Topic: O'Bomber's Definition of "Honorable Service"
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 04, 2014 07:20 AM
So, just when you think this narcissistic clown O'Bomber, The Marxist Messiah, has reached the zenith of his incompetent bungling and thuggish lawlessness, he finds a new gear and takes it higher.O'Bomber broke the law again and traded 5 top terrorist Taliban commanders being held at Gitmo...for an Army deserter who walked off his base in Afghanistan...and left a letter explaining his actions. At least 6 US military personnel were KILLED looking for this deserter in the months following his desertion. O'Bomber sent out one of his paid White House liars...Susan Rice of Benghazi infamy to praise this deserter by cloaking the deserter in the mantle of one who served his country with "HONOR AND DISTINCTION". What?? Huh?? On what planet in the Galaxy is desertion characterized as serving with "honor and distinction"? Sarah Palin June 2 Commander-in-Chief's Definition of "Honorable Service" Includes Anti-American Actions While in Uniform; He Just Destroyed Troop Morale The Obama administration tells America this soldier served "with honor and distinction." ( No, Mr. President, a soldier expressing horrid anti-American beliefs – even boldly putting them in writing and unabashedly firing off his messages ( while in uniform, just three days before he left his unit on foot – is not "honorable service." Unless that is your standard. Please use your White House Rose Garden to praise the truly honorable service of our good U.S. troops who were killed in their search for Sgt. Bergdahl ( Praise the soldiers who fought with everything they had to defeat Islamic terrorists, those whom you just freed from prison. Our men gave all. Our surviving combat vets will forever live with the effects of the missions they willingly engaged in to protect you, our country, and certainly their brothers and sisters who are proud to wear the uniform. You blew it again, Barack Obama, by negotiating away any leverage against the bad guys as these bad guys – Osama Bin Laden's partners in evil crime – joyfully celebrate their "win" in the deal you sealed. ~Sarah Palin~ IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 04, 2014 07:36 AM
June 3rd, 2014 Bergdahl's team leader: Intercepted radio chatter said he sought talks with the Taliban(CNN) - Former Army Sgt. Evan Buetow was the team leader with Bowe Bergdahl the night Bergdahl disappeared. "Bergdahl is a deserter, and he's not a hero," says Buetow. "He needs to answer for what he did." Within days of his disappearance, says Buetow, teams monitoring radio chatter and cell phone communications intercepted an alarming message: The American is in Yahya Khel (a village two miles away). He's looking for someone who speaks English so he can talk to the Taliban. "I heard it straight from the interpreter's lips as he heard it over the radio," said Buetow. "There's a lot more to this story than a soldier walking away." The Army will review the case of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl "in a comprehensive, coordinated effort," Secretary of the Army John McHugh said Tuesday. The review will include speaking with Bergdahl "to better learn from him the circumstances of his disappearance and captivity," he said. The night Bergdahl disappeared, says Buetow, the platoon was at a small outpost, consisting of two bunkers and a perimeter of military trucks. Buetow was in one of the bunkers, and Bergdahl was supposed to be in a tent by one of the trucks. Then a call came through on the radio. "I'll never forget that line, 'Has anyone seen Bergdahl?'" says Buetow. Firsthand accounts from soldiers in his platoon say Bergdahl disappeared while he was on guard duty. Buetow says Bergdahl was about to go on guard duty, but when a fellow soldier went to wake him, he was not in his tent. He had left behind his weapons, his bullet-proof vest, and night vision gear. "I immediately knew, I said, 'He walked away. He walked away,'" said Buetow. Bergdahl walked off the observation post with nothing more than a compass, a knife, water, a digital camera and a diary, according to firsthand accounts from soldiers in his platoon. Buetow was involved in the immediate search for Bergdahl, pushing a patrol into a nearby local village. "Immediately as we left the base, two small boys walked up to us, and they told us that they saw an American crawling in the weeds by himself," said the former Army sergeant. The search followed that lead, and others, for months. "For 60 days or more, I remember, just straight, all we did was search for Bergdahl," said Buetow, "essentially chasing a ghost because we never came up with anything." At least six soldiers were killed in subsequent searches for him, according to soldiers involved in those operations. The Pentagon was not able to provide details on specific operations in which any soldiers were killed during that time were involved. Buetow says even though those operations were not "directed missions" to search for Bergdahl, there was an underlying premise of acting on intelligence to find the missing