posted February 01, 2021 09:49 AM
For what and who the deep state are, please see my prior thread -
How DJT lost the White House is a series of ongoing articles written by Patrick Byrne, who has been a deep state hunter for the last 16 years (since 2004) and who had a...
"ringside seat to election events from November 3, 2020 to January 6, 2021, and feel a duty to explain to the world what really happened. I will not be regurgitating the headline events anyone can read, but will aim to explain what was going on behind the scenes, and give my best account of why things played out as they did."
He painstakingly unravels what went down, including the sad fact that the Americans who donated money (estimates are from $100 - $300 million) to expose the election fraud got fleeced as *none* of that money was *ever* used for what it was intended, and that corrupt individuals were licking their lips over it.
After going through Patrick Byrne's articles (and he'll be writing more than the ones I've listed), I'm sure many of you here will feel vindicated in your belief that the election was indeed stolen.
But the fact that the coup can never be proved, shows how well the illuminati deep state played their hand!
What I hope to arouse by posting this thread, is a greater awareness of the deep state, how they've infiltrated *every* walk of human life, and how powerless we are *if* we continue to depend on the political system to defend us.
The deep state wanted Biden for the next illuminti step, ie the new world order, and they got Biden.
It's now up to every single human on this planet to stop wasting time on political theater, and figure out ways to stop the illuminati deep state from stealing our homes, our possessions, and our physical bodies (transhumanist agenda), through the laws they're passing, through medical tyranny, and through an already successful coup of the public health care system by using world-wide fear in the biggest psy-op in human history (the covid agenda).
We have God given rights to our sovereignty. Even God doesn't interfere with those rights. Yet our sovereignty is slowly & systematically being ripped apart and stolen piece by piece by the illuminati controllers, who want you to do *exactly* what some are doing here...remaining divided over the fake two party system...instead of realizing that both "sides" are controlled by the same beast.
If we continue to ignore what's really going on, our silence will be our consent and soon even our bodies will be no longer be in our possession.
For example, are you aware that the synthetic piece of mRNA in the covid injection, has a patent like all pharma products do? (Anything synthetic can be patented & owned by the patent holder). And that bill gates & the vax manufacturers own the patents to the vax mRNA? So the mRNA they're putting inside people's bodies is owned by gates & big pharma. It means that *all* products of the synthetic mRNA, ie the proteins made by this mRNA are also owned by them. This is just one example of how they are, & will own people's physical bodies.
If we don't turn our attention & focus to the loss of our sovereignty, humanity as a species, will be lost forever. This isn't just idle talk or fear mongering. It's a reality that is at our doorstep.
The majority in the US are completely unaware and willing to trade their sovereignty to Mommy medicine (the medical industrial complex) and Daddy government (the fake two party system) for a little bit of "safety" from the virus...a safety that isn't even real due to the mass manipulation & lies right from the start...lies that even intelligent people have been caught up in...and a "safety" that will result in people giving up the rights to their physical bodies to the pharma controlled government and the medical industry.
So please read what Patrick Byrne has to say, and after becoming informed of what happened behind the election stage...please, please start planning, at local grass roots levels...without depending on to protect your individual rights and sovereignty and those of your loved ones.