posted January 13, 2013 08:24 PM
Here is an excellent article written by Heart Surgeon who admits he was wrong about the cause of heart disease and that we have all been lied to about our diet and the great cholesterol lie. Take a few minute out of your day to read what a prominent surgeon finally admits about how the American people have been lied to about the cause and prevention of heart disease. Sharing this article may save the life of yours or someone else’s loved one.
Thank you for paying it forward.
Dr. Blake and Dr. Louie
We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.
I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labeled “opinion makers.” Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol. i'll get the rest in a minute...but he goes on to say that omega6 oils (corn, soy, canola? hmm big gmo crops!) and simple carbs and sugars are more to blame for heart disease than fats...
i like his admission that it is hard for experts to alter course. this is actually just as much a reason as lobbyists and backhanders from whomever.
also an italian court has ruled that MMR vaccine does cause autism in a SECOND precedent setting case, this one more broadly stating the connection as opposed to the single child who won such a case earlier in (england or was it the us?)
these things will spell the eventual death knell for monsanto and big pharm pushing their unnecessary unwanted products on us all...EVENTUAL. but with MORE pushback it can be sooner.
not all horrendous incidents/actions are based on evil intentions. some are mistakes and reluctance to look for more evidence.
which is bad enough!