Topic: Global Unity Coronavirus Thread
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 15179 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 24, 2020 11:27 PM
"U.S. hits highest single day of new coronavirus cases at 36,358, breaking April record"Why are leftists always the last to get the word? More testing finds more people are coronavirus positive. Listen up leftists, testing positive for coronavirus doesn't mean you're sick, doesn't mean you need to be under a doctor's care, doesn't mean you're going to the hospital and doesn't mean you're going to die. IP: Logged |
StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2928 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted June 25, 2020 01:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by jwhop: Where's the credible news source story to back up moronic Twitter blather?People who don't know anything are all over Twitter and Facebook spouting bullshiite. You just go from one bullshiite story to another. When you get your Arizona yapping got debunked, you move on. No standards, no responsibility.
At this point her posts are basically spam. IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1981 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted June 25, 2020 09:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by jwhop: testing positive for coronavirus doesn't mean you're sick, doesn't mean you need to be under a doctor's care, doesn't mean you're going to the hospital and doesn't mean you're going to die.
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nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1981 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted June 25, 2020 09:35 AM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: I can't blame President Trump for recommending closing down the economy (with which the Dems were all too happy to assist), because so-called experts were saying that we would suffer the loss of two million or more American lives if he didn't.
the problem with the so called "experts" is that they serve interests other than science or the well being of the population. how many epidemiologist, microbiologists, virologists etc have the US? why in earth the well informed dissenting voices of science were not heard. why a man like Fauci with a fear maker story story Swine flue was listened at all? but if it makes Americans feel better, in Germany was the same. the dissenting voices were NEVER invited to any main stream media channel, while the fear mongering guy had a daily podcast update. in turn, a well informed specialist only had his voice heard in alternative channels.. and few dared to challenge the official narrative. those who were brave enough were in position of little to lose (such as retired experts) same in the UK.. the guy who predicted million of death due to swine flu was the same guy listened to.. so.. i assumed that if we search for each country, we will find that the narrative was the same. the dissenting voices were framed as "conspiracy lunatics" "right extremists" etc.. while the fear mongers were all over the media channels giving "advice"... so, i do not blame Trump for having submitted to the pressure. Johnson in UK did not want either to lock-down but was under continue criticism and received advice by the same expert that wrongly predicted the million of deaths with the swine flu scam. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 15691 From:;username=u36170365 Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 25, 2020 02:32 PM fbclid=IwAR2TIpWL-hnIhrjRh9vDHJpffTf8icdz2MEfXir9yzL5LZ4oEs9-6rqlCo0Guy unknowingly infected, passes it to family members at a party. I have a dry cough, that's occasionally more than that. It's an on and off thing for me, and I just coughed as I've been typing. This is why I feel the need to be careful around people like my aunt, even though I've been isolated from others. IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1981 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted June 26, 2020 05:51 AM
lancet retracted the FAKE study published in May stating that Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquineChloriquin were not effective and even causing more deaths. the damage the publication of such FAKE data did to the finding of a cheap off-patent medicine for Covid-19 is clear. Now they have retracted the article, but many clinical trials were stopped after the publication of the FAKE FINDINGS from the FAKE observational study... IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 26, 2020 10:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by nordicsoul: lancet retracted the FAKE study published in May stating that Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquineChloriquin were not effective and even causing more deaths. the damage the publication of such FAKE data did to the finding of a cheap off-patent medicine for Covid-19 is clear. Now they have retracted the article, but many clinical trials were stopped after the publication of the FAKE FINDINGS from the FAKE observational study...
Yep. We talked about that in another thread. Another glaring example how we CANNOT TRUST the so called experts when it comes to anything Covid related.
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teasel Knowflake Posts: 15691 From:;username=u36170365 Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 26, 2020 11:15 AM A nurse saying this week has been terrible - entire families showing up sick. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 15691 From:;username=u36170365 Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 26, 2020 11:21 AM IP: Logged |
Dhyana Knowflake Posts: 638 From: US Registered: Sep 2019
posted June 27, 2020 10:01 PM
Andy Biggs, Congressman from Arizona reports from his Twitter feed:"With the media's hysteria over rising COVID-19 cases in Arizona, you'd be surprised to hear... ...That yesterday, there was a RECORD number of COVID-19 discharges from Arizona hospitals in a single day!" IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 28, 2020 12:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: A nurse saying this week has been terrible - entire families showing up sick.
Did you fact check this or are you just taking her twitter word for it? Can you tell us exactly which hospital this twitter person is speaking of? Thanks!ETA: Not trying to censor you but it would be nice if instead of littering threads with twitter posts that have no raw data other than unverifiable personal accounts from strangers, you actually provided us with verifiable facts we could sink our teeth in. That would really help advance the dialogue.
