posted May 23, 2015 11:17 AM
May 23, 2015
The left demonstrates its blinding brilliance (again)
Carol BrownRecently a group of Democrats participating in a focus group were asked if they could name a single accomplishment of Hillary Clinton’s during her tenure as Secretary of State. The response was a stunned silence. No one could name a thing.
I really can’t name anything off the top of my head.
Give me two minutes.
Ummm. No.
I honestly can’t say I followed along everything that was going on (laughter).
But one brave collegiate-looking lad straight out of Hillary Clinton for President central casting came to the rescue with this amazing save:
She’s been at a high level in numerous offices for about 25 years now. I mean, it’s either going to be that or it’s going to be Scott Walker and, you know, by taking away, you know, destroying America’s unions, and there’s just, you know. She’s not perfect, um, but she’s been in the eye for a long time, the public’s eye, and you’re going to have some stuff on her. But, you know, she has great policies and she knows how to get stuff done.
Translation: I have no idea what I’m talking about but I do know this woman is old and has been around for a long time and we must save the unions.
Or something. You know.
Perhaps concerned that college boy didn’t fully get the job done, the left is now rushing in to shore up the situation, as Newsbusters reports:
U.S. News & World Report's Susan Milligan wildly spun for Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on the May 20 edition of Hardball when she insisted that the fact that her supporters in a recent focus-group survey by Bloomberg TV cannot name a single accomplishment of hers as Secretary of State is, well, "unfair." Indeed, Milligan insisted, the job of Secretary of State is essentially to make sure nothing major goes wrong on his or her watch….
The brilliance of the leftist mind did not stop there. Because they care and life’s “unfair.”
Jumping on the genius bandwagon, Chris Matthews, agreed with Milligan (what a shocker!) and offered up this gem: "Obama didn't have a big accomplishment before he got elected."
You don’t say.