Topic: Roe Vs Wade
Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 4202 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted May 16, 2019 04:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: How many men have been found innocent, when they've actually raped someone? It means that if a man is found innocent, the woman will be jailed. It isn't if he's just accused.
how many people have been found guilty of crimes they haven't committed and been punished for them? enough for there to be statistics on it also if a guy is falsely accused (and this does happen) he's going to suffer the consequences of an accusation like that, you think that doesn't affect the guy's life? i understand the system can work both ways it's a double edged sword but there's nothing wrong with women being held accountable if a man is falsely accused of rape why should something like that go unpunished? i'm not understanding why a man has to go on trial and if he didn't actually do anything that anyone could prove be treated as if he did for a while, especially considering by the time the verdic passes the consequences on his life could already be devastating socially, mentally, emotionally and then the woman falsely accusing him (and it would only be through a false accusation that he'd be proven innocent anyway if the justice system worked and let's pretend it does because systems should be treated as if they work) gets to go home like that didnt happen on top of that even if he's proven innocent you think the trial doesn't take a toll? the justice system is meant to presume innocence and not guilt, and it's based on concrete provable facts for a reason does that mean some crimes will go unpunished? yes, but is it wrong to punish lying and making someone's life hell? besides what about women like that do to women who actually have been through something? they cheapen all of it, so why be against punishing them? can it be used wrong? sure, but that's any kind of power, that doesnt change that both are crimes IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 28527 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 16, 2019 04:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dumuzi: how many people have been found guilty of crimes they haven't committed and been punished for them? enough for there to be statistics on it
This isn't about false accusations, which hardly ever happen. And then men who confessed to raping teenage girls recently, were given extremely light sentences, or were let go, "because he only raped one girl" or "it was his first offense". This country hates girls and women, period. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 28527 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 16, 2019 04:31 PM
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teasel Knowflake Posts: 28527 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 16, 2019 04:44 PM IP: Logged |
Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 4202 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted May 16, 2019 05:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: This isn't about false accusations, which hardly ever happen. And then men who confessed to raping teenage girls recently, were given extremely light sentences, or were let go, "because he only raped one girl" or "it was his first offense". This country hates girls and women, period.
except it is when a guy is being put on trial when innocent, that's kind of exactly what it's about using just laws unfairly is the fault of those in power not the laws themselves you're essentially saying to protect women who do that because there are men who get away with rape, but the former isnt ok because the latter happens and even if it only happened twice it being totally fine in the eyes of the law wouldnt be ok laws are made to keep order and take into account possibilities, even if there's small chance of something disregarding it is unacceptable from the point of a system in that particular case the issue is the people utilizing the law not the law itself that's somehow wrong IP: Logged |
Bismarck2 Knowflake Posts: 697 From: Registered: Mar 2019
posted May 16, 2019 06:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: It isn't about false accusations, it's about a man being found innocent (even if he did it), and the woman is jailed because, hey, it's bad that she said a man seen as innocent, did something to her.Women wouldn't be prosecuted out of State. If they go home, they will be prosecuted (or possibly even have an arrest warrant out for them?), and anyone who helped them will also be prosecuted. They can be sentenced to death. Fun, fun. Oh, you're one of those. Feminists didn't do this. JFC. "It's all a pushback against women wanting protections" is not a good argument, at all. And Kavanaugh wasn't falsely accused, but how many of those who think that women shouldn't be in politics, because we're too emotional, were concerned about him being on the bench, because HE was emotional? nope, he had every right to be, right? Women have shown that they are not too emotional to be in politics - look at the women we have running for President - but it's always, always the woman's fault, right?
Still waiting to see a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh, because Blasey-ford provided none. Not only did she provide none, she made herself seem untrustworthy(altering her voice). You'd be surprised to find out that most people who are raped are actually men, not women. Feminists can blame themselves for weaponizing sexual assault accusations against an innocent man simply because they wanted to prevent him from ascending to the highest position in the Judicial branch. Now coming forward is going to become even harder for GENIUNE victims of sexual assault.
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Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 4202 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted May 16, 2019 06:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: Thank you, and I do appreciate your posts here, I meant to say that last night.
thanks, i've been following what was going on with roe vs wade for a while now because i find it interesting how many people will vote against their own interests when topics with huge emotional triggers for people are involved i don't think it's unreasonable to acknowledge a fetus as a human and abortion as killing, i mean it is, but i do think it's unreasonable to view killing as wrong in every case because well it isnt i see the part that matters as the privacy clauses because ultimately that can affect people on both sides of things and it's great divide and conquer tactics to get people worked up over this as their rights become minimized overall and the world goes to absolute **** around them x amount of fetuses become irrelevant in the larger picture, just the reality of the situation, but it's convenient i suppose to use them as a tool to make people hyperfocus on something ultimately frivolous in the larger picture IP: Logged |
Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 4202 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted May 16, 2019 07:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by Bismarck2: Still waiting to see a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh, because Blasey-ford provided none. Not only did she provide none, she made herself seem untrustworthy(altering her voice). You'd be surprised to find out that most people who are raped are actually men, not women. Feminists can blame themselves for weaponizing sexual assault accusations against an innocent man simply because they wanted to prevent him from ascending to the highest position in the Judicial branch. Now coming forward is going to become even harder for GENIUNE victims of sexual assault.
