Topic: Occupy Wall Street....The Failed Communist Revolution
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7592 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 18, 2014 10:46 AM
So, whatever happened to our little Communist, Socialist, Progressive, Anarchists...after their failed revolution?Did they run out of cop cars to crap on? Run out of store-front windows of businesses run by Capitalists to break? Run out of young women to rape? Run out of pot to smoke? Run out of tires to burn in the streets? Have our little brain dead Communist twits moved on to bigger and better things? Isn't there another October Communist Revolution to crank up. If so, they're running out of time. These days, they're reduced to calling each other names and suing each other over the Twitter account. Fitting isn't it that these Communist twits would have a "Twit-ter account"! September 18, 2014 What have the founders of Occupy Wall Street been up to? Rick Moran Remember when Occupy Wall Street was considered by leftists to be the wave of the future? The New York Times, the Guardian, and several other lefty publications had daily updates on the "movement" (that wasn't a movement at all), and bored, spoiled millenials across the country showed up to camp out and demand the government give them a job. Well, those times are long gone. OWS has been erased from the left's collective consciousness when it turned out that the kooky collection of commies, anarchists, and kids who couldn't figure out why they were unable to get a job after majoring in comparative philosophy had nothing relevant to say. To be sure, President Obama and the Democrats have latched on to their "income inequality" meme promoted by OWS and think they can use it as a political weapon. Alas, the public ranks the issue far down the list in importance and the administration has mostly kept its mouth shut about it. But what happens when the founders of a failed revolution realize their creation is dead? They sue one another.. BuzzFeed: Activists who organized the dormant Occupy Wall Street movement are suing another activist for control of the main Twitter account, and one of the plaintiffs says there was no other option but to turn to litigation to solve the dispute. The conflict centers around @OccupyWallStNYC, one of the main Twitter feeds that distributed information during the movement’s heyday in 2011. The OWS Media Group filed a lawsuit against organizer Justin Wedes on Wednesday, which is also the third anniversary of the beginning of Occupy Wall Street. The group, led by activist Marisa Holmes, is seeking control of the Twitter account as well as $500,000 in damages. The Twitter account, which used to be shared among several activists, is now under the control of Wedes, who explained his decision to take over the Twitter feed in a blog post in August: A thread about “self-promotion” became just another shaming session. If we start from a place of assuming bad intentions – i.e. discouraging “self-promotion” over encouraging solid, relevant content – we will end up with rules that shame rather than empower. Group members took on the task of limiting others to “1 to 2 tweets per day” (or week) on a topic, a form of censorship that would never have been allowed in the earlier days of the boat. I had to say enough! “We can either go and beat him up or we can go to court,” Holmes, a video editor who was part of the core organizing team of Occupy, told BuzzFeed News. “And quite frankly if we go and beat him up then we could end up with countersuits against us, and that puts us in a more damaging position and we don’t really want to do that anyway.” “So this is actually the least harmful for ourselves and him given the fact that he won’t give up the account without any kind of punitive measure,” Holmes said. Holmes said that there had been numerous attempts to get control of the Twitter feed from Wedes, and that suing him was a last resort. “I’ve given him many many chances and so have a lot of other people,” she said. “For the last six weeks there have been conversations online, mainly on Facebook and through intermediaries.” Fighting over the remnants of a revolution can get ugly, as these "activists" prove. Occupy Wall Street died because they had nothing much to say that anyone wanted to hear. They were a fringe movement that was intellectually bankrupt from the start. As for Wedes, he was investigated for trying to defraud the taxpayer through an Americorps grant where he forged some signatures. He resigend rather than be fired. Sounds like the perfect spokesman for a scam political movement. all_street_been_up_to.html IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 45271 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 18, 2014 02:09 PM
Failed Communist Revolutions are best served cold.IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 8526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 18, 2014 07:12 PM
Jeez Louize, I forgot about this group quote: “We can either go and beat him up or we can go to court,” Holmes, a video editor who was part of the core organizing team of Occupy, told BuzzFeed News. “And quite frankly if we go and beat him up then we could end up with countersuits against us, and that puts us in a more damaging position and we don’t really want to do that anyway.”
Sounds like he has a little mean streak in his heart. ------------------ Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the Mystery, unique and not to be judged. Rumi IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 45271 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 19, 2014 12:42 PM
Yeah, what a wreck those people were.IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 57388 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 19, 2014 12:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Yeah, what a wreck those people were.
Nuclear Dittos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9672 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 19, 2014 03:55 PM
Occupy Wall Street Just Made $4 Million of Student Loan Debt DisappearIP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 45271 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 19, 2014 08:11 PM
They didn't really make student loans disappear. They were already written off as bad debt, so the lender received a generous tax deduction. They just used donations to do what any third party debt collector would do, except they didn't try to collect on the debt they bought. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 45271 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 20, 2014 01:27 PM
It was bad debt already and defaulted on. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7592 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 21, 2014 11:40 PM
‘F*** the Police’: Communists, Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March in New York City Demanding ‘Revolution, Nothing Less’ Sep. 21, 2014 Oliver Darcy Tens-of-thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of New York City Sunday to demand political leaders take action on climate change. While the protest remained peaceful, much of the “People’s Climate March” appeared to be made up of fringe elements of the political left. Dozens of signs denouncing capitalism were spotted at the demonstration, often held by self-proclaimed socialists. “Capitalism is destroying the planet,” a sticker on one woman’s shirt read, “We need revolution, nothing less.” In one instance, activists shouted “f**k the police,” demanding justice for the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Others took advantage of the demonstration’s liberal-leaning crowd, attempting to sell literature and t-shirts to them. An individual with the socialist newspaper “The Militant” was selling newspapers to attendees, while Occupy Wall Street members asked for “donations” in exchange for shirts. Members of the Socialists Workers Party also manned a table, passing out flyers attempting to make “the case for ecosocialism.” The Manhattan march comes two days before the United Nations Climate Summit. More than 120 world leaders will convene Tuesday for the meeting aimed at galvanizing political will for a new global climate treaty by the end of 2015. The march also coincides with New York’s annual climate week, which will include a string of events this week, some featuring celebrities, CEOs and climatologists.
