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  Fall In Sun's Energy Won't Stop Global Warming, Claim Chicken Littles

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Author Topic:   Fall In Sun's Energy Won't Stop Global Warming, Claim Chicken Littles

Posts: 55545
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 24, 2015 09:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Earth is facing a fall in the sun’s activity of the sort that once coincided with winters so severe that people were ice skating and enjoying frost fairs on the river Thames.

But colder winters in the UK and other parts of Europe and North America that could be triggered by changes in the sun’s behaviour will not be enough to halt global warming, say researchers from the Met Office and several universities.

Scientists have published a paper that is among the first to look at the regional impacts of a “grand solar minimum”, a spell of unusually low solar activity that affects the amount of the sun’s energy reaching Earth.

It is nearly 300 years since such a phenomenon occurred for an extended period, when the “Maunder Minimum” — named after the English astronomer who observed it — lasted from around 1645 to 1715. This corresponded with parts of a “mini-ice age”, when normally ice-free European rivers froze, though scientists are unsure how much of a role the Maunder Minimum may have played, if any.

Still, some solar physicists believe there is a one in five chance of Maunder Minimum conditions returning in the next 50 years, prompting speculation that cooler temperatures could offset the impact of global warming.

To test this theory, scientists at the Met Office and universities in the UK and US used a climate model to simulate conditions between 2050 and 2099 with a Maunder Minimum in place.

They found the global impact of a drop-off in solar output was likely to be relatively small, amounting to a cooling effect of around -0.1 degrees Celsius.

The latest news and analysis on the world’s changing climate and the political moves afoot to tackle the problem

That tallies with earlier studies and is much less than the several degrees of warming likely to occur globally because of the greenhouse gases expected to be emitted during this period.

But the new Met Office-led study shows the cooling effect could be more pronounced in the UK, northern Europe and eastern parts of North America, especially during winter.

Northern Europe, for example, could experience cooling of between -0.4C and -0.8C.

Overall, however, winters are likely to become milder, the researchers say. “What this study shows is that the sun isn’t going to save us from global warming,” said Met Office scientist, Sarah Ineson, lead author of the study.
"What this study shows is that the sun isn’t going to save us from global warming"

- Sarah Ineson, Met Office scientist
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“But it could have impacts at a regional level that should be factored into decisions about adapting to climate change for the decades to come.”

As for the idea that Londoners can look forward to ice-skating on the Thames any time soon, Ms Ineson has sobering news.

“Frost fairs on the Thames during the Maunder Minimum owed much to the weir-like design of the old London Bridge,” she said.

“Also, the building of the Thames embankments has greatly increased the flow. It’s these developments of the river that primarily ended large-scale freezing of the Thames.”

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Posts: 55545
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
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posted July 17, 2015 09:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The gas that alarmists need to worry about is hydrogen (sun), not carbon dioxide.

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posted July 18, 2015 12:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Gee, the Man Made Global Warming kooks would be well advised to put together some computer climate models which actually work...instead of falsifying computer input data to make it appear the earth is warming.

Not one of their computer climate models actually predict or predicted real recorded temperatures.

Btw, there is a Consensus climate kooks are not real scientists. Until climate kooks start employing scientific method instead of junk science and falsification of computer data, there's little reason to believe a word they say.

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posted July 21, 2015 09:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
File this story under..."Did you know"!

Martin O'Malley, presidential candidate (D), who just apologized for saying white lives matter too, now says Man Made Global Warming is responsible for the rise of the Islamic terrorist group..ISIS.

Hell, we already knew that since Man Made Global Warming is responsible for every ill on planet Earth.

July 21, 2015
Martin O'Malley: Global warming created ISIS
By Rick Moran

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley told Bloomberg News over the weekend that climate change is responsible for the rise of ISIS. This is a significant flip flop for the former Maryland governor who earlier tried to separate global warming from national security.

But that bandwagon is leaving the station and O'Malley figured it was time to jump aboard.

