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Author Topic:   You Can't Fix What You Don't See

Posts: 2997
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted May 05, 2015 07:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

And who needs the military when we have police like today's anyway? It is still not all cops but like looters they should be fully prosecuted for these crimes.

I think that while racism is definitely part of the problem it is not all. White people who shrug this off will be sorry.

Three of the six Baltimore cops charged are black. The link is about another case of abuse of power and excessive force, on a handcuffed white prisoner by a black officer.

Those who think it can't happen to the rest of us need to perk up.

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Posts: 2924
From: Neptune with PisceanDream, Faith, and Meissieri
Registered: Sep 2013

posted May 05, 2015 08:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BellaFenice     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Faith:
I'm sorry, I haven't read this whole thread ~ I'm sure I could be sitting here replying all day if I felt like it. Forgive me if my arguments have already been made and are redundant.

Bella, the Tea Party is a brilliant analogy.

A major reason for the the 2nd Amendment is to ensure that the citizenry has the power to overthrow tyrants. Spend some time on modern Tea Party sites and you'll see that they are armed to the teeth because they foresee the Police States of America and desperately want to ward it off (though, in my opinion, they never could. They are overpowered by the most powerful military that ever existed. Minutemen will not last.)

Anyway. Here we have the black people in America STILL being oppressed by tyrants. Rather than taking up arms as our Founding Fathers intended for real Americans to do in that situation ("The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants," instructed Thomas Jefferson) these oppressed people merely riot and loot. Which is like war, on a tiny scale. It's war without the bullets, but the sentiment behind their throwing rocks is the exact same *right* of Revolution that's built into our Constitution with the 2nd Amendment. It's the protest of tyranny. It's also the claiming of property and resources...those of you in favor of the US involvement in the Middle East can hardly pretend to be unfamiliar with, or uniformly opposed to, looting, when we've taken so many resources from the countries we occupy. It's the spoils of war.

Really the only difference between war and looting is, what the Powerful People decide to name it, and how they supply the context for the history textbooks.

Here's a song I love about that ~ Pixie Jane knows it: Pirates and Emperors.

At any rate I gotta tell you, if the police, dressed up like the Death Squad, took my children off a bus, captured, corralled, and intimidated them, I would feel the urge to protest, and not by writing little notes to the editor of the town newspaper. All respect for what's "normal" and sanctified by the government's (often twisted) legalist ethics would fly out the window and my primal "mother bear" instincts would most likely prevail. And I'm pretty certain that if Americans saw pictures of little blond-haired white children being dragged off buses to face the militarized police, all hell would break loose immediately.

Unfortunately, the power of non-violent protest and civil disobedience to effect reform has been undermined by the participation of agent provocateurs and crisis actors who can create whatever images the media is looking for, to spin whatever narratives it wants.

Think about this:

[b]There can be no freedom for a society that lacks the means with which to detect lies.

^^ Pretty sure the French philosopher Guy Debord said that. If not him, then I said it and meant it.

But here's another one:

Civil Rights were formally established in the 60's with the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto. We are revisiting the same themes now with the square...we are at the quarter moon phase, the crisis point where we have to decide how to resolve the issues born out of the conjunction.

I'm not sure what the answer is but I do know, it won't hurt if we all take responsibility for ourselves and raise our vibration. When one person's vibration goes up, it actually lifts the vibration of those in the same vicinity.

How to Change Your Frequency to Change Your Reality

With that in mind I am wishing peace to you all. It begins inside each of us.


All of this beauty must be quoted, see ya soon.

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Posts: 2924
From: Neptune with PisceanDream, Faith, and Meissieri
Registered: Sep 2013

posted May 05, 2015 08:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BellaFenice     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Catalina:
Great assumption there..or did you buy some? No one is sayng looting makes sense/is productive or ok Randall. And no figures of how much/what was stolen have come out have they?

The Tea Party was vandalism and theft. So what if they didn't make a Profit on the goods? The owners would disagree with your assessment I'm sure.

Perhaps you think we would have won our freedom withpeaceful protests?


It is both looting, you can't condone one because white men did it hundreds of years ago, and now when blacks do it, ruh oh. Both destroyed property, the point is that why we are quick to call the looters terrorists but praise our ancestors hundred of years ago.

