Topic: Global Unity Coronavirus Thread
Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 05, 2020 08:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by PhoenixRising:On the other hand, it is easier for the hospitals to attribute death to CV even though the cause of death could be flu or some other respiratory issues. Who ever is the master mind needs a boost in the number of victims for their Agenda.
sure, but according to the CDC, the person must have tested positive for Coronavirus for the death to be attributed to Coronavirus. So that would rule out people who died of the flu and were not tested for Coronavirus or tested negative for it. IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 15179 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 05, 2020 08:26 PM
Just because someone tested positive for coronavirus and died doesn't mean the cause of death was coronavirus.IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 05, 2020 08:45 PM
Yes, I supposed if someone was terminally ill with cancer and died, or was in a traumatic car accident and died on the operating table, they are not likely to test that person for coronavirus, but if they did and the person turned out to be positive, I dont think they will blame the virus on their death. The person has to also exhibit a particular set of symptoms. I think if someone has been exhibiting symptoms of flu, and the ensuing pathology of covid (severe respiratory issues, followed by septicemy, pneumonia, organ failures) AND tested positive for Coronavirus, and died, then it is reasonable to think the person died of Covid. Even if the person had comorbidities like diabetes, heart conditions, or conditions like asthma, etc... IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 05, 2020 09:02 PM
The last paragraph in the ICD code recommendations explains it further: oduced-for-COVID-19-deaths.pdf quote: Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test? COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. (See attached Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths)
The way I read the above, just because someone has tested positive for Covid does not automatically make it a case of death by Covid. The certifier also has to provide more pertinent information. IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 05, 2020 09:11 PM
It's getting a bit morbid in here, sorry, but here is more CDC guidance on certifying death by covid-19 It is arguably not a perfect system to figure out real numbers of death by covid, but it is probably the best we have now. IP: Logged |
PhoenixRising Knowflake Posts: 814 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 06, 2020 01:03 AM
Exactly my point on your last statement.
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Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 06, 2020 12:24 PM
Kind of sobering to hear.  Ventilators Are No Panacea For Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients 4/02/826105278/ventilators-are-no-panacea-for-critically-ill-covid-19-patients April 2, 20203:43 PM ET Jon Hamilton 2010 JON HAMILTON Most coronavirus patients who end up on ventilators go on to die, according to several small studies from the U.S., China and Europe. And many of the patients who continue to live can't be taken off the mechanical breathing machines. "It's very concerning to see how many patients who require ventilation do not make it out of the hospital," says Dr. Tiffany Osborn, a critical care specialist at Washington University in St. Louis who has been caring for coronavirus patients at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. That concern is echoed by Negin Hajizadeh, a pulmonary critical care doctor at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell on Long Island, N.Y. "We have had several patients between the hospitals across the Northwell system that have come off the breathing machine," Hajizadeh says. "But the vast majority are unable to." The largest study so far to look at mortality among coronavirus patients on ventilators was done by the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre in London. It found that among 98 ventilated patients in the U.K., just 33 were discharged alive. The numbers from a study of Wuhan, China, are even grimmer. Only 3 of 22 ventilated patients survived. And a study of 18 ventilated patients in Washington state found that nine were still alive when the study ended, but only six had recovered enough to breathe on their own. All the early research suggests that once coronavirus patients are placed on a ventilator, they will probably need to stay on it for weeks. And the longer patients remain on a breathing machine, the more likely they are to die. "We're not sure how much help ventilators are going to be," Osborn says. "They may help keep somebody alive in the short term. We're not sure if it's going to help keep someone alive in the long term." Patients need a ventilator when their lungs can no longer deliver enough oxygen to keep the body going. And it's an extreme measure, Osborn says. "We give sedation so the person goes to sleep. Then we provide a paralytic that stops their breathing," she says. Next, a long plastic tube is inserted through the trachea and vocal cords. That allows a machine to deliver small puffs of highly oxygenated air to the lungs. Unfortunately, Osborn says, "the ventilator itself can do damage to the lung tissue based on how much pressure is required to help oxygen get processed by the lungs." And coronavirus patients often need dangerously high levels of both pressure and oxygen because their lungs have so much inflammation. Another risk from being on a ventilator is that the tube carrying air and extra oxygen to the lungs provides a pathway for dangerous germs. Many ventilated patients get a new lung infection, a problem known as ventilator-associated pneumonia. Ventilators have been seen as critical to treating coronavirus patients because the devices are very successful when used to treat common forms of pneumonia, says Hajizadeh. A ventilator alongside medical supplies and a stretcher is displayed before a news conference at the Javits Center in New York City on March 23. John Minchillo/AP "We treat patients for several days, and then we get the antibiotics into the body and the patient recovers," she says. "Unfortunately with this COVID-associated pneumonia, there are no treatments that we know work for sure."
