posted April 10, 2015 09:36 AM
Even though many who promote the mainstream view that the Earth is still on a warming trend, climate expert John Casey tells Newsmax TV that that warming trend is over, and the sun is the culprit, not carbon emissions."This is actually a pretty straightforward scientific proposition. The sun goes through natural cycles and currently a 206-year cycle of the sun has ended global warming and has begun to institute a new cold climate period by cutting back on that energy by which it warms the planet," Casey, president of the Space and Science Research Corp., told J.D. Hayworth and Miranda Khan on "America's Forum" on Thursday.
And he says that this cooling trend may be "an extreme cold era of global cooling."
Dr. Richard A. Muller, senior scientist of the Lawrence Berkley Laboratory, has said according to his measurements that solar activity does not affect climate change.
Casey said, "The UN dismissed the role of the sun in climate change decades ago by using the same kind of illogic. The illogic is if you use only one parameter for the sun, the TSI, or total solar irradiance, and you use that measurement, we find out that the TSI does in fact vary only a very small percentage of 1 percent.
"However, what we now know after decades of research is that the Earth, not only lives in a 'Goldie Locks' zone around the sun, but lives on a knife's edge within that 'Goldie Locks' zone," he explained.
"Even that very small fraction of 1 percent of energy output from the sun, makes the complete difference between a global warm period and a new little ice age," he said.
However, the climate expert said that "mankind's CO2 contribution does add to global warming or it used to when we had global warming."
"It, however, is such a very very small component, it's almost insignificant," Casey contends.
"In fact, in our global climate status report that our scientists put together every six months, we measure 24 major climate parameters and CO2 is not even one of them," he added.
Casey, who worked as a consultant for NASA and was a White House space program adviser, is the author of "Dark Winter: How the Sun is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell," in which he argues that that the planet is undergoing a cooling trend.