Topic: New Poll Shows 67 Percent Think Dems Are Out Of Touch!
Randall Webmaster Posts: 81846 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 22, 2017 07:15 PM IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 10252 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 22, 2017 09:59 PM
I'll remember this when you say that polls aren't to be believed.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 81846 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 23, 2017 09:43 AM
It's a leftist poll, so I'm sure there's some truth to it.IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 4398 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted June 27, 2017 08:58 PM
Some Dems ARE out of touch. As are many Repubs! 😉But things are improving in many ways while the headlines keep people busy. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 10252 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 27, 2017 10:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: It's a leftist poll, so I'm sure there's some truth to it.
The rump supporters are the delusional ones. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9913 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 27, 2017 11:34 PM
Surely, leftists aren't accusing the Washington Compost of running phony polls...are you?IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 4398 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted June 27, 2017 11:56 PM
Polls schmollsIP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9913 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 28, 2017 09:10 AM
It's really funny watching leftists screech and howl over polls not friendly to their leftist nonsense.But, forgotten and down the memory hole, was their delight in phony polls showing the Queen of Corruption, Hillary The Corrupt with a big lead in the presidential election. Some of those polls gave Hillary The Corrupt a 90+ probability of becoming the next President. So, how do we know those polls were phony? Here's the best evidence. Hillary The Corrupt lost to Donald J. Trump in an electoral landslide; 306-232. The leftist set have such short memories. IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 4398 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted June 28, 2017 01:22 PM
Sorry darling, no sale. Polls are notoriously subject to bias. You who disbelieve everything CNN publish are eating up these polls that show they're not kowtowing to the left while simultaneously bashing the messenger. No one has screeched about this poll, just about the hypocrisy of posting itI didnt believe the election polls and i don't give a rats about this one. In fact i didn't even disagree with it tho I don't consider it proof of anything. Had you read my link you might have noticed. Dream on. Your pettiness shines ever more clearly. Many people do not fall in either the "left" or "right". Sorry you still see life in such terms IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9913 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 28, 2017 03:42 PM
Any poll that cuts across the blatant bias of The Fake News Network, CNN is most probably a reliable poll which was responded to by rational Americans.67% of respondents saying leftist lunatic democrats are out of touch with Americans and American probably understating the facts. IP: Logged |
etherealsaturn Knowflake Posts: 425 From: New York, USA Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 28, 2017 06:14 PM
Both parties are out of touch. Don't need a poll to point that out. We need a revolution of the political parties, they are not what they once were.IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9913 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2017 09:01 AM
Since there are few "liberals" around these days, I would have simply called them what they are, LEFTISTS.July 5, 2017 The Era of Our Discontent Tim Jones Progress and the demand to always be improving creates perpetual discontent because the present and the status quo are never good enough. Perfectionism and obsessive control are the unintended consequences as is the disconnect between contentment and a culture where nothing is ever good enough. Pleasure, entertainment, leisure, and recreation add to progressive mania that is peripatetic America and have become its primary values. The goal of making money and maximizing income for liberals is no longer about economic security but about overcoming boredom and the fear of boredom, fear of introspection, and at the deepest level, fear of death. And for financially secure liberals, nothing is ever good enough for them. Never enough money, never enough pleasure and entertainment, and never enough moralizing from on high how others should act and live. Many liberals are so unself-reflective they actually think that most of the world actually agrees with them. This is what happens when all of your basic needs have been met and the most elemental contingencies in life are taken for granted. They have the luxury of ******** about things like global warming and social justice, not to mention always promoting their narcissistic obsessions with image, health, and eating habits, when they are totally blind to the reality of how the vast majority of Americans live. It explains almost entirely the reason for Trump's election -- that the vast majority of the middle and working classes don't care about social justice and identity politics. They are in survival mode, especially when 25% of the population don't even have enough money to pay for a $500 emergency and 50% of the population are living paycheck-to-paycheck. So if you're lucky enough to be taking a luxury vacation this holiday week like many of the political and economic elite, life really is a bowl of cherries albeit a temporary and chimerical one. They float above the day to day miseries of ordinary Americans while they continue to belittle and insult them. Hillary famously called them the "deplorables" during the presidential election and more recently California Jerry 'Moon Beam' Brown said "the freeloaders -- I've had enough of them" after he raised gasoline taxes 12 cents per gallon and annual automobile fees an additional $50 on the taxpayers in order raise $5 billion for road repairs. From Commentary magazine, "Deplorables for Dummies" reviews a new book called White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America: “Despite clear evidence of suffering -- stagnant wages, disappearing manufacturing jobs, declining health and well-being -- the working class gets only fly-over snobbery at best and, more often, outright loathing." Liberals continue to promote the myth that the high priests of the Church of Government proselytizing the gospel of the Religion of Progressivism life will continue to get better when in fact just the opposite is happening to so many Americans. They have come to realize the false promises of Progressives are a sham and aren't buying what they're selling anymore. "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?" is no longer working for the Democrats. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 10252 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2017 12:20 PM
Leftist, Liberal, it doesn't matter what you call us. Those are NOT dirty words. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 10252 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2017 01:00 PM
Since you now love polls: IP: Logged |
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 4398 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted July 05, 2017 01:55 PM
Polls are ridiculously unreliable. Some people will say what they think, others what they think is expected, and yet others will just try to Muck it up. The poll takers' identity and bias will also influence answers. IP: Logged |