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Author Topic:   We Must Follow The Science!

Posts: 6121
From: Lyra
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 22, 2020 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ballerina said: << Somewhere I read that people who have
gotten the virus, lose the antibodies
they created within a couple of months,
thus leaving them able to contract
the virus again.
Which then leads me to wondering how
a vaccine is going to work, and for
how long!?
Why don't we ever hear anything about
people being immune!? >>


Which is why it is strange that Trump is also taking credit for a super fast Vaccine, and his sheep are ready to comply if Trump gets credit, whereas the Dems want to institutionalize the Vaccinations to get credit. These Vaccines have MRNA based DNA Modification. Untested in the long term and can have terrible side effects.

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Posts: 4208
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posted November 22, 2020 03:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by iQ:
Ballerina said: << Somewhere I read that people who have
gotten the virus, lose the antibodies
they created within a couple of months,
thus leaving them able to contract
the virus again.
Which then leads me to wondering how
a vaccine is going to work, and for
how long!?
Why don't we ever hear anything about
people being immune!? >>


Which is why it is strange that Trump is also taking credit for a super fast Vaccine, and his sheep are ready to comply if Trump gets credit, whereas the Dems want to institutionalize the Vaccinations to get credit. These Vaccines have MRNA based DNA Modification. Untested in the long term and can have terrible side effects.
Robert F Kennedy Jr :New Covid vaccine should be avoided at all cost.

"First time in history....mRNA vaccines....altered individual genetic material.. something that was already forbidden and until then considered criminal.

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Posts: 2305
From: A Place on Earth
Registered: Feb 2014

posted November 22, 2020 07:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ballerina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So, if the virus doesn't kill us
there's a good possibility that
the vaccine shall!?

It seems to me, that until every-
One is exposed to this virus, this
is what we're dealing with!

I have never gotten the flu, and
I have never had a flu shot...
I do not want this vaccine, I
truly hope it's not forced on us...

Then I think about the doctors and
nurses getting vaccinated! Oh dear!

..eventually, one way or another we
shall be exposed to this virus!
Perhaps, President Trump realized
all of this!

All my love, with all my Heart

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Posts: 3565
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posted November 22, 2020 09:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Belage     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Getting Covid Protects you for years, according to a new study.
Check out Highwire Del Bigtree:

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Posts: 2305
From: A Place on Earth
Registered: Feb 2014

posted November 22, 2020 10:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ballerina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you, Belage
That gives us hope!

All my love, with all my Heart

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Posts: 1749
From: Somewhere
Registered: Sep 2019

posted November 23, 2020 04:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Neil Ferguson of the UK, was strongly involved with the promoting the scare mongering, ridiculous "2.2 million" to die statistic.

This "scientist" was also strongly involved in the attempt at scaremongering of the public in relation to H1N1 and SARS previous to SARS-CoV-2. Yeah, he and his group was just a wee bit off on those with their extreme predictions.

Yet, he perhaps has been one of the biggest examples of public hypocrisy and "rules for thee, but not for me." How so, during the height of the pandemic panic, and after his own cries of, "we need masks, we need social distancing, etc" he had his lover come over and visit him for some adult fun time. Two problems though. She is married and has children, and he was self quarantining not long before because he thought he was exposed to it.

Since then, there have been many prominent public figures who cry out, "We need masks, vaccines, social distancing, etc" who have shown themselves to be extremely hypocritical.

It's unreal, and kind of makes one wonder, "do they know (or perhaps in some cases, have) something that we don't?" Why the extreme difference between their public stance and their private actions?

And why didn't Trump get severely sick when he is in that age bracket, and treats his body simply horribly? You say, the best medical care in the country, but that only goes so far. There are many rich people with access to the best care who ended up on the short side of health problems and/or death. Mainstream medicine isn't always the most effective nor accurate system of treatment around. It only really excels in acute conditions. Have a heart attack, get in a bad accident, etc, sure, I want mainstream, western medicine.

But having been diagnosed with a "rare disease", being told it was genetic, incurable, and being handed pharmaceutical medication that only treated symptoms whilst being told you'll have to take this for the rest of your life...and then curing myself of same via diet, herbs/supplements, and health lifestyle changes--well I'm fairly skeptical of mainstream western medicine (especially when it comes to chronic issues).

