Topic: Is Donald Trump the new Hitler?
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 5111 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 08, 2015 06:07 PM
Please excuse the thread title, I did want to respectfully get your attention but NOT offend anyone. If I'm understanding this brouhaha correctly, Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. However if by chance they are able to emigrate, he is suggesting/promising (?) that we track (all?) Muslims whether they are American citizens or not. (The San Bernardino incident has given credence to this issue) I am most concerned that Donald Trump has no background with American History or Law. It makes sense that this should be a prerequisite for the office of the President of the United States of America. In my opinion half of the stuff he is suggesting is illegal and he does not appear to know/understand the Constitution of the United States. Our glorious Country promises a better life for (all) freedom seekers. One where we are free to practice our own religious beliefs without prejudice. If we enact laws to ostracize, discriminate and expel Muslims then we are doing exactly what Uncle Adolf did to the Jews. This is how that whole ugly incident (WW2) began. The answer to this issue just may be better firearm laws. As it stands just about anyone can purchase a gun. Jwhop ------------------ "There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Georgia I 'eat a peach' for peace." Duane Allman IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 8209 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 08, 2015 08:08 PM
~Weirdly, I think I understand 'the logic' behind his thinking? I've encountered old bosses with that kind of method for handling problems. They shut-down the factory, gather all together, and try to figure out what happened.I HOPE I'm right when I say that I don't believe he meant that in a harmful way towards muslim 'individuals'... He's trying to gross damage-control 'terror'... (Not the people?) BTW-- Republican Party (and Dems) is also "looking" for a way to shut The Trump down and wedge him out of their race. (They'll 'flame' this politically and use it as a game and opportunity to run him out). Trying to run a country like you do a Business certainly does NOT "fit" what 'government' (or running a family at home) is about, either. A government is different than a Business. Trump's reflecting the voice of general-overwhelm from all the media-stimulus(???), fatigue, and underlying unspoken shadow-fears that many folk with manners don't express (nor would act-upon either). (I don't think he expected to be IN this race this long... It's been step by step going forward, but somehow inside me, I really don't think he expected to 'win' anything. It's been a sustained surprise?) In a SIDEWAYS kind of way, I see most of what he's saying as 'actually' having a therapeutic and 'correcting' effect-- There's more Consciousness about Islam and the religion. He's putting to speech the fears that lay just-underneath conscious awareness.
For myself, I know that former President Jimmy Carter's work through The Carter Center REALLY played a HUGE part in enlightening my own misunderstanding about what happened at 9-11. I had attended the ONLINE free webinar on June 27-29, 2013 on the role of Religion in advancing Women's Rights.... That seminar OPENED a whole NEW understanding for me of 'what' happened at 9-11, and the distinction between the terrorists and the islam/muslim religion. I'm thinking that many here(US) are sooo darn tired of all the fighting and constant bickering!
In a ~way, this was the "Papa Trump" trying to put everything and anyone moving on the 'botheration' and "time-out" list. It's his way of dealing with reality in an unsophisticated old-fashioned 'concrete' and limited hands-on ways. It makes "common-sense" if you're a family, or a smaller business.... but for a COUNTRY?? hmmmmm I have the ability to argue BOTH or all sides of a situation. People 'usually' do things "for a reason"... and those reasons aren't always 'the apparent' one that people so readily-interpret. (I relied on that insight so many times in my life.)
I tried to do a post in DivDiv but after I finished, I deleted it because if someone didn't read the whole post 'in context' it could have been taken 'the wrong way'... I was just trying to offer INSIGHT into the mind-set of what Trump is trying to do. I think my OP may have been a 'disaster'... Don't know if I should have left it or not. Takes skill to say a thing, without people misinterpreting. Like I say, I can see everyone's point of view, usually. (I've been planning on possibly voting for Hillary. I think that she will be a good in-between choice for all parties involved. ... ~We'll see!) IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 8209 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 08, 2015 08:13 PM
And hello and warm regards to JWHOP too. {{ }}IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 8209 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 08, 2015 10:15 PM
I turned on television to listen to political news station. I just heard Rachel Maddow's theory that Trump may be sabotaging his campaign because he hadn't really taken serious mind that he 'could' win? He made a splash, but wasn't considering that he could 'possibly' actually get the 'job'! This is precisely what I was sensing too, and wanted to say in my posts. You never know how things turn out sometimes! IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 9054 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted December 08, 2015 11:37 PM
I'm trying to find an article on how Trump has played this game before (though never this far) and how it was just a scam to make more money rather than actually get elected (and he's made a ton of money in the past pretending to want to be elected). Unfortunately, a troll like Trump has way too many articles about him for me to find it, and I'm giving up for now.That said, I did come across this one that is directly relevant to this thread: I looked at the article that confirmed he had a copy of Mein Kampf by his bed at one point (or some book of Hitler's speeches) and just rolled my eyes that he would "never read it" (just what, soak up the vibes?). Naturally, people who make a big deal about Clinton "not inhaling" back in his college days will absolutely embrace that "he had it but never read it." (Then what was it doing there?) IP: Logged |
Swanlake unregistered
posted December 09, 2015 12:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: I turned on television to listen to political news station. I just heard Rachel Maddow's theory that Trump may be sabotaging his campaign because he hadn't really taken serious mind that he 'could' win? He made a splash, but wasn't considering that he could 'possibly' actually get the 'job'! This is precisely what I was sensing too, and wanted to say in my posts. You never know how things turn out sometimes!