"One of the things that preceded the failure of the nation-state of Syria and the rise of ISIS was the effect of climate change and the mega-drought that affected that region, wiped out farmers, drove people to cities, created a humanitarian crisis that created the symptoms — or rather the conditions of extreme poverty — that has now led to the rise of ISIL and this extreme violence,” O’Malley, the former governor of Maryland, told Bloomberg news in a question about foreign policy.

O’Malley’s comments echo those of the Obama administration and environmentalists who are trying to paint global warming as not just an environmental issue, but also a national security problem.

In May, Obama told graduates of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy to prepare for the fight against global warming. The White House has been trying to shift the focus of global warming away from temperature and more towards public health and national security.

Because they've never had a drought in the Middle East before.

In past comments, O’Malley made a point to declare global warming a “natural threat,” distinguishing it from “man-made” threats, the greatest of which he said is a nuclear Iran.

“The greatest danger that we face right now on a consistent basis in terms of manmade threats is — is — nuclear Iran and related to that, extremist violence,” O’Malley told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos March 29. “I don’t think you can separate the two. I think they go together.”

“In terms of natural threats, clearly, it’s climate change. And we have to confront — we have to confront manmade and natural threats,” O’Malley added.

CO2 must be the most powerful substance known to man. It starts wars, creates terrorism, radicalizes Muslims, and apparently puts people in a real bad mood.

Or does it?

Even if a drought did exacerbate tensions in Syria, research shows environmental factors are rarely the cause of violent conflict. Other researchers have postulated it was the Bashar Assad regime’s response to the drought that sparked tensions, not the drought itself. Syrians are no strangers to prolonged, vicious droughts. People there have weathered their way through low rainfall.

In terms of the climate science behind the claim: there’s not much evidence of a man-made fingerprint on the climatic backdrop of the conflict.

“It is not until you dig pretty deep into the technical scientific literature, that you find out that the anthropogenic climate change impact on drought conditions in the Fertile Crescent is extremely minimal and tenuous—so much so that it is debatable as to whether it is detectable at all,” wroteChip Knappenberger and Patrick Michaels, climate scientists at the libertarian Cato Institute March 5.

In truth, scientists haven't a clue what causes extreme weather as their confident predictions about the number and severity of storms fail to materialize. But with global warming hysterics, being wrong means never having to say you're sorry.

You will note that the more the climate does not obey the hysterics predictive modles, the more they try to change the subject. The attempt to tie human behavior and the actions of governments to climate change is just the latest epic fail of the climate change hucksters.

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Posts: 55545
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
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posted July 21, 2015 12:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What a maroon!

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Posts: 3262
From: shamballa
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posted July 21, 2015 02:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Meanwhile Boner` who doesn't believe in man made climate change, is blaming Obama for the drought in Western North America. Ummm...

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Posts: 8458
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 21, 2015 09:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What has John Boehner said about the drought in the West?

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posted July 27, 2015 11:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Gallup Poll: Climate Change Causes Pope’s Poll Numbers to Implode in U.S.
Gene J. Koprowski

Despite hysterical forecasts by some scientists, there’s been no empirical evidence of climate change for more than 18 years. But that has just changed – dramatically.

In the time since Pope Francis this spring publicly embraced global warming as “real” and “man-made,” his popularity numbers in the Gallup Tracking Poll have plummeted by 17 points. Climate change, Gallup suggests, caused, in large part, that dramatic drop in papal approval.

“Pope Francis’ favorability rating in the U.S. has returned to where it was when he was elected pope. It is now at 59%, down from 76% in early 2014. The pontiff’s rating is similar to the 58% he received from Americans in April 2013, soon after he was elected pope,” reportsGallup, on its web site. “Pope Francis’ drop in favorability is even starker among Americans who identify as conservative — 45% of whom view him favorably, down sharply from 72% last year. This decline may be attributable to the pope’s denouncing of ‘the idolatry of money’ and linking climate change partially to human activity, along with his passionate focus on income inequality — all issues that are at odds with many conservatives’ beliefs.”

