posted March 10, 2018 03:45 PM
<< The Marxist Messiah, Obama threw away all the gains made in the Middle East and paved the way for the terrorist organization ISIS to organize, thrive and flourish in Iraq and Syria. >>This Crime is on Hillary and CIA , they betrayed Obama's Trust in this issue. The Neocons who wanted Regime Change in Iraq, Syria,Iran and North Korea played all Americans. Once Obama saw the Error of Syria/Isis, he saw to it that CIA can never repeat that with Iran. Hence the returning of Iran's own funds. No more Regime Change Games ever by American Deep State who armed ISIS.
And I must Laud Trump for not playing these games against Iran and for letting Putin handle Syria, though Civilian Damage is sickening because of Russian nonchalance about loss of Human Life.
Regarding North Korea, it is a South Korean Initiative. NK have the Nukes and ICBMs, so now they want to Cash In as a Nuclear Superpower with full Respect of USA. NK has 6 trillion dollars of Minerals, that is the Insurance for CHina and Russia if Trump goofs up on Tariffs or de-stabilizes the World with anti-Global Trade Policies.
Pakistan has cut off from USA too, and joined China. Pak has 2 trillion dollars worth Minerals n Balochistan.
China and Russian Axis is the New World Order thanks to Trump and more thanks to the crimes of the Deep State. The bigger tragedy is for Democracy and Human Rights across the Planet.