posted October 07, 2021 06:40 PM
Brutal approval numbers for Joe Blow Biden.
81 million votes in the election? Right! Check!Jake Tapper couldn't hide his shock over Joe's poll numbers...."brutal"
Missy Crane
October 7, 2021
Joe Biden is in a political free-fall right now.
His poll numbers just keep dropping, and it’s a real “mathematical feat” for ol’ Joe…after all, he supposedly won 81 million votes – you’d think with a number like that, it’d take a helluva lot longer than 9-short-months to drop into the 30s in the polls, right?
Yes, that’s right.
A massive and historic movement like the one Biden claims to have would have a “floor.” That means that the huge number of supporters that he has would pad his fall, even if he was epically failing – there would be that “floor” that would save him from free-falling. That’s what huge powerful movements do for politicians…
If they’re real.
If they’re not real, and they don’t really have support, there is no “floor” and they go into a freefall, and just keep going lower, and lower, and lower.
And that’s what we see happening right now with Joe Biden.
And keep in mind, this pollster Quinnipiac is as left-leaning as they get…to the point of absurdity. So if they have him THIS LOW, imagine what the actual numbers are?