The pope’s reputation has also taken a hit among liberals and moderates, pollsters said.

Pope Francis fares even more poorly when contrasted with one of his recent predecessors in the papacy, Pope John Paul II, who was highly esteemed.

“Pope John Paul II, who served as the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church for nearly 27 years, always polled above 60% in the 1990s and 2000s, reaching a high of 86% favorability in late 1998,” the poll said.

One wonders what the gurus of Gaia worship, Jeffrey Sachs and Ban Ki-Moon, at the United Nations, and Francis’s other secular supporters think of this development. Their ham-handed attempt to hijack the Vatican for the progressive cause of sustainable development is now failing spectacularly, and is yet another liberal strategy that will live on, only in infamy.’s-poll- numbers-implode-us

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Posts: 714
From: n2thedust
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posted July 27, 2015 05:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Seimei     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just a couple of photos 2012 and 2013.

Temperatures have been actually cooling rather than warming since 1997 and ice accumulation is growing as is seen in these two images of the Arctic taken one year apart. 2013 is turning out to be one of the coolest years(overall) on record and the trend will continue for about the next two decades, followed by another warming trend. These mini cycles of 25-30 years operate within larger cycles of about 250 years, the last of which is in a cooling trend. They are based on cyclical solar, oceanic, and underground activity.

see photos

That's the latest conclusion by the Heartland Institute or NIPPC(2008- ) on the average long-term climate trend of our planet.

So what's all the hoopla about global warming spewed out by the United Nation's IPPC and some of our government and scientific leaders in the last ten years or so? It's obviously a lie and a scam designed throw us off guard and make us ill-prepared for what's really coming. Don't you just love how evil and deceptive these people are? People like Al Gore and Ms. McCarty must be in hiding now. McCarty was forced to admit that the false and scientifically baseless glob al warming forecasts(based on carbon emissions)were intended for political, financial, and social control such as the creation of the notorious carbon(CO2) tax which is now being thrown out along with the people behind it.

Basically, the global warming scam is an attempt to fleece both the public and industry, here and abroad, with costly, untenable, and unproductive energy schemes such as ethanol which ruins engines and expensive solar panels and wind turbines which produce little actual energy, and to slow down the industrial growth of competing nations such as China and India.


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Posts: 55545
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
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posted July 27, 2015 10:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Amen, brother!

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Posts: 55545
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
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posted July 28, 2015 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That one post just about sums up this entire fraud.

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Posts: 3262
From: shamballa
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posted July 28, 2015 03:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Now if i wanted to make the point those photos are meant to illustrate, i would take them on the same date and from the same angle and distance. Even with those little discrepancies i see more land and THIN frost in the second pic..and more ice in water. .which generally means About to Melt...where is the current comparison our are we going to stop two years ago to describe what's on going?

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Posts: 3262
From: shamballa
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posted July 28, 2015 05:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Havent found more pics but this link will expand on the stOry. 2014/15 apparently lost ice again...looking at skewy pics of one or two Years really doesn't settle anything.

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Posts: 55545
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
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posted July 29, 2015 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Regional variances are normal and would happen even if humans were out of the picture.

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Posts: 55545
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
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posted July 30, 2015 02:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The left just can't accept that they are being lied to.

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Posts: 3262
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted July 30, 2015 06:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Regional variance? What does that have to do with this? As to being lied to, that is not exclusive to the left lol

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Posts: 8458
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 31, 2015 10:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Reasons to never vote for Jeb Bush.

Common Core
Illegal Alien Amnesty...AND NOW
Man Made Global Warming.

July 31, 2015
Bush believes in man-made global warming and wants plenty more of it
By Newsmachete

Jeb Bush said today that he believes that people cause global warming, saying, "The climate is changing; I don’t think anybody can argue it’s not."

Of course the climate is changing! It's called weather. And Jeb is supposed to be the smart Bush?

"Human activity has contributed to it," Bush said in an email interview with Bloomberg BNA.

