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Author Topic:   Slew Of Companies Reducing Employee Hours to Under 30--One Chain Adds Surcharge Also!

Posts: 5727
From: Blue Star Kachina
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posted November 30, 2012 03:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Actually it`s properly Blackfoot Nation aka Blackfeet refering to a tribe or individual.

We need to listen to our own song, and share it with others, but not force it on them. Our songs are different. They should be in harmony with each other. ~ Mattie Stepanek

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posted December 01, 2012 08:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I had said, "The bitterness that comes through when some people talk about the millionaires, I don't think that's healthy."

Then you asked me who is bitter.

My answer to that is, "Some people."

Those are the people I was talking about.

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posted December 01, 2012 08:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by juniperb:
Actually it`s properly Blackfoot Nation aka Blackfeet refering to a tribe or individual.

Boy, this is complex because on your link it says:

As Niitsitapii we accept as our duty and responsibility, the right to maintain our dignity as a self-sustaining People, for ourselves and the purposes and the purposes of our future generations:

It's almost as bad as Dutch people being from Holland aka the Netherlands.

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posted December 01, 2012 09:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mockingbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Juni - Thank you for the clarification re: Blackfoot/Blackfeet.

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From: Blue Star Kachina
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posted December 01, 2012 09:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We call together those who have been members of our alliance (Blackfoot Confederacy) in the ancient past. We call you home to be our relatives in the shinning light of knowledge and the love of our Creator. Once again, we shall live by our sacred vows, spirituality, traditions, and beliefs. We have created a great and powerful nation based upon respect and honor for all beings of Stah-koomi-tapii-akii (Mother Earth) and beyond

Guess we are just making an attempt at being politically correct

We need to listen to our own song, and share it with others, but not force it on them. Our songs are different. They should be in harmony with each other. ~ Mattie Stepanek

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posted December 01, 2012 01:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
well maybe times have changed. the only blackfoot i have had the pleasure of knowing, one neva powell, who mapped antartica from admiral byrd's expedition photos never used the term blackfeet, only the singular, whether it was the blackfoot nation or a particular blackfoot tribe member.

granted her family were integrated into the greater public, farmers in ohio, so maybe she was behind the times in terms of correct terminology, which changes with the years! she managed to retain the ethics and integrity for which many of the tribes are known, but then living on a reservation is a very different i said before, more like being in a cage or having ones' wings clipped than a real life.

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posted December 01, 2012 01:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
as to rich people, they are like any other group, some are noble beings and some are "wastrels". the idea that wealth comes only with "hard work" is laughable, since much wealth is passed on and consolidated from generation to generation (rockefellers, morgans, kennedys)

but resent them, no...nor do i think they should spend all their money so the rest of us can sit around and do nothing. no one is ASKING for all their money, only the amount that apparently worked very well before bush. NOT THE 90% they paid in the 40s, 50s and half the 50s when the economy was growing growing growing....and with the loopholes which are always available to those who seek in the right places, it is unlikely that they will even pay the whole $3000 extra out of each $100K over the marker line...which i suspect will be less than 250K by the time it is settled.

however it is also faulty logic to assume that those receiving benefits from the tax system are "doing nothing" or not working. 80% of walmart employees are eligible for foodstamps and families earning a good deal more than the average see their taxes returned via EIC and child credits every year. which they plow back into the economy and complete the circle.

there is a certain class of rich people however who employ usury and hoard their profits and THEY are the ones who object to letting go of single pennies on the dollar to stimulate the economy that made them wealthy...doesn't compute for me.

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posted December 01, 2012 05:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Not sure why the OWS crowd embraced the 1 percent myth, since it's actually closer to around 10 percent who control the majority of wealth in the global sense (or so I have heard). But even if all of the money were evenly divided among everyone, it would end up back in the hands of the same 10 percent (or whatever that percentage truly is). Some people attract money and has it stick to them. Others attract money and have it leave as quickly. And most people repel money. It can be traced to how one feels about money. But regardless of whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not, I'm sure most of us can agree that a poor attitude about money will result in poor performance in trying to make it, and someone who loves what they do and puts love ahead of money will typically not want for much. Of course, it's not as simple as that. But that's it in a nutshell. This explains why people attract a lottery win but often become more broke and in debt a while later than before the big win.

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posted December 01, 2012 07:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ nice sideways


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posted December 02, 2012 10:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
All I know is that I'm taxed through the wazoo and I'm sick and tired of paying more taxes.

