Topic: Impeachment
juniperb Moderator Posts: 11703 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 14, 2020 02:32 PM
Hope Hicks is returning Maybe the potus office will run smoother now. ![]( ------------------ Partial truth~the seeds of wisdom~can be found in many places...The seeds of wisdom are contained in all scriptures ever written… especially in art, music, and poetry and, above all, in Nature.
Linda Goodman IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 12873 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 14, 2020 04:45 PM
Senate vote.. quote: Originally posted by Belage: Voted not guilty!Color me surprised. The dems had to know going into this that the repub controlled Senate was never going to impeach. I guess their goal was to expose Trump's shenanigans to the general public and disgrace him further, in the hope voters remember these character flaws come election day in November. Unfortunately, that tedious plot makes the dems look like losers who are wasting tax payer's money.
Tedious work.. The House Managers did an awesome job. I've worked on 'tedious' and long research papers before, so I could really appreciate HOW MUCH toil goes into that. They presented their work in an incredibly orderly way. Reminded me of my English classes in grade school, where we had to "diagram" sentences. Beautiful!!! I could literally 'see' the breakdown of facts and information, for EACH statement being made. Very very sophisticated and clean! {says my Mercury Gemini with a Virgo Moon!} Work of Art!!!! I guess some didn't have discipline and good 'attention span'. Lots of getting up and moving around, playing with puzzles, etc. Symptoms of A.D.H.D., and not enough 'peach' Adderall to go around?? j/k They didn't 'waste' tax dollars-- they were EARNING their pay. I was impressed at 'how much work' is involved in the role and job of being a Congress-person. What they did, Belage, was to inscribe 'what happened' TO the United States at THAT critical point in our nation's History-- in an attempt to preserve our Constitution. Future Generations.. will be able to trace the history of the breakdown of this nation's time-period. Our "original" form of government has been made crippled and injured, at this point. Lop-sided. Too heavy to ONE side. I was watching the charts. A number of years ago, I was in a webinar. The instructor was from border around Italy/France. She knew I was an American. I really really admired her work, and would show up at any of her webinars. I also am usually very active in the chats.
.. Very very gently, she brought up the USA Chart in light of the specialty-charts she does. .. With beautiful gentleness (towards me), she explained her theories about the USA Chart, which has some huge (possibly mortal) flaws at the degree of its placement of PLUTO, AND, at the degree of her SUN in Cancer. .. She explained that POSSIBLY the USA would cease to be a democracy around the time of her Pluto-Return. She beautifully explained.. self-government by an agreeing and sharing group of people is not 'normal'. We've been in an "Experimental" model of government that DEPENDED on Equal Voice in Government, and Checks and Balances of Power in the Structure of Governing. This model, this "experiment" in democracy, (as it 'appears' right now) seems 'sick'. It is NOT working AS it SHOULD-- AS it was first Designed. It is (right now) 'in trouble'. Rule of Law is being run over. God Save and Preserve Our Nation The make or breaking-point of a nation historically, is ~250 years. What do or WILL we have??? A republic, or the beginnings of a monarchy .. Maybe for a short time only? AMERICA is Resilient!! Over the several hundred years She developed her Spirit. She was a Beacon, a Lamp set on a Hill-- An Experimental Ideal, A Role Model among the Nations, for Harmony, Good Will, and Peace-Building among the nations. Asteroid 916 America is at 9+ Sagittarius. Beginning a conjunction with the USA Sibly Ascendant 12+ -- and my own Ascendant Sag at 11+ .. The transiting Sun in 25+ Aquarius is ON my H3 Cusp, and conjuncts natal 916 America Aquarius 26+ H3. .. USA Moon 27+ Aquarius cj 26858 Misterrogers 27+ H3 {{God! Preserve and STRENGTHEN HER!!}} LET her Continue in her Role of Good Will among the People of the Earth. (music) Barry Manilow Performs "America The Beautiful/One Voice" (July 1986) [7:54]
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jwhop Knowflake Posts: 14254 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 14, 2020 04:55 PM
"The House Managers did an awesome job." ![]( If you mean the House Managers dragged Joe and Hunter Biden's corruption out into the open, I agree they did an awesome job. Nolte: Poll Shows Impeachment Torpedoes Hit Joe Biden, Not Donald Trump John Nolte 14 Feb 2020 The latest polling leaves no doubt Joe Biden was severely damaged by an impeachment process that was supposed to ruin President Trump............. -impeachment-torpedoes-hit-joe-biden-not-donald-trump/
