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Author Topic:   In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!

Posts: 8957
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 20, 2016 12:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ann Coulter:

Say, does anyone remember when Trump was the lightweight with no "policy specifics"? I have an entire chapter in my book, In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!, quoting media savants complaining about Trump's lack of "policy specifics," interspersed, by date, with his major policy speeches and papers.

At this point, the only "policy specific" Trump hasn't given us is which company will supply rebar for the wall.

But now, the media's entire campaign against Trump is to prevent him from talking about policy. They would rather talk about fat-shaming than trade, immigration and jobs.

Sometimes, it seems like Trump is cheating by taking the vastly more popular side of every issue.

The official GOP used to send its candidates out with ankle weights, a 75-pound backpack and blinders. But Trump didn't agree to take any staggeringly unpopular positions, however much the Business Roundtable loved them.

He's against amnesty, for building a wall, against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, for Social Security, against the Iraq War and for extreme vetting of Muslim immigrants.

That's why the media have to change the subject to something flashy that will capture the attention of the most down-market, easily fooled voters. Trump is a groper!

The media's interest in sex scandals goes back and forth, depending on their needs at the moment. When the last name of the perp is "Kennedy" or "Clinton," they're not interested. When it's "the Duke lacrosse team": Guilty.

The fact that a lacrosse team at an elite college had hired a couple of strippers, who -- THANK GOD ALMIGHTY -- turned out to be black, was all the evidence our media needed to conclude that the athletes had committed a gang-rape, based on centuries of entitlement.

By contrast, when former U.S. senator John Edwards was cheating on his dying wife -- while he was running for president, paying his mistress with campaign funds and lying to the American people about it, between lecturing us about morality with the unctuous sanctimony that passes for policy in the Democratic Party -- the media primly refused to cover it.

That is, until Edwards was out of the race, at which point the media refused to cover it because he wasn't a candidate. (You guys are the best! I love the media.)

For more than a year, the National Enquirer had the entire Edwards story to itself. Finally, its reporters chased Edwards into a hotel bathroom at 2:40 in the morning, after having caught him spending the evening with his mistress and their love-child at the Beverly Hilton.

At that moment, when the affair was plastered in photos all over the Enquirer, Los Angeles Times editor Tony Pierce emailed his bloggers, instructing them not to mention the "alleged affair," explaining, "We have decided not to cover the rumors or salacious speculations," since "the only source has been the National Enquirer" -- he might have added, "a vastly more interesting and accurate publication than the L.A. Times.”

A few years passed, and suddenly we were back to Duke lacrosse standards of proof. As a rule of thumb, the only sex stories our media believe are the false ones.

Emma Sulkowicz, or "Mattress Girl," claimed she had been raped by a fellow student at Columbia University and that college administrators refused to take action against her rapist.

Columbia, to refresh your memory, is the institution that invited Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak. University administrators are constantly changing mascot names and canceling traditional celebrations because some feminist yelps.

But, somehow, Mattress Girl's claim that administrators at Columbia turned a deaf ear to her brutal rape was completely believable to our media and political class. You could see the corporate recruiters lining up!

Among the many, many articles in The New York Times about brave Mattress Girl, art and culture writer Roberta Smith said her art project -- carrying a mattress around campus to symbolize the weight carried by rape victims -- raised "analogies" to Christ's Stations of the Cross (especially to writers at the Times, where not a minute goes by without their thinking about the Passion).

Mattress Girl made the Times' "Quotation of the Day" for this humdinger: "I've never felt more shoved under the rug in my life.”

Even as the charges were unraveling, easily fooled U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand brought Mattress Girl as her special guest to President Obama's State of the Union address. (If only Clinton had known it was possible to invite girls with mattresses to the State of the Union!)

After Mattress Girl had spent a couple of years accepting awards, her alleged rapist finally released her texts to him, both before and after the alleged rape.

Here are a few from before the alleged rape:

"f**k me in the butt”

"I love youuuu”

And here are a few after:

"I wanna see yoyououoyou”

"I love you Paul. Where are you?!?!?!?!”

