posted October 18, 2021 03:37 PM
"We do not choose the circumstances of our conception." According to a number of spiritual-psychic sources that I respect, its kind of "yes and no" thing re: the above.
As Souls and especially as Expanded selves, we often are aware of those bodies and life paths that we are most likely to connect with, and as we get closer to the incarnation period, we zero in on a particular situation/body/life path.
Sometimes lilies can and do grow out of the muck, but often, things occur more according to "Like attracts, begets, and resonates with Like" which is one of the fundamental Laws built into all levels of Creation.
This is the Sources built in "balancing" and "growth inducing" structure for Creation.
For example, Cayce's guidance spends much time and focus on the origins of Yeshua ("Jesus") in both a physical and deeper spiritual and metaphysical sense. According to his source, the group that has been called the Essenes literally spent centuries working to create the right conditions for that Messiah of Messiahs to be attracted in (in Jewish/Hebrew tradition there have been and may be multiple Messiahs).
They did this through a kind of spiritualized version of eugenics (not the controlling, over material focused Bill Gates type) that understood and respected the above Law. And they did this in a very holistic way. They individually dedicated themselves to spiritual growth and body purification/balance, but also mated certain individuals according to their vibratory levels and matching. Those they found to be the fastest vibratory (say through their aura patterns, character, etc), were chosen to be the potential vessels of the Messiah of Messiahs.
Basically, they were trying to create ever faster vibratory and more balanced bodies that would be a good fit for a Soul like Yeshua so that he could more fully and clearly stream through his consciousness into the material dimension.
That centuries of work culminated in the birth of Miriam's mother, who according to this source and to Catholics was conceived unusually i.e. without a human father involved, and then later to Miriam doing the same with Yeshua. (I suspect it was somewhat different process in their respective cases though. I suspect Anna's was more ET oriented and Miriams was more pure Spirit/consciousness oriented).
Could Yeshua have come in any other way and have been Yeshua, the only human in the last great cycle to fully overcome the world and to become a pure channel of Source and Divine Love consciousness? No, not really. He could have incarnated into a rape situation or the like, but he would not have been able to reach the heights and capabilities that he did (his body would have fought against/been antagonistic to the Soul/consciousness more so). He perhaps could have become a spiritual teacher and/or messenger to some extent, but not to the degree he had as Yeshua with that background and that deliberate, constructive building up.
In any case, ultimately, a woman should have autonomy over her own body. Nor do I view it as murder when I know that the Soul doesn't more fully connect to the body until around birth (my own rather intuitive mother saw this process at my birth). Most abortions happen way before that point. It is the Soul that makes a human body truly human. Until that full energetic connection is made, it is more a lump of unconscious and unchoosing flesh that is kept alive by a general Spirit of life.
In many cases of SIDS, the Soul decides to withdraw from the body for whatever reason(s). Should we try to outlaw Souls from choosing/doing that just because the host body dies in the process? Humans, ever over material minded.
And in the case of abortions, and the potential Souls that are connected to that process, do you really think that the Souls looking on the conditions from the nonphysical have no idea of that probability? Course they do. Sometimes they will wait for the mother to create a new body to incarnate.
From a spiritual perspective, it's really not a big deal. And so many of you who do have problems with abortion seem to have no problem with violating the freewill process of animals and murdering their bodies for food. Animals have Souls too. But I guess it is ok to murder them even though they are already fully connected to their bodies? Because of what? Because you "like" the taste? Or, "that's what people do"?
Ye hypocrites!