Topic: Putin to Obama, Knock-Knock
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1834 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 15, 2014 10:21 AM
Any relation? Have to say I never heard of this paragon before.IP: Logged |
shura Knowflake Posts: 969 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted May 15, 2014 01:59 PM
joe biden's son. also good buddies with Bush jr.IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7276 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 16, 2014 11:34 PM
Yeah, Biden's son is complicit. But, how does that make "Bush Jr." his friend?I know some Liberals and I'm friends with some. Does that make me complicit in the American hating machinations of Barack Hussein O'Bomber? IP: Logged |
shura Knowflake Posts: 969 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted May 17, 2014 12:29 PM
Bush placed Hunter on Amtrak's board. Allow me to hit you over the head with my point - there are no political sides, there is no party loyalty. They are all complicit.IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1834 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 17, 2014 01:10 PM
Yes, shura, though there are levels. There are sincere people (esp on the lower rungs of the game) who think they can work around the system, but find the price is higher than they had thought before they had to pay it...There are those who think the system is as it should be and go all out by any means to support it... There are thoroughly self-involved people who couldn't care less if anything changes or works out as long as they're all right Jack And there are a few who stick to their guns though it costs them advancement/achievement of their goals.. I can think of individual examples of all of the above in all the parties. To write everyone in one party or all the "other" parties off (or on!) is to be totally stuck in a point of view... ANYONE who has been in the public eye can tell you how the media will distort what they said by context, alteration or emphasis, into something which supports the view/aim of the writer. Sometimes "spin" is an attempt to get around this, other times it is an attempt to use it to mislead. IP: Logged |
shura Knowflake Posts: 969 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted May 17, 2014 02:23 PM
Those still invested in the false two party system, those "on the lower rungs of the game", hold no power. They only feed the beast. This is unfortunate, but of no interest to me.IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1834 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 17, 2014 02:31 PM
I see lots of people who are invested in multiple parties. The smaller the sphere the more likely one can achieve some measure of change/satisfaction. The higher the stakes, the thicker the prison walls. As I said when Obama was running in 08 I can't totally trust anyone who runs for President. That doesn't mean their intentions aren't good.My mother used to say to me "How do you expect to change the System if you hold yourself outside of it?" (she and my father & their friends helped make many changes in their day though never challenging the basic structure) I reckon the majority hold that viewpoint still. And on many levels it makes sense. On others no sense at all. IP: Logged |
Sibyl Knowflake Posts: 857 From: Uranus Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 17, 2014 04:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by Catalina: My mother used to say to me "How do you expect to change the System if you hold yourself outside of it?"
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shura Knowflake Posts: 969 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted May 17, 2014 06:06 PM
Change the system from within? There's a tired old horse. That dangling carrot is designed to divert and imprison you in the system. It's a trap, Cat. You can't beat the house. IP: Logged |
Sibyl Knowflake Posts: 857 From: Uranus Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 17, 2014 06:51 PM
People do it all the time. It's called politics. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1834 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 17, 2014 10:00 PM
I think it takes the White Rose youth someone has to be on the inside. They may look to outsiders like go-alongs but I promise you none of us has access to the real goings on from our vantage point.IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1834 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 17, 2014 10:02 PM
Not sure I follow you, Sybil? People do what all the time?IP: Logged |
Sibyl Knowflake Posts: 857 From: Uranus Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 18, 2014 04:28 AM
Change the system from within?IP: Logged |
Long - standing Knowflake Posts: 71 From: World person Registered: Aug 2011
posted June 04, 2014 03:12 AM
So, is it a war for gas profit with the help of nazi?IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 4632 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted June 09, 2014 05:15 AM
I just saw this, thought it was worth showing to the people who commented above: 2 minutes is when it gets really good (but only if you heard the first 2 minutes). IP: Logged |
shura Knowflake Posts: 969 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 09, 2014 10:28 AM
The "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" routine is so old and tired. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 4632 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted June 09, 2014 07:58 PM