Unlike Trump's secretly recorded hot-mic conversation 11 years ago, the Times never thought it worthwhile to quote any of Sulkowicz's messages to Paul -- much less on its front page, sans asterisks. The closest the Times came to acknowledging these texts was to delicately note that the two had "traded mutually affectionate messages.”

Continuing the media's winning streak, about the same time as Mattress Girl was sitting for her Smithsonian portrait, Rolling Stone's Sabrina Rubin Erdely was all over the news, reaping accolades for a story about a gang-rape at the University of Virginia even more preposterous than the Duke lacrosse case.

Sadly for the media, the victim wasn't black. But, on the other hand, the alleged perps were "frat boys." (As far as our media are concerned, the lowest circle of hell is reserved for "frat boys.”)

Erdely was the toast of the town ... until a few weeks later, when her story completely fell apart. Rolling Stone retracted the article, the Columbia Journalism Review investigated, and there are currently three defamation lawsuits proceeding against the magazine.

Now, the same people who brought us the Duke lacrosse case, Mattress Girl and the Rolling Stone abomination -- but who discreetly left John Edwards' sex scandal to the National Enquirer; Bill Clinton's serial sexual assaults to private litigant Paula Jones; and the Kennedy family's whoring to investigative journalists Seymour Hersh (30 years later) and Leo Damore (20 years later) -- these are the people who tell us they're pretty sure Donald Trump is a groper.

Three weeks before a major presidential election.

Trump has been a rich celebrity for 40 years, employing thousands of women, but this is the first time he has been seriously accused of any sexual impropriety. You will recall that, just this May, The New York Times conducted a major investigation into Trump's treatment of women -- and came up empty-handed.

Trump denies the allegations, but don't expect a "Correction" like this one from the Chicago Tribune, dated Sept. 5, 1996: "In her Wednesday Commentary page column, Linda Bowles stated that President Clinton and the former campaign adviser Dick Morris both were 'guilty of callous unfaithfulness to their wives and children.' Neither man has admitted to being or been proven to have been unfaithful. The Tribune regrets the error.”

Strangely, the allegations against Trump don't even tell a larger story about the (apocryphal) "campus rape culture." Trump's not a member of the Duke lacrosse team. He isn't a "frat boy.”

The only reason for these 11th-hour claims is that the ruling class doesn't want voters thinking about the immigration policies, trade deals and wars that are destroying their way of life. Ever since Trump started raising the issues that no one else would, the media and the political class have done everything in their power to try to stop our movement.

They're so close! Just four more years of importing the Third World at breakneck speed, and America will be O-ver

Maybe it will work. And then six months after the election, Americans will realize they've been scammed by the media into giving away their country.

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Posts: 1226
From: Lyra
Registered: Aug 2013

posted October 20, 2016 01:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Selenite     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear Ann Coulter:

It's not about "fat-shaming," it's about the fact that he's a bumbling idiot. How can anyone see anything besides that? You really think this guy is going to do what's best for an entire country?
Listen to yourself.

"The only reason for these 11th-hour claims is that the ruling class doesn't want voters thinking about the immigration policies, trade deals and wars that are destroying their way of life. Ever since Trump started raising the issues that no one else would, the media and the political class have done everything in their power to try to stop our movement."

There is so much wrong with what you're saying. It's just not true. Who told you these things? You're brainwashed, just like the 'liberal' people you hate. Why are you buying into this BS? The media isn't trying to stop a movement. They're trying to make money. There is no movement. It's people trying to make money off of people who want to believe in something.

You want to be mad at something? Be mad at the fact that our "democracy" is so messed up that we are forced to accept that a single person will make final decisions for 300 million people. A single corrupt person, plus a few more corrupt individuals.

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Posts: 18217
From: Venus cornering Neptune
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posted October 20, 2016 05:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This article is just wrong, man. First of all, it condones rape, then it tells voters to ignore the candidate is a fat-shaming chauvinistic groper since he has other, much more important qualities, such as the lack of amnesty, building imaginary walls and religion-based discrimination.

