posted July 31, 2021 03:25 PM
Originally posted by shura:
Its not new ofc. By casting off royalty and nobility we did not rid ourselves of an elite class. What irks me is watching the self professed anti authoritarian, anti fascists grovel and boot lick.The serf mind set is a hell of a thing.
Indeed it is.
Unfortunately, almost every major psychological study/experiment has confirmed that the definite majority of people are more followers that easily cow tow to perceived authority, and can be easily manipulated by social fear and/or perceived authority to do things not only would they not normally do, but even go against their own ethical belief systems.
Milgram, Stanford Prison, etc.
And only a definite minority of people in these experiments and psychological studies, rebelled against the perceived authority, rules, etc.
History also shows us that clearly, such as Nazi Germany, slavery in America, etc. There were plenty of "good" and "decent" people in Germany, or in the south at the time. But apparently it is not enough to just be decent when the human psyche is exposed to such outside pressures.
We (our ego's) all like to think that if we were in such situations that, "Oh, I know I would be one of the ones who wouldn't go along" but the sad, stark truth is, statistically speaking, chances are, most of us wouldn't be the ones to balk and rebel against the status quo.
The above is a very, very, very important topic that A LOT of people need to think a lot more deeply and consistently on. Or perhaps a little Twain, "“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain.
Why? Because perception, belief, and consciousness maturity are so, so tied in with each other to such a great extent. They influence each other directly and proportionally. And most spiritual sources that I find credible, indicate that this is a world and species, that if we were to analogize worlds with intelligent life forms being like schools, then humanity/earth is considered like a pre-K or kindergarten at best. Meaning the collective human consciousness is pretty low, and has A LOT to learn (and even more to practice/live) about Divine Love and Laws.
The faster we raise our internal vibrations and attune to universal Love and Source Consciousness, the more clear, broad, and accurately we can begin to see/perceive.
Attunement to fear on the other hand, has the opposite affect on perception. It narrows, distorts, imbalances, and muddies it. And this is why corporate media, government, and the plutocrat class tries to constantly keep the masses in a state of fear. Because we become easier to control, manipulate, and deceive.