soldier. "The fact of the matter is, when those soldiers were killed, they would not have been where they were at if Bergdahl hadn't left," says Buetow. "Bergdahl leaving changed the mission." Many soldiers in Bergdahl's platoon said attacks seemed to increase against the United States in Paktika province in the days and weeks following his disappearance. "Following his disappearance, IEDs started going off directly under the trucks. They were getting perfect hits every time. Their ambushes were very calculated, very methodical," said Buetow. It was "very suspicious," says Buetow, noting that Bergdahl knew sensitive information about the movement of U.S. trucks, the weaponry on those trucks, and how soldiers would react to attacks. "We were incredibly worried" that Bergdahl was giving up information, either under torture, or otherwise, says Buetow. President Barack Obama said Tuesday that no matter what the circumstances of an American soldier's capture, the United States has a duty to get him or her back. "It's great that he’s back and that we can have that very small victory, if you can even call it a victory. Because I believe what we gave up for that - we gave up a lot for what we got back," says Buetow. IP: Logged |
Leorpio Knowflake Posts: 303 From: Cypress Registered: Mar 2014
posted June 05, 2014 12:45 AM
Lol.IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 05, 2014 06:39 AM
BOWE BERGDAHL, JUST DESERTS June 4, 2014 Ann Coulter Death Penalty Month at has already been interrupted by the psycho in Santa Barbara, and now it's being interrupted by the Buddhist in Bagram. Keeping to the spirit of Death Penalty Month, let's review the execution of Pvt. Eddie Slovik. Slovik's offense: desertion in wartime. (See the tie-in?) Unlike Bowe Bergdahl, who deserted his unit, according to the accounts of his comrades, Slovik never actually deserted. He also didn't call America a "disgusting" country or say he was "ashamed to be an American." Slovik was just a chicken. In October 1944, as Allied forces were sweeping through France, Slovik left his position on the front lines, walked to the rear of his unit and handed a note to the cook, confessing his desertion. The letter explained that he was "so scared" that he had already abandoned his unit once, and concluded: "AND I'LL RUN AWAY AGAIN IF I HAVE TO GO OUT THERE." Slovik was like Bradley Manning minus the lipstick and eyeliner. A lieutenant, a company commander and a judge advocate all tried to persuade Slovik to shred the letter and return to his unit, warning him that he'd be tried for desertion otherwise. Slovik refused. In the middle of World War II, the military court-martialed Slovik, tried him and sentenced him to death. Allied Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower denied Slovik's pardon request, saying it would encourage more desertions, just as the fighting was getting especially hot. Slovik was executed by firing squad and buried among the numbered graves of court-martialed rapists and murderers in an American military cemetery in France. Contrast Slovik's story with the beloved troop whose return just cost us the release of five of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. Three days before he walked off his base, Bergdahl emailed his parents: -- "I am ashamed to be an american." -- "The US army is the biggest joke ... It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools and bullies." -- "These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid." -- "The horror that is america is disgusting." These emails were given to the author of a 2012 Rolling Stone article on the case by Bergdahl's own parents. The overwrought soldier's father, Bob, emailed back: "OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE!" And then, according to the Rolling Stone profile reporting these emails -- as well as the Army report on the incident -- Bergdahl "decided to walk away." Bergdahl's unit commander, Evan Buetow, told CNN's Jake Tapper that intercepted Taliban "chatter" soon revealed that Bergdahl was looking for a member of the Taliban who spoke English. (Other than his father.) Buetow said he couldn't prove it, but he believed Bergdahl began helping the Taliban attack his own unit. After that, Buetow says, the assaults were much more direct, and Bergdahl would have known the unit's tactics and how they would respond to an attack. U.S. forces in the area spent the next two months on a single mission: trying to find Bergdahl. It is beyond dispute that any American killed during that time was killed on a mission to "rescue" Bergdahl from his new comrades. Over the years, the Taliban produced several propaganda videos with Bergdahl -- eating, doing push-ups and criticizing American foreign policy. During the Vietnam War, POW Navy Vice Admiral James Stockdale disfigured himself so that he could not be used in a propaganda video. He slit his wrists to avoid being tortured for information. When captured Navy aviator Jeremiah Denton was forced by the North Vietnamese to make a propaganda video, he blinked the word T-O-R-T-U-R-E in Morse code, over and over again, as he said these