You "turned on the TELEVISION" to listen to political news station" ??? (All you get from TV is Spin & lies, ie a MIRAGE..) * * * Donald Trump is just a "useful idiot". He doesn't realise that of course, but his EGO just LOVES the attention & exposure..
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Bluejay Knowflake Posts: 798 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted December 09, 2015 02:04 AM
Regardless of a candidate's politics, I always admire someone that can inspire people to work together. Trump's tactic all along has been to divide and conquer. If he was the president, not only would the US be extremely divided, but he would burn many bridges with other countries that we currently have good relations with. Usually I roll my eyes at Hitler comparisons, because it's an overused and exaggerated insult. However in Trump's case he has targeted several ethnic and religious groups as the main cause for problems in the US, and has called for their deportation and banning any further immigration. That is a strategy Hitler used, starting with his divisive speeches. That was only the beginning, and the Germans didn't foresee how Hitler intended to implement his plan. Trump does seem to be using this same campaign strategy....First make the populous feel like victims, single out specific groups of people to blame, and once power is granted...push your own selfish agenda with no regard for what effect it has on the lives of others. Trump may not be intending to kill, but his speeches suggest internment/concentration type camps, with the intention of deportation(at least). That is the last thing that the US needs, and it's also the ultimate goal of groups that wish to divide and weaken the US as a nation. Once again, divide and conquer. On a side note, it's ironic that Trump wants to deport some people that were born and raised here, yet 2 of his 3 wives are immigrants. Only his mistress turned wife was born in the US. Go figure! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 83910 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 09, 2015 08:12 AM
I know a lot of people don't like Trump (although a lot of people do), but let's get serious here. He never said anything about concentration camps. Those camps are already built, and you can thank establishment Presidents like Obama for that. And they won't be for Muslims. Trump wants Muslims to register, which I disagree with, but the FBI is already watching Muslim groups in this country. They are just doing it covertly. And Trump only wants to deport those who are here illegally. We have laws. If you want to move to America, do it the legal way--like his wives did. Obama acts like a total dictator bypassing Congress at every turn, and liberals cheer with each right they lose, but Trump gets called Hitler for running his mouth. Go figure.IP: Logged |
Bluejay Knowflake Posts: 798 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted December 09, 2015 09:17 AM
^He said that he wants to ban Muslims from coming to the US, even US citizens that want to return from abroad. He also wants to deport Mexicans in large numbers. I said that his speeches "suggest" that he intends to use some type of internment camp, because in order to deport a large number of people they have to be rounded up first. It's not a stretch to assume that they would be kept at an internment camp before they are deported. Both of these plans are a slippery slope.Coming from TX, I understand the illegal immigration issue first hand. I agree that it is a huge problem. But Trump's comments about Mexicans being murderers and rapists proves that he is a racist. He is singling out people from specific religions and ethnic groups, and blaming them for problems in the US. This is the same exact strategy that Hitler used to gain power in Germany. I personally don't trust Trump, and I think his ego and his divisive speech will get the US into a lot of unnecessary conflicts both nationally and internationally. The only thing I find admirable about him is that he has not been bought out by lobbyists and special interest groups like every other politician. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 9054 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted December 09, 2015 10:54 AM
Hitler didn't start off talking about camps and the like, it was much more subtle (relatively speaking) than that which built up, but started about how the Communists and the Jews were to blame and something had to be done about them, but it was relatively reasonable compared to where it would end. Had Hitler advocated death camps from the beginning then he would have never come to power, never been tolerated, not even by a Germany as desperate as it was and nursed on antisemitism. This book describes the slow descent: IIRC, camps didn't even come up until after several Jews tried to flee Germany (I'm thinking of this ) and nation and nation (including the United States) refused to take them--and I think it was more ghettos and the like, more or less like the Japanese interment camps in the US (I'm not fully awake and I don't recall the specifics offhand). And even then the Final Solution wouldn't come until later. Though me personally, I just find it almost impossible to take Trump seriously. I think he's play acting and has something other than politics on the brain. To me, he's essentially doing a "twerking Miley" that seems terrible but is a very calculated move, where people blow up over it yet the one offending people gets exactly what s/he is actually after (as opposed to what they say they're after). That is, he's not a fool, he's playing the American people for fools, and he doesn't intend to win because he has a different goal in mind (though the longer he stays the more I wonder if this time he's serious).
