posted June 24, 2018 01:08 AM
Politico Exposé on Stephen Miller: Third Grade Classmate Says ‘He Was Obsessed with Tape and Glue’
22 Jun 2018
Washington, D.C.White House senior adviser Stephen Miller’s third grade classmate penned an op-ed for Politico, writing how President Trump’s loyal staffer “was obsessed with tape and glue.”
In the Politico op-ed, John Muller, who sat next to Miller in the third grade, described in detail how the senior adviser once played with glue and preferred other classmates not touch his belongings....
...Readers and commenters mocked the Politico op-ed, with one person joking “This is some journalism. 8-year-old Miller played with glue. Wow.”
Another commenter wrote, “You realize publishing asinine stories like this ruins your credibility, right?” while another wrote “LMAO great piece of “journalism” here.”
Probably better to play with glue than sniff glue as I suspect the Loony Tunes Politico editor who decided to run this piece of trash probably did.