i think blaming all women who consider themselves feminists for what's going on a little ridiculous women wanting a place in society isn't the equivalent of all of them agreeing with the dnc and politics being made a spectacle in court it doesnt matter if kavanaugh was actually innocent or guilty in all reality because in a court that's not what actually matters, people are innocent until all shreds of doubt can be erased because the punishment for crimes is heavy and if there's doubt there's legal innocence, and legal innocence is all that has meaning in that situation and that particular case is an example, but it's not every example that's going to exist and becomes irrelevant at a certain point i say that to be as clear as possible the kavanaugh and the dnc etc dont matter when it comes to a law like that because both rape and false accusations are unacceptable and if consequences are going to exist they should both have them but those false accusations that happen don't happen because of feminists in general and any individual woman who cares about their rights and place in society isnt to blame for that kind of **** youre taking a varied group of chicks and making them all into this unreasonable hysterical woman who thinks yelling rape to ruin lives is acceptable teasel isnt wrong in saying the people within the government and legal system are corrupt, they are, and all that actually matters is power not laws ultimately and some people do get ****** over because of that it's a reality that should be acknowledged alongside the one where false accusations are acknowledged as a crime IP: Logged |
StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2950 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted May 16, 2019 09:11 PM
I can see this topic being moved to another sub-forum in the very near future. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15862 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 17, 2019 01:59 AM
People are losing their mind, in NY people are trying to make 3rd trimester abortion Legal (totally F up unless the women's life is in serious danger) and in Georgia and Alabama they are trying to ban abortion all together including first trimester abortion (also ****** up), I disagree with both of these decisions. Its interesting the event chart has the AC at 29 degrees in Pisces, the very final degree of the zodiac and that all the angles are at 29 degrees in mutable signs. I suppose this could explain the back and forth of this controversial issue and decisions made around it not sticking and eternally going back to be revised or re-assessed. Its interesting that the 5th house of this event chart is ruled by the Moon in Virgo in the 6th house. I could see how this placement would support a decision towards empowering women to make their own choices about their health or whether to have a child or not. Yet the moon is afflicted by mars and saturn which are forming a tsquare with the moon at the apex. This could represent the power struggle between the more conservative side represented by saturn and the more liberal side represented by Mars which is ruling basically the first house (which resonates with women owning their body and having the right to decide to have an abortion or not). The event chart you can say shows the back and forth that happens with this issue and the power struggles between opposing sides and how it impacts women, represented by the moon.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 193295 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 17, 2019 11:37 AM
Just to correct some false information on this thread (probably due to false information on Facebook and other social media), the Georgia bill does not punish anyone who leaves the state to get an abortion. There are lots of other misstatements of fact also. You can read the actual bill. It's only a few pages. And the Alabama bill only punishes doctors (up to 99 years in prison). IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Knowflake Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 17, 2019 11:54 AM
Brilliant Bismark. Thank you for your intelligence and integrity!Still waiting to see a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh, because Blasey-ford provided none. Not only did she provide none, she made herself seem untrustworthy(altering her voice). You'd be surprised to find out that most people who are raped are actually men, not women. Feminists can blame themselves for weaponizing sexual assault accusations against an innocent man simply because they wanted to prevent him from ascending to the highest position in the Judicial branch. Now coming forward is going to become even harder for GENIUNE victims of sexual assault.