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 124358 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 14, 2020 05:30 PM
Biden's cash donations are dwindling down along with his votes. He may be out of the race soon.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 12873 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 16, 2020 06:10 PM
![]( (music) Thankful (Josh Groban) [4:49]
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todd Knowflake Posts: 3371 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted February 19, 2020 07:36 PM Impeach him again!’ Assange sets off bombshells with Trump pardon claim WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims President Donald Trump dangled a pardon through a Republican lawmaker if he agreed to cover up Russia’s involvement in 2016 election hacking. Assange’s lawyer Edward Fitzgerald told a London court Wednesday that former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher had passed along the offer in exchange for testimony that Russia had nothing to do with DNC leaks — and the allegation shocked legal experts and other social media users. Huge if true, but interesting because it doesn’t seem like Assange would need incentivizing to say this–he’s long claimed (falsely, according to the US IC) that Russia was not WikiLeaks’ source for the hacked documents.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 124358 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 19, 2020 10:37 PM
He already stated that the info wasn’t from Russia.IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 14254 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 20, 2020 12:07 AM
Seth Rich!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 12873 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 20, 2020 11:48 AM
Just because someone 'claims' they're "not lying", doesn't make what-they-said to be 'true'. (topic) Everything Harry tells you is a Lie (Star Trek) [0:51] If Putin, or Saudi Prince, or Kim Jong Un SAY to Trump that 'they do not lie', or, Trump directly asks them, and they simply respond with 'No' (that they are not lying), in spite of hard and mounting obvious-evidences and behaviors that they lie? … then that's sort of gullible, naive and foolish, even dangerous, to keep 're-writing' the context of wrong behaviors to FIT the lying-word? It's dangerous to close one's mind to ONLY 'believe' selective words. I guess Neptune 'did its job' during the time Saturn {concrete reality} was in Sagittarius. Confused the edges, the lines and the borders, the Markers of everything we've known to be true? Sagittarius rules religion, politics, judges? {Proverbs 22} moving the boundary lines They can swear up and down on the Bible (or The Constitution) to say that they are telling the truth--- WHEN all the while, secretly, they agreed together that LYING would be okay 'to do' because they swore a prior oath and allegiance, a secret-agreement to LIE. They Chanced abiding by a limitedgroup-consensus, rather than face the consequences of God. At the Senate impeachment, they made God and the Fear of God of non-effect. Has God given them over to a hardened-conscience? There is no room for the Spirit then. It is totally man-made, man-based? It was a Nation led by Higher Consciousness, EACH responsible to stay engaged in Higher Ideals. Now? they have an ineffective shed-skin of god. Their Conscience was SEARED and became callous, crusted and hardened. Perhaps they don't realize that God has now 'delivered them' TO the new paradigm agreement of their own making now? Lies are a leaven. An infection. A 'little' yeast.. will leaven the WHOLE loaf. Some of the Christians around Trump may be "sanctioning" and propagating the use of lies as righteousness, based on old testament stories of patriarchs (in the genetic line of Jesus) who lied. LIES, and believing Lies, and building lie upon lie, was THE primary flaw that 'divided' the integrity of the mind in the beginning. The ROOT of Original Sin in the belief system of Christianity, was "LIES" and Lying.. Building a structure of lies, and believing and acting on LIES?
Liars Paradox is one technique used in a type of "hypnotic induction". You confuse the person's cognition and perception of 'what is true'.. The 'chaos' that ensues has the effect of placing the person (or the crowd) into an altered and very malleable state of mind. Lost. Their OWN mind goes 'offline'. Then, the operator is able to slip UNDERNEATH reason, in order to reprogram the way the mind is set to think for itself. Makes them open to 'suggestion.' A blank slate? Not knowing what to do, who to believe? That 'technique' is used by perverts, to twist the minds of innocent unaware children. They 'lead' the person's mind to focus on ONLY evidence of 'words-said'-- while getting the mind to ignore the 'context' that 'a hand' had been slipped inside their pants?!