Question: do you feel like you always have to cheer for the candidate of your party, the "left" or the "right" (why???) even if it's Donald Duck or Mama Odie?

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Posts: 9714
From: Blue Star Kachina
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 20, 2016 08:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wondered where the Ann Coulter rubbish has been.

While everyone is focusing on sex and media, the world keeps turning.

Comparing or condoning sex acts is demeaning to all.

Partial truth~the seeds of wisdom~can be found in many places...The seeds of wisdom are contained in all scriptures ever written… especially in art, music, and poetry and, above all, in Nature.

Linda Goodman

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Posts: 8957
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted October 20, 2016 10:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear Ann,

I imagine there's some people upset over your article.

They'll say you condone rape and sexual assault because you pointed out the cases in which the Crash Dummy Intellects in the press ran headlines accusing men of rape or sexual assault. These people are distracted by bright shiny objects. They never read the follow up stories completely clearing those whom they accused on no more evidence than an accusation.

These headline readers think talking about sexual advances is worse than the actual rape and actual sexual assaults committed by their little sexual predator, their idol Bill Clinton.

You would never want these shallow thinking people on a jury of your peers. They would convict you on the evidence of a headline in the lunatic press, say, the NY Times or Washington Post.

If you asked these same people to name 3 accomplishments of Hillary The Corrupt which qualify her for the Office of President, they couldn't come up with a single accomplishment which didn't lead straight to her utter corruption, criminality and/or her bungling incompetence. After you blew away every one of their supposed accomplishments of Hillary The Corrupt, they'd be left with..."well she's a woman"! Get it Ann? These people think being born with 2 X Chromosomes, XX is an "accomplishment". Just like they think flying all over the world in luxury jets owned by US taxpayers, staying in the best hotels and eating in 4 and 5 star restaurants on the taxpayer's an accomplishment. They think wallowing in the public feeding trough all her adult life, sucking up taxpayer's, an accomplishment.

On the other hand, these same people think Trump is a "bad guy". They think it's just horrible that Trump used the same tax laws Hillary The Corrupt, the NY Times and countless other American Corporations used to lessen their tax burdens by carrying forward business losses into future years.

Equally high on the Trump list of horrors for these people is Trump using the Bankruptcy laws..4 times out of the 500+ businesses Trump owns or has owned. The very same Bankruptcy laws General Motors, Chrysler Corp, KMART and countless other American Corporations used to reorganize their businesses. Perhaps they just can't do the math but Trump actually has a 99.2% business success rate. Stellar!

Perhaps Ann, you should write another article detailing how trade policies pushed by the Establishment, Globalist, New World Order lunatics have shut down entire industries in America, shipped factories and jobs offshore, put millions of Americans out of work and left American taxpayers with the bills to feed, clothe, shelter, pay their medical bills and pay for their transportation. It's not that I think these people would understand it but the rational people among us would.

Rational people among us would understand that GDP Growth of 1%, 94 Million Americans unemployed or under employed, 50 Million Americans on Food Stamps and a Labor Participation Rate at the lowest since the 1970s is not an accomplishment Obama/Hillary should crow about. Nor would rational people want to continue down the same road of economic disaster Hillary The Corrupt promises to take America.

When you write that follow-on article, just don't expect irrational people to understand it or agree with you.

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Posts: 19870
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 22, 2016 05:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by jwhop:
They never read the follow up stories completely clearing those whom they accused on no more evidence than an accusation.

He was caught on tape admitting he assaulted women.

You assume he was kidding.

Kinda like Cosby joking about slipping drugs into women's drinks before raping them.

Ohh...he must've been kidding, too.

Sexual assault is so funny to insensitive people who've never had it happen to them.

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Posts: 19870
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 23, 2016 10:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think you actually owe all women an apology for your callousness towards our vulnerability.

You are better than that. So please don't let politics drag you down.