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Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 4202 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted May 17, 2019 12:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Just to correct some false information on this thread (probably due to false information on Facebook and other social media), the Georgia bill does not punish anyone who leaves the state to get an abortion. There are lots of other misstatements of fact also. You can read the actual bill. It's only a few pages. And the Alabama bill only punishes doctors (up to 99 years in prison). 3.pdf?fbclid=IwAR38XtrIFfgg98WNpJuACuBnnCZP6wc_IjXukOrdXK7JcEgUKiIxmYZp9rc
the wording of section 6 as it relates to section 4 51 a fetus is recognized as a citizen of georgia, to kill it outside of the recommended guidelines would count as murder by law does it completely outlaw abortion? no but it does describe the circumstances under which an abortion is considered murder and the rights of a fetus to be viewed as any other citizen if a georgia woman were to go outside of the state to get an abortion in a state with looser laws she would be commiting the murder of a citizen of georgia if it was already pre-defined as a citizen is there another way to take those clauses? edit: it also outlines the state's punishments for murder i don't get news on facebook or anything else for that matter IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 17, 2019 12:17 PM
There's a difference between being "pro-Birth" and Pro-Life. Pro-Life means valuing and supporting the WHOLE Life of a Human, from cradle to grave. Masturbation and 'spilling your seed' where there is not an 'egg' to meet is considered a religious sin, too? The little sperms are Alive! They swim, and hunt down the egg. So. Will the Government outlaw male-masturbation now?? How about, if the guy has a wet-dream?? Can he be prosecuted for 'killing' the potential many-babies he squirted? IP: Logged |
SunAscendant Knowflake Posts: 3105 From: California Registered: Oct 2014
posted May 17, 2019 12:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: Thank you. I posted a link to the charts above (more than just Placidus) at astrodatabank, last night, unless the edit didn't take. I saw Pluto, Saturn and the transiting SN, all around the Jupiter in the chart. I wonder if Jupiter in Sadge is involved in all of the religious overstepping, and if the transit in Cap (Jupiter return for this chart), will bring about an end to this ******** that's happening right now. Jupiter in Aquarius should hit the Sun of the chart, I don't know if that will be close to election day next year.
I was born in 1992 when the North Node was in Capricorn and South Node was in Cancer, just like in this Roe V. Wade chart. Did anything related to abortion come up in the news around 1992 with the chart having its nodal return? Now with the chart having its opposite nodal return I'm willing to bet that whatever abortion stuff was in the news in '92 is also up for debate again. The Roe v. Wade chart has the Capricorn North Node in the 10th house which to me shows a need for people to take control of their own life and destiny. The Cancer south node shows that perhaps being a mother is not something that is attainable for all women or necessary for all women in this lifetime, hence the need for abortion. Perhaps the chart's Capricorn North Node is saying that women should be independent and make decisions on their own (Capricorn) and not just become a barefoot and pregnant housewife (Cancer) as was the common thing for women to dobefore the Women's Liberation movement and before Roe was passed. IP: Logged |
Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 4202 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted May 17, 2019 12:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by SunAscendant: I was born in 1992 when the North Node was in Capricorn and South Node was in Cancer, just like in this Roe V. Wade chart. Did anything related to abortion come up in the news around 1992 with the chart having its nodal return? Now with the chart having its opposite nodal return I'm willing to bet that whatever abortion stuff was in the news in '92 is also up for debate again. The Roe v. Wade chart has the Capricorn North Node in the 10th house which to me shows a need for people to take control of their own life and destiny. The Cancer south node shows that perhaps being a mother is not something that is attainable for all women or necessary for all women in this lifetime, hence the need for abortion. Perhaps the chart's Capricorn North Node is saying that women should be independent and make decisions on their own (Capricorn) and not just become a barefoot and pregnant housewife (Cancer) as was the common thing for women to dobefore the Women's Liberation movement and before Roe was passed.
all species, humans included, kill their offspring in unfavorable conditions as early on as possible typically (some wait a little later) it's pretty standard for it to happen sometimes and that's been the case for a very long time IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15862 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 17, 2019 12:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Just to correct some false information on this thread (probably due to false information on Facebook and other social media), the Georgia bill does not punish anyone who leaves the state to get an abortion. There are lots of other misstatements of fact also. You can read the actual bill. It's only a few pages. And the Alabama bill only punishes doctors (up to 99 years in prison). 3.pdf?fbclid=IwAR38XtrIFfgg98WNpJuACuBnnCZP6wc_IjXukOrdXK7JcEgUKiIxmYZp9rc
Thank you for clarifying this piece Randall, it surprised me to read that in the thread yesterday and was wondering how legit that was. Ideally though women should not have to go out of state for this, I am only pro choice for the first trimester, 3 months is plenty of time for you to make a decision like that and if you are going that route, the sooner the better. However, I recognize that these states are reacting to New York's attempt to make it legal to have abortion in the 3rd trimester or even right after birth which is obnoxious to even try to pass something like that and of course the right is going to react to this and go to the other extreme, everything has an equal reaction so the Left brought this on to themselves. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15862 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 17, 2019 12:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: There's a difference between being "pro-Birth" and Pro-Life. Pro-Life means valuing and supporting the WHOLE Life of a Human, from cradle to grave. Masturbation and 'spilling your seed' where there is not an 'egg' to meet is considered a religious sin, too? The little sperms are Alive! They swim, and hunt down the egg. So. Will the Government outlaw male-masturbation now?? How about, if the guy has a wet-dream?? Can he be prosecuted for 'killing' the potential many-babies he squirted?