words: "I don't know what is going on in the war now. My only sources are North Vietnamese radio, magazines and newspapers. But whatever the position of my government, I agree with it. I support it. I will support it as long as I live." It was the first confirmation the U.S. had that the North Vietnamese were torturing POWs. These men -- and many more -- had limbs torn from their sockets, their legs and backs shattered by the North Vietnamese. As Denton said of the repeated torture, he'd rather lose an arm than his honor. When right-wingers get choked up about "the troops," these are the sort of men we're thinking of. Not Bowe "America is disgusting" Bergdahl. But to Obama, Bergdahl was the picture of American manhood and military honor. He released five of the most dangerous terrorists in the world -- captured at great cost to our military -- in order to give Bergdahl an exit plan from his Great Adventure. (Before he ever set foot in Afghanistan, Bergdahl had told a fellow soldier, "If this deployment is lame, I'm just going to walk off into the mountains of Pakistan.") Bergdahl wasn't being "left behind" or "left on the battlefield." He was being left where he wanted to be, with the poor, innocent Talibanists, far away from this "disgusting" country that made him "ashamed to be an American." IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 05, 2014 07:06 AM
June 5, 2014 Mainstream media fleeing Obama By Rosslyn SmithI've always thought of the editorial slant of the NYDN as a sort of NY Times for the working class, so this is very harsh from a usually liberal source. (Image, story and editorial linked at Instapundit). Editors know their readers. The paper that is most widely read on Chicago's South Side is also a tabloid, the Chicago Sun Times. Here is what an op-ed in that paper concluded about the Bergdahl trade. The greatest offense here may not be to our security but to our intelligence. The White House has attempted to present this trade as some sort of victory. The president held a Rose Garden ceremony to tout his accomplishment in bringing home an American fighting man. Rice claims that Bergdahl served with “honor and distinction.” Either they are lying and hoping few will learn the real story about Bergdahl, or they really believe that such a misguided fool was honorable. Which, I wonder, is worse? I suspect the Daily News readership probably contains a higher percentage of veterans and people with offspring in the armed forces than the New York Times readers. I also suspect the same is true of the Sun Times when compared to the Chicago Tribune. As retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters noted in National Review about the Bergdahl deal I have never witnessed such outrage from our troops. One of the huge fault lines currently in the body politic is between those who serve and their presumed masters in the halls of political power who are wont to say things like: “…suck it up and salute,” even as they ignore well-meaning and informed advice about intelligence and military issues. The Obama years have always been about narrative and the use of image to override concerns about substance. But in a series of memorable images that serve to remind us that the term weird is derived from the Anglo Saxon concept of destiny, cracks appear to be widening in the Obama legend. This twist in the narrative began with the bizarre-looking and -sounding father of Sergeant Bergdahl standing next to Obama in the White House. I am still not certain what that fleeting look on Obama's face as he heard Robert Bergdahl's Islamic prayer meant. About the only real skill Obama has is for political posturing. It may have been a premonition that the ceremony he was participating in had just backfired across the electorate. The political strategists in the administration may have thought the Bergdahl exchange would make voters forget the shoddy manner this administration has treated veterans. They may have thought they could sell a suspected military deserter as a hero because of all the other distortions they have been able to sell with the cooperation of the media. What they may not have anticipated was that viewers might have thought that was a member of the Taliban itself sharing the mic with the President. With few other images of this President meeting with the parents of servicemen and women available, it was telling moment. As an apolitical friend noted, as soon as he saw the guy with the scraggly beard talking Arabic as he stood next to the President, he became suspicious of everything else said. While few people in 2008 took Obama's faux Greek columns or his claims about stopping the rise of the oceans personally, a great many people seem to be taking the celebration of a man who got other soldiers killed very personally. For once it seems a competing narrative has trumped what the Obama team was trying to sell. They made a huge miscalculation. Not only does the American military enjoy far more respect than does anyone in our current crop of political leaders, but as every movie fan knows, the rat who crosses to the other side is the lowest of animals. For some on the left, the incompetence of embracing a rat seems to have finally stopped them, at least temporarily, from defending everything Obama says and does. Others have taken the gloves off and are finally pillorying the biggest political target of opportunity since Richard Nixon. When you’ve lost Mad Magazine…. Fate goes ever as she shall -Beowulf IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 41932 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 06, 2014 01:32 PM
