posted November 13, 2016 05:10 PM
From Glenn Beck who has finally seen himself in the mirror. Respect each other?
DALLAS — Our country is in trouble — we all feel it. The pendulum of division and hate is swinging faster. I think, in many ways unfortunately and regretfully, I am uniquely qualified to provide this message of warning and hope.The two party system has created loyal soldiers. This started long ago, but let’s start with George W. Bush. Even before Sept. 11, he was demonized. Not just his policies or principles, but his decency and humanity: selected, not elected; stupid; evil; hates black people; and so on.
The right in turn wrapped everything in the flag. We pushed our oratory to the maximum red-white-and blue position, and if you didn’t understand it, the chants began: “Move to Canada,” or “Texas should secede.” Sound familiar?
In 2008 people needed hope and elected it. But we conservatives did not get the hope and change we wanted, so we switched places with liberals. When people like me raised questions about Barack Obama’s history, relationships and qualifications, we were dismissed. For our concerns, we were told to get ready for a “fundamental transformation”; we were bitter and clung to our guns and God.
From the swelling ranks of the frustrated, disenfranchised, unemployed and scared, the Tea Party sprouted. The media made Occupy Wall Street into heroes, while the Tea Party was called a bunch of dangerous hicks. I don’t think any of us truly understood what was fermenting around us.
If you voted for Hillary Clinton this week, you likely feel despondent, confused and unable to reconcile how the country elected Donald J. Trump. “Don’t people see how dangerous this man is?” Clinton supporters asked. “Our entire way of life is at stake.”
I get it. I opposed Mr. Trump, too. But this is how nearly half the country felt eight years ago. It does not matter if we do not understand one another’s feelings. What matters is that we at least hear them.
How do we stop the cycle?
Tuesday night, as it became apparent that Mr. Trump would win, I saw myself as others may see me. Pundits were beside themselves talking about sexism, “whitelash” and bigotry. I read three articles comparing him to Hitler. I understand what they meant. But just as President Obama was not a Manchurian candidate, Mr. Trump is not Hitler. The seeds of 1933 may have been planted, but they can grow only through our hate and divisiveness.
I don’t question your right and reasons to feel fear. But don’t fear Donald Trump the way I feared Barack Obama. I read a perfect election summation: The people who were against Mr. Trump took him literally but not seriously. His supporters took him seriously but not literally. It is the same pattern of 2000 and 2008. We heard President Obama was coming for our church and our guns. We were mocked. We thought those who laughed were lying or stupid. Yet, I still go to church, sometimes with a gun.
Wednesday night the streets were already chanting obscenities and calling him names he earned as a candidate, but not ones he deserves as our next president. Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton have offered wise counsel: Give him a chance. The country needs him to succeed and represent all Americans. I can make an argument that Mr. Trump — who has been liberal for much of his life and has supported Planned Parenthood — holds views that resonate with liberals, including restricting trade and spending $1 trillion on infrastructure. The left and the right may find they have some common ground.
If our Mr. Trump, or any future president, should decide to round up Muslims (or any group) as America did with Japanese during World War II under Franklin D. Roosevelt, I will declare, “I am a Muslim.” My values, honor, integrity and the Bill of Rights demand I stand for those most unlike me — that is when it counts.
Let’s get past politics and find common principles. Can we all agree that we live in historic times and we are all determined to leave a legacy for our children of courage, kindness and reconciliation that makes their life better than ours?
I want to meet with any nonpolitical thought leaders on the left who are sincere and honest in their beliefs — and just listen. I don’t want to convince or to change anyone’s mind. When they can tell me, “Yes, that is how I feel,” we can begin a dialogue. I will listen with my heart as if I was speaking to my spouse, child or friend.
If my journey is just a snapshot and not a 3D video in your eyes, this dire message will not be heard, and 2020 will be worse. But if we listen with love, and risk believing in one another, the consternation about who resides in the White House will prove to be overblown.