Nevertheless, I can see why comparisons are made given his over the top statements and offensive generalizations (which again, I think Trump does on purpose, which is why I call him a troll as I believe it's deliberate on his part and that he doesn't believe his own BS)...and he's tapped something primal, who knows where it could lead? It's especially sobering when considering things like the Third Wave, how students who couldn't understand how Nazi German came to be were starting to be like them in less than a week. IP: Logged |
Gemini Blues Knowflake Posts: 1332 From: The future... or the past. I get them confused... Registered: May 2014
posted December 09, 2015 12:06 PM
Consider a few pointsTrump isn't stupid. If he was, someone would have figured out a way to part him from his money by now. The media is in full mudslinging mode. He's being parsed and taken in partial context. And he knows this and playing off of it. His biggest obstacle to election isn't the American people, its the RNC. To that end, the more they're afraid, the better position he's in to negotiate a deal. And that's what Trump has always been good at. Does he want to be president? I don't know yet. Perhaps he doesn't either... Edit: Hank's rule: There's no such thing as bad publicity. Only people who handle publicity badly. Bill Clinton and Madonna understood this. So does Trump. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 4829 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted December 09, 2015 01:21 PM
From the start Trump has used scapegoating and division as a tactic. He is not stupid but the idea that a man who is insulting everyone who criticizes him, leaders of other countries and our own, suggests that he will whip all dissenter individuals and nations into line in a split second...deport 11 million people including citizens whose parents may not be...ban all Muslims from entry and, possibly MARK anyone who is Muslim and American...sorry this was obvious from the first and yes I used the word Hitler then..a hateful demagogue no matter his name. His own mother became a citizen by marriage. Should I say Germans shouldn't be allowed to immigrate because this GermanAmerican acts like Hitler? He wont be able to run the country like one of his businesses and in fact his hate filled rhetoric is costing him business around the world. Dubai just banned his product. That is a lot of wealthy customers! Text including quote in this link for the video-challenged IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 8209 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 09, 2015 08:24 PM
I did a little more research on Trump, and I had dissociated from my memory many of his bad-boy antics over the past years. Trump was the one who kept challenging President Obama over his birth-certificate, even after the issue was investigated and the certificate proven accurate. I'd heard the originators of the Birth-Certificate issue talking with Bill Maher on his show Real-Time. These admitted that they had been "just joking" about the certificate, but continued to let it stand only because they enjoyed the attention they were able to stir. There's a danger in all this.... Some Beautiful innocent TRUSTING American souls still hang on to "the joke" as some hard information. Back to Trump... I wasn't paying serious attention to him and kept hearing "humor" expressed in everything he said. Some of the videos I watched today had called him a "buffoon." I mean, some of the standup comics use shocking-speech and images in order to entertain. Doing caricatures. Thought that this was what Trump was doing... But no. He's serious? *JAWDROP* Anyone running for President is applying for a SERIOUS Job. In past decades I've seen a few comedians run 'as a joke'... This has gone too far now. AND, even now there are persons who have declared-a-run who are NOT qualified for President as they weren't even born in the USA? That's 'disrespectful' and wasting time, patience, and dollars of the American people. (And when I say American, I mean ALL of us-- not just a certain party that uses the word as their 'brand', okay?) Everyone has a piece of the truth we need, but not everyone's willing to play it right. Hope it doesn't ultimately end with 'game-over' for the planet and our species. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 4829 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted December 10, 2015 03:55 PM
Some people seem to think that because he is stigmatizing different groups he is not replaying Hitler's politics. Maybe this will make it clearer? Not to mention that his policy of suing everyone thwt criticizes him will not work against multiple countries around the world. If he is not intentionally posing to expose the mean underbelly of conservative America, heis still doing a very good job of it. Lots of Germans objected to Hitler..including Muslims who protected Jews where they could, and yes there were Muslims in Germany back then. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 4829 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted December 12, 2015 01:57 PM
At least some Jews remain clearsighted. Their numbers are growing and everyone is invited stand up. IP: Logged |
Delilah423 Knowflake Posts: 689 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted December 12, 2015 05:22 PM
I've never understood the Obama as dictator complaint; all Presidents issue executive orders back to the days of George Washington. Last figures I saw, he was still under George W. Bush in frequency, and significantly under Ronald Reagan.Just a couple of days ago, Trump said he'd issue an Executive Order to require the death penalty for all cases of killing a policeman. Hello? Learn a little about the difference between state and federal laws, what laws are already in place, and who actually makes the law. There is no doubt but that Trump is appealing to the fascist (look up the definition if that seems too radical) tendencies in America. And he is deliberately inciting xenophobia, racial and religious hatred, and intolerance, which scares me. It's not just laughable anymore. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 4829 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted December 13, 2015 07:15 PM