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juniperb Moderator Posts: 8526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 22, 2014 09:19 AM
quote: The march also coincides with New York’s annual climate week, which will include a string of events this week, some featuring celebrities, CEOs and climatologists
Sorry, that tickled me. The mention of celebs and climatologists in the same sentence. ------------------ Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the Mystery, unique and not to be judged. Rumi IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7592 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 22, 2014 11:02 AM
Yeah, funny isn't it that celebs and CEOs...who don't have a science degree to their names, think they're climate scientists. Well, perhaps in the delusional bubble world of un-reality they inhabit, they are! IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7592 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 22, 2014 11:33 AM
September 22, 2014 Watch RFK, Jr. lose it at climate change march when confronted about his hypocrisy Rick MoranMichelle Fields of PJTV interviewed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at the climate march yesterday and cornered him about his hypocrisy regarding the use of his cell phone and car. After issuing standard rant against oil companies, including his citing the preposterous figure of $4 trillion spent on the wars for oil over the last decade, Kennedy was asked if he had a cell phone or an iphone. The resulting blow up shows how sensitive Kennedy is to exposing his hypocrisy. Fields also interviewed Leonardo DiCaprio who was at a loss for words when Fields asked him about his yacht and jets. "Talking to Leonardo Dicaprio about climate change. Don't think he was happy about me bringing up his yachts & jets". (Classic...Do as I say, not as I do!) (Video will be loaded at PJTV later today.) _jr_lose_it_at_climate_change_march_when_confronted_about_his_hypocrisy.html
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juniperb Moderator Posts: 8526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 22, 2014 05:48 PM
quote: After issuing standard rant against oil companies, including his citing the preposterous figure of $4 trillion spent on the wars for oil over the last decade, Kennedy was asked if he had a cell phone or an iphone. The resulting blow up shows how sensitive Kennedy is to exposing his hypocrisy
Wait a minute, he`s a royal Kenedy, he`s entitled ------------------ Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the Mystery, unique and not to be judged. Rumi IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7592 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 23, 2014 09:15 AM
Yep, royalty indeed. But, it's nice to see our grubby little elitists called on their hypocrisy.And, I wonder how it makes the Occupy crowd feel to know they're marching with the ENEMY...those hated percenters like Kennedy and the poor deluded Hollywood hack Leo D.... Those of the multiple mansions, yachts, private jets and gas guzzling sports cars with huge engines. Those with a carbon footprint 1000 to 10,000 times the average 99 percenter? Chief Meteorologist At Weatherbell Analytics: Organizers Of People’s Climate March Were ‘Prostituting The Weather And Climate’ September 22, 2014 PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Dom Giordano talked to Joe Bastardi, from Weatherbell Analytics, on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT to discuss the People’s Climate March in New York City. Bastardi said that people are not causing climate change and expects scientific data to eventually back that up. “The debate on what is going on is over. It is over. Now we just have to see what happens when the Atlantic flips into its cold cycle and the cyclical nature of the sun, whether we return to the temperatures we were in the late seventies as measured by objective satellite readings.” He commented that the protestors at the climate march were more concerned with their political agenda than climate science. “If you really paid attention to what happened, the mask is off, and I appreciate that those people that organized this came out and let us know who they were. If you look at the list of people, Communist Party USA, Socialists. Fine, if you want to have that debate, that debate should be done at the polling place and should be done in the halls of Congress or try to change laws. It shouldn’t be prostituting the weather and climate for your own needs.” Bastardi stated there are technical disagreements that can be addressed among scientists, but really doesn’t rise to any level of concern for the general public. “This is ridiculous. This should be two weather geeks arguing over a chess game with a cup of tea or whatever you want to drink. The whole thing is blown out, it’s one of the weirdest arguments I’ve ever been involved with, because in the end, there is nothing new under the sun, and nature, not man, rules the climate system.” IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 8526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 24, 2014 08:40 AM
Bastardi said that people are not causing climate change and expects scientific data to eventually back that up. Thats his real name The climate change is a natural process that might or might not be influenced by man. But, how do we know how much methane dinosaurs farted? they left a big footprint in the soil, so did their gas cause big carbon prints? Dog chasing it`s tail while riding a merry-go-round ------------------ Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the Mystery, unique and not to be judged. Rumi IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 8526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2014 10:42 AM
Are the Hong Kong prosters showing how it is done?------------------ Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the Mystery, unique and not to be judged. Rumi IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7592 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 06, 2014 10:01 AM
Britain sold out the freedom loving people of Hong Kong to the Chinese communists.Now these people are protesting the communist regime. Quite a difference between our "Occupy" brain dead Socialist twits. They were protesting capitalism, free markets and our republican form of government. These Hong Kong protesters would be thrilled to get what the "Occupy" Socialist twits were protesting against. IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 8526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 06, 2014 02:27 PM
OOPS!vvShould have been a These Hong Kong protesters would be thrilled to get what the "Occupy" Socialist twits were protesting against. ------------------ Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the Mystery, unique and not to be judged. Rumi IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 7592 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 08, 2014 02:28 PM
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