The federal marginal tax rates are going up to 38%. Capital gains at 20%. New York State at 7.85%. New York City at 2.5%. Then there's real estate taxes. And estate taxes. And sales taxes. I can't even take a dump without paying sewer taxes. Taxes on phone calls. Freaking 18.375% to park my car. What the hell.

I bust my butt and work hard everyday. I'm sure you guys do too. But stop taking me for a freaking ride. Rich? Gimme a break. Most of us weren't born with squat and made it all via hard work. Nobody cut me any breaks along the way. Now that I have gotten there, I get hated on.

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posted December 02, 2012 10:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The big mistake is that people do not understand accounting. Income does not make one rich. Net worth does.

You can earn the "1% income" cut off in Manhattan of $385K and yet be unable to afford more than a dump of an apartment on the East Side. The average *one bedroom* on the East Side costs $920K, and $400K of gross income results in about $220K in take home pay. That gives one a very good life but hardly makes one "rich."

The small business owner that makes half a million dollars in annual income ploughs at least half of earnings back into the business as additional risk capital. And needs to make payroll. It doesn't make the person rich.

One can earn a lot and spend a lot and not own anything. I know kids who quickly strike it big with 6 figure incomes but squander it all away with fancy apartment rentals and expensive girlfriends. End up being broke a$$es anyway.

Alternatively, one can have no income and yet have a net worth in excess of $200 million, and not invest in the financial markets, make no capital gains and pay absolutely no taxes. Look at Mitt. Soros has a net worth of .. what... $20 billion? He has zero income. No W2. No income taxes. Pays capital gains at a new 20%.

Bet you schlubs get taxed by the US government at 28% and 33% anyway. Why punish the folks who work for a living? Go after the trust fund kids. Leave me alone.

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posted December 03, 2012 12:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the businessman who makes half a million in "income" and plows it back into the company, is NOT making a half million "income" - which is defined as WHAT YOU TAKE HOME...AFTER paying your expenses (part of which are investments IN your business).

not sure who's hating on you YTA, but it might have more to do with your calling people "shlubs" than your salary.

owning your business has ALWAYS included the expense of paying your employees.

i am curious who, exactly, is forcing you to live in manhattan? and if you realize that manhattanites have been singing the same song forever, even when the top margin was 90%...

i remember my dad moved back into the city when taxes went down to 70%...and lived in a very nice but small studio so he could afford to pay for his family's upkeep and home. what i don't remember was his complaining because he was a new yorker and he knew living in new york is, was and probably ever will be, one of the expensive pleasures of life.

i also know people who have lived forever in rent control apartments in some of the most expensive cities in the country, though those are disappearing.

the whole credit/interest scam has been creating inflation since time immemorial. and since the 80s it has been going like a crazy gravy train.

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posted December 03, 2012 08:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mockingbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nobody cut me any breaks along the way. Now that I have gotten there, I get hated on.

Not to denigrate the hard work you've done, YTA (and that's not sarcasm - few stay on top without it; even trust fund babies can screw up their ride), but weren't you an Ivy League legacy with a highly successful and well-to-do father and who'd been sent to the best schools available as a child?

Again, I'm not saying that you don't bust your ass or that you don't deserve what you've earned, but I think what rankles some people is their perception that some boast that they hit a triple when they started out second.

If I've included this sig, it's because I'm posting from a mobile device.
Please excuse all outrageous typos and confusing auto-corrects.

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posted December 03, 2012 11:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^^. Mockingbird.

That is right. I was born to a wealthy father who grew up penniless and made dough for himself. Indeed I was sent to the very best school and indeed my dad paid for Ivy League college. Having said that, my dad was no George Bush. I got 99% on my SATs and a straight A so that I could get into the Ivy League. And then I busted my rear again and paid for Ivy League graduate school myself. No, I was no Barack Obama, even though we graduated from the same college. I don't know about his GPA, which was probably good, but I got 98% on both GMAT and GRE and I got myself a 3.9 GPA do that I could get accepted into a top business school. And then I worked only 12 to 16 hours a day for 25 more years.

Nothing was handed to me on a silver platter besides high school and college. I worked hard for my career, as hard as anyone can possibly work. I just don't like people begrudging anyone else off success.

Go chase those that need their butts wiped. Like Hollywood.

Yes, the puppets of high taxation, including myself are both schlubs and outright idiots for accepting those tax rates. We are reminded of King George and why America was founded.