This is an amazing statement, since there has been no global warming in 17 years. Also, the supposed mechanism that produces global warming, carbon dioxide, is 97% produced by the environment, not human activity.

But let's get past scientific facts. After all, as Jeb might say, he isn't a scientist; he's only a Bush!

Let's remember that Bush wants to allow the illegal aliens who are here to stay. When tens of millions of people from an impoverished lifestyle where they have a small carbon footprint come to America, what do you think happens? They use more electricity. They consume more goods made with electricity. They drive automobiles (sometimes drunk and sometimes into citizens, but thankfully that does not increase global warming). Now multiply that by the twenty or thirty million illegal aliens estimated to be in America. That's an enormous increase in the use of electricity and an equally enormous increase in industrial production that creates the dreaded carbon dioxide (which plants, and eventually people, need to survive, but never mind that, either).

The point is that if Jeb really believes this global warming fiction, then bringing in illegals isn't an act of love; it's an act of putting wood on the fire.

And I think he wants more of it. Sounds crazy? Just think of all the Mexicans who move to New York. The Salvadorans who go to Philadelphia. The Dominicans who move to Long Island. They are used to hot climates. But the winters are quite cold.

So what is Jeb doing? I think he is trying to terraform the environment of America to make it more suitable for illegal aliens. Terraforming is a concept where hostile environments are changed so that they can be more suitable to colonization. If Jeb really believes in global warming, he probably wants Boston to have the same weather as San Salvador, New York to have the same weather as Managua, and Seattle to have the same temperatures as Belmopan. Just as our language and culture are being changed to suit our new instant citizens, so is our weather.

Can you think of any other reason a person might support illegal immigration and the global warming myth at the same time?

This article was produced by, the conservative news site.

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Posts: 3262
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted July 31, 2015 12:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh so global warming is the fault of illegal immigrants, but the legal migrants are more respectful? Happier in cold weather? Or is it that illegal immigrants arent quite human because global warming is not amplified by humans?

What a ridiculous, backward logic piece of shmear. Bush has enough idiocy to make idiot smear sneer jobs unnecessary.

Perhaps if we stopped cutting down their vegetation and forcing Monsanto crops on them they would have somewhere to live at home.

They are having trouble in England at the moment with immigrants "swarming" thru the Chunnel. Travesty! And in the 30s when many Jews fled Germany to England, they had the very same headlines.."hordes" of refugee jews "swarming" into England. Partly because Churchill and others had encouraged Hitler thinking he was Good for Germany.

When you get large numbersof people migrating it is because conditions are intolerable where they were...and who is destroying these people's habitats?

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Posts: 8458
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 31, 2015 01:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
More loopy nonsense...the usual.

The case is easily made that Bush and others can't claim to believe in Man Made Global Warming and at the same time desire to import millions more illegal aliens from a low energy use society into high energy use America..where they will consume lots more fossil fuel energy...which they claim causes Man Made Global Warming.

Sorry you can't connect the dots.

What comic book told you America is cutting down vegetation in Mexico? Is that the same comic book that told you America is forcing Mexico to plant genetically modified crop seed?

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Posts: 55545
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
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posted July 31, 2015 04:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bush is an idiot. Clinton is a criminal. We are SOL.

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Posts: 3262
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted July 31, 2015 05:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh i can connect the dots alright. Straight to the manure pile. Since when is Mexico a primitive country? The whole argument is specious beyond belief. And that doesn't change the fact that I actually agree with you that both Bush and Clinton are poison

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Posts: 3262
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted July 31, 2015 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What is SOL Randall?
And what were you talking about regional variance for^^^

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Posts: 8458
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted July 31, 2015 10:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I didn't say Mexico is a "primitive" country. You brought that up.

I said Mexico is a low energy use nation and it is...outside several metropolitan areas.

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Posts: 3262
From: shamballa
Registered: Aug 2013

posted August 02, 2015 04:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
K got my own answer to the first question. Apparently you still think Bush/Clinton will be the nominees?

Now as to those "Regional variances"...?

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