Also, the coronavirus often does a lot more damage to a person's lungs than pneumonia associated with the flu. "There is fluid and other toxic chemicals, cytokines we call them, raging throughout the lung tissue," she says. In some patients, the damage is so bad that even ventilation won't help. So doctors have sometimes tried an even more extreme measure called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, which delivers oxygen directly to a patient's bloodstream. But this is still a stopgap measure. "Remember, ECMO too is a life-supporting treatment," Hajizadeh says. "So it's a bridge while we are allowing the lung to heal itself from a pneumonia." But lungs don't always heal, no matter how much help they get from a machine, Osborn says. So people need to be diligent about social distancing to keep the virus from spreading. "I know that at times it gets frustrating," she says. "But it's really important not only for yourself and your family but for the other people you care about to shelter in place until this is over." Osborn should know. When she's not caring for patients at the hospital, she's living in a camper to avoid putting her family at risk. IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 07, 2020 02:03 PM
ISOLATION OBSERVATIONS someone sent me:Half of us are going to come out of this quarantine as amazing cooks. The other half will come out with a drinking problem. I used to spin that toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune. Now I turn it like I'm cracking a safe. I need to practice social-distancing from the refrigerator. Still haven't decided where to go for Easter ----- The Living Room or The Bedroom PSA: every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom. Homeschooling is going well. 2 students suspended for fighting and 1 teacher fired for drinking on the job. I don't think anyone expected that when we changed the clocks we'd go from Standard Time to the Twilight Zone This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came into my house, told my dog..... we laughed a lot. So, after this quarantine.....will the producers of My 600 Pound Life just find me or do I find them? Quarantine Day 5: Went to this restaurant called THE KITCHEN. You have to gather all the ingredients and make your own meal. I have no clue how this place is still in business. My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfectant lately that when I pee it cleans the toilet. Day 5 of Homeschooling: One of these little monsters called in a bomb threat. I'm so excited --- it's time to take out the garbage. What should I wear? I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to Puerto Backyarda. I'm getting tired of Los Livingroom. Classified Ad: Single man with toilet paper seeks woman with hand sanitizer for good clean fun. Day 6 of Homeschooling: My child just said "I hope I don't have the same teacher next year".... I'm offended. Better 6 feet apart than 6 feet under IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 15179 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 07, 2020 02:45 PM
  IP: Logged |
PhoenixRising Knowflake Posts: 814 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 07, 2020 03:37 PM
so trueIP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 15691 From:;username=u36170365 Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 07, 2020 03:51 PM The Queen's message from the other night. Older members of my family lived through the second world war, and my grandmother survuved both, in the London area. She used to talk to us about what they would do when the bombs started.