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15862 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 17, 2019 12:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dumuzi: all species, humans included, kill their offspring in unfavorable conditions as early on as possible typically (some wait a little later) it's pretty standard for it to happen sometimes and that's been the case for a very long time
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Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 4202 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted May 17, 2019 01:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: Thank you for clarifying this piece Randall, it surprised me to read that in the thread yesterday and was wondering how legit that was. Ideally though women should not have to go out of state for this, I am only pro choice for the first trimester, 3 months is plenty of time for you to make a decision like that and if you are going that route, the sooner the better. However, I recognize that these states are reacting to New York's attempt to make it legal to have abortion in the 3rd trimester or even right after birth which is obnoxious to even try to pass something like that and of course the right is going to react to this and go to the other extreme, everything has an equal reaction so the Left brought this on to themselves.
the georgia law clearly states what constitutes as murder of a citizen of georgia (what stage a fetus becomes one) and the punishment for murder would apply past a certain point with a fetus (barring some limitstions) , so all laws pertaining to the murder of citizens of georgia would apply in instances where the guidelines werent met (health issues, rape, incest) you and i disagree on abortion in the sense that i see no issue with it at any point in a pregnancy, circumstances can suddenly change once favorable conditions can go to **** throughout the course of pregnancy considering the child still would have to be alive in whatever mess they're born into and the consequences of poor environment as a child affecting adulthood limiting abortion doesn't make much sense is it brutal? sure, but some things just are i see all abortion as murder, i just dont see all murder as wrong lol IP: Logged |
ballerina Moderator Posts: 2505 From: A Place on Earth Registered: Feb 2014
posted May 17, 2019 01:15 PM
Why are abortions even happening in this day and age!? Birth Control, Morning After Pill, etc.Sperm versus egg, If the egg isn't fertilized, it dies! ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone/Emeraldopal IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15862 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 17, 2019 01:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dumuzi: the georgia law clearly states what constitutes as murder of a citizen of georgia (what stage a fetus becomes one) and the punishment for murder would apply past a certain point with a fetus (barring some limitstions) , so all laws pertaining to the murder of citizens of georgia would apply in instances where the guidelines werent met (health issues, rape, incest) you and i disagree on abortion in the sense that i see no issue with it at any point in a pregnancy, circumstances can suddenly change once favorable conditions can go to **** throughout the course of pregnancy considering the child still would have to be alive in whatever mess they're born into and the consequences of poor environment as a child affecting adulthood limiting abortion doesn't make much sense is it brutal? sure, but some things just are i see all abortion as murder, i just dont see all murder as wrong lol
If the mother is in danger to die like I said in a previous post I can accept abortion during the 3rd trimester, if the fetus has down syndrome or other chromosome abnormality/ect that can be detected in the 1st trimester so you can have abortion for that then as well so yes as a general rule overall I am pro choice for first trimester unless mother's life is at risk but I see your point about complications developing in the second trimester ect and needing to abort then under certain circumstances. As for rape and incest you can abort in the first trimester. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15862 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 17, 2019 01:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by ballerina: Why are abortions even happening in this day and age!? Birth Control, Morning After Pill, etc.Sperm versus egg, If the egg isn't fertilized, it dies!
Birth control fails 1 out of 10 times btw and what you are saying is a fantasy in practice as you can see. Not to mention that putting hormones in your body is not exactly healthy and often comes with side effects including weight gain so F that. IP: Logged |
Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 4202 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted May 17, 2019 02:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by ballerina: Why are abortions even happening in this day and age!? Birth Control, Morning After Pill, etc.Sperm versus egg, If the egg isn't fertilized, it dies!
probably because people are going to have sex regardless of whether or not they're responsible or in a place where they have access to those things, and you can perfect world see it like "well this should happen only when it's convenient under perfect circumstances" or just kind of accept that it's going to happen because that's life
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Dumuzi Knowflake Posts: 4202 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted May 17, 2019 02:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: If the mother is in danger to die like I said in a previous post I can accept abortion during the 3rd trimester, if the fetus has down syndrome or other chromosome abnormality/ect that can be detected in the 1st trimester so you can have abortion for that then as well so yes as a general rule overall I am pro choice for first trimester unless mother's life is at risk but I see your point about complications developing in the second trimester ect and needing to abort then under certain circumstances. As for rape and incest you can abort in the first trimester.
up until birth i see no issue with abortion in any circumstance as far as government should be concerned unless the abortion is being given by the government i see no reason why that shouldnt be a supply/demand type thing between doctors and patients i get that people dont like it and want to discourage it, but im not really seeing the issue unless someone is completely just avoiding killing things their whole lives it isnt even the best for the species as a whole that someone who would kill a baby last minute like that has a child IP: Logged |