You know the only people I've talked to who have taken issue with this analogy are white men. Everyone else, even at initial shock, seems to accept the message.

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Posts: 2924
From: Neptune with PisceanDream, Faith, and Meissieri
Registered: Sep 2013

posted May 05, 2015 08:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BellaFenice     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Catalina:
Lotta people don't realize there were black landowners in the past who were treated far worse than CVS this week. Find me the noble motive in this snippet of history. cans-that-will-break-your-heart/

I can always count on you to provide the good stuff!

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Posts: 2924
From: Neptune with PisceanDream, Faith, and Meissieri
Registered: Sep 2013

posted May 05, 2015 08:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BellaFenice     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Eirlys:
Most people might "feel the urge to riot," but most won't.They would, instead, get a lawyer on a contingency. Don't you think it's odd that we aren't seeing all these do-
gooders and sympathy-pushers offering legal services or advice? Something that could actually change things?

I take it you are not from the US, because many lawyers SELF-volunteered to go down to both Ferguson and Baltimore to help with the protesters. They gave them advice on their rights, went to the jails to ensure ridiculous charges were dropped, and also kept several police men in check from overstepping their boundaries.

I'm not talking a few either, I'm talking several hundred. And that is not counting the volunteers as well. This is the stuff the media won't show you. I have a friend (a lawyer) who was down there and have plenty of receipts on this.

Comparing a white band as justification for racial discourse and hundreds of years of segregation? Alright.

Again I ask you, why condemn the 1% instead of focusing on the real issues at hand? Why blatantly manipulate the perception of rioters instead of working towards fixing a systemic racial system that keeps causing it?

Because you can't fix what you don't see.

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Posts: 2924
From: Neptune with PisceanDream, Faith, and Meissieri
Registered: Sep 2013

posted May 05, 2015 08:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BellaFenice     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Catalina:
As I said yesterday was the anniversary of Kent State. The military will never WHAT?

Officers found guilty of murder should pay the same penalty as other murderers. Kids found guilty of theft the same as others. Why on earth would policemen abusing their power be limited in their punishment to fines and asset seizures. If anything their punishment should be more severe than the average citizen. .due to the advantage of their situation and its abuse.

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Posts: 52879
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 05, 2015 08:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I didn't say limited to fines. In addition to prison, and much more than $200K.

Originally posted by Catalina:
As I said yesterday was the anniversary of Kent State. The military will never WHAT?

Officers found guilty of murder should pay the same penalty as other murderers. Kids found guilty of theft the same as others. Why on earth would policemen abusing their power be limited in their punishment to fines and asset seizures. If anything their punishment should be more severe than the average citizen. .due to the advantage of their situation and its abuse.

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Posts: 52879
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 05, 2015 08:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Those officers were prosecuted.

Originally posted by Faith:
[QUOTE]In July, the local television station WDSU released a home video, taken shortly after the storm hit, of a local man, Paul Gleason, who bragged to two police officers about shooting looters in the Algiers section of New Orleans.

"Did you have any problems with looters," [sic] asked an officer.

"Not anymore," said Gleason.

"Not anymore?"

"They're all dead," said Gleason.

The officer asked, "What happened?"

"We shot them," said Gleason.

"How many did you shoot?


"Thirty-eight people? What did you do with the bodies?"

"We gave them to the Coast Guard," said Gleason.

It amazes me how few people are paying attention.[/QUOTE]

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Posts: 2997
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted May 06, 2015 11:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The 18 year old who turned himself in for his part in the damage has been given $500k bail for a bunch of misdemeanors against property

The cops charged with the death of a human - which charges seldom qualify for bail - have none of them had that high a bail posted. Nor did any of them turn themselves in.


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Posts: 8133
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 13, 2015 07:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
May 6, 2015
Ann Coulter

Astronomically low crime rates may be one of the greatest public policy triumphs in history. All this time, liberals have been lying in wait, dying to undo all the accomplishments of the last 20 years.

A quarter century of peace has lulled ordinary people into taking their safety for granted. They naturally assume that everyone regards it as a good thing that people are able to go about their lives without being raped, beaten, slashed or murdered.