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jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 07, 2014 10:07 AM
How does a traitor...John 'Traitor' Kerry...rise to the position of Sec of State in the United States?This could only happen in a far left loon administration. In this case, the far left loon administration of the Marxist Messiah, O'Bomber. There's nothing that will damage the United States that's off the table with these America hating leftist loons. If the deserter Bergdahl can hang around for 30-40 years for the next far left loon administration, he may be in line for a shot at Sec Defense for the United States. Vietnam Vet O'Neill: Bergdahl, John Kerry Similar in Their Service Friday, 06 Jun 2014 Bill Hoffmann Decorated Vietnam veteran John O'Neill says there are striking similarities in the military service of Secretary of State John Kerry and just-released Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. "Very much. Kerry left Vietnam after about three months … He used the pretense of three purple hearts to get out very quickly,'' O'Neill, co-founder of "Swift Vets and for Truth," told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV. "He was making press conferences supporting the North Vietnamese negotiating position, which would've left our POW's back in the North.'' During Kerry's unsuccessful presidential bid in 2004, O'Neill and Jerome Corsi co-authored "Unfit for Command,'' published by Regnery, which questioned the details of his military service and the circumstances leading to his combat medals. O'Neill, who is a lawyer, said Bergdahl wasn't quite as subtle. "He just [got] out under the wire within a short time [and] he was either a prisoner or collaborating with the Taliban,'' O'Neill said. "He's made statements in favor of them, full of hate of our country, and so it's very much the same game … Kerry's always believed if you can begin talking with someone, somehow that converts them to your position. "Of course, we've been talking in Syria, heck, we've been talking in Iran. Now we're talking with the Taliban and each place we retreat, and each place our allies die as they did in South Vietnam.'' O'Neill criticized U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's declaration that Bergdahl had served with honor and distinction. "People like Susan Rice … they don't care [about] objective truth. Truth is not a virtue. They're willing to do anything with the facts that they possibly can,'' he said. "It was a better story to trade these five murderers for somebody who was a genuine hero." O'Neill called President Barack Obama's statement that the United States would leave no captured soldier behind a "con job on the American people.'' "This is like claiming that George Washington should've invaded England to rescue Benedict Arnold. I mean, it's absolutely crazy,'' he said. "This is a guy who deserted and then clearly collaborated, making tapes and so on for the Taliban.'' IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 41932 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 07, 2014 10:36 AM
Disgraceful.IP: Logged |
shura Knowflake Posts: 972 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 09, 2014 10:34 AM
Which is less dishonorable, killing for the Taliban or killing for the US military? hmmm ethical conundrums .....IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 22, 2014 09:03 AM
Which is less dishonorable; killing Taliban and al-Qaeda who are trying to reduce a nation to a state of absolute slavery by every means possible, including murdering women and girls in their schools and workplaces OR standing idly by wringing your hands while lecturing and hectoring those committed to preventing the evil deeds about...."ethical" considerations?IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 22, 2014 09:06 AM
June 22, 2014 White House Values Treason More Than Honor Russ VaughnThose are not my words, but those of a veteran working as a contractor with the same Army division from which Bowe Bergdahl deserted. This young veteran could not possibly have stated the predominant view of our men and women in arms, still out there, spread round this globe, protecting us round the clock, more clearly. Regardless of all the whitewash the Obama spinmeisters try to put on this Bergdahl situation, the troops know the truth: the man is a deserter, a traitor, and a collaborator with enemy forces – enemy combatants who killed the very Americans seeking to free him. In our troops’ eyes, he is not deserving of the red carpet, brass band, and ticker tape reception our clueless administration had planned as a political triumph