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nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1981 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted June 28, 2020 02:18 PM
Here some data 1. Italian ICU specialist leading 16 Hospitals in the Lombardy Region in Italy where the spread of the disease was higher. he says that there is no reason for lock down anymore... here the original video (in Italian sorry) but this is hard evidence.. he is not receiving more than 2 patients per week in any of the network of hospitals he is working his own words "from a clinical perspective there is no virus" meaning the hospital is not receiving patients in ICU as a result of the virus(Dr. Zangrillo) this article discussed the most recent data... data, data, speaks louder. The is no reason to lock down. 2. this link is an article discussing all lock down measures and linking to evidence for each statement. key take aways: - for the non sense of wearing masks - for asymptomatic patients not spreading the disease - for the low case fatality rate for population younger than 60 and for almost non-existent fatality rate for younger than 9 - for the unavailable evidence of this being an airborne disease.. - the lack of impact of the lock down in flatting the curve.
3. here is a video (interview in German, sorry). Here a retired microbiologist in German who dared to challenge the official narrative and criticized the measures. he published in Amazon his critics. the book is a best-seller as it is one the few braves experts who dares to speak up. he analized all the data and saw no reason for a lock-down, send a letter to Angela Merkel calling for an open discussion of specialists with dissenting views and nothing. the official narrative won.. but here is a video published by an Austrian TV channel.. apart from this interview, only alternative media were publishing his interviews, but none of the German TV MSM aired him at all. here is the link to the book (in German) 1 here is the link to the video (in German) we can decide to believe the people of the links provided or to believe to people like Fauci, who has a record of false alarms with all previous pandemies/epidemies ... it is your call... evidence is there for people to look at it and question the official narrative. want to believe Fauci? is your call...
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nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1981 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted June 28, 2020 02:20 PM
and I am derailing myself, but just want to bring the attention about agendas and corona with something apparently un-related. The green party in Germany announced few days ago their new program. they were perceived as having only a green agenda and not having more to say on other topics, so now they are covering all the topics of the political agenda. what is interesting comes nextthey are now OPEN TO GENETICALLY MODIFIED TECHNOLOGY. wait a second! how the green party, the one defending the dying bees, the ones fighting the mono-cultivation are all of a sudden open to GMOs? I thought green stand for Organic, or not? well, it seems not anymore. what they stand for is the CO2 / climate change arguments. The rest can go down the toilet. people who believe in climate change thinks that those who do not do not care for the environment. That may applies to a number of climate change deniers, but this is WRONG. CO2 may be a problem (I am not sure about it because science is so corrupt and there are two scientific competing stories), but more realistic and credible is what is going on with the soil, water, and GMOs. so whoever comes to me with the CO2 argument and is happy with GMOs looks suspicious to me. what is the point? that if you know what the climate change agenda is, then you know why the greens are for CO2 but why they are open to GMOs. so it was never about the environment!!!! they used people who are conscious about the environment (like me) to advance the CO2 agenda, but now they are showing their true colors. that takes me to CORONA... there has been the same virus/infection threat (swine, ebola, zika, measles, etc) many times for the last 10 years. with VACCINATION being the solution. and did you noticed that the CO2 agenda was advanced during the coronakrisis? so we have had during the last two decades three topics high on the agenda, which all take you to the same "coordinated" solutions: 1. terrorism 2. virus, bio warfare 3. CO2 4. Racism/diversity/immigration, etc SOLUTIONS. 1. democracy rights are being denied one by one in the name of SECURITY (trading privacy and freedom for security) 1.2. state surveillance: corona App, cashless transactions, teleworking, and physical distance (so all communications are electronic and even grandpa get used to video calls with this grandsons. 2. fake food & GMOs. it is all about protecting the environment (right!), and in eating this fake meat, fake milk, fake everything you are protecting the environment. in the meantime the controllers make sure that the fake food has the necessary genes to modify the population and making it to their desire 3. Transhumanism: now that you are so scare of dying. that you feel disgusted about the body full of germs, what about offering you the eternal youth posibility? what about not having to deal with disgusting humans and being served by self-cleaning robots? dig yourself into that agenda 4. Cashless society: you control the money launder, the terrorist networks, avoid infecting people with dirty cash (right!) and spy on every single transaction of any human in earth (Brilliant!) 