posted August 02, 2020 07:34 PM
The only thing that interests corrupt politicians is remaining in power.As the title indicates, this post is not about Covid, as a medical issue. It is about Covid, a political issue, a psyop on the American people, and the latest weapon in the effort to remove President Trump from power. This latest edition follows the previous failed efforts: the Russia hoax and impeachment. Many of the people who were formerly in power have been removed, and this is their attempt to get it back. The main events of the Covid timeline are as follows:
Stage 1: Potus informed by the Intelligence Community, the CDC, The Who, and others that there was nothing to fear. He was advised not to institute travel bans, and to do nothing.
Stage 2: Inform Potus of a dire scenario using fake models predicting Covid deaths of over one million. This would be the compelling reason to lock down and eliminate employment and economic growth.
Stage 3: Deploy “controlled” Democrat governors to inflate the death count, such as the governors of New York and Michigan, that they must accept Covid patients in nursing homes. Generating alarm with projections about conditions in hospitals, care, and supplies. In April, we were told by the media that hospitals were being overwhelmed with Covid patients. But eye witnesses were reporting and filming on camera empty hospital waiting rooms.
Stage 4: Push testing to spike the number of cases, which were then broadcast daily by the fake media. More testing would create more test positives which would fuel hysterical reporting of a crisis getting worse. Decreases in death rates were to be ignored and go unreported. The deliberate miscounting of positive test results, changing tests negative to tests positive, reporting deaths “with Covid” as Covid deaths, and non Covid death as Covid deaths, fake contact tracing, counting everyone a person comes into contact with as a test positive, without testing. Including people who made appointments to be tested but canceled also counted as test positive. All designed to inflate the case numbers.
Stage 5: Censor and silence any opposing views, I.e., Dr. Gold, Dr Immanuel., et al. Twitter accounts being suspended, YouTube censoring of videos opposing the official narrative.
An additional action was to deploy the BLM narrative, which is done by Democrats every four years to create the illusion of racial injustice, create division, and raise money for the Democratic Party. BLM plus Covid would be used to divert attention away from Joe Biden and Barisma, and to justify lockdowns.
All of this benefits Democrats in November as follows:
1. Increases unemployment rates exponentially.
2. Damages the economy.
3. Protects Biden from having to appear in public, and limits the exposure of his mental status.
4. Protects Biden by exposing his quid pro quo with Ukraine and removing the story from the news cycle.
5. Removing Biden from the debates, using Covid as an excuse.
6. Do away with Trump rallies, which energize Trump voters.
7. Remove people’s ability to gather, in order to divide and isolate. Social distancing selectively being employed. Exceptions being protests & riots, John Lewis's funeral.
8. Remove the ability to find inner resources in a time of need by closing churches.
9. Push mail-in-voting as “safe” and therefore get around NSA security measures.
10. Push state bailouts, i.e., CA and NY, and a list of Democrat items (Pelosi did this with the Cares Act bill.)
11. Increase the national debt, thereby restoring China’s leverage over the U.S.
The last four are targeted to the U.S. citizenry.
1. Test the conditional limits of public docility, i.e., obedience.
2. Test the conditional limits of the public’s resistance.
3. Test the conditional limits of Governor and mayor authority.
4. Test the conditional limits of social media censorship.
Qanon July 31, 2020 America Is Witnessing a Brazen Power Grab brazen-power-grab/