posted September 03, 2021 02:10 PM
11, 000 years ago, humanity and this world went through an abrupt 10 degree Celsius global temperature change. Historically, humans have ALWAYS fared better when the climate warmed vs when it cooled. Much of the Earth's last million years has been spent primarily in Ice Ages, which was very hard on our ancestors and then later on us.
And just even in more recent times, the Maunder Minimum and little Ice age, were hell on humanity. Modern Homo Sapiens are not built for the cold. And is it any surprise that our population has expanded so much and we have thrived so well during this unusual, relatively short warming trend?
Not well known, but from about the 50's to about 2000, the Sun was in a larger cycle called a Grand Solar Maximum wherein it was unusually active and energetic. It was pumping more energy into the earth than for a long time before or since. Around 2000 or so, it started to shift back into a more normal pattern.
The main climate panels and climate scientists for most of the iterations of their models only included Solar irradiance in their data for Solar variability. If one understands anything about Solar energy and how it effects and impacts the earth, then one understands that this is beyond bloody ridiculous, it is a travesty of crap science at its worst. All those Solar storms pumping various different kinds of energy into the Earth completely discounted and even worse, because Solar Storms and Sunspots actually REDUCE Solar irradiance, in their models it made it look like there was LESS Solar energy! Simply unbelievable that these folks call themselves "scientists" and that people think them credible.
The Oceans are like giant heat sink and reservoir and it takes years and years for them to dissipate all the heat energy they gained over that half of century of a hyper active Sun, hence there is still somewhat a warming trend. After this Solar maximum cycle ends, the Sun is likely go quiet and rather passive for awhile.
Once it does that, and once the oceans dissipate all that extra heat, things are going to get much colder. And I particularly pity/feel bad for northern Europe because the Beaufort Gyre current is getting close to finally dumping all that accumulated cold, fresh water back into the main currents, and once that happens, northern Europe will be experiencing only two seasons for a long time. A very long winter, and a very short spring.
This change will happen fast once the B.G. does release all that pent up cold, fresh water.
And Cayce's prophecy of, "upper Europe will change in a twinkling of an eye" will be fulfilled.