5. Vaccines.. link that to the trans humanism agenda 6. Robotization: link that to trans humanism agenda 7. genderless society. link to the transhumanism agenda 8. colorless society. link to the transhumanism agenda 9. universal income: after the robots take over and millions are jobless they will be supported by the state, but wait, that sounds good... hum... except when you know that you are slave, misbehave and your income is suppressed. this corona has caused small business to bankruptcy.. and tons unemployment all over the world. the controllers however are richer. so, many may end up depending of universal income. more than we can count. 10. social score system... china has already implemented and tested the system, but we already had that in place for implementation in the western world.. that goes along the universal income. it that sounds too far-feching.. do your own research. go the "world economic forum" and see what topics are they discussing. then watch the news again with those agendas in mind.. and Voila!!!! things then start getting clear... so, do not think corona is just a random event that pushed certain measures there. Those measures have been advanced with any new "crisis"... and corona just accelerated them... and that is the reason i call it a SCAM IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1981 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted June 28, 2020 02:28 PM
Debunking some misleading and manipulation tactics1. Not wearing a mask will kill grandpa: I think it is misleading to say that wearing mask is protecting life because there is no evidence that those masks protect life at all. specially the masks people are wearing everywhere, which are being used once and again. 2.another point is that SELFISH argument accusing people of not caring because they are not affected. That is cheap manipulation. I care for life, every life. But i do not see how locking down the entire population is saving lives. if there is a group at risk, isolate that group. period! I know of an old man here where i live, he is 90 and he has neighbors in similar age group. he did not care to meet with friends (some of them has preconditions). so they are at risks, but you do not see them scared! why? their reasoning is "if i have 2 months of life left, i want to enjoy those two months instead of worrying about dying" and before the lock down, there is a coffee shop in my town where old people meet. that coffee shop was full of old folks. they were not scared. and now they are back again in the same caffee with no masks. 3. anyone of these UNSELFISH humans who are defending the population at risk ever asked that population if they want that the rest of the non at risk population is being locked-down on their name? ask them, you will be surprised!!!
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teasel Knowflake Posts: 15691 From:;username=u36170365 Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 29, 2020 12:28 PM "My new conspiracy theory is that closing schools instead of actually stopping the pandemic is a way to accomplish the long-time Republican goal of driving women out of the workforce, prove me wrong." IP: Logged |
shura Knowflake Posts: 2439 From: kamaloka Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 29, 2020 01:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: "My new conspiracy theory is that closing schools instead of actually stopping the pandemic is a way to accomplish the long-time Republican goal of driving women out of the workforce, prove me wrong."
Lol imagine thinking that was a GOP goal. 😂
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Dhyana Knowflake Posts: 638 From: US Registered: Sep 2019
posted June 30, 2020 12:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by nordicsoul: Debunking some misleading and manipulation tactics1. Not wearing a mask will kill grandpa: I think it is misleading to say that wearing mask is protecting life because there is no evidence that those masks protect life at all. specially the masks people are wearing everywhere, which are being used once and again. 2.another point is that SELFISH argument accusing people of not caring because they are not affected. That is cheap manipulation. I care for life, every life. But i do not see how locking down the entire population is saving lives. if there is a group at risk, isolate that group. period! I know of an old man here where i live, he is 90 and he has neighbors in similar age group. he did not care to meet with friends (some of them has preconditions). so they are at risks, but you do not see them scared! why? their reasoning is "if i have 2 months of life left, i want to enjoy those two months instead of worrying about dying" and before the lock down, there is a coffee shop in my town where old people meet. that coffee shop was full of old folks. they were not scared. and now they are back again in the same caffee with no masks. 3. anyone of these UNSELFISH humans who are defending the population at risk ever asked that population if they want that the rest of the non at risk population is being locked-down on their name? ask them, you will be surprised!!!
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StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2928 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted June 30, 2020 11:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by Belage: [QUOTE]Originally posted by teasel: [b] A nurse saying this week has been terrible - entire families showing up sick.