Human history, if you really look at it from a very broad scope, is one long, REPEATING drama of class war fare of the Have Mosts waging both overt and covert wars of dominance and control on the Have's Less and Have Leasts. This is very, very clear and obvious to see. There was a short period in America where this was kind of stunted for awhile, but then international banks got their hands in the most well stocked cookie jars of the US, and it's all been down hill since both in America and in the world.

Edgar Cayce talked a fair amount of this cycle especially in relation to ancient, forgotten history. He talked about Atlantis an the "sons of Belial" i.e. the materialists with no morals, ethics, higher ideals who kept wrecking Atlantis over and over in the wars of aggression on the "Children of the Law of One" who believed in a positive Creator, in Love, in Oneness of the Whole, in Spirit, etc.

We cannot trust 99% of the people in power. And Trump? No savior in the least. The "globalists" love him because he lowers their taxes and he didn't withdraw from their major wars and conflicts like he promised he would. He only did in Syria, AFTER he escalated aggressions with missile launches/bombings.

He also licks the boots of Israel, which is a nation that is very tied to the international banking system. He is not even remotely close to being a savior of any kind. He has done some "some" good things here and there, but plenty of negative things as well.

And being tough on China? Well here's a little secret, as rich and powerful as the Chinese government is, even they are beholden to the old, wealthy beyond imagining, continuous international banks. This is the group that every other group and nation is scared shiteless of and bows to and only curses under their breath. Trump is going against them? Name one thing he has done to challenge them?

The biggest blow he could have done to them, is dismantling the Federal Reserve and put the power of currency back into the hands of purely public government and not with so much influence and say from private banks who don't answer to anyone but themselves. (Who are literally on public record for saying as such, basically saying we don't have to answer to anyone, not the President, not congress, no one).

I tell you truly, if you choose a side of "left" or "right", you are the farthest thing from fully "woke". You are indeed, a quintessential sheep--a very personification and incarnation of same. People who are truly and fully awake to what's going on, know that both "sides" are corrupt AF and are funded and played from the same plutocrat types depending on what is necessary at the time.

In a simple nutshell, this world is currently controlled by psychopaths, sociopaths, and malignant narcissists at the highest levels. These now have the world and the majority of it's people by the proverbial balls. This is the hard, simple, overt truth. And NOTHING, NOTHING is beyond them as to committing atrocities against the commoner class that they so despise and look down on. They will blow up buildings, start endless unjustified wars, create pandemics, and do anything that helps them to gain more control and power over the whole world and humanity at large.

But do not fear nor worry. There is a higher plan, and the Creative Forces will not allow this world to be completely taken over and turned into a soft slave world which is what the former forces want. But not a one will like the intervention. It takes a strong medicine or immune response to counter balance a strong pathogenic parasite.

And as the Master of Masters and Teachers of teachers said, pray that this intervention comes not during the winter season, nor on Saturday, for if it does, its an indication that it will be horrible beyond belief.

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Posts: 345
Registered: Dec 2014

posted November 23, 2020 06:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MarsSaturnDelight     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:

But having been diagnosed with a "rare disease", being told it was genetic, incurable, and being handed pharmaceutical medication that only treated symptoms whilst being told you'll have to take this for the rest of your life...and then curing myself of same via diet, herbs/supplements, and health lifestyle changes--well I'm fairly skeptical of mainstream western medicine (especially when it comes to chronic issues).

Interesting, can you elaborate on this please?

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Posts: 134339
From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate.
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 23, 2020 10:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The globalists don’t pay taxes. They hate President Trump. He pulled out of trade agreements, resisted the call to start new wars, rebuffed climate change, and was/is looking into returning to the gold standard. He ate China’s lunch and took them from almost taking over our position as world’s premier super power to a crippled economy. They actually bowed to us. The tariffs strategy worked. They pay us billions. Yes, it hurt our farmers in the short term, but he gave them billions, and no, that money didn’t come from taxpayers. It came straight from China! Speaking of billions, he forced NATO nations to pay. He also destroyed Iran’s economy and GDP. I could go on and on about what President Trump has done, but I was narrowing my focus on your post.