The entire Ivy League is 100% need blind. My own friend went to Phillips Exeter and then Yale and then Harvard and then MIT and his parents didnt pay a Dime. It was 100% free. Here is the rub. You need to be that good at your studies. So don't expect me to boo hoo about kids in the ghetto not getting to Harvard. My friend grew up in the South Bronx btw and he so happens to be of Jamaican descent. And he works for Goldman and makes many millions a year and gives half of it away. Now what do you want to call this guy? Everything he touches turns into hold. Tell him he started off on third base??!!??

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posted December 03, 2012 11:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've never even hit the ball before. I have no idea what it is to get a home run, let slonr know hitting a triple feels like. I get stuffed everybody by society and people only want to put ridiculous hurdles in my path. I don't know where you guys think life is easy for the upper %s. it's sure easier than the 47%. But life is never easy.

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posted December 03, 2012 11:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Katonic, You want to lecture me on finance? Capital investment is from cash flow and not accounting income. You get taxed on net income but your free cash flow is operating earnings add back depreciation subtract increases in net working capital subtract capital expenditures, and then you would still need to meet debt service. I've been doing this crap forever. Please take it easy.

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Posts: 24289
From: Saturn next to Charmainec
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posted December 04, 2012 11:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Fall down 100 times, get up 101...this is success." --ME

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posted December 06, 2012 09:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mockingbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways:
^^. Mockingbird.

That is right. I was born to a wealthy father who grew up penniless and made dough for himself. Indeed I was sent to the very best school and indeed my dad paid for Ivy League college. Having said that, my dad was no George Bush. I got 99% on my SATs and a straight A so that I could get into the Ivy League. And then I busted my rear again and paid for Ivy League graduate school myself. No, I was no Barack Obama, even though we graduated from the same college. I don't know about his GPA, which was probably good, but I got 98% on both GMAT and GRE and I got myself a 3.9 GPA do that I could get accepted into a top business school. And then I worked only 12 to 16 hours a day for 25 more years.

Nothing was handed to me on a silver platter besides high school and college. I worked hard for my career, as hard as anyone can possibly work. I just don't like people begrudging anyone else off success.

Go chase those that need their butts wiped. Like Hollywood.

Yes, the puppets of high taxation, including myself are both schlubs and outright idiots for accepting those tax rates. We are reminded of King George and why America was founded.

The entire Ivy League is 100% need blind. My own friend went to Phillips Exeter and then Yale and then Harvard and then MIT and his parents didnt pay a Dime. It was 100% free. Here is the rub. You need to be that good at your studies. So don't expect me to boo hoo about kids in the ghetto not getting to Harvard. My friend grew up in the South Bronx btw and he so happens to be of Jamaican descent. And he works for Goldman and makes many millions a year and gives half of it away. Now what do you want to call this guy? Everything he touches turns into hold. Tell him he started off on third base??!!??

I'm sorry, but having high school and college handed to you is "getting help" and qualifies as getting a significant head start.

You can't honestly say (or shouldn't) that you did it all without help, because you starting out with that and with significant financial backing is help.

If you'll kindly re-read what I wrote, you'll notice that I didn't say that you didn't work for what you have, but (to belabor the metaphor) you at least had great coaches, plenty of batting practice, and the best equipment money can buy.

To belittle those without your advantages or to say that they just "didn't try hard enough" because they're not where you are is asinine, and I should think it beneath you.

I and my family are doing quite well, but I at least acknowledge that a good part of it is due to the struggles of my ancestors and, in no small part, luck; and I will continue to work to ensure that more people get a chance up at bat.

You can continue to pretend that you financed the stadium, were its dual construction foreman and materials engineer, the franchise owner, and star player if you'd like, though.

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Ami Anne

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posted December 06, 2012 09:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways:
Katonic, You want to lecture me on finance? Capital investment is from cash flow and not accounting income. You get taxed on net income but your free cash flow is operating earnings add back depreciation subtract increases in net working capital subtract capital expenditures, and then you would still need to meet debt service. I've been doing this crap forever. Please take it easy.

Ian, if you can deal with this level of ignorance--- more power to you

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted December 06, 2012 09:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mockingbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
(Writing these responses on my iPad while caring for children, so they're a bit piecemeal.)

And, no, your friend's story is amazing, inspiring even.
He reminds me of my great-grandfather who started out in the coal mines at the age of six and, through pure grit (and, if we're honest, probably a few dirty deals) died a multi-millionaire.