Did you fact check this or are you just taking her twitter word for it? Can you tell us exactly which hospital this twitter person is speaking of? Thanks!ETA: Not trying to censor you but it would be nice if instead of littering threads with twitter posts that have no raw data other than unverifiable personal accounts from strangers, you actually provided us with verifiable facts we could sink our teeth in. That would really help advance the dialogue. [/B][/QUOTE] IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 15691 From:;username=u36170365 Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 01, 2020 12:55 AM Texas Daily COVID-19 Cases Top Italy's Record When It Was Global Epicenter IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 132007 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 01, 2020 09:59 AM
Texas has 8 deaths per 100,000. New York has 161 deaths per 100,000. In Texas, most of the increase in hospitalizations are not from Covid. IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1981 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted July 02, 2020 06:25 PM
something that recently called my attention in a conversation with a friend in Texas is that she know of 3 people who got corona like symptoms (not confirmed) before the lock-down. 1. her cousin in New York 2. a colleague in a school she works 3. someelse i do not rememberthe three people had fever for about three weeks and need antibiotics. a fever that was very debilitating. the thing is none of the three people infected their family (even if they were with them during the symptoms) or in case 2 his colleagues. if this was corona. it matched the symptoms to a T according to my friend, how is it possible that the family/colleagues did not get infected. the guy in the scholl stop going after the symptoms were very debilitating, but he spend enough time in the school to have infected his colleagues, how it did not happen given that coronas (asuming is was corona) is so contagious. the three people did not have the flu. so they do not know what they had. Of course this is only speculation and i want to share to know if somebody knows of similar cases. my working hypothesis. we have been told to be locked down because the infection was to easy to propagate, what if it were the opposite? that this was not a virus but SOMETHING ELSE and people were asked to be at home just to make us to believe that we were avoiding the spread of the virus. but, in reality there was no infection and the way we did not notice was because everybody was lock down. so they say it is because of the lock down that the spread of the infections stopped, but if what the three people my friend told me had corona, this coronas is not transmittable (or at least not easily transmittable as they have told us) does any of you know of a similar case, when someone experience intense symptoms, but none of the people around them (even old people with conditions) was infected? IP: Logged |
Blind writer Knowflake Posts: 787 From: Texas, USA Registered: May 2012
posted July 03, 2020 01:20 AM
An acquaintance of mine in NY is a professional ballroom dancer, and her coach and her partner both got sick, but she did not, even though she is high risk (she has damaged lungs). She was in close contact with both people during practice.Anecdotal, but since you asked, there it is. (EDIT: to clarify, this was confirmed coronavirus back in March, and her partner was very, very ill and needed oxygen treatment.) I am in Texas, and Randall is correct - most new hospitalizations have nothing at all to do with coronavirus. Elective surgeries are back in full swing, and people admitted to hospitals are required to be tested, even though they aren’t there for C19. If positive, they count as a “hospitalization”. Many are very upset at our governor right now, for making some rollbacks to reopening and issuing a mask mandate. Actually, he just paused elective surgeries as part of the rollback. The death count continues to drop. Test more, you get more positives; that’s a no-brainer. Most of the new cases are in their 20s. Antibody tests and duplicates are lumped into the total case count in many counties. Presumptive positives are also lumped in. Case count is inflated. My county is making a concerted effort to try and correct the numbers, but it’s difficult since the state DHS took over. Out of the 2,702 beds in my county, 158 are occupied. I’m in the DFW metro area. IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1981 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted July 03, 2020 08:09 AM
Thanks for the info Blindwriter.I do not and never did buy into the scaremongering thing spread all over the world. my question was sort of a new hypothesis, with which i have been playing for a while, which is as follow: 1. there was something going on that made SOME people sick. that something was called corona, but even if people are testing positive for corona, does not mean corona is the culprit. the culprit is something else that is not being TESTED. meanwhile they are testing and testing but more cases bring nothing because the thing that was sicking people IS NOT CORONA. 2. They have told us that THE VULNERABLE are the ones having certain age and centain pre-conditions and all of that makes sense, but what if those pre-conditions are not the things that really makes people vulnerable? what if it is something else that nobody is telling us. your example and the stories of my friend tells me that it is not necessarily the "vulnerable" we habe been told are the real VULNERABLES. it may be some other variable out there defining vulnerability and he are stuck in thinking is age, lung conditions, etc. 3. Because we cannot trust the cause of date reports given to the lack of credibility all over the world about the real cause of mortality, there is little hope we can get the answer by looking at the statistics published. so it is more the anecdotical experience in high numbers which can make it. i know that without large numbers is difficult to draw conclusions, but since data coming from hospitals is not trustworthy, then it is better to collect anecdotal experience to see if there is some other pattern different from what we have been told. specially if people dying are not being tested for a hidden cause, which is not corona. 3. so, corona would be the boogieman. have more people know PERSONALLY (no tweeter cases) cases in which: 1. a person got corona in terms of symptoms and did not contaminated people they were in closed contact 2. some of the people in close contact was in the vulnerable group. nevertheless it was not infected. DISCLAIMER. i AM NOT NATIVE SPEAKER i NEVER CHECK GRAMMAR i AM DO NOT LIVE in US I am not republican/not liberal/and nothing in between. I am not looking for propaganda information, but for real cases without any agenda to mislead. just anecdotal cases from own experience IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 15691 From:;username=u36170365 Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 04, 2020 07:26 PM New Study Finds Spikes In Coronavirus Cases Linked To In-Person Restaurant Dining IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2020 01:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by teasel: New Study Finds Spikes In Coronavirus Cases Linked To In-Person Restaurant Dining
Those bloody restauranteurs! Isn't it funny to you there are no study finding spikes linked to people screaming without masks in the streets during protests? Somehow, this virus has a social conscience...
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