^^ And that's how I feel towards anyone who is defending Trump's sexual aggression, in any way whatsoever.

It's the same as if you are consenting, rooting him on...and as if you would do the same thing yourself.

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Posts: 8957
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted October 24, 2016 11:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"He was caught on tape admitting he assaulted women."

What are the names of the women Trump "Admitted" sexually assaulting?

I can give you the names of the women whom Kommander Korruption raped, groped or otherwise sexually assaulted...and, whom Hillary The Corrupt attacked for being victims of Kommander Korruption's sexual assaults.

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Posts: 19870
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 24, 2016 01:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Why the f*** does it matter what their names are?

Your attitude sucks.

I'm not a Hillary supporter.

What matters is your tone. If it's not okay to exalt Kommander Korruption because his escapades, then it's EQUALLY not okay to exalt Trump.

My real opinion is, the only appropriate tone anyone can have in this election is one of sobriety and maybe mourning.

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Posts: 9714
From: Blue Star Kachina
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 24, 2016 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My real opinion is, the only appropriate tone anyone can have in this election is one of sobriety and maybe mourning.

That about sums up my feelings about the candidates.

Who ever wins, America loses and how sad and dreadful is that

I suspect the closer the election gets, the uglier the behaviors will become.

Lose lose situtation for both teams.

Partial truth~the seeds of wisdom~can be found in many places...The seeds of wisdom are contained in all scriptures ever written… especially in art, music, and poetry and, above all, in Nature.

Linda Goodman

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Posts: 8957
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted October 24, 2016 02:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That's just my point. You can't name any women whom Trump sexually assaulted. You're just blowing smoke and so are the pearl clutching pants wetters in the press.

You did say Trump ADMITTED IT. So what are their names?

Which gives you high marks for hypocrisy since you didn't seem to be all that upset over the many, many, many women Clinton raped, groped or sexually assaulted. Nor are you the least concerned that Hillary The Corrupt actually attacked those women who were victims on Bill Clinton.

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Posts: 71338
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
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posted October 24, 2016 03:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nah, Trump is a win/win. It's a lose/lose for political corruption.

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Posts: 19870
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 24, 2016 05:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Google the names yourself if you think that matters. As if you will honor them whatsoever once you know their names.

I know he said he likes to grab women by the p***y without their permission.

That's awesome right?

And sure I know how bad Hillary is.

I also know how poorly you debate, when you make assumptions about my position, make things up out of thin air, and fight a ghost-opponent instead of me.

Originally posted by Randall:
Nah, Trump is a win/win. It's a lose/lose for political corruption.

Lose/lose for us women who have to hear men championing a guy who sexually assaults women.

Lose respect for Trump.

Lose respect for everyone who downplays the seriousness of sexual assault.

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Posts: 19870
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 24, 2016 05:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah, Juni.

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Posts: 8957
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted October 24, 2016 06:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Trump never said he's done any such thing.

He said you can, not that he did.

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Posts: 19870
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 24, 2016 06:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by jwhop:
Trump never said he's done any such thing.

He said you can, not that he did.

Oh right, because sexual assault is very respectable and interesting.

Do you have friends personally who brag about their ability to grab women's private parts with impunity, because the women are powerless to fight someone so much stronger, wealthier, and influential than they are?

And you're okay with that, too?

All I can do is vomit.

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Posts: 19870
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 24, 2016 06:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
An Exhaustive List of the Allegations Women Have Made Against Donald Trump ml

Oh I know, it doesn't matter!


It's merely WOMEN saying it.

Right jwhop? Right.

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posted October 24, 2016 10:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Several people backed up the account of the People writer, and he admitted to doing that sort of thing, when he had a microphone on!!

I'm also disappointed in anyone supporting him.

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Posts: 8448
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posted October 24, 2016 11:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I take it others are as disturbed that they're defending Trump's "locker room talk" as normal and excusable. Because thinking that such was normal for grown men was kinda freaking me out, and I don't get disturbed easily. Luckily, I've come across a lot of refutations of that since then, including this one:

I'm still pretty sure that Randall would ban anyone who said the things Trump said on Lindaland, as long as the person saying such disgusting things wasn't running for POTUS on the Republican ticket.

