posted December 18, 2019 11:41 AM
There are 3 co-equal branches of government.What I see as the crux of the problem is Lack of Knowledge of what's in the Constitution.
Trump {with no knowledge of govt, or understanding of Law} has had to rely on his chosen inner-circle for information. It was their job to inform and educate him. These have failed to serve him adequately. Whatever lawyers he had seem not to have an understanding of the Constitution either?
It's a formidable contract {!understatement!}.
This letter he generated indicates that he doesn't know WHY that what-he-did was wrong. I feel sorry for him. His INNER-Circle should have protected him.
He needed a Professor-Level Lawyer who is expert in the Constitution to sit with him and 'explain' the Document. .. Right now, they could (calmly and clearly) explain to him "where" he went amiss in his basic Understanding.
His letter is filled with evidence that he still does NOT understand yet. No one in his closed-inner-circle has the expertise he NEEDS. He needs to have this privately, sensitively, clearly, "explained" to him.
Had he KNOWN, then did the silly-right thing to OWN that he didn't KNOW, things would not have escalated to this point. It would have been up to his team to simply field-things at that point. He had a chance to do that... would have been MUCH easier and simpler?
But maybe.... things go way deeper than that?
This had to be dealt with at this point.
It went too long.
He 'could' have cooperated, and found generous forgiveness for 'not-knowing'?
Like I've said before in previous posts...
He has had NEPTUNE going through his 7th House.
He didn't know the difference between who was there to 'help' him, and who was there full of 'conspiracy theories' to blind and deceive for 'their' own benefits.
He DOESN'T understand "Government".
Hey.. he's a business guy, who knows dealing and business contracts.
He DOESN'T understand what is IN the Constitution, and, what his 'errors' were.
I feel sorry for him... truly I do.
He NEEDED Good Counsel given him from ALL the Willing persons from the BEGINNING of his Presidency.
He turned his back on persons who genuinely would have TAUGHT him, and Guided his Beginnings.
He falsely viewed democrats as "being the enemy" .. when really?, Dems are VERY reasonable and cooperative people.
His astrology chart shows "how" this has gone awry for him.
He has no idea how much his asteroids would have SUPPORTED him, had he TRULY wanted to BE a compassionate Community-Builder OF and FOR America. It was 'there' in his chart. {I was surprised at how-good that looked for him.}
I've been studying the asteroids in the USA Sibly, USA #5 Constitution, Pres Trump, and TeaParty charts. Surreal, how the asteroids described ALL the energies behind this.
It was a Time of the Testing of the Constitution.
Are we to destroy the Founder's Documents,
and instead have a {asteroid}-'King' Ruler over America, at its PLUTO Return?
PLUTO Returns are the make-or-break points for YOUNG nations. America is still considered a young nation.
The Constitution's MAIN construct was to PROTECT us from Tyranny {there's an asteroid for that} and being ruled by a King.
He is endeavoring to usurp his OWN Will, stepping on the toes of the other 2 branches of Government.
If he {and his innercircle} would have considered COOPERATING, he could get a hell of a lot done, and had 'UNITED States' of America. So much Promise.
It's still not too late to turn a new leaf.
Impeaching will indicate he made Mistakes.
With cooperation with EACH side, he could singly turn this thing around.
THAT would be and take Courageous Leadership for him to Balance himself.
The DEMS are NOT your enemies, dear Sir.
He needs to TRUST the correct people to guide him.
His innercircle do him NO favors. They are as blind and uneducated/lack-of-"knowledge" as he is, right now...
He also has transiting Neptune not-only in 7th House, but now coming into tight T-square to his Sun in 10th opp Moon, and with Sun conjunct his natal Uranus H10.
Transiting Neptune square Sun??? puts him in a FURTHER Fog.
Transiting Neptune square Moon??? the hunches that were once reliable become confused.
Transiting Neptune square his Uranus.. even more confusion.
He is a STRONG man.
If he ALLOWS the Right People to HELP him...
… sad day.
This never had to happen like this, HAD he UNDERSTOOD.
HAD he listened to the people who had the LOVE for The Good of America foremost in their Heart, he would have had even higher successes; they were MORE than WILLING to assist. I promise that was True.
Of course, I have a limited knowledge (with the rest of America) as to what is going on.
I come at things through a Lens of Hope, and Belief for a United America.
Please, God. Amen.