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Posts: 134339
From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate.
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 23, 2020 10:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And President Trump doesn’t lick anyone’s boots, including Israel’s. He supports them as our ally. That is reciprocal. He has nations lining up to join the peace treaty.

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Posts: 1749
From: Somewhere
Registered: Sep 2019

posted November 23, 2020 10:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
About two and half decades ago, when 16, (interestingly not long after stopping Prozac cold turkey) developed a health condition wherein any time the body became warm to hot beyond resting rate, would break out into full body, extremely painful hives. Described it back then colorfully as probably something akin to someone throwing battery acid all over you head to toe. When in one of these episodes, which typically happened multiple times a day, if I took my shirt off, my back would have such raised and red welt like hives, that it looked like I had been strapped or whipped.

It was worst in the winter and most mild in the height of summer when sweating the most (which was a helpful clue for figuring out what was happening later on).

First went to a general practitioner pediatrician, but he had no clue and recommended a dermatologist. But the dermatologist also didn't really have a clue and recommended an allergy specialist. Made my way to Boston Childrens Hospital and to an allergy specialist there, I believe by the name of Dr. Brown, though am not certain.

His diagnosis was that I had a rare condition/disease wherein I was allergic to heat. He said it was genetic, incurable, and prescribed a powerful anti-histamine which also had some some anti depressant effects experimentally. It helped to lessen the redness and welts some, but not so much the discomfort, pain, nor frequency. I don't remember the official name/term of the condition/diagnosis at this point nor the name of the medication as I didn't end up taking it long.

Though 16 at the time, I thought to self, how the hell can a person be allergic to heat. Wasn't sure, but had the sneaking suspicion and intuition that the good doctor didn't have a flying clue as to what he was talking about and was just throwing spitballs. Situation climaxed during the winter because we lived with my grandparents at the time, and both they and my step father would constantly jack up the heat, even though I practically begged and pleaded, please, please, please keep it lower as this is really uncomfortable for me.

That combined with news of my Mother having 3rd state ovarian and cervical cancer, and a large tumor growing within her, my step father being a rage filled, literal sociopath and quite unpleasant person to live with, social problems at school, and feeling like I had to hole up in my room all winter barely moving in attempts to avoid these episodes led to an emotional-mental breakdown wherein I really felt I was starting to lose it.

For a Capricorn Sun and Mercury with Libra Moon to say that they feel they are losing it--you know things must be pretty bad indeed. Prayed out of desperation one night for help. Prayer was answered shortly after when browsing a bookstore and a particular book really standing out to me for some reason. It was an Edgar Cayce based book that dealt with holistic health. Pretty much devoured that book within the store (am speed reader).

It made so much sense. It talked about the mind-body-spiritual connections, talked about the extreme importance of diet, of proper eliminations, of gut health, of exercise, the need for the spine to be in proper alignment, etc, etc. Started to practice the various principles, tips, and recommendations given in said book. The fact that this was worst in the winter, and most mild at the height of the summer, was a big clue to help self figure out that indeed, the accumulation of toxins and lack of proper eliminations was one of the main culprits here. Because sweating was the body's last ditch effort to rid the body of metabolic waste products and other things it can't use and what needs to be eliminated (i.e. "toxins" many of which are acid in nature).

Started making radical changes in diet, started running almost everyday, made changes in attitude, started increasing meditation and prayer, eventually started taking certain herbs and supplements like slippery elm bark and American saffron tea, as I also had developed psoriasis around this time as well (actually a bit before, after a scalding of near boiling water all on my head which I did not go to the hospital for). Also realized that the Prozac had did a number on my gut and gut health and this was a big part of why I developed this, along with the tremendous stress in my life contributing immensely as well, along with a very, very crappy diet.

Anyways, eventually healed the body of this condition through entirely natural means. I had stopped taking the pharmaceutical medication prescribed by the allergy specialist fairly early on, because I felt it was only treating symptoms and probably just adding to the toxin load.

I do not have the heat-hive issue anymore, but I still have a very, very mild touch of psoriasis, but most of the time, it's not noticeable in the least bit. I was "lucky" enough to have it primarily on my face and scalp and so I was particularly motivated to heal that as well. I have a fairly strict and disciplined diet for the most part.

