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Author Topic:   No Drama O'Bomber

Posts: 7510
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 29, 2014 10:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Governor Palin: ‘No Drama Obama’s Summer Casual Agenda for America’
August 29 2014
Steve Flesher

No Drama Obama’s Summer Casual Agenda for America (or What He Didn’t Do On My Summer Vacation)

There is absolutely nothing important going on in the world right now.

There are no security threats, no worldwide turmoil affecting America’s interests, no civil war in Syria, South Sudan, or Libya. No war on our ally, Israel. No Ebola epidemic devastating West Africa and spreading. No race riots tearing apart a whole community in Missouri. No Russian aggression in Ukraine. No deranged North Korean dictator testing more missiles. No Chinese jets getting up close and personal with our American military. No brave American journalist sickeningly beheaded by Muslim terrorist savages rampaging through the Middle East seizing oil fields and committing genocide on Christians and Kurds. No illegal immigration crisis as thousands of unaccompanied minors illegally walk right across our unsecured borders. No scandals in Obama’s White House. No worried servicemen and women coping with ill-advised U.S. Military chainsaw cuts. And no increase in our nation’s debt. Nope. It’s been one lazy summer with nothing to do, not a thing to worry about in No Drama Obama land.

This explains why the President spent the summer on vacay in Martha’s Vineyard and is now gearing up for Vacation 2.0 this weekend with the One Percent in the Hamptons, again, and in Newport, again.

And this utter state of calm also explains why Harry Reid’s first order of business when the Senate returns from vacation is to gut our First Amendment rights.

Reid and his minions in the democrat party think that what America really needs right now is a constitutional amendment to limit the amount of funds we can spend on elections. Don’t know when the conversion happened, but suddenly LIBERALS are worried about the undo influence of money in getting candidates elected! Hmm, but they must not be too worried about it since President Obama leaves work behind and undone to jet from one fundraiser after another after another with billionaire democrat donors. (You know, the donors he unhesitatingly rewards with YOUR money in the form of bailouts and sweetheart loans for their “green energy” scam companies, etc., etc. You know the drill.)

Sheep in the democrat party bah, “It’s a Constitutional Amendment to Restore Democracy to the American People,” which is in keeping with their Orwellian practice of naming legislation the exact opposite of what it will actually do (“Affordable Care Act” anyone?).

“There’s nothing going on in the world in these lazy days of summer, so let’s light a campfire and tear up our First Amendment for kindling!” said no American ever. But that doesn’t matter to Harry and his party pals. They just need another political gimmick to distract from the utter failure of everything they’ve touched in the last six years.

Why bother with addressing the failure of Obamacare? Why deal with the crisis at our border as lawbreakers threaten the livelihoods of working class Americans? Why deal with the Islamic organizations steamrolling through the Middle East, hell-bent on meeting us on our shores? Why deal with declining middle class incomes and stagnant job growth and unsustainable big brother government largesse? Why bother trying to fix anything Americans are actually concerned about? Nah, Harry says, “Let’s attack the Constitution instead, again!”

That’s the democrat agenda for America, folks. On November 4th, we get to tell them our agenda. We get to tell them where they can place their “Fundamental Transformation of America,” while we get back to the “Fundamental RESTORATION” that will save our country. Please make sure Harry gets the message loud and clear. If we don’t change his Senate, it’s going to be a long hot season leading to one heck of a barren winter in America.

- Sarah Palin

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Posts: 2147
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted August 29, 2014 12:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes we all know our gal sal would prefer the BICEPS man to our own President, apparently she is not alone...FOX (most trusted news channel) are suggesting the Russian Emperor/ I mean pugilistic dictator could fix ISIS in 48 hours if for some reason he could be bothered (haven't seen him doing anything at all about ISIS have you?)

Though they consider Obama to be far too power hungry they seem to think if he were more so, like Putin, all our probs would be over.

Here's some commentary from YOUR favourite pundit, jwhop, who has NOT been on vacation for the last 5 years and counting like ms palin I know you won't have seen it because it goes against your beliefs to listen to dissenting opinions you can't shut up

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Posts: 7510
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted September 09, 2014 03:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You must be extending yourself to your limits.

You're even more incoherent than usual...for you.

The delusional idea republicans love Putin and want a leftist..communist dictator..or any other kind of dictator for America is just leftist delusional depravity in action.

It wasn't republicans...any republican who was caught on an open microphone telling Dmitry Medvedev that he should report back to Putin that he...the Marxist Messiah O'Bomber...would have more flexibility after the 2010 elections. Of course, Putin took O'Bomber's que and invaded Ukraine.

Nice going Marxist Messiah. Putin got your message to go ahead with his invasion plans.

What Americans want...including most demoscats, most independents and most a president who doesn't have his head stuck in his ass. A president who has the interests of America and American citizens foremost in his mind. A president who doesn't have his long, bony, busy-body nose meddling in their private lives.

Americans want America transformed....back to lawful, constitutional government and away from the Marxist Messiah's idea of a Socialist, Marxist, progressive utopia which exists no where but in the delusional, depraved minds of the far left fringe.

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Posts: 7510
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted September 09, 2014 11:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A majority of Americans say Obama's presidency is a failure!
By Aaron Blake
September 9, 2014

A majority of Americans and even many Democrats consider President Obama's tenure to be a "failure," according to a new poll from the Washington Post and ABC News.

The poll shows Americans say 52-42 that Obama has been more of a failure than a success. Among registered voters, the gap is even bigger -- at 55-39 -- with four in 10 (41 percent) saying they "strongly" believe Obama has been a failure.

Those saying Obama has been a failure include one in four Democrats (25 percent), nearly three in 10 liberals (29 percent) and the vast, vast majority of conservative Republicans (92 percent). Nearly one in five liberals (18 percent) say they feel "strongly" that Obama has been a failure.

Interestingly, there is also some crossover on the other side. About one in five conservatives (22 percent) say Obama has been a success (note: this is a different group from "conservative Republicans"), as do 48 percent of moderates. In fact, self-described moderates are more likely to rate Obama a success (48 percent) than as a failure (44 percent).

Now, we shouldn't read too much into these numbers. The question is a binary one, in which people are asked to choose between "success" or "failure," with no third option offered (though people were allowed to volunteer one). If the question was "failure or not" rather than "failure or success," you'd likely see fewer people choosing the f-word.

The numbers also track very closely with Obama's overall approval ratings, which stood at 51-42 disapproval among all Americans and 54-42 disapproval among registered voters. But it's not a perfect correlation, as 12 percent of Americans who approve of Obama say he is a failure, and 8 percent who disapprove of him still say he's been a success.

Regardless, the numbers demonstrate that opposition to Obama's presidency isn't shallow. The fact that people are willing to use the f-word as much as they are -- regardless of the alternative -- suggests it's not just about the man and what he's done; it's also about the results he's gotten.

And on the whole, Americans give it a failing grade. /a-majority-of-americans-say-obamas-presidency-is-a-failure/

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