They don't know liberals. I've been warning you since 2001 that, as soon as we left the room, liberals would start emptying the prisons and loosing predators on us again.

The stunning crime reduction of the last couple of decades is being called a "public policy disaster" from every news outlet -- even the news outlets currently being looted in Baltimore.

Last week, The New York Times' Andrew Rosenthal praised Hillary Clinton, saying she had "correctly identified this country's racist incarceration policies as a wrong that must be righted."

The New York Times' working assumption is that the only way to judge the criminal justice system is to ask if Al Sharpton is unhappy.

The next day, yet another opinion piece hailed Hillary for confronting "American problems of poverty and violence, racial injustice and criminal policing," and her switch from a "conventionally tough-on-crime politician" to, presumably, a conventionally soft-on-crime politician. The column's only complaint was that "the solutions she was listing have been known for years. For decades."

Yes, we spent all of the 1970s and 1980s trying those solutions -- and our cities were war zones.

It wasn't politicians, but the public that finally demanded that the criminal class be taken out of circulation. Politicians had no choice: Either they had to build more prisons or be voted out of office.

Democrats, social workers, liberal judges and criminologists fought like mad to keep criminals on the street, coming up with ever-more creative excuses for why prison doesn't work and continuing to demand that we "close the achievement gap."

So much blood is on their hands! The "root cause" advocates are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of murders, rapes, slashed faces, broken limbs and ruined lives.

By abandoning the left's "close the achievement gap" crime-fighting policies, the nation's murder rate was halved -- to say nothing of the rape, assault and burglary rates. At least 150,000 Americans who would have been murdered under the old policies are still alive.

In New York City alone, about 10,000 people -- almost entirely minorities -- are not dead because the "close the achievement gap" crime policies were finally jettisoned.

But now we're hearing the exact same nonsense.

No -- we tried this. Remember?

The left has been in a blind rage ever since all their idiotic ideas about fighting crime were unceremoniously dropped by New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Instead of understanding criminals, Giuliani thought we should lock them up. And guess what? It worked! In his first three years as mayor, the drop in crime in New York City alone was responsible for 35 percent of the reduction in crime nationally.

When the murder rate in New York plummeted an amazing 20 percent his first year in office, The New York Times heralded this accomplishment with an article titled: "New York City Crime Falls but Just Why Is a Mystery."

Over the course of his mayoralty, the number of murders in New York declined from about 2,000 a year to a few hundred a year –- and kept falling as Mayor Michael Bloomberg continued his predecessor's crime policies.

The results weren't so great in cities that refused to implement Giuliani-style policing. While New York became a wonderland, some cities continued their decline into dystopian nightmares. Detroit didn't turn around. Baltimore didn't turn around. Philadelphia and St Louis didn't turn around.

The end of crime in New York made life possible again.

Major building projects, redeveloped waterfront areas, concerts in the park -- all this would have been impossible, but for Giuliani and Bloomberg virtually eliminating crime in New York.

It never occurs to Brooklyn hipsters -- i.e., white liberals -- just why it is they can live in Brooklyn at all. Before Giuliani, among the borough's famous residents was Tyrone Graham, known as the "Spiderman rapist," a criminal with a long rap sheet, who nonetheless managed to spend a few months of 1986 breaking into a dozen apartments, mostly in Brooklyn, to rape, rob and brutalize the occupants.

Tyrone was finally put away for the two-hour rape of Eileen Ross, a blind woman, in her 500 East 77th St. Manhattan luxury apartment, forcing her to flee the city and move to Oregon.

As New York Newsday described the Dinkins era attack:

"Graham smashed Ross on the head with a wooden mallet, raped her twice at knifepoint, forced her to cook him breakfast, tormented her by saying he had killed one of her beloved beagles, and did blind one dog.

"After tying her up with wires from a stereo headphone, Graham stole a leather suitcase stuffed with a $2,000 mink coat. He also stole a videocassette recorder, jewelry, five pounds of shrimp, $80 and a bank card."

This was an everyday occurrence in the 1980s. Today, the Upper East Side, as well as most of Manhattan, is safer than any small town in Utah.

That was life in New York pre-Giuliani. Liberals want it back.

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