BUT not even he did it all on his own.
And, yes, it's right that he pays back to the society of which he is a part, either through charitable contributions or through taxation. (Though what some claim as tax-deductible charitable donations is genuinely cute.)

Perhaps I'm biased, though.
I grew up surrounded by elders who, though they built wealth, all seemed to recognize the need for charity, community, and, yes, governmental action on issues of sufficient size and complexity.
In my living memory, all were relatively liberal, paid their (quarterly) taxes owed...and gave quite a bit to charity.
The tax breaks couldn't have hurt on that front

Really, though, you do complain quite a bit, especially keeping in mind the top tax rates at other times in our history during which we were paying off war debt, paying for a continuing war, and in heavy need of infrastructure improvements.

If I've included this sig, it's because I'm posting from a mobile device.
Please excuse all outrageous typos and confusing auto-corrects.

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posted December 06, 2012 09:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mockingbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And I know very few people who begrudge the wealthy their success, though I do know a few who who may (or who may be concerned by) completely outsized compensation, effectively regressive tax codes, and growing inequality.

My main concern with the above is societal instability.
Nations are, in recent history, neither happy nor stable when when extremes become the norm, especially with the level of institutional break down currently evident.

So far, bread and circuses have kept people relatively quiescent, but that will not continue if the current trajectory continues.

If I've included this sig, it's because I'm posting from a mobile device.
Please excuse all outrageous typos and confusing auto-corrects.

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posted December 06, 2012 09:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mockingbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by juniperb:
Guess we are just making an attempt at being politically correct

That wasn't a criticism, juni.
One of my great-grandfathers was Blackfoot and Crow. It seems like he was sent east as a child, but not much more is known about his history. It wasn't really talked about as his marriage to my great-grandmother was technically illegal in Virginia for most of their lives.

If I've included this sig, it's because I'm posting from a mobile device.
Please excuse all outrageous typos and confusing auto-corrects.

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Posts: 5727
From: Blue Star Kachina
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posted December 06, 2012 11:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mockingbird, I didn`t take it as criticism at all More refering to Faith and I figuring it out. Either works for a plain convo here but being precise seemed to be in order (for my Virgo influence anyhow.).

We need to listen to our own song, and share it with others, but not force it on them. Our songs are different. They should be in harmony with each other. ~ Mattie Stepanek

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posted December 06, 2012 12:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
well i came here for a few minutes - and want to thank ami anne for demonstrating why i don't need to come here any more.

ami enjoy your spiteful life.

i understand - as i am my own business - taxes too. i may not be a finance whizz kid but i'm not a wage slave either, and i make a lot less than ian does. he doesn't have to live in new york city if he is willing to the high cost of living in the most expensive place in the country doesn't really make me weep. sorry bout that!

but the raises in taxes on the highest earners are only on what comes AFTER 250K or whatever line they end up drawing...and it leaves a lot more, as ian admits, than what most middle class families have to live on even in podunk.

the richest people in the world understand the ethics of GIVING BACK< PAYING FORWARD, and not whining about the cost of their good fortune.

merry christmas to you all and may scrooge be awakened before congress recesses.

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posted December 06, 2012 12:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mockingbird:
To belittle those without your advantages or to say that they just "didn't try hard enough" because they're not where you are is asinine, and I should think it beneath you.

At the end of the day, it is test scores and grades that gets one to the very best universities, and the fact remains that the very best universities in America are entirely free if one were good enough. I wasn't smart enough to get a free education, but if I were truly that gifted, you bet I would snap up a free college education.

US test scores are pathetic and public education is even more sad (both my kids go through public education, not some fancy schmancy private school). Incidently, the freshman drop out rate at the Ivy League is 35% for a good reason: some folks don't hack it.

At the end of the day, either you hack it or you don't. No amount of wealth would allow one to magically graduate, unless one were George W. Bush or John Kerry. I don't know what Barack Obama's grades were, but I'm sure they were better than George W. Bush's. Mine were close to the top of my graduating class. I busted my hump off, and every kid in the ghetto is fully capable of busting their butt off to do as well as they aspire *for free* I constantly chew out my son if he doesn't get all As. Opportunity for success in terms of college and hedge fund/i-banking/mgmt consulting/law firm is concerned has *nothing* to do with family wealth, or lack thereof. Complainers and haters will always remain whiners and haters.

The rest is just conversation.

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