Maybe what we need is a quick those transgendered people using the "wrong restrooms" because they'll make the others using it uncomfortable and may even assault them, which is wrong...unless you're a star like Trump (and don't dress in feminine clothes).

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Posts: 8957
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 25, 2016 11:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Some here seem to think we're electing a Sunday School Teacher for White House Duty. They moan and screech about language from Trump they've probably heard before...from boyfriends, husbands or even women friends.

What's funny is that I've heard worst than anything Trump said...from women!

But if language is your qualifier for Sunday School Teacher/President, let's enter Hillary Clinton's language into the contest and "let the good times roll".

“Get that f***ing dog away from me.”

“Stay the f*** back, stay the f*** away from me!”

“Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f***ing do as I say, okay!!?”

“If you want to remain on this detail, get your f***ing ass over here and grab those bags!”

“Good morning, ma’am,” a uniformed Secret Service officer once greeted Hillary Clinton. “F*** off!” she replied

“Where is the goddam f***ing flag? I want the goddam f***ing flag up every f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise,”

“Good morning,” an Arkansas state trooper said to Clinton, “F*** off!” Hillary told him and his fellow bodyguards.

“It’s enough I have to see you s***-kickers every day! I’m not going to talk to you, too! Just do your goddam job and keep your mouth shut.”

Since this is an election based on the language of candidates, Hillary's language is certain to get her elected! BUT, forget about the Dog Vote!

“Get that f***ing dog away from me.”

And, forget about the Southern Vote!

“It’s enough I have to see you s***-kickers every day! I’m not going to talk to you, too! Just do your goddam job and keep your mouth shut.”

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Posts: 19870
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 25, 2016 01:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This isn't about Hillary actually.

It's about people understanding that one should never call a sexual predator "awesome."

And we're not hearing stories of Hillary assaulting women.

Whereas, if you'll notice (I know you can't, blinders and everything) many women have accused Trump of assaulting them.

So again, you would rather insult all women by glorifying a sex predator than tone your politics down a little.

Your choice.

Makes you look gross, though.

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Posts: 19870
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 25, 2016 01:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
Several people backed up the account of the People writer, and he admitted to doing that sort of thing, when he had a microphone on!!

I'm also disappointed in anyone supporting him.

I think people cannot understand just how much of a betrayal it seems to women, when they go raving about Trump.

It's not even about who they are voting for. It goes way beyond that.

It's about how much damage they're doing in the way they approach the discussion.

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Posts: 8957
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 25, 2016 02:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You want to have a conversation about what Trump said, the language he used.

OK, let's have the same conversation about Hillary The Corrupt's language.

Oh wait. This really isn't a balanced look at language employed by the candidates is it?

This is about shutting people up who disagree with you and your little utterly corrupt icon, Hillary The Corrupt.

No sale.

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Posts: 71338
From: Saturn next to Charmaine
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 25, 2016 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Trump has a foul mouth. But Bill will be using the power of the white house to assault women at his leisure.

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Posts: 19870
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 25, 2016 02:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I feel bad for people who have weak critical thinking skills.

Originally posted by jwhop:
You want to have a conversation about what Trump said, the language he used. conjunction with many, many allegations of sexual assault.

I put that in bold.

See it now?

Look at that. K?

Originally posted by jwhop:
This is about shutting people up who disagree with you and your little utterly corrupt icon, Hillary The Corrupt.

No sale.

How many times does a person have to explicitly say "I would never vote for her" before you are able to comprehend those words?

How many times do I need to say it, jwhop?

My argument with you is, you talk about Trump like he is some great person.

Question: Did you ever have a guy who is much bigger than you shove you up against a wall and stick his tongue down your throat and grab your crotch?

How would you like it if that happened and I called that person "a great man"?

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