It is DANGEROUS to reset 'narratives' and to re-write blank-slate minds to a fabricated 'new truth' that excludes many many many other 'obvious' incoming facts and observations. Hypnotic 'confusion-induction' -- asking the mind to reject what it perceives, and to only 'receive' the context of what the operator is telling them is true. (topic) Pay No Attention To That Man Behind The Curtain... (Wizard of Oz) [0:44] Very Gently-- ??"IF you do as I say, THEN you will be kept safe from harm?"?? God! REnew a Right spirit within US. 'We' (as the UNITED States) have agreed to move together as a UNIT. May we be sensitive to move in answer to a Higher Call. music.. *The Prayer* Andrea Bocelli & Heather Headley [4:30] ____________________________ Links to BlueRoamer's threads on 2020 Election. * Democrats who's your person .. February 20, 2020 - * Dem VP .. February 23, 2020 04:44 PM -
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todd Knowflake Posts: 3371 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted March 12, 2020 08:47 PM A presidential scholar is demanding that President Donald Trump step down after he has proven himself completely unable to handle the coronavirus crisis that’s now gripping the United States. Chris Edelson, an assistant professor of government in American University’s School of Public Affairs, has written a column for Market Watch in which he says that Trump’s failures to understand the scope of the unfolding disaster render him completely unfit for the job of the presidency. It’s painfully obvious that no normal person — let alone any typical president — would respond in the way President Donald Trump has,” Edelson writes. “At each stage, he has lied, he has created confusion, he has made reckless predictions, and he has, once and for all, demonstrated his manifest unfitness to serve.” Edelson is pessimistic that Trump’s resignation would stop the spread of coronavirus thoughout the United States, but he argues that it would at least prevent him from doing any further damage. “In calling for Trump’s resignation we are refusing to accept the assumption that Trump exists outside of normal rules, and that this is something we simply must accept,” he concludes. “We know he isn’t up to the job. The question is whether we, as citizens in a constitutional democracy, are up to ours.” IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 14254 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 13, 2020 12:19 AM
![]( You mean this leftist political hack wants Trump to resign over corona virus. He's a nut and a mutt. You sure can pick-em. Leftist Author: Russian Hacks Justify New Election shawn Jan 12, 2017 According to American University assistant professor Chris Edelson, the U.S. should hold a special election do-over in light of the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 race. Although U.S. intelligence agencies agree that Russia did not tamper with the voting machines, Edelson believes that the fact of foreign meddling alone is enough to justify another election. In an op-ed for The Hill, the liberal author says the 2016 election “was delegitimized by foreign interference.”.........
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pire Knowflake Posts: 2937 From: France Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 13, 2020 04:52 AM
I am not convinced, from a political point of view, that Trump will lose his re-election because of the coronavirus, or even because of the economic crisis that it will eventually create. If he’s tactician he may even use it to his advantage. Things change rapidly, and he would just have to step up his efforts, mixed with a rapidly evolving situation on the ground to look like he was up for the challenge. His communication team will probably brief him on that. Impeachment was like water on his back, I bet coronavirus will do the same. To be Frank, only someone with a vision for the future can replace him nowadays I think. I wouldn’t be surprised if he crushed joe Biden during debates and in the ballots next November. Sorry but that is what I seeIP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 12873 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 24, 2020 08:09 PM
The Life of our Elder generation, has just been devalued by Trump and his tea-party allies.PRO-Life???? then condemn this -- - economy/ that we may be delivered from unreasonable and 'wicked' men - 2 Thessalonians 3:2 IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 14254 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 24, 2020 11:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: The Life of our Elder generation, has just been devalued by Trump and his tea-party allies.PRO-Life???? then condemn this -- - economy/ [b]that we may be delivered from unreasonable and 'wicked' men - 2 Thessalonians 3:2[/B]
What the hell? Trump isn't talking about opening up the entire country and isn't talking about opening the country NOW. But if the testing reveals coronavirus is abating in most areas of the country then yes, areas with little to no coronavirus could and should get back to work. Now, let me put this in perspective for you. So far, there are 22,000 US deaths from influenza in the 2019-2020 flu season. That exceeds the total number of wide from Coronavirus. US deaths may go to 30,000 or higher in the 2019-2020 flu season. Get it? More people have died from influenza in the United States this flu year than have died from Coronavirus all over the world. IP: Logged |
ballerina Moderator Posts: 2143 From: A Place on Earth Registered: Feb 2014
posted March 24, 2020 11:54 PM
Are you kidding?Are you watching the numbers rise? This is no ordinary flu, nothing to make light of!? A year from now, how many of us will be gone? Americans think this is a joke, the joke will be on us... With most deaths.. No one is staying home!
------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone/Emeraldopal IP: Logged |
ballerina Moderator Posts: 2143 From: A Place on Earth Registered: Feb 2014
posted March 24, 2020 11:54 PM
Are you kidding?Are you watching the numbers rise? This is no ordinary flu, nothing to make light of!? A year from now, how many of us will be gone? Americans think this is a joke, the joke will be on us... With most deaths.. No one is staying home!
------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone/Emeraldopal IP: Logged | |