registered: Sep 2011
posted November 14, 2012 04:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by pire: NJ, i am listening to the podcast u posted and i don t understand what they answer at the begining to the question: why the french people should burn? Because.. They are not ****** ??? I didnt get the word. Can u tell me please
Pire here's the opening dialogue, they use it as an introduction to all their podcasts, it's their theme song/catch phrase: "Hey Jamie and Allison, hows it going" "Fine, good" "Our goal is to bring you news and talk about stories that the mainstream media isn't covering" "Mr. Hannity (Sean Hannity, political pundit), why should French people burn?" "Uh, cause they're not A-meericans" "You know legally, we don't have the right to do that" (The hosts are actually satirizing Sean Hannity a far right political pundit on Fox News) Citizen Radio is quite critical of political pundits and the mainstream media in general. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 2987 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 14, 2012 04:44 PM
@NJThanks for clarifying several points for me. I didn't understand that the links were in response to my other questions. I'll check them out when I get a chance. I'm not an actual, self-proclaiming Libertarian, just for the record. (Edited: I used that word before to give you a ballpark figure for where I stand, relative to government interventions, for lack of any better label. But I differ with them and their ideology in many ways.) While I love Ron Paul, I don't dismiss every politician just because they are not Ron Paul. @AG Bottom line is, I take issue with the practice of *profiling,* especially when the government is also spying non-stop and talking about incarcerating people preventively in the future, based on these secretive criteria/risk factors they have come up with, and not necessarily the actual intent of the individuals. If you don't mind being branded as a potential terrorist, that's your biz. To me, it's the highest form of insult. Semi-funny video about profiling. @pire Hope you slept well. Truth is, I can work for reform under an existing administration and criticize some of the decisions of the President at the same time. It helps clarify my own principles and priorities. I see Obama as a liar, and that's basically a deal-breaker for me. He may have other shining qualities, but the blatant lying prevents me from respecting him. IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1554 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 14, 2012 05:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Actually, AG, I see the flaws in Republicans (Romney in particular). That's what makes me different. Some of the people here just seem to have a girl crush on Obama. He can do no wrong. If he created death camps, they would justify it. But I see him all too clearly. And it has nothing to do with anything but his policies and his character (or lack thereof) and his duplicitous nature. But I don't expect the lambs to ever wake up or protest even as they look up lovingly in his eyes as the axe drops.
at the italicized part. I find the imagery funny, even if the reality of it actually happening would be scary. To our resident psychologist, Acoustic.  What do you think of the women posting in favor of the Prez in this forum, do you think we have a girl crush on him? And could you support your answer with reasons? Thanks  ------------------ I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1554 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 14, 2012 05:16 PM
BTW, just LOVING the ongoing convo!------------------ I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2012 07:13 PM
FaithI don't think that there is active profiling...not on the basis of liking a third party candidate. There are plenty of reasons for a person to like a third party candidate that don't involve having a terrorist mentality. Linda Jones Hmmm...Do I think there's a girl crush thing happening? I think I've seen most people give a qualified thumbs up for reasons they've determined for themselves. We may not all be working off of the same evidence, but if people here have come to answers/opinions that don't rely on pure superficiality or delusion, then I would suspect that the reasoning is deeper than merely crushin' on him. IP: Logged |
pire Knowflake Posts: 2019 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 15, 2012 01:40 AM
@ NJThanks for the translation. I thought they said "becuse tgey are *morrocans*" which didn't make sense. I didn't get offended, there are some frennch that I would like to see burn sometimes too. my country IS really beautiful, but the french are a usually unsatisfied. I feel a strong virgo energy in the culture of my country. And it can be disheartening when u live in such a beautiful place. With a very good way of life rooted in food for the mind, and for the mouth Being critic is a national sport here, and I confess enjoying it too from time to time. @ faith thanks, it is night time here when people are having lunch in the States. I understand your points although I don't share your conclusion. But bear in mind I miss some info or propaganda (accirding to one's perspective) for and against Obama. I missed the first debate, listened to the second live cause i worked that night, it was broadcasted on the BBC long waves. And I saw the third on dailymotion. Honestly I wasn't impressed by the 2 candidates. And I already said it here, if I had to vote I would have voted for obama although without enthusiasm for his program. He doesn't represent all my ideals, and I can see the compromises he's doing to be in the pisition of President of the United States. But at the end of the day he does represent an image of america that I can relate to. He's surely not perfect, but if he was perfect for john he would not be perfect for mary, patrick, bob and so on... But tbh, it doesn't matter, because the majority is enough to win an election not unanimity. IP: Logged |
NativelyJoan Knowflake Posts: 1245 From: New England Registered: Sep 2011
posted November 16, 2012 06:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by pire: Thanks for the translation. I thought they said "becuse tgey are *morrocans*" which didn't make sense. I didn't get offended, there are some frennch that I would like to see burn sometimes too. my country IS really beautiful, but the french are a usually unsatisfied. I feel a strong virgo energy in the culture of my country. And it can be disheartening when u live in such a beautiful place. With a very good way of life rooted in food for the mind, and for the mouth Being critic is a national sport here, and I confess enjoying it too from time to time.
