posted April 09, 2015 03:15 PM
No, it's not April Fool's Day!O'Bomber is very popular in Communist Cuba...about twice as popular there as the Marxist Messiah is in the United States. 
They do recognize one of their own.
Historic poll: Obama is nearly twice as popular in Cuba as he is in the U.S.
April 8, 2015
Barack Obama is a pretty popular guy in Cuba these days. So much so that nearly nine out of 10 Cubans hope he’ll be the first U.S. president to visit their island since Calvin Coolidge did in 1928.
A new Bendixen & Amandi Poll for Univision Noticias – Fusion in collaboration with The Washington Post shows that 89 percent of Cubans think the U.S. leader should swing by for a visit now that the two countries are trying to make nice. Obama also enjoys an 80 percent favorability rating on the communist-led island. The poll suggests that Obama is nearly twice as popular in Cuba as he is in the United States. Back home, where the U.S. president’s favorability rating is around 47 percent — the same as President Castro’s in Cuba...........