posted July 08, 2015 09:07 AM
There are still fewer Americans working in America than there were the 1st day O'Bomber began infesting the White House.Welcome to the O'Bomber economy!
Most of the jobs produced in the O'Bomber economy were filled by foreign workers...both legal and illegal aliens.
In the mean time, the American worker participation rate in the O'Bomber economy hit a 38 YEAR LOW.
Welcome to the O'Bomber economy where American workers can't get a job and sit at home unemployed while foreign born workers go off to work in America!
Time to throw all the Marxist Messiah's Socialist comrades out on their sorry as$es. Time too for O'Bomber's Socialist Kool-Aid drinkers to hang their heads in shame for attempting to spread bullshiiite lies which originated from O'Bomber's lower orifice.