and photo-op for our Anointed Leader. Here is what that veteran has to say about all the Defense Department fanfare surrounding Bergdahl’s release, ginned up, no doubt, by the White House political machine: When a soldier deserts his post, when he writes that he is ashamed to be an American, when he gives the enemy secrets (and he did), he is no longer “one of us”. He is a traitor. He is not a brother-in-arms. Soldiers risk their lives for each other every day on the battlefield, there is a trust and respect they have for each other. For Bowe Bergdahl to break that trust and the Secretary of Defense to announce a hero’s welcome instead of a court-martial is a huge let-down. He isn't one of their own. He is one of them. He is the enemy. That's not something to celebrate. That, pure and simple, is a concept the never-serving wienies in the White House simply can’t grasp. Chuck Hagel, to his everlasting disgrace, should have been able to pick up on this brewing military sentiment and warn his clueless civilian boss away from such a public relations disaster. But no, old suck-up Chuck, despite his honorable service as a combat infantry NCO in Vietnam, chose the politically expedient, screw-the-troops course of action. Congratulations, Chuck: you could have served honorably, yet just like Bergdahl, you went over to the enemy. This old infantry sergeant from that long-ago Vietnam War cannot fathom for the life of him how a man who had served honorably and responsibly in that war as an infantry non-com could now serve so dishonorably in this one. But then I must consider that he is an embedded part of an anti-military administration that demonstrates to the world that it values treason more than honor. Do these inept fools not have a clue as to how demoralizing that is to our own forces and energizing to our enemies? Our ship of state is a ship of fools. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 41932 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 22, 2014 02:02 PM
No one President in history has so tried so hard to systematically dismantle the US.IP: Logged |
shura Knowflake Posts: 972 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 23, 2014 02:30 AM
what? what in the hell sort of chest thumping patriotic mythos are you trying to sell me?disregard logic;acquire hyperbole IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 23, 2014 11:11 AM
I don't need to "sell" anything.Your attempt to equate Taliban terrorists with US military personnel is over the top...all the way into irrationality. Unless you believe those women..including girls deserved to be murdered. Do you? If so, you also probably believe those hundreds of girls kidnapped and held by Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria deserved it too. Never try to argue ethics with a barbarian. You'll lose. I would say..."the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist" and soonest is preferable. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1849 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted June 23, 2014 12:54 PM
The people can always be persuaded to war...just tell them they are being attacked and denounce all pacifists as unpatriotic and exposing the country to more danger... Hermann GoeringIP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 23, 2014 03:14 PM
"The people can always be persuaded to war...just tell them they are being attacked and denounce all pacifists as unpatriotic and exposing the country to more danger... Hermann Goering"Apparently, this slipped your mind. WE WERE ATTACKED BY TERRORISTS BASED IN AFGHANISTAN AND SHELTERED BY THE TALIBAN. I'd go easy on quoting Goering if I were you. Goering was one of your guys...a Socialist. As were/are Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam, Pol Pot, Ho, Mao, Castro, Assad and the insane NK butcher family. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1849 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted June 23, 2014 05:29 PM
He thought like the people you champion. You continually bash people who don't think we should just go cream the whole world because we were attacked once. After years of wielding our military in other people's backyards and business.Credit where it's due, love. Hitler also swore up and down that HIS movement was a CHRISTIAN movement. Again the striking parallel, but do you believe they were Christians, or Socialists? Or neither? You are going to have to climb out of that box you built decades ago and look around. Whomever we were attacked by it is now 13 years later and all our muscle-flexing and innocent-murdering has not helped Iraq or the USA. Oh and the Taliban were a direct result of our backing to strengthen resistance to Russia in Saint Ronald. Get a grip, Lambchop; calling someone (or yourself) something doesn't make it so. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 23, 2014 07:36 PM
Same old America hating bullshiiit. Some things never change.Not to worry though. Your little Marxist Messiah O'Bomber is going to turn tail, run and turn Afghanistan back over to the Taliban. That's how O'Bomber and demoscats got their nicknames. He's such a great Field Marshall. Not! IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1849 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted June 23, 2014 08:46 PM