Hes also waking up those who were "too smart to vote" espevially in midterms. Every clown has his silver liningIP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 83910 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 14, 2015 04:40 PM
Tomorrow's debate should be interesting in light of the latest terror attack on US soil. How will the top ten say we should combat terrorism? Obama said gun control. No surprise there. Terrorists always buy their guns legally. Yep, you can get fully automatic military grade firearms in Walmart. You silly President. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 4829 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted December 14, 2015 06:30 PM
That is why some control - over methods of sale - is needed. Not to confiscate "your guns" but to make it a little harder for the wronguns to get them. What is so hard to understand? You don't do it by excluding Muslims from society. How would you do that anyway? What does a Muslim look like without obvious clothing? Shaquille Oneal for one....IP: Logged |
Bluejay Knowflake Posts: 798 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted December 14, 2015 06:40 PM
There is no doubt that guns can easily be purchased illegally. A big part of the problem in the US is that there are so many guns floating around that were purchased by legal means. These guns end up in the hands of the wrong people. Also, our own citizens do mass shootings with a variety of motives, and they often own legal weapons. Their motivation to kill could be feeling socially outcast, mental illness, revenge after a breakup, etc. These shootings are increasing in frequency, and will probably continue to rise as long as more guns are being purchased. It's no coincidence that the US has the highest number of mass shootings, given the ease that guns can be purchased. More guns=more opportunities to shoot people. That's just common sense. Gun control has been used as a wedge issue for years, allowing politicians to pander to certain groups for political gains. IP: Logged |
Bluejay Knowflake Posts: 798 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted December 14, 2015 06:54 PM
There is no doubt but that Trump is appealing to the fascist (look up the definition if that seems too radical) tendencies in America. And he is deliberately inciting xenophobia, racial and religious hatred, and intolerance, which scares me. It's not just laughable anymore. [/B]
I agree completely. He was an amusing character at first. But his speeches are provoking anger against certain groups, and it's scary to think where this type of rhetoric can lead.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 83910 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 14, 2015 07:32 PM
Yes, great advice, because I'm sure ISIS purchases their guns legally.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 83910 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 14, 2015 07:37 PM
We have had about the same number of shootings each year, but publicity makes it seems otherwise. The concern is the latest one was an ISIS terroristic attack. But, of course, Obama used that as another plug for his gun control measures, which only punish lawful citizens and would not have prevented the attack in question.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 83910 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 14, 2015 07:41 PM
Be aware that Hitler banned private ownership of guns. That makes Obama more like Hitler than Trump. When Carter was President, he had many of the same ideas as Trump but about Iranians. Dems don't mention that. Now, I don't agree with Trump's idea in that respect, but pot calling the kettle black much?IP: Logged |
Bluejay Knowflake Posts: 798 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted December 14, 2015 11:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Be aware that Hitler banned private ownership of guns. That makes Obama more like Hitler than Trump. When Carter was President, he had many of the same ideas as Trump but about Iranians. Dems don't mention that. Now, I don't agree with Trump's idea in that respect, but pot calling the kettle black much?
Obama never said anything about taking everyone's guns. Doing nothing is not going to stop these shootings. You are singling out 1 mass shooting that was terror related, but what about the 300+ that have happened this year on US soil that had nothing to do with terrorism? Most of these involved mentally ill people that had various reasons for killing innocent people. The vast majority were not politically motivated in any way. Many of these people were known to be mentally ill, yet purchased weapons and large amounts of ammunition legally. That's the problem!!! It may be a right as a citizen to arm ourselves, but we need more strict laws to prevent people that are likely to abuse this right. These types of laws already exist to prevent convicted felons from buying weapons. Of course with so many guns out there, they can easily acquire one, but it's a crime if they are caught with a gun. They lose that right to be armed, because they are more likely to abuse it. The NRA is a money hungry propaganda machine that collects hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenue. The more they convince everyone that the government is taking their guns, the more money they make. They learned back in the 90's how profitable fear mongering was. They used to support the Democrats until the Dem backed Brady Bill wanted to start requiring every new handgun to have a trigger lock to prevent children from accidentally killing themselves. They saw any attempt to regulate gun safety as a threat. They are going to end up shooting themselves in the foot, because if these mass shootings continue the result will be much tougher laws being enacted. Everyday law abiding citizens that are genuinely buying a gun to protect themselves from the hoards of gun toting crazies will be the ones that pay the price.
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