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teasel Knowflake Posts: 15691 From:;username=u36170365 Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 07, 2020 04:05 PM The Democrats want $25,000 in hazard pay, for essential workers. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 15691 From:;username=u36170365 Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 08, 2020 01:20 AM "CNN says Hong Kong is now seeing a second wave that is EVEN BIGGER than the first wave." IP: Logged |
PhoenixRising Knowflake Posts: 814 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 08, 2020 11:43 AM
It is bound to happen as the Virus only sleeps for some time and mutates. people living in hundred square feet spaces and on top of each other in boxes. Wuhan, New york, seattle, LA, ... Hong kong are vulnerable.Now they want to roll out anti body tests instead of anti gen test. So it is more bad news. IP: Logged |
charlie Knowflake Posts: 5024 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted April 10, 2020 02:28 AM
Has anyone read about the many health care workers questioning the symptoms and the treatment given for said symptoms? To them, nothing adds up. They’re saying that what they see is that the body is starved of oxygen because excess release of iron. Something is attaching to the hemoglobin. Only thing I know that LOVES hemoglobin is Carbon Monoxide. Now, I doubt so many people suffered CO poisoning at the same time across the globe but it all smells FISH. IP: Logged |
PhoenixRising Knowflake Posts: 814 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 10, 2020 09:22 AM
Is the person , haemophiliac? Then yes, they are prone to die as immune weakens.One theory also goes that Malaria drug is not good for those people as it lowers RBC. IP: Logged |
Kannon McAfee Moderator Posts: 4544 From: Portland, OR - USA Registered: Oct 2011
posted April 10, 2020 03:52 PM
For an elevated, yet factual look into covid19 I really recommend these videos by Lee Carroll (original channeler for Kryon) with guest physician Dr John Ryan. ------------------ Soul Stars Astrology by The Declinations Guy Expert birth chart rectification The birth chart is a starting place not a pre-determiner of fate. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13945 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 12, 2020 12:07 AM
@Belage, how are you doing?! Where are you?Loved: "This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came into my house, told my dog..... we laughed a lot." Loved: "Classified Ad: Single man with toilet paper seeks woman with hand sanitizer for good clean fun." hahahahahahaha IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13945 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 12, 2020 12:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by Kannon McAfee: For an elevated, yet factual look into covid19 I really recommend these videos by Lee Carroll (original channeler for Kryon) with guest physician Dr John Ryan.
Thank you, However, the link won't open. IP: Logged |
PhoenixRising Knowflake Posts: 814 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 12, 2020 12:17 PM
Add the s after httpIP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 12, 2020 02:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: @Belage, how are you doing?! Where are you?Loved: "This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came into my house, told my dog..... we laughed a lot." Loved: "Classified Ad: Single man with toilet paper seeks woman with hand sanitizer for good clean fun." hahahahahahaha
I am doing well, thanks for checking.  Just super busy with other aspects of my life. hehe!
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Belage Knowflake Posts: 3358 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 12, 2020 02:07 PM
Wanted to report some of the most phenomenal blue skies for this part of the US where I live. Apparently this is due to less people driving. As much as I love my car and will not give it up, I am thinking maybe my state should implement a monthly 1-day-without-driving for everyone to follow and leave their car home unless "essential business" . IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13945 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 12, 2020 05:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by Belage: I am doing well, thanks for checking.  Just super busy with other aspects of my life. hehe!
Thank you for letting us know you are okay! Glad to hear you are just busy  IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13945 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 12, 2020 05:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by PhoenixRising: Add the s after http
Ha! Thanks, that worked. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13945 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 12, 2020 05:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by Belage: Wanted to report some of the most phenomenal blue skies for this part of the US where I live. Apparently this is due to less people driving. As much as I love my car and will not give it up, I am thinking maybe my state should implement a monthly 1-day-without-driving for everyone to follow and leave their car home unless "essential business" .
Yes in just one month the pollution in Italy and China cleared out significantly and they have a lot of pollution. I will never give up my car but I am open to solutions like this, once a year we all stay home for a week or two to give earth a chance to heal, reset and release toxins. That is reasonable and I think that would be cool. IP: Logged |