America hating is one of the catchphrases in the formulaic implementation... name calling is so grade school dontcha think? Shows about how much respect you have for peoples right to differ Did you catch Chaney on Fox the other day getting his due where he least expected it? Funny the very same people who think citizens should be armed against their own country...don't understand why other peoples woukd feel justified in defending agaib st/ousting foreign powers' interference. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1849 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted June 24, 2014 01:25 AM
"This is like claiming that George Washington should've invaded England to rescue Benedict Arnold. I mean, it's absolutely crazy,'' he said.Yes, crazy, ridiculous, and totally useless comparison. As we invaded no one to get him back and Arnold never suffered the maltreatment of a PoW. Once more our PATRIOT club ignores the basic tenet of innocent till proven guilty, judging folks on overemotional hearsay and opinion from people who believe they know it all. Way to go Patriots!! IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 24, 2014 08:50 AM
If you don't want to be lumped in with those who hate America, your path is clear. Stop denigrating America and Americans.No one demands you stay here in this den of iniquity. You're free to seek greener pastures and, unlike the nations leftists adore, there's no fences to keep you penned up in America. No, I didn't catch Cheney on Fox. Why didn't you post a link to the interview in which you say Cheney..."got his due"? Funny, leftists...Marxists, Maoists,, Socialists spent years screeching, howling, whining and shrieking about the "bad war in Iraq". Their "good war" was in Afghanistan. Now, we know these people are abject liars. Their ploy was to protect one of their own...Saddam Hussein...another leftist, Socialist murdering dictator. The Taliban are cut from the same bolt of cloth...murdering, dictatorial tyrants, every one of whom should be executed. Now, these murdering tyrants are being held up as freedom fighters for their you! Of course citizens should be the last line of defense against dictatorial, tyrannical government which overthrows the rule of law and tries to impose a dictatorship. Happily, there are approximately 300 million small arms in civilian hands in the United States to make sure no overthrow occurs. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1849 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted June 24, 2014 01:58 PM
Fences? As in borders no one can cross without a passport that costs $150 plus? Or as in the (nonexistent) Berlin wall and Corridor which was also crossable with passport? Enjoy your bubble Madeira. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7306 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 24, 2014 04:45 PM
Missed the mark again. You need no passport to cross the border into Mexico..only to return. But if you're checking out of the US, that shouldn't be a problem for you.Yeah, try getting out of Cuba or North Korea..leftist meccas of Socialism. It was O'Bomber who instituted passports to cross the Canadian border. Apparently O'Bomber foresaw the events of today which would cause US citizens to attempt escape from his Socialist mecca. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1849 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted June 24, 2014 09:12 PM
That depends who is manning the gateways really ...and you are blaming Obama for 2004 regulations? Good one Eric Cantor blames him for his recent fall from grace too. So little imagination yet so many lies and cries of "he done me wrong" You're a card madeira. It is my duty to debate and discuss my country's policies especially when I think they are wrong...remember?
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shura Knowflake Posts: 972 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 25, 2014 01:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by jwhop: I don't need to "sell" anything.Your attempt to equate Taliban terrorists with US military personnel is over the top...all the way into irrationality. Unless you believe those women..including girls deserved to be murdered. Do you? If so, you also probably believe those hundreds of girls kidnapped and held by Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria deserved it too. Never try to argue ethics with a barbarian. You'll lose. I would say..."the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist" and soonest is preferable.
Jwhop, spare us the bleeding heart, flag waving conservative routine. Shall we wave sparklers and sing Yankee Doodle Dandy next? Please, stick your head out the window of your beach bungalow. It's not just them, it's us. It's our military (and I have several close family members employed by it so don't go there) raping and pillaging and slaughtering in your name and mine. IP: Logged | |