I plan to eventually do a 7 to 10 day dry fast followed by a few days of water fast with slippery elm bark and saffron tea to eventually to fully heal that 100%. May need some semi regular Chiro work too to help that. Might be the main reason why I haven't fully healed that yet, as most of the time I can't afford to get treatments and finding a good Chiro can be challenging.

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Posts: 134339
From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate.
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 23, 2020 11:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That’s amazing!

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Posts: 1749
From: Somewhere
Registered: Sep 2019

posted November 23, 2020 11:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Randall do you ever criticize anything that Trump ever does, or is he perfect in your eyes, a kind of Jesus figure if you will? The nearly 30 women who accuse him of sexual harassment and misconduct, the taped talk of grabbing them by the ***** and basically treating women like they are nothing more than things/objects to screw, the serial marital infidelities, the obvious fact that he has extreme narcissism, that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and despite all the legs up he has had has ruined multiple business ventures and bankrupted numerous times, is now talking about bombing Iran, etc, etc are all ok with you? Really? This is the kind of person you put on a pedestal and proclaim is a great leader?

You have such rose colored glasses and bias towards him, its very clear that no amount of evidence presented will ever sway you. The very definition of being immersed in a belief system.

Hey, I like Sanders for the most part, but he is far from perfect to me. I certainly don't agree with all his policies, beliefs, etc. There is not a single human on this earth that I put anywhere close to a pedestal except for Yeshua, because he is literally the only human I know that deserves to be and has earned his place to be on any kind of pedestal. (Am not, and haven't ever been religious btw).

And Israel, you support a government that is committing systematic, decades long genocide of the Palestinian people who were invaded by foreign forces, their lands parceled up to be given to a new nation/government--an artificial creation from the wealthy Zionists pulling strings post WW2 in various governments--especially American and British? Ever since then, the Israelis have been bulldozing homes, forcing people off their lands, killing civilians indiscriminately, their soldiers and police raping Palestinian women, creating conditions for hunger and poverty, etc.

Previous to the Zionists meddling in Palestine post WW2, Muslims, Jews, and Christians were living in relative and continuous peace for centuries. Ironically, the Jews were treated far, far, far better by the Muslims than the Israelis have been treating the Muslims and Christians of the area.

I highly suggest you read Ilan Pappe's seminal work, "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine". You might be surprised to know that Pappe is not Palestinian nor Muslim. He is Israeli born and Jewish! He was a professor of history at a University for many years (both in Israel and in prestigious Oxford of England). After he wrote this extremely well and meticulously documented, sourced, and cited book, he started to receive death threats from his own countrymen. For what, simply speaking inconvenient truth about Israel's and the Zionist's sordid past and present. The Israeli government is one of the most brutal and corrupt ones on this earth currently. In many ways, it is far worse than Iran.

You have a lot of potential, but you are way too emotionally invested in/attached to your political beliefs, which is very clearly conditioned by your upbringing, where you grew up, etc.

And if you think that Pappe is a "lone figure" in Israel, well I suggest digging deeper. There are entire JEWISH and/or Hebrew groups that are against Zionism which has powerful neo conservative factions and leanings and is war mongering. For some examples:

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Posts: 1749
From: Somewhere
Registered: Sep 2019

posted November 23, 2020 11:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Randall (if that last comment was directed at me).

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Posts: 1749
From: Somewhere
Registered: Sep 2019

posted November 23, 2020 11:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And as the article's author of the second link (in my recent reply) stated in closing, "I admire, respect and applaud those Jews who have seen through the Zionist brainwashing they were indoctrinated with as children, and have stood up to speak out against the brutality of the Zionist Israeli state."

I completely, 100% agree with this statement. Who is my brother, my sister? He or she who does the work of the Abba, the prime Creator. And speaking simple truth against mainstream paradigms is one of those works. Having compassion, empathy towards all, and trying to protect the weak, downtrodden from powerful forces and bullies is another service that the Creator loves when we do.

For the Creator is pure Love and positivity.

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Posts: 134339
From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate.
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 23, 2020 12:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It was. Thank you for sharing your personal experience.

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Posts: 345
Registered: Dec 2014

posted November 23, 2020 12:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MarsSaturnDelight     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Galactic.....nice. Thanks for sharing.

It could also had been that the clinician you saw were not very good and miss diagnosed you too.

But respect, that you took it upon yourself and made a change.

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