No problem Pire. I hear you about citizens having a perpetual sense of dissatisfaction with their country. I grew up in between the US and South Africa, and both countries have their beauty, especially South Africa. Cape Town (that's all I have to say). You're life will be changed, forever. There is this profound beauty in South Africa and also this potent cosmic energy there. So potent we have about as many conventional doctors as spiritual and medicine men and woman (including Shamans which we call Sangomas), and many citizens regardless of ethnicity in SA regularly consult both. Interesting right? But on top of all the cultural and natural beauty is a great deal of conflict amongst the people both in SA and in the USA (for different reasons of course). If I had to align South Africa specifically with a sign, I'd align it with Sagittarius. For the wisdom and strength of the people, the abundance of spiritual resources and practices (new age, religious, and ancient), and the extensive cultural diversity that's allowed the country to be coined the "rainbow nation" by Mandela. I think the human race is much bigger then petty politics. I completely agree with you Pire. Our capabilities are immense. If only we could see and better understand that. IP: Logged |
pire Knowflake Posts: 2019 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 17, 2012 01:09 AM
I like to think of countries in term of astrology. I can see the sag in South Africa. Very interesting indeed. I love this image. But would it be the sun? What would be the asc? From the top of my head, gemini? Because of the dual culture? And the moon? The big 3 for France, to me, would be virgo sun or rising IDK, there has to be an air sign, may be libra, to explain the constant need for frenchs to have an opinion on each and every subject under the sun. And either cancer or taurus to explain the importance of food and the countryside in the culture.For the US i personnally see leo going hand in hand with cancer. Obviously the 4th of july play a role but I find americans sometimes a bit too clanish. May be because they have this other vibe that make them so open towards the rest of the world, making them look sagg to me, and especially if we think of the US new border's quest or whatever it is called. I mean the conquest of the west, of space... Sorry for this useless post IP: Logged |
NativelyJoan Knowflake Posts: 1245 From: New England Registered: Sep 2011
posted November 17, 2012 09:47 PM
Haha Pire! On the contrary , I actually found your post very intriguing. It really does make you ponder doesn't it? Connecting astrology to the symbolism, imagery and history of these nations.I could definitely see the Sun being in Sag for South Africa because of the history of migration and influx of varied cultural groups in Southern Africa and the extensive archeological and prehistoric artifacts and sites home to this region. Of which compromise some of the oldest discovered on the planet. There's a great deal of prehistoric history there. I continue to see the parallels between Sagittarius and it's themes. I could definitely see Gemini Rising or possibly the moon being in Gemini which would be a deeper representation of an internal conflict within the nation. Which greatly characterizes South Africa's tumultuous racial history. I can completely associate Libra Rising with France for it's beauty and art, and refinement projected out into the world. In addition to literature. Was it not French philosopher and writer Diderot who helped compile the very first encyclopedia? It was. I can also see the Moon being in Taurus. Especially that fixed energy being present towards food, indulgence and fine living. The American chart makes a great deal of sense. The Leo energy (North Node in Leo) and Aquarius energy (Moon in Aquarius). I'd agree with you about Sagittarius on the Ascendant, especially considering the US was founded by immigrants.
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