True enough, but his words were refreshing. Sometimes you have to be angry to get away with saying something before your words are brushed under the carpet. And I think in his case he was being sincere who'd just finally had enough (and that he didn't work there much longer suggests that's true, I couldn't believe that aired on MSNBC, the FOX for liberals) and if it was just showmanship then kudos for being a better actor than Glenn Beck ('course many are).Maybe a transcript would be better. Though actually, the correct word is "futile." IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7276 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 10, 2014 10:23 AM
Biden is a Neo-con? Neo-cons are attempting to prevent O'Bomber from aligning with his ideological comrade..Putin? So Neo-cons of the world can unite and take over the world..forming the New World Order? And, these Neo-cons are flying under the banner of...??? The Club of Rome The Bilderburgers The Illuminati The Council on Foreign Relations The Trilateral Commission All the Above? And...there's no left and no right, no communists, no socialists, no conservatives, no Independents, no demoscats, no republicans; they're all pulling the wagon of the New World Order. Memo to anyone who believes a word of the above.... These people are out to enslave you, to herd you into a reality you would never choose for yourselves...not only you, but your families. So pray tell, why are you sitting on your dead butts, yipping, yapping, wheezing, whining and screeching? If you believe what you say you believe; ISN'T IT TIME TO HUNT? Or, are you physical and/or moral cowards? They're trying to enslave you and you say.....? IP: Logged |
shura Knowflake Posts: 969 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 10, 2014 10:45 AM
Cable news media is an endless drone of talking heads. Occasionally one bursts, let's off a little steam for the audience to live through vicariously. It's 'refreshing', it boosts ratings and it lends an appearance of legitimacy. It's 'real.' Too many bursts and refreshing becomes tired and old. And hopefully transparent.Jwhop, I've been here long enough for you to know I'm not a conspiracy theorist in the common sense. I don't believe in lizard aliens, The Pleiadian Confederation of Planets, or rainbow brite unicorns. I believe in power. You're a smart man, Jwhop. The problem is the gameboard has changed, considerably so, since 1955, and you haven't changed with it. Evil adapts, quickly. Adapt with it. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7276 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 10, 2014 11:56 PM
Sorry, but your 1955 time frame is off. In 1955, I was perfecting my curve ball, chasing girls and thinking about the car I would buy when I turned 16.I will admit to having watched the demoscat convention nominate Adlai Stevenson and being bored out of my skull listening to all that bloviating demoscats are renowned 1952. Some things haven't changed a bit. IP: Logged |
shura Knowflake Posts: 969 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 11, 2014 10:09 AM
I miss the jwhop with a sense of humorWhat did Schlesinger call him? civilized Damn, that's the kiss of death in American politics. Old Adlai was assassinated, wasn't he? One of those quickie heart attack inducing syringes the old guard so adored? Gauche perhaps, but it got the job done. The tragedy of our day is the climate of fear in which we live, and fear breeds repression. Too often sinister threats to the Bill of Rights, to the freedom of the mind, are concealed under the patriotic cloak of anti-communism." yeah, I imagine that sent your 16 year old skirt chasing self into near anaphylactic shock. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7276 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 11, 2014 12:53 PM
"I've been here long enough for you to know I'm not a conspiracy theorist in the common sense.""Old Adlai was assassinated, wasn't he? One of those quickie heart attack inducing syringes the old guard so adored? Gauche perhaps, but it got the job done." Yep, not even a smidgen of conspiracy theory here! Hmmm, whether Adlai was a fool or a tool, McCarthy was right about the US government..and Hollywood being riddled with Soviet communist the Verona Project files details. Yeah, being called "civilized" in a land of barbarians is surely the kiss of death. Actually, I was 14 in 1955 and communists were far from my conscious mind. I was far more interested in the fact girls I used to wrestle around with in the grass were suddenly developing lumps and curves in places I wasn't. The burning question in my mind was...are those gravity defying lumps real or are they a product of the Kimberly-Clark Corporation? IP: Logged |
shura Knowflake Posts: 969 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 11, 2014 03:40 PM
Yep, not even a smidgen of conspiracy theory here! where did the sense of humor go? IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7276 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 11, 2014 04:05 PM
Well, perhaps someone slipped Adlia the needle. Though I can't imagine why.Was this Adlia's finest hour? "I am prepared to wait for my answer until hell freezes over....." 25 October, 1962 Hmmm, you didn't think this funny? "Yeah, being called "civilized" in a land of barbarians is surely the kiss of death." Or this: " I was far more interested in the fact girls I used to wrestle around with in the grass were suddenly developing lumps and curves in places I wasn't. The burning question in my mind was...are those gravity defying lumps real or are they a product of the Kimberly-Clark Corporation?" Well, one of us has their sense of humor turned off! You're a tough audience. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 3852 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted June 13, 2014 03:15 PM
I have an "Impeach Obama" bumper sticker....I'm not a big bumper sticker